Sunday, March 10, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

President Donald Trump and Michael Cohen call each other liars over pardon request

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 11:35 AM PST

President Donald Trump and Michael Cohen call each other liars over pardon requestPresident Donald Trump says Michael Cohen asked him for a pardon in a Friday tweet, saying "He lied!" Cohen says it didn't happen that way.

India slams Pakistan action against militants

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 12:10 AM PST

India slams Pakistan action against militantsIndia said Saturday that its army is on a "strict vigil" for new attacks from Pakistan and renewed warnings to its neighbour to take concrete action against militant groups. An Indian foreign ministry spokesman responded with scepticism to reports of scores of militants being rounded up in Pakistan this week. Islamabad was in "a state of denial" over its support for groups accused of staging attacks in India, the spokesman, Raveesh Kumar, said at a specially convened media briefing.

Warren Says Breaking Up Tech Giants Will Keep Market Competitive

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 01:23 PM PST

Warren Says Breaking Up Tech Giants Will Keep Market CompetitiveThe Massachusetts senator spoke Saturday at the annual South by Southwest cultural festival in Austin, Texas, a day after proposing to take steps to break up companies like Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Co.'s Google if she's elected. On Friday she called for legislation that would designate large technology companies as "platform utilities," and for the appointment of regulators who'd unwind technology mergers that undermine competition and harm innovation and small businesses.

UK won't accept Brexit deal that puts union at risk: PM's party chairman

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 12:59 AM PST

UK won't accept Brexit deal that puts union at risk: PM's party chairmanBritain cannot accept an EU proposal to break the deadlock in the Brexit talks because it would threaten the unity of the United Kingdom by treating Northern Ireland differently, the chairman of the ruling Conservative Party said. The issue of how to maintain an open border on the island of Ireland is at the heart of the dispute between London and Brussels after British lawmakers objected to the so-called backstop insurance policy which they believe would keep the whole of the UK trapped in an EU customs union. Less than three weeks before Britain leaves the European Union, the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier said on Friday Britain could have the unilateral right to leave their customs union after Brexit.

Ex-Venezuelan vice president accused of aiding drug dealers

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:40 PM PST

Ex-Venezuelan vice president accused of aiding drug dealersNEW YORK (AP) — Charges were unsealed Friday against a former Venezuelan vice president in New York federal court as authorities accused him of using his office to aid international drug traffickers.

Did pro-Israel lobby funding influence Democrats' responses to Ilhan Omar?

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 12:00 AM PST

Did pro-Israel lobby funding influence Democrats' responses to Ilhan Omar?Some accused congresswoman of antisemitism while others denounced 'ugly attacks' on herThe responses to Ilhan Omar about the influence of money from the pro-Israel lobby may back up her point. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesWhen the Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar claimed pro-Israel lobby money influenced American politics, in the way other powerful lobbying groups do, she ignited allegations of antisemitism and sparked a furious debate in her own party. But a look at House Democrats and 2020 presidential candidates' responses to the resulting row seems to validate her claim.House Democratic leaders who drafted a resolution initially aimed at condemning Omar's remarks received millions from the pro-Israel lobby throughout their congressional careers. Congressman Eliot Engel, who accused Omar of using "a vile antisemitic slur", has taken about $1.07m throughout his career, or about $107,000 per election.Meanwhile, some of her staunchest defenders took little or no money from the lobby. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib received no pro-Israel lobby donations during her 2018 campaign, and tweeted that she was "honored" to serve with Omar, who was enduring "ugly attacks".Sign up for the US morning briefingSimilarly, federal election records available on the Center for Responsive Politics' OpenSecrets website suggest a correlation between pro-Israel lobby campaign contributions and Democratic presidential candidates' position on the controversy.Those candidates who have taken little money from the lobby defended Omar, while those who received the most money criticized her, or were quiet on the issue."Money works both ways – donors give to those candidates they view as champions of their issues, but at the same time politicians know where their funding comes from and will likely take into account wishes of their donors when faced with a tough decision," said Brendan Fischer, a campaign finance expert at the Campaign Legal Center.While there may not be a "quid pro quo", the American political system is "so reliant on money that there are always questions about the extent to which it influences politicians", Fischer added.Democratic presidential candidates and senators Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren have received relatively little from the pro-Israel lobby throughout their careers, and in recent days issued statements in support of Omar. Sanders has received about $16,000, or $1,450 per campaign, while Warren has received around $107,000, or $53,500 per campaign. Harris is a first-term senator who received $41,000 during the 2016 election cycle.In a statement, Sanders wrote he fears "that what's going on in the House now is an effort to target Congresswoman Omar as a way of stifling that debate [about Israel policy]", while Warren said "branding criticism of Israel as automatically antisemitic has a chilling effect on our public discourse". Harris stated she feared the "spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk".Presidential candidates who received significantly more money from the pro-Israel lobby include Senator Cory Booker, who called Omar's comments "disturbing". He received $445,000 during his only Senate campaign, while Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who has received about $367,000, or $91,750 per campaign, said criticisms of Israel should be made "without employing antisemitic tropes about money or influence".Those who were quiet on the controversy include Joe Biden, who hasn't yet announced his candidacy but is expected to run. He has received around $476,000, or about $95,200 per campaign. Amy Klobuchar has received $267,000, or $89,000 per campaign.Though there are no federal records available for John Hickenlooper, the former Colorado governor has spoken at a conference for the pro-Israel lobbying group Aipac, and called Israel a "strong ally".Sanders, Harris and Warren issued their statements in the days leading up to the House's Thursday vote on a Democratic resolution to condemn antisemitism, Islamophobia and other expressions of bigotry.The Democratic House leadership initially wrote the resolution in response to several Omar comments on the pro-Israel lobby's influence in American politics. A version drafted earlier this week condemned only antisemitism and appeared to target Omar without explicitly mentioning her.Still, Omar stood by her comments, tweeting a response in line with the statements from Warren, Sanders and Harris."Being opposed to [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and the occupation is not the same as being antisemitic. I am grateful to the many Jewish allies who have spoken out and said the same," Omar wrote on Twitter.The party's younger, more progressive wing also came to Omar's defense, exposing an ideological rift. They also argued that it isn't antisemitic to question the pro-Israel lobby's influence. Progressives and some members of the Black Caucus also contended that critics unfairly targeted Omar because she's a black Muslim. They noted that the Democratic leadership did not draft a resolution condemning Donald Trump or other white male Republicans over their antisemitic remarks.By Thursday, the resolution evolved and, ultimately, what the House passed appeared designed to quell the intensifying debate more than punish Omar. It broadly condemned bigotry, stating "whether from the political right, center, or left, bigotry, discrimination, oppression, racism, and imputations of dual loyalty threaten American democracy and have no place in American political discourse".Omar herself voted for it, while 23 Republicans did not.

The Price of Catholic Unity

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 03:30 AM PDT

The Price of Catholic UnityFor Love of My People I Will Not Remain Silent: On the Situation of the Church in China, published in English this year, is a series of eight lectures by Joseph Cardinal Zen. Cardinal Zen delivered the lectures in Hong Kong in 2017. The lectures are an account of the state of the relationship between the Church within and the Church outside China from 2000 to 2017, focusing on a letter written by Pope Benedict to Chinese Catholics in 2007 and on diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the Church in China.Though the plight of faithful in China may currently be overshadowed by the many high-profile sexual-abuse scandals within the Church, the persecution faced by Catholics in the avowedly atheist country should not be disregarded. But it is not the Chinese government's oppression of religious minorities that Zen focuses on. In his lectures he details the incompetence and corruption of Church officials in their handling of the complex and tense relationship between Vatican officials and diplomats, the state-run Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (PCA), and the underground Catholic Church in China.The PCA has historically operated under the auspices of the ruling Communist party rather than Rome, appointing its own bishops without Vatican approval and thereby rendering those bishops latae sententiae excommunicants. Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 formally excommunicated two PCA-appointed bishops and the two bishops who had ordained them. The underground Catholic Church in China is in good standing and full communion with Rome but lacks the approval of the Chinese government and therefore suffers persecution.Some Chinese Catholics loathe the state-run Church as an empty apparatus intended for control rather than sincere devotion, some believers trust only the state-sanctioned Church, and some do not bother to distinguish between the two, since the difference is not in rite or theology but in ecclesiological administration. Zen, who is still outspoken in his disapproval of the provisional agreement signed on September 22 of last year, criticizes the prevarications of the Vatican in its dealings with the Church in China in For Love of My People. He condemns the strategy of "compromise and surrender" and says that the "Curia has always tried to please the Chinese government."In 1988, the Vatican issued eight points on Catholicism in China. The provisional agreement signed last year is in discord with them. In the eight points, the Vatican's Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples decreed that PCA ordinations were valid but not licit. But under the agreement, in what Pope Francis has claimed is an attempt to foster healing and unity among Chinese Catholics, the distinction between PCA and Catholic bishops has been erased. Francis has recognized eight bishops (one deceased) appointed by the PCA in Beijing as in full ecclesial communion with Rome, even though they were appointed with flagrant disregard for the Vatican and, in some cases, had been previously excommunicated.While the agreement is a step toward repairing the rift within the Chinese Church, it has left Catholics who have long fought for the underground Church in China feeling subverted and betrayed. Pope Francis has admitted that the agreement will not necessarily end the suffering of Chinese Catholics. The pope has also lamented "the suffering for those who don't understand, or who have so many years behind them of living clandestinely." Catholics such as Cardinal Zen who have long encouraged opposition to the PCA suddenly find the Vatican itself seeking common ground with the organization.Unity of believers is a worthy and principal goal, but proper form and the authority of the Church should not be sacrificed in achieving it. Zen decried the agreement before and after it was signed, seeing it as an attempt by the Church to ingratiate itself with China's ruling party rather than defend true believers. Zen rightly notes of Vatican officials that "if today they go along with the regime, tomorrow our Church will not be welcome for the rebuilding of the new China."Zen discusses myriad examples of the incompetence that plagues the Church. One is that Pietro Parolin, the secretary of state appointed by Francis, has allowed the Catholic commission for the Church in China to lapse, no longer facilitating its meetings. Zen also mentions that Father Federico Lombardi, the former director of the Press Office of the Holy See, allowed himself to be interviewed by Phoenix Television, one of the few private television networks officially permitted by Hong Kong's government. Zen suggests that Phoenix is not a neutral outlet. The channel has come under criticism in recent years for the government influence in its programming. In 2016, the channel suspended airing of several popular political-commentary shows because of "ideological mistakes" by the hosts.Zen also tells of Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, who at a Vatican symposium on organ transplants invited as a guest of honor Dr. Huang Jiefu, China's former deputy health minister. Huang has publicly taken credit for a decade-long reform effort in the Chinese medical community. In 2005, as vice health minister, he admitted that over 90 percent of the transplant organs in China were harvested from executed prisoners, but he promised reform of the medical system.His high rhetoric notwithstanding, Huang did not seem to effect much change. In June 2016, the U.S. Congress unanimously condemned China's "state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting," in a resolution alleging that the Chinese Communist Party was continuing the practice in secret and that it was killing "non-consenting prisoners of conscience," including religious and ethnic minorities.Zen is a dedicated, orthodox Catholic and he indicates no disobedience to the pope by his criticisms. In his last lecture, Zen says, "I will never lead a rebellion against the Pope" if he signs an agreement with the Chinese government. "I will quietly withdraw to the monastic life of prayer and penance." But a weak and feckless Church that is not willing to fight brazenly for the truth will not inspire many future witnesses like Zen. A Church that does not devote itself to its own teachings is an empty institution.Zen does not leave us without hope for the Church, or for the Church in China. He is our hope. He is the voice crying out in the desert, refusing to be satisfied with half-truths or cowardly deference. Like Christians in other countries hostile to Christianity, Zen in his unwavering dedication to God is an example and testament to all Christians.Zen concedes that there is true belief in both the underground and the official state Church in China. "We came to realize that our categories were too sharply divisive," he says, "when in reality there were so many healthy forces."He does not hesitate to point out the failure of the Church to communicate adequately with Chinese Catholics. In 2007, Pope Benedict wrote a letter intended to provide clarity to the Church in China. The letter was meant to be ready by Easter, Zen says, but the final copy was not published until the end of June. Moreover, the final Chinese copy had mistakes and sentences mistranslated. "What a shame that a letter addressed precisely to the people of China had so many errors in the Chinese translation," Zen laments.In the last of his eight lectures, given on June 28, 2017, Zen, compares being a Catholic in China to living in a cage. He says that the provisional agreement between China and the pope, which was not yet signed at the time of his writing, will further stifle Chinese Catholics in their ability to worship: "To us, a terrifying scenario is unfolding, the sellout of the Church! Not reconstituted unity, but a forced cohabitation in the cage. From the point of view of the faith, we cannot see any gain."If Catholics have learned anything from the recent crimes propagated in the Church, it should be that there is no mercy without justice. Passivity and capitulation among clerics in the face of injustice or persecution should not be tolerated; and no government or institution, including the tangled bureaucracy of the Catholic hierarchy, is above reproach.These criticisms of the Church's entreaties to China come not from an aggrieved anti-cleric but from a cardinal in good standing. Zen's lectures are not a condemnation of authority but rather a call for the Church to act as a strong authority and an uncompromising garrison of virtue. Clerics should not shy away from their commitment to Christian teaching. They should be fortified by it.Hope for Catholicism in China lies in the hands of Cardinal Zen and those who, like him, are willing to defend the faith even without strong support from the Vatican. The Church on Earth will be preserved not by equivocations and incompetent bureaucracy but by the Church Militant. Zen reminds us that it is the Catholics who are steadfast in their devotion to the sacraments and doctrine who will preserve the Church, and that nothing less than martyrdom, be it red or white, is the seed of the Church.

Heavy turbulence injures dozens of people during flight to NYC from Istanbul

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 09:06 PM PST

Heavy turbulence injures dozens of people during flight to NYC from IstanbulInjuries on the Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul to New York's JFK Airport included bumps, bruises, cuts and a broken leg.

KitchenAid has a new line of cooking utensils exclusive to Walmart, and we want them all

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:00 AM PST

KitchenAid has a new line of cooking utensils exclusive to Walmart, and we want them allKitchenAid has a new Walmart-exclusive line of cooking gadgets and tools -- possibly as a tribute to KitchenAid's 100th birthday a few months ago -- and we are psyched. KitchenAid is our jam. There are no new stand mixers in the collaboration (boo), but other gorgeous cooking gear like utensils, strainers, bowls, and more can up the style factor in your kitchen. And that stuff is just as important as the big appliances.SEE ALSO: Walmart just launched a new line of furniture and it's actually really niceNot surprisingly, you can expect premium materials, heat-resistant handles, stainless steel blades, and dishwasher-safe plastic. It's all super affordable like the rest of Walmart's prices (nothing over $40, actually), but still rocks that KitchenAid name and quality. That's a win-win you won't find anywhere else. A few of our favorite pieces are below, but you can shop the whole collection here. KitchenAid 15-piece kitchen tool and gadget set -- $39.97Image: kitchenaidBuying the must-have utensils separately just doesn't make sense when you can snag 'em in a set. New college students, homeowners, or anyone learning to cook more than noodles will appreciate having a slotted spatula, basting spoon, euro peeler, can opener, a set of four measuring cups, and a set of five measuring spoons, all in one box for less than $40. Get it all here. Nonslip ice cream scoop -- $8.97Image: kitchenaidWhy does it seem like there's never an ice cream scoop around when you need one? This stainless steel head was designed to push through even the toughest straight-from-the-freezer ice cream, and the silicone handle won't freeze your hand. Skip the defrosting process, scoop your dessert, and throw it in the dishwasher. Get it here. 4-piece prep bowls and lids -- $9.97Image: kitchenaidConserve some of that precious cabinet space with this set of four bowls that double as meal prep or storage containers. Use the included lids to stack them in the fridge, or nest the set when they're not being used. Get them here. 7-inch stainless steel mesh strainer -- $12.97Image: kitchenaidPasta ain't the only thing you need a clean strainer for -- especially with summer not so far away. Strain your noodles, fresh veggies, and fruits with this premium oval strainer, made with durable stainless steel mesh and a metal lip for hands-free straining over a bowl. Get it here. Stainless steel tongs -- $12.97Image: kitchenaidStop using a spatula to pick up a steak or a spoon to serve salad -- it's time to get tongs like an adult. These stainless steel tongs are topped with silicone grabbers to gently grasp meats, veggies, spaghetti, and more. The silicone is heat-resistant up to 500 degrees (!), and they can go in the dishwasher. Get them here. Image: kitchenaid Shop the Walmart-exclusive KitchenAid collection See Details

Is the Real Threat to Trump from Congress?

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 03:48 PM PST

Is the Real Threat to Trump from Congress?This new, sweeping investigation is taking the spotlight from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

Boy, 13, dies after being accidentally shot in the head

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 03:44 PM PST

Boy, 13, dies after being accidentally shot in the headA 13-year-old boy died Saturday afternoon after he was accidentally shot in the head in the Englewood neighborhood, Chicago police said.

Ocasio-Cortez Blasts Capitalism as an ‘Irredeemable’ System

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 05:31 PM PST

Ocasio-Cortez Blasts Capitalism as an 'Irredeemable' SystemThe 29-year-old, first-term U.S. House member from New York and self-described democratic socialist addressed an enthusiastic crowd Saturday at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, about issues that resonate with her fellow millennials, from universal healthcare to combating climate change. "Capitalism is an ideology of capital –- the most important thing is the concentration of capital and to seek and maximize profit," Ocasio-Cortez said.

Trump adviser: some time may pass before a third North Korea summit

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 10:51 AM PDT

Trump adviser: some time may pass before a third North Korea summitSpeaking on ABC, John Bolton said the United States has no illusions about North Korea's capabilities, but Trump remains confident in his personal relationship with the North Korean leader. Bolton's comments came after two U.S. think tanks and Seoul's spy agency said last week that North Korea was rebuilding a rocket launch site at Sohae in the west of the country. There have also been reports from South Korea's intelligence service of new activity at a factory at Sanumdong near Pyongyang that produced North Korea's first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States.

Utah teacher forces student to wash off Ash Wednesday cross

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 05:59 PM PST

Utah teacher forces student to wash off Ash Wednesday crossSALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A teacher in the predominantly Mormon state of Utah was placed on administrative leave after she forced a Catholic student to wash off the Ash Wednesday cross from his forehead.

Wild weather weekend to bring blizzard for Midwest, possible tornadoes in Southeast

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 10:54 AM PST

Wild weather weekend to bring blizzard for Midwest, possible tornadoes in SoutheastA massive storm will bring wild weather to the U.S. this weekend: blizzard conditions in the Midwest and the chance for tornadoes in the South.

Surprise sale slashes the two most popular Instant Pots to their lowest prices of 2019

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 07:32 AM PST

Surprise sale slashes the two most popular Instant Pots to their lowest prices of 2019Well what do we have here, bargain hunters!? It looks like Amazon is feeling particularly generous this weekend because out of the blue, it slashed the prices of the two most popular Instant Pot models on the planet to 2019 lows. Well, technically the Instant Pot DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker is within $2 of its 2019 low, but that's close enough for us -- clip the $18 coupon on the Amazon page and you'll snag this incredible $100 Instant Pot for only $71.99. If you have a big family and you need more capacity, the $140 Instant Pot DUO80 8 Qt 7-in-1 Multi- Use Programmable Pressure Cooker is down to just $89.99 today, which is this great model's lowest price since Black Friday. What are you waiting for!?Here are the key details from the product page: * Duo, the number 1 selling multi-cooker, combines 7 kitchen appliances in 1, Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Saute, Yogurt Marker and Warmer, prepares dishes up to 70% faster to support your busy lifestyle * Features 14 Smart Programs - Soup, Meat/Stew, Bean/Chili, Poultry, Saute/Simmer, Rice, Multigrain, Porridge, Steam, Slow Cook, Keep Warm, Yogurt, Manual, and Pressure Cook. Now, your favorite dishes are as easy as pressing a button * Healthy, stainless steel (18/8) inner cooking pot made from food grade 304, no chemical coating, 3-ply bottom for even heat distribution, fully sealed environment traps the flavours, nutrients and aromas within the food * Built with the latest 3rd generation technology, the microprocessor monitors pressure, temperature, keeps time, and adjusts heating intensity and duration to achieve your desired results every time.Product Dimensions: 14.17 x 14.84 x 13.31 inches * UL and ULC certified with 10 safety mechanisms to provide you with added assurance, designed to eliminate many common errors. * Power supply: 120V - 60Hz

Trump investigation designed to 'impeach or embarrass' president, furious leading Republican claims amid fury at Manafort sentence

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 01:26 PM PST

Trump investigation designed to 'impeach or embarrass' president, furious leading Republican claims amid fury at Manafort sentencePresident Donald Trump has again attacked the "witch hunt hoax" embroiling his administration following the sentencing of ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort, declaring the outcome proved "no collusion" with Russia as Democrats decried the lenience of Manafort's 47-month sentence as a "miscarriage of justice". Departing for Alabama to tour the state's devastation by a recent tornado, the president found time to denounce his opposition as an "anti-Israel, anti-Jewish" party over Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's comments on the influence of Israeli interest groups in Washington, despite the House having passed a resolution condemning prejudice of all kinds by 402 to 23.

More civilians leave Islamic State's Syria enclave, delaying final assault

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 09:11 AM PST

More civilians leave Islamic State's Syria enclave, delaying final assaultThousands of people - many of them the wives of IS fighters and their children - have been streaming out of besieged enclave at Baghouz for weeks, forcing the SDF to delay the assault to wipe out the last vestige of the jihadists' territorial rule. The SDF has said it wants to make sure all civilians are out of the enclave before launching its final assault. Hundreds of IS fighters have also surrendered, but the SDF believes the most hardened foreign jihadists are still inside.

Is a High-Performance Hyundai Sonata N in the Works?

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:43 PM PST

Is a High-Performance Hyundai Sonata N in the Works?This rendering shows what the sporty sedan could look like.

Smollett's lawyer cites 'overkill' after actor indicted on 16 counts of lying to police

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:47 PM PST

Smollett's lawyer cites 'overkill' after actor indicted on 16 counts of lying to policeThe "Empire" star's legal woes deepened after a Chicago grand jury indicted him on 16 felony counts of lying to police about alleged hate-crime attack.

70+ Delicious Ways To Cook An Egg

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:25 PM PST

70+ Delicious Ways To Cook An Egg

Palestinian president appoints ally Shtayyeh as new PM

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 06:08 AM PDT

Palestinian president appoints ally Shtayyeh as new PMPalestinian president Mahmud Abbas appointed longtime ally Mohammad Shtayyeh as prime minister on Sunday, a senior official said, in a move seen as part of efforts to further isolate Hamas. Abbas asked Shtayyeh, a member of the central committee of the Palestinian president's Fatah party, to form a new government, Fatah vice president Mahmoud al-Aloul told AFP.

Hirscher wins World Cup overall title, matches Vonn record

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 05:35 AM PDT

Hirscher wins World Cup overall title, matches Vonn recordKRANJSKA GORA, Slovenia (AP) — Marcel Hirscher has secured his eighth consecutive men's World Cup overall title on Sunday after placing third in the penultimate slalom of the season.

Google Assistant is getting an update that makes it easier to talk to

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:03 PM PST

Google Assistant is getting an update that makes it easier to talk toHaving a conversation that feels natural with a digital assistant is still not in the same league as a person-to-person interaction, but there are certainly some assistive technologies that do a reasonably good job of mimicking it. We'd put Google Assistant in that category, thanks to the natural-sounding voice and the assistant's ability to understand a wide range of the complexities of human conversation.Still, that's not to say certain things can't be improved, which is why Google is starting to add support for its "Continued Conversation" feature to smart displays like the Google Home Hub. Basically, it's a way to not have to keep prompting the assistant with a "Hey, Google" trigger so that you can keep a conversation going.According to Google Assistant product manager Bibo Xu, this is an optional setting that can be turned on to enable you to have a more natural back-and-forth exchange with the assistant. "After you initially trigger the Assistant with a request, the Assistant will stay active for long enough to respond to follow up questions so you don't have to say 'Hey Google' as often," Bibo explains in a Google blog post.The feature can be turned on within the Google Assistant app by going to Settings, then Preferences, then Continued Conversation where you just hit the toggle.Meantime, Google is also taking this opportunity to actually add a number of other related enhancements to smart displays, such as "Interpreter mode." Say you have family members or some friends who speak different languages. With this new mode that's now available, all you have to do is say "Hey Google, be my French interpreter," and you can have a natural, easy-flowing conversation in dozens of languages.Other fun additions and improvements include some small touches that are still useful, like making it easier to dismiss some cards on the display's home screen when you no longer need them (just swipe up). It's also easier to manage multi-room audio with the displays, as well.Google's new update means you can add your smart display to a speaker group, and play music throughout the house. There are also new controls for adjusting the volume of any device in the group. All you have to do is tap on the group name of the player on the screen, and that will get things started.

Who has the lead for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination?

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 06:30 AM PDT

Who has the lead for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination?Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders take the lead in the latest Iowa poll.

U.S. judge may force Trump administration to reunite more families separated at Mexico border

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 07:28 AM PST

U.S. judge may force Trump administration to reunite more families separated at Mexico borderIn a blow to the Trump administration's U.S.-Mexico border strategy, a federal court judge in California has expanded the number of migrant families separated at the border that the government may be required to reunite. San Diego-based U.S. District Court Judge Dana Sabraw late on Friday issued a preliminary ruling that would potentially expand by thousands the number of migrants included in a class-action lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. Sabraw already ordered the Trump administration last year to reunite more than 2,800 migrant children who were separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border under the administration's "zero tolerance" policy.

Keeping the Peace in South Asia

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 05:00 AM PDT

Keeping the Peace in South AsiaAs India looks ahead to its approaching election, the world's biggest democracy should take care to draw the right lessons from the crisis. The great temptation for Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be to exploit and even inflame the country's mood of militant nationalism. Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, has boasted that a tough "new India" won't be bullied.

Decision time: Brexit deal returns to parliament

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 04:02 PM PST

Decision time: Brexit deal returns to parliamentBritish MPs will on Tuesday vote again on Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal, making the historic decision whether to back her plan or risk a chaotic exit from the EU in less than three weeks time. Two months ago, the House of Commons rejected the withdrawal agreement by a huge majority, and sent May back to renegotiate. Unless it negotiates a delay, Britain would then be on course to leave the EU after 46 years of membership with no plan on March 29, causing huge disruption on both sides.

Man wins mega millions jackpot to tune of $273m after stranger returns lost lottery ticket

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 09:28 AM PST

Man wins mega millions jackpot to tune of $273m after stranger returns lost lottery ticketAn unemployed New Jersey man won a $273m (£210m) Mega Millions lottery jackpot last week after a stranger found and returned the winning ticket he had left behind on a shop counter. The man, Michael J Weirsky, told reporters on Thursday he lost two tickets immediately after he bought them at a QuickChek in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, on the day before the lottery draw. Mr Weirsky had spent hours searching for the tickets when he got to his home in Alpha, New Jersey, near the Pennsylvania border.

The Latest: US-backed Syrian fighters to resume attack on IS

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 08:25 AM PDT

The Latest: US-backed Syrian fighters to resume attack on ISOUTSIDE BAGHOUZ, Syria (AP) — The Latest on the conflict in Syria (all times local):

10 killer deals you don’t want to miss on Saturday

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 05:22 AM PST

10 killer deals you don't want to miss on SaturdayWelcome to a special weekend addition of our series that rounds up all the best deals of the day. Before you head out to the theater this weekend to see Marvel's latest blockbuster Captain Marvel, why not be your own hero and save a ton of cash on the most popular products around? Highlights from Saturday's roundup include a new all-time low of just $16.79 for Anker's best fast wireless charger, just $21 for Samsung's lightning-fast EVO 128GB microSD card, a 4-pack of Alexa and Google enabled smart plugs that cuts the price to just $7.99 per plug, Eufy Lumos smart LED bulbs for only $13 each, a very popular $150 air fryer for just $85, the Exploding Kittens card game for only $14, a huge $50 discount on Microsoft Office Home and Student 2019, $40 off Amazon's best-selling DNA test kit, $18 for a 30W USB-C power adapter that will let you charge your iPhone from 0% to 80% in under one hour (you'll need a USB-C to Lightning cable, too), $30 off Amazon's waterproof Kindle Paperwhite, and more. Check out all of today's best deals below.UPDATE: It looks like we've got two bonus deals for you today, because the insanely popular Instant Pot DUO60 and Instant Pot DUO80 are both down to their lowest prices of 2019! Clip the $18 coupon on the DUO60 page to get it for $71.99, and the DUO80 is down to $89.99 with no coupon needed.

Payless, Gymboree and Victoria's Secret are just some of the brands closing stores in 2019

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:42 PM PST

Payless, Gymboree and Victoria's Secret are just some of the brands closing stores in 2019While 2019 is on track to be a record year for store closings, it's not expected to bring the same amount of empty retail space as last year.

Trump officials cite 'crisis' on border as arrests spike, but doubts surface on numbers

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:11 PM PST

Trump officials cite 'crisis' on border as arrests spike, but doubts surface on numbersAbout three weeks after President Trump first declared a national emergency to unlock funds for his border wall, prompting a slew of lawsuits and a vote in Congress to block it, U.S. Customs and Border Protection released new border apprehension data that seemed, on its face, to be exactly what he needed. According to CBP, the number of people arrested for illegally crossing the border rose from 47,986 in January to 66,450 in February. "This is clearly both a border security and humanitarian crisis," U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said at a press conference announcing the newest numbers Tuesday.

Biden eyes fundraising challenge amid new sense of urgency

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 07:14 AM PST

Biden eyes fundraising challenge amid new sense of urgencyNEW YORK (AP) — On the cusp of another White House run, Joe Biden faces a daunting challenge that could complicate his path to the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination: money.

Samsung launches ‘experience tour’ to celebrate 10 years of Galaxy phones

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:37 PM PST

Samsung launches 'experience tour' to celebrate 10 years of Galaxy phonesIn tandem with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S10 -- and the fact that 2019 marks the 10-year anniversary of Samsung's Galaxy line of smartphones -- the company has decided to launch what it's calling its first-ever US 'experiential tour,' which will be comprised of pop-up experiences around the country. Experiences at which guests will get to enjoy a range of Samsung products as well as programming focused on health and wellness, gaming, photography and more.The experiences were put together by creative agency We're Magnetic, in partnership with Samsung, and they're coming first to New York City, Miami, Los Angeles and Austin. Beyond that, stops in Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Indianapolis and San Francisco are also planned.This kind of thing is in line with the opening of three Samsung Experience Stores in February, which give consumers a way to get hands-on with Samsung devices. As part of the experience tour, Samsung plans to set up murals from local artists in the communities it visits, and people will also be able to try out the company's latest devices like the new Galaxy S10.There will be activities for gamers in the experiences' "/game Studio," which the company says will feature "crystal clear displays, dramatic lighting with neon accents, state-of-the-art product displays and more for the ultimate gaming experience." Gamers will also be able to compete across the Samsung Experience Tour Leaderboard and enjoy live sessions with Fortnite players.The times and locations for the first experiences are as follows: * New York City * Times Square (3/8-3/10; 10am-9pm) * Atlantic Terminal (3/15-3/29; 10am-9pm) * Austin, SXSW, E 7th St & Trinity St (3/8-3/17; 9am-10pm) * Miami, Bayfront Park (3/8-4/21; 10am-9pm) * Los Angeles, Hollywood & Highland (3/8-5/5; 10am-9pm)Visitors will be able to test and buy new mobile devices, learn how to set up a connected home with SmartThings, get product support from Samsung Care and connect with other Galaxy fans. There will also be a health component, in that visitors will get to try out new Galaxy Watch Active smartwatches, take a class from a health and wellness expert or visit the experience's "Art of Fitness" interactive area. There, guests can create custom works of art based on their biometric readings using the Galaxy Watch Active.

Vietnam says investigating cause of boat's sinking in contested waters

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 04:01 AM PST

Vietnam says investigating cause of boat's sinking in contested watersVietnam is seeking clarification of how a fishing boat came to sink this week in the contested South China Sea, the Foreign Ministry said on Saturday, days after a local rescue agency said it was rammed by a Chinese vessel. Vietnam and China have long been embroiled in maritime disputes in the potentially energy-rich stretch of water, called East Sea by Vietnam. It said all five fishermen on board were rescued by another Vietnamese fishing boat.

Relatives gather at Nairobi and Addis Ababa airports after Ethiopian Airlines crash

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 05:03 AM PDT

Relatives gather at Nairobi and Addis Ababa airports after Ethiopian Airlines crashThe passenger jet went down 62km outside of Addis Ababa and was carrying 149 passengers and eight crew members. Rough cut (no reporter narration)

Every Toyota-Built Hybrid You Can Buy (Lexuses Included!)

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 11:25 AM PST

Every Toyota-Built Hybrid You Can Buy (Lexuses Included!)

Iran demands Pakistan acts 'decisively against terrorists'

Posted: 10 Mar 2019 03:07 AM PDT

Iran demands Pakistan acts 'decisively against terrorists'Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has demanded Pakistan act "decisively against anti-Iranian terrorists" in a phone call with the country's premier, Tehran said, a month after a bloody attack on security forces. Iran says a Pakistani suicide bomber was behind the February 13 attack that killed 27 Revolutionary Guards in its volatile southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan. A Sunni jihadist group, Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice), which Tehran says operates mostly out of bases in neighbouring Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the blast.

How to Make Your Dishwasher Last Longer

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 03:00 AM PST

How to Make Your Dishwasher Last LongerHow long should a dishwasher last? Some CR members are happy to report that they've had their dishwasher for more than 20 years, while others express frustration over machines that break in just ...

N. Korea may be preparing a missile or space launch: NPR

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 01:46 AM PST

N. Korea may be preparing a missile or space launch: NPRNorth Korea may be preparing for a missile or space launch, US news outlet NPR has reported, based on satellite image analysis of a key facility near Pyongyang. NPR said the images of Sanumdong, one of the facilities Pyongyang has used to produce inter-continental ballistic missiles and space rockets, were taken days before US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in Hanoi for their high-stakes summit, which ended in failure.

The Contenders for the Ukrainian Presidency

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 03:48 PM PST

The Contenders for the Ukrainian PresidencyThere are forty candidates, and a comedian is leading in the polls.

Why expectant parents may want to hire a doula or designate a patient advocate

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 01:23 PM PST

Why expectant parents may want to hire a doula or designate a patient advocateDuchess Meghan is reportedly working with a doula during her pregnancy. So what is a doula? And why would a royal, or anyone, want one?

Have an older iPhone model? All you need is this $17 case to add wireless charging

Posted: 09 Mar 2019 09:58 AM PST

Have an older iPhone model? All you need is this $17 case to add wireless chargingOne of the reasons iPhones are so great is because they last for years and years before you need to upgrade. In fact, I know plenty of people who are still using iPhone models from 4 and 5 years ago. Of course, the iPhone's longevity is a double-edged sword, since keeping your phone for that long means missing out on all the cool new features Apple adds to its new iPhones. Wireless charging support is one example, but you definitely don't need to upgrade to a new iPhone to get it. Just pick up an Antye Wireless Charging Receiver Case for iPhone on Amazon for $16 or $17 depending on your iPhone model, and you've got wireless charging support on your current phone! Pick up an Anker wireless charger as well, and you're good to go.Here are the key details from the product page: * 【Wireless Charging Enabling Case】Built-in newest Qi wireless charging receiver module chip delivers wireless charging capabilities to your iPhone 7 Plus, wireless charging your phone like iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X * 【Matte Finish Slim Phone Back Cover】Durable plastic with matte coated finish helps prevent fingerprints, dusts... Precise cutouts gives full access to all ports * 【Flexible Connector】Makes it easy to sync and charge in the old fashioned way as well, No need to remove case * 【Universal Qi Compliant】A wireless charging pad (Not Included) is required to charge your iPhone wirelessly; Works seamlessly with any Qi-standard wireless charger dock * 【What You Get】1 × ANTYE Qi Wireless Receiver Case, 100% No-hassle 12-month REPLACEMENT warranty and friendly customer service

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