Monday, March 25, 2019

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants us to focus on the 'deeper' problems behind Trump's election

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:18 AM PDT

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants us to focus on the 'deeper' problems behind Trump's electionFor many Americans, it's easier to believe that Russia -- not American voters -- installed Trump as president.On Sunday, Attorney General Barr released his summary of Mueller's report, writing that Mueller had found insufficient evidence to prove that Trump conspired with the Russians during the 2016 election. For folks who had hoped that the Mueller report would result in Trump's impeachment, it was heartbreaking.For Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however, the Mueller report was more than that. It was a wake-up call.SEE ALSO: Hillary Clinton replied to AOC's take down of Jared Kushner and we all need a minute"Foreign influence" wasn't the only reason Trump got elected, Ocasio-Cortez claimed in response to a tweet by George Takei.Russia was successful precisely because they played on "national wounds that we refuse to address."> This is the REAL conversation we need to have as a country. > > As horrific as this president is, he is a symptom of much deeper problems. > > Even foreign influence plays on nat'l wounds that we refuse to address: income inequality, racism, corruption,a willingness to excuse bigotry.> > -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 24, 2019> He can stay, he can go. He can be impeached, or voted out in 2020. > > But removing Trump will not remove the infrastructure of an entire party that embraced him; the dark money that funded him; the online radicalization that drummed his army; nor the racism he amplified+reanimated.> > -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 24, 2019> In order for us to heal as a nation, we ALL must pursue the hard work of addressing these root causes. > > It's not as easy as voting. It means having uncomfortable moments convos w/ loved ones, w/ media, w/ those we disagree, and yes - within our own party, too. > > It's on all of us.> > -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 24, 2019Others on Twitter agreed with Ocasio-Cortez's assessment. Even if Mueller found that Trump conspired with the Russians, that wouldn't be enough to explain his election. There were millions of voters who wanted Trump to be President -- and that wasn't only the work of bots.> My thoughts on the Mueller summary are what they were when this whole thing started: despite Putin's best efforts, Russia is not the reason 63 million people voted for Trump, America is. If you don't like that result, think about what America did, not Russia.> > -- Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) March 24, 2019> Interesting reaction from @PeteButtigieg on the Mueller report summary: "It would be a mistake for Democrats to think that the way for the Trump presidency to end is by way of investigation."> > -- Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) March 25, 2019Ocasio-Cortez's tweet has received over 97,000 likes at the time of publication. Whether those likes will translate into action is a whole other question. WATCH: Facial recognition coming to U.S. airports by 2021

Antwon Rose trial: White police officer acquitted of murder in fatal shooting of teenager

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:53 AM PDT

Antwon Rose trial: White police officer acquitted of murder in fatal shooting of teenagerThe mother of an unarmed black teenager fatally shot by a white police officer as he fled a traffic stop has expressed her anger and devastation over a jury's decision to acquit the officer. Former East Pittsburgh police officer Michael Rosfeld was charged with homicide for shooting Antwon Rose II last June in one of the many high-profile killings of black people by white police officers. The deadly confrontation, captured on video, led to weeks of unrest and angry protests in the Pittsburgh last year, including a late-night march that shut down a major motorway.

Mike Pence lashes out at Ilhan Omar, 2020 Dems in AIPAC speech

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:48 AM PDT

Mike Pence lashes out at Ilhan Omar, 2020 Dems in AIPAC speechThe entire Democratic — or "Democrat," as the vice president put it, using the ungrammatical truncation that has become popular on the right — Party also came under assault from Pence.

The Ford Bronco Will Have a Removable Roof and Doors and Will Go on Sale in Late 2020

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:01 AM PDT

The Ford Bronco Will Have a Removable Roof and Doors and Will Go on Sale in Late 2020Ford gave new details about the retro SUV to dealers at a recent event.

Powerball jackpot now $750M after no winning ticket drawn

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:00 PM PDT

Powerball jackpot now $750M after no winning ticket drawnAfter no winner claims the prize Saturday, Powerball jackpot increases to fourth-largest in U.S. history.

U.S. airlines visit Boeing as FAA awaits 737 MAX upgrades

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 04:45 PM PDT

U.S. airlines visit Boeing as FAA awaits 737 MAX upgradesThe factory visits indicated Boeing may be near completing a software patch for its newest 737 following a Lion Air crash that killed 189 people in Indonesia last October. This month, a second deadly crash involving an Ethiopian Airlines MAX in Addis Ababa triggered the fleet's worldwide grounding. Boeing has come under global scrutiny along with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the agency that must approve the software fix and new training.

Harsh rules, violent punishments under IS rule

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:17 PM PDT

Harsh rules, violent punishments under IS ruleFor the millions forced to endure the Islamic State group's brutal rule, life in the "caliphate" was a living hell where girls were enslaved, music was banned and homosexuality was punishable by death. The jihadists applied an ultra-conservative interpretation of Islamic law across the swathes of Syria and Iraq that they captured in 2014, torturing or executing anyone who disobeyed. The fall of the last sliver of IS territory in eastern Syria marks the end of their proto-state, once the size of the United Kingdom and home to more than seven million people.

Children of Isil's caliphate left to toil in squalid refugee camps

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 01:25 AM PDT

Children of Isil's caliphate left to toil in squalid refugee campsEight-year-old Hamed cast a critical eye at the at tent peg, raised a hammer above his head and began thwacking it into the hard, stony ground. It is heavy work, and he would rather be in school. But he has little choice. "I get about 2,000 lira for putting up one tent," he said, using the popular term here for Syrian pounds. "I can do three or four a day, so that is 8,000." That, he said, is just about enough to feed himself, his mother, and her newborn baby twice a day. "But we can't eat all the time," he said. "My mother explained, we can't spend so much money on food because we need to buy stuff for the baby now." Hamed is one of about 41,000 children in al-Hol, the largest of three sprawling camps in north eastern Syria that houses former members, children, and prisoners of the Islamic State terrorist group. More than 40,000 children are living in al-Hol, the largest of three sprawing camps in north eastern Syria that houses former members, children, and prisoners of the Islamic State terrorist group Credit: Sam Tarling /The Telegraph The fate of the children who emerged from Isil's doomed caliphate is a matter of humanitarian urgency and critical to international security. And yet the lack of provision made by world governments, including Britain's, is striking. The Telegraph has seen dozens of malnourished infants as Isil families left Baghouz, Isil's last bastion, in the past two weeks. At least 108 children have already died en route to or soon after arriving at the camp, mostly from severe acute malnutrition, pneumonia, and dehydration, according to the international Rescue Committee. The vast majority of them were under five years old, and most of those babies younger than one.  Many are also carrying serious injuries from shrapnel. The fate of the children who emerged from Isil's doomed caliphate is a matter of humanitarian urgency Credit: Sam Tarling /The Telegraph The casualties included Jarrah Begum, Shamima Begum's newborn son, who died of a lung infection last month. Unicef has described the living conditions for those children who reach the camp as "extremely dire." Hamed, who spoke to the Telegraph with the permission of his German mother and on condition of anonymity, said he bitterly misses his old life in Europe. "If there was a school, I'd go to it," he said, as he took a pause in his tent work to speak to the Telegraph. "But there isn't one here." "When I was in Germany I was learning, then in Doula I learnt nothing," he said, using the Arabic word for "State" – the term many Isil families use for the group. "They just teach like the Quran... and they teach you that you have to fight. But I said: 'I don't want to fight'. I don't like to fight. I just want to be a normal one, I just want to live in a house and make my job. I don't want to fight, I don't want to be a warrior." Unicef has described the living conditions for those children who reach the camp as 'extremely dire'   Credit: Sam Tarling /The Telegraph He said he had left Germany when he was five years old, and only emerged from the Islamic State two months ago. The camp, he said, is a miserable and filthy place. "Kids poop everywhere," he said. "You have to watch where you walk. You can't just sit anywhere, like you can in Germany." It is not surprising. Adults in the section of the camp where Hamed lives told the Telegraph many of the young children have chronic diarrhoea.   "Play", if there is such a thing, involves picking on one another or chucking rocks at moving cars.   "They call me a dog and things. They think it is a joke," said Hamed, when asked about his friends. "My mother doesn't like me to be like the other children. She says maybe there is a little baby there, like three years old, and maybe you'll hit him. Even though I don't like to throw rocks," he said. "It's not a game. They come, they throw, the glass breaks," he said. "In Germany it is not like this, you're not hitting on cars. If you want to play you go to your friends, you have friends, they don't call you anything, you play a bit." The larger and more loosely regulated section of the camp reserved for Syrian and Iraqi citizens has a market which is run by Kurdish authorities in al-Hol Credit: Sam Tarling/The Telegraph Most children have little time for that though. Adults here told the Telegraph that almost every child from about the age of eight upwards is a low-paid labourer in the camp's grey economy. "They're already entrepreneurs. I think they wake up and the first thing they think is: who am I going to hit up for money today?" said Lorna Henri, a 54-year-old woman from the Seychelles who has become the de-facto guardian of two unaccompanied children in the camp. "I try to give them what I can." Ms Henri said boys generally sent by their mothers to run errands in the camp market, which children can access more easily than adults, and put up tents. Girls clean or offer to cook. The market, in the larger and more loosely regulated section of the camp for Syrian and Iraqi citizens, is crowded with small boys hauling hand carts for 200 Syrian pounds per errand. The market is crowded with small boys hauling hand carts for 200 Syrian pounds per errand Credit: Sam Tarling/The Telegraph Such Dickensian scenes are not unusual amidst humanitarian crisis. And across the Middle East, children are generally expected to pull their own weight at an earlier age than in the West. But the prospects for these children are bleak in more than one way. Radical Isil supporters continue to exert influence inside al-Hol, including by harassing women who want to remove their veils.  There have been reports of punishment tent-burnings by an underground "religious police", and several women from different countries who the Telegraph spoke to complained about being labelled "infidels" by their fellow inmates. Without intervention, there is a good chance the children here will be brought up in the same poisonous ideology that turned many of their fathers into terrorists. Without intervention, there is a chance the camp's children here will be brought up in the same poisonous ideology that turned many of their fathers into terrorists The United Nations has expressed "alarm" at the situation. Last week  Henrietta Fore, the executive director of UNICEF, urged member states "to take responsibility for children who are their citizens or born to their nationals, and to take measures to prevent children from becoming stateless." Some governments have heeded the call. Last week, the French government said it had evacuated several children. But Kurdish officials have told the Telegraph that Britain has refused to take back British Isil members or their children in the camps on the grounds that it has full confidence in the legal and administrative system of Rojava, the unrecognised Kurdish proto-state in northern Syria. Jeremy Hunt, the Foreign Secretary, last week claimed that it would have been "too risky" to send British officials to save Jarrah Begum, although he remained a British citizen after his mother was stripped of her own citizenship. However, the al-Hol camp is run by the Syrian Democratic Forces, a Kurdish-led Western-backed armed group that Britain is allied to. Journalists, including from the Telegraph, and aid workers visit the camp on a regular basis, safely and without incident. Radical Isil supporters continue to exert influence inside al-Hol, including by harassing women who want to remove their veils Credit: Sam Tarling/The Telegraph Nor is it true, as Mr Hunt claimed, that journalists are afforded special protection unavailable to UK officials in Syria or in the camps. In al-Hol, the foreign women constantly exchange rumours about which governments might take Isil members back. For their children, who committed no crime, the only thing on the horizon is more arduous work. "I'd like to...sell stuff. Or you know, build houses," shrugged Hamed, when asked what he would like to do when he grows up. Those are the only careers on offer in al-Hol camp. He picked up his hammer, and went back to hitting the tent peg. His blows made little impact on the stony ground. 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Oversight or overreach? Democrats wrestle with Trump probes

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:12 PM PDT

Oversight or overreach? Democrats wrestle with Trump probesWASHINGTON (AP) — For many Democrats, Robert Mueller's investigation has long stood as their best, last chance to take down President Donald Trump before the next election.

View Photos of the Aston Martin DBS GT Zagato

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 02:00 AM PDT

View Photos of the Aston Martin DBS GT Zagato

Stranded Norway cruise ship MV Viking Sky returning to port after air evacuations; nearly 900 aboard

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:31 AM PDT

Stranded Norway cruise ship MV Viking Sky returning to port after air evacuations; nearly 900 aboardThe Viking Sky carried 1,373 passengers and crew when it had engine trouble in an unpredictable area known for rough, frigid waters.

American Airlines extends Boeing 737 MAX flight cancellations through April 24

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:00 AM PDT

American Airlines extends Boeing 737 MAX flight cancellations through April 24American Airlines said Sunday it will extend flight cancellation through April 24 because of the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX after two fatal crashes since October and cut some additional flights. American is the second-largest U.S. operator of the MAX in the United States with 24 jets, behind Southwest Airlines with 34.

China Protests After U.S. Navy Sails Through Taiwan Strait Again

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 01:36 AM PDT

China Protests After U.S. Navy Sails Through Taiwan Strait Again"China has been closely monitoring from start to end the passage by the U.S. warships through the Taiwan Strait," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a regular news briefing in Beijing on Monday.

Lindsey Graham Vows to Investigate Anti-Trump Bias in Special Counsel Probe

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:09 AM PDT

Lindsey Graham Vows to Investigate Anti-Trump Bias in Special Counsel ProbeSenate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham on Monday vowed to investigate the origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe in order to expose possible anti-Trump bias on the part of the Department of Justice officials who opened the investigation.During a press conference marking the release of Attorney General William Barr's summary of the Mueller report, Graham called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate whether DOJ officials overreached in investigating Trump due to their personal and political hostility to him."By any reasonable standard, Mr. Mueller thoroughly investigated the Trump campaign. You cannot say that about the other side of the story. And what I hope Mr. Barr will do is understand: for the country's sake appoint somebody outside the current system to look into these allegations, somebody we all trust, and let them do what Mr. Mueller did," Graham said.The South Carolina Republican vowed that, regardless of whether a special counsel is appointed, the Judiciary Committee would investigate to what extent DOJ officials relied on the uncorroborated Steele dossier when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page during his time as a national-security adviser to the Trump campaign."What role did the dossier play? Was it the primary source of the information given to the court, was it supplemental, was its outcome determinative? I want to hear from Mr. [Bruce] Ohr why he warned people that you might not want to rely on Christopher Steele," Graham told reporters when asked what specific events his committee plans to investigate. "I want to know the role James Comey played in this process. I want to find out: Was the only reason you recused yourself was because of the tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch?" Graham added, referring to Bill Clinton's June 2016 meeting with then-attorney general Loretta Lynch on an Arizona airport tarmac.Republicans have repeatedly cited the meeting in arguing that Lynch was compromised by the Clintons and, as a result, instructed the FBI not to pursue charges related to Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. Former FBI director James Comey admitted during subsequent congressional testimony that Lynch instructed him to refer to the Clinton email probe as a "matter" when announcing that the DOJ would not pursue charges.Senior DOJ officials relied on information provided in the Steele dossier as part of their FISA warrant application to surveil Page, and did not inform the court that the dossier was partially funded by a law firm working on behalf of the Clinton campaign. Graham went on to call the unsubstantiated dossier "garbage," pointing out that a number of its allegations — including the claim that Michael Cohen went to Prague to meet with Russian hackers during the campaign — have been disproven.

Death toll from central Mali massacre up to 134, says UN

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:45 AM PDT

Death toll from central Mali massacre up to 134, says UNBAMAKO, Mali (AP) — The death toll from a massacre in a central Malian village rose to 134 dead, the U.N. said, as new video emerged Sunday showing victims strewn on the ground amid the burning remains of their homes.

Robert Kraft Apologizes Amid Prostitution Scandal: 'I Have Extraordinary Respect for Women'

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 12:38 PM PDT

Robert Kraft Apologizes Amid Prostitution Scandal: 'I Have Extraordinary Respect for Women'The Patriots owner said he was 'truly sorry'

UPDATE 1-Qatar Airways backs Boeing despite MAX crash crisis

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:01 AM PDT

UPDATE 1-Qatar Airways backs Boeing despite MAX crash crisisQatar Airways threw its support behind Boeing on Monday as the U.S. planemaker faces its biggest crisis in years after deadly crashes of its flagship 737 MAX jet. Regulators grounded the worldwide MAX fleet after an Ethiopian Airlines MAX crash killed all 157 people on board this month, wiping nearly 15 percent off shares in the world's biggest planemaker. "We have confidence in the Boeing airplanes and we are sure they will find the issue they had which is still under investigation," Qatar Airways Chief Executive Akbar al-Baker told reporters in Muscat.

iPhone 11 may finally deliver a long overdue feature

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:30 PM PDT

iPhone 11 may finally deliver a long overdue featureIn any given year, it's not uncommon to see a number of conflicting reports concerning upcoming iPhone features. This, of course, isn't terribly surprising given that Apple early on in the development cycle will often test various prototype designs with different features. Indeed, this is the reason why, in the build-up to the iPhone X unveiling in 2017, we saw some reports claiming Apple was going to release a device with Touch ID built into the display itself.With that said, one of the more interesting iPhone 11 rumors we've seen pop up over the past few months centers on Apple potentially ditching the tried and true Lightning port for USB-C. More recently, though, credible reports have indicated that while that may happen in the near future, Apple with the iPhone 11 will stick with the Lightning connector.Echoing this sentiment, a new report from Macotakara claims that the iPhone 11 will feature a Lightning connector but will ship with a USB-C to Lightning cable. Far more intriguing, though, is that the power adapter will support 18W fast charging which should provide a noticeable upgrade from the 5W charger that currently ships with Apple's iPhone models. This capability has been long overdue and it's nice to see Apple finally, at long last, offering up fast-charging functionality right out of the box.The report further adds that Apple's iPhone 11 models will be able to charge certain accessories like the Apple Watch."Just as you can wirelessly charge Galaxy Watch Active and Galaxy Buds, you may be able to charge Apple Watch and AirPods with Charging Case," the report reads.Notably, reputed analyst Ming-Chi Kuo suggested that bilateral wireless charging would be an iPhone 11 feature in a report provided to investors just last month.As for other iPhone 11 rumors worth mentioning, there's a good chance Apple's flagship iPhone 11 model will incorporate an advanced triple lens camera scheme. Meanwhile, the entry-level iPhone 11 will reportedly boast a dual lens camera.Further, we can expect to see improved Face ID performance and reliability, improved navigation capabilities, and a bigger battery which will hopefully deliver improved battery life.

Women are sharing their experiences of receiving unsolicited advances from men

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:37 AM PDT

Women are sharing their experiences of receiving unsolicited advances from menIf you've ever had to pretend to have a boyfriend or husband to get out of an uncomfortable or threatening situation, then you'll know that it can be a terrifying and isolating experience.But, you're not alone and these responses to Jameela Jamil's tweets are proof of that. SEE ALSO: This code word will help you when you feel unsafe on a dateThe star of The Good Place tweeted that she was shopping with a friend when a man made advances at her. She told him she had a boyfriend and thanked him, but the situation quickly escalated into one of harassment. > Was out at the shops with my friend. Man ogles me. Man then approaches me to give me his number. I explain I have a boyfriend but thank him for the offer. Man then threatens my career, saying I better remember that I rejected him. And then Shouts at me that I'm low class... ‍♀️> > -- Jameela Jamil (@jameelajamil) March 24, 2019Jamil tweeted about the time she said no to a man when she was 19 years old and he assaulted her. "Being a woman is truly, constantly scary," she added. > I once said no thank you to man when I was 19 and didn't have an excuse... and he punched me in the face. After that whether or not I have a boyfriend, I say I do. Being a woman is truly, constantly scary. It's like existing on thin ice.> > -- Jameela Jamil (@jameelajamil) March 24, 2019Women began sharing their experiences of similar instances. > throwback to the guy who insisted that me having a girlfriend wasn't a good enough excuse not to date him because "girls don't count" and managed to get all my contact info except my address and harass me from multiple accounts for months. now I say I have a boyfriend, too.> > -- Steph (@ValaBlack) March 24, 2019> I work as a server. I will say I am married to which the most common response is, "So?". The more cavalier say" I'm not jealous." I am a paunchy, middle age woman who is wondering when I will be old enough that this crap will stop.> > -- Natalie (@snat1998) March 24, 2019> I got out of service work years ago mostly bc of crap like this, which didn't stop when I got married. Couldn't take it anymore. Sorry it's still going on! (From one paunchy middle aged woman to another)> > -- Sami Feminist Killjoy Lee (@divasamilee) March 25, 2019> was in a bar once.Guy approached me aggressively wouldnt back off. one of my guy friends had to say back off this is my wife.aggressor said I don't see rings on your fingers! My guy friend threatens violence. FinallyAsshole leaves. Fun part:9yrs later I actually married my friend> > -- Amanda Moresco Von Lumm (@mandy_moresco) March 25, 2019> When I was serving, I had a decoy engagement ring. It's gross how often "no" wasn't good enough, but "I'm engaged" was. It's even grosser how often "I'm engaged" WASN'T good enough. > > -- Elle Young (@elle_yung) March 24, 2019> I got called a lesbian and told I was probably on my period when I rejected a guy his friend also spat a chip at me ‍♀️ and this this awesome girl came out of nowhere and started shouting at them. Not how I expected the end of my night out to go > > -- Kennise Darlsson (@kennydarlsson) March 24, 2019> I've had men online first approach me as "how is your husband?" And then when I'm alarmed and say "I don't have a husband" they use that as "ok it's go time, she's not legally bound to another guy!"> > -- Steph Lorenzo ️‍ (@StephLorenzo) March 25, 2019> A man once stopped me on the way to the bathroom at a work event and said "I'm looking for a date", I replied "can't help you" and tried to keep walking, he grabbed my left wrist, pointed at my (empty) ring finger and said "looks like you can". > > -- April Muller (@findapril) March 25, 2019Horrifying, to say the very least. WATCH: Women are still underrepresented in tech. Here's what Facebook has to say about it.

American Airlines to cancel 90 flights every day through most of April

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:42 AM PDT

American Airlines to cancel 90 flights every day through most of AprilThe decision comes as a result of the FAA's decision to ground all Boeing 737 Max aircraft.

Netanyahu to meet Trump with Golan Heights recognition on tap

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:18 PM PDT

Netanyahu to meet Trump with Golan Heights recognition on tapIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with Donald Trump in Washington on Monday amid expectations the US president will formally recognize the Jewish state's sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Trump broke with longstanding international consensus last week over the status of the Golan Heights, which Israel seized from Syria in the 1967 Six Day War, saying the US should recognize Israeli sovereignty over the strategic plateau. Israel's foreign minister said the US president will go one step further on Monday when he welcomes a grateful Netanyahu -- who is looking for an electoral boost ahead of April 9 parliamentary polls -- to the White House.

Billionaire Tshuva May Herald Next Step in Israel-Egypt Ties

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:47 AM PDT

Billionaire Tshuva May Herald Next Step in Israel-Egypt TiesAcquiring a piece of either the Idku or Damietta facilities, operated by Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Spain's Union Fenosa SA, respectively, is among the various routes possible for the Egyptian deal, the company said in its annual report on Sunday. Should Delek pull off the purchase, it would be the strongest signal yet that Israel and Egypt are moving beyond security cooperation and toward deeper economic ties. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi didn't even mention Israel when he celebrated a $15 billion deal in 2018 between the nations.

Pete Buttigieg: 2020 Democratic candidate surges to third place in new poll

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:09 AM PDT

Pete Buttigieg: 2020 Democratic candidate surges to third place in new pollPresidential candidate behind Joe Biden and Bernie SandersPete Buttigieg for president? Long-shot stands out in crowded field South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg won the backing of 11% of likely Iowa Democratic caucus voters. Photograph: Richard Shiro/AP Pete Buttigieg has surged to third place in a new poll of Democratic presidential candidates, ahead of Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Beto'Rourke. The 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, won the backing of 11% of likely Iowa Democratic caucus voters in an Emerson poll released on Sunday. Joe Biden had 25% support, with Bernie Sanders in second place with 24%. But the performance of Buttigieg, who has impressed in a series of TV appearances, is likely to serve as a warning to his better-known rivals. Buttigieg had 0% support in Emerson's January poll, which was conducted just after he formed an exploratory committee. He has not yet formally declared he is running to take on Donald Trump next year but he has been widely praised for his performance in a CNN town hall and in high-profile interviews. He has met the 65,000-donor threshold that qualifies him to take part in the Democratic debates. Harris, a senator from California, had 10% support in the Emerson poll – which had a margin error of +/- 6.2% – while Warren of Massachusetts was in fourth place with 9%. Beto O'Rourke, the former congressman from Texas who has captured the attention of the public and the media with a combination of relentless charm and non-committal policy positions, was backed by 5% of likely voters. Now this'll get people Emerson poll of Iowa:• Biden - 25%• Sanders - 24%• Buttigieg - 11%• Harris - 10%• Warren - 9%...— Gabriel Debenedetti (@gdebenedetti) March 24, 2019 Buttigieg supports the Green New Deal proposal, a series of climate change reforms backed by progressive Democrats, and has said he is in favor of single-payer healthcare, an issue fast becoming a litmus test for Democratic candidates. Were he elected, Buttigieg would be the first openly gay president. In South Carolina on Saturday, he told voters his marriage existed "by the grace of a single vote on the US supreme court", and said it had brought him closer to God.

Parent who paid $6.5 million in college admissions scandal remains a mystery

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:04 PM PDT

Parent who paid $6.5 million in college admissions scandal remains a mysteryAs the college admissions scandal unfolds, the identity of the parent who paid $6.5 million for their child or children to get into an elite college remains a mystery.

Flooding impairs drinking water treatment for Kansas City

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:39 PM PDT

Flooding impairs drinking water treatment for Kansas CityFlooding along the Missouri River has impaired treatment of drinking supplies in Kansas City, raising health risks for infants, the elderly and others.

Qlearly catapults Chrome bookmarks and tabs into the future

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:22 AM PDT

Qlearly catapults Chrome bookmarks and tabs into the futureAs of February of this year, Google's Chrome desktop web browser owned a remarkable 65% of the global browser market, according to market research firm NetApplications. Microsoft's Internet Explorer is still the second most popular browser in the world, but it's not even close -- IE held just 10.23% of the market as of last month, and no other web browser even managed a double-digit market share. Long story short, Chrome is far and away the king of web browsers right now. Of course, just because Chrome is popular doesn't make it perfect, which is why Google hosts a thriving Chrome Web Store that's packed full of great extensions.Some Chrome extensions are designed to enhance specific websites. For example, there are a ton of great Netflix tweaks in the Chrome Web Store that make everyone's favorite source of streaming entertainment even better. But there are other extensions in there that are designed to enhance Chrome itself, and we recently came across a new one that you've got to check out.Qlearly is a very nifty Chrome extension created by Guillaume Bardet. In a nutshell, it's designed to modernize Chrome's bookmark and tab features by replacing their conventional interfaces with novel new ones. In place of the conventional bookmark menu, Qlearly uses "boards" that group bookmarks into columns so your favorite sites are always easy to find. Adding new bookmarks is a breeze as well, and there's a great search function so that people with tons of bookmarks can always find sites easily.You'll find Qlearly's full description from the Chrome Web Store below, followed by a download link for the Chrome extension. There's also a beta version of Qlearly available for Firefox, and you can download it right here.> Organize your favorite websites by columns and boards. Every time you open a new tab, your board will load within a second. > A modern bookmarks and tabs manager. ✨> > Organize your favorite websites using boards and columns. Every time you open a new tab, your primary board will load within a second.> > "I don't want to have 100 tabs open anymore" - from a new Qlearly user> > Stop wasting time looking for tabs or bookmarks. Organize them all using one of today's most common organization system; Kanban Boards.> > ➤ Save tabs in one click > ➤ Quick and unified Search > ➤ Unlimited boards and columns > ➤ Collaborate with your teammates > ➤ Create public boards and columns > ➤ It can be used with multiple computer at once> > Why did we build Qlearly? > > The primary reason why we built Qlearly is to help you save time and remain organized. As this is such a repetitive task, saving seconds can have a drastic impact to your workflow over time. We are here to stay, and plan to release many improvements overtime!> > FEATURES > > ★ Fast bookmarking> > Save all or a handful of your tabs to a specific column in the matter of a second by clicking 'save' in a column, or by clicking the extension icon, followed by the board/column and click the 'save session'.> > ★ Quick and unified Search> > To make it easier for you to find the site(s) you are looking for, you can search through all your boards. You can use our keyboard shortcuts to search even faster!> > ★ Collaborate with your teammates> > Collaborate on a board with an unlimited amount of teammates.> > ★ Shareable links> > You can share a full board or specific columns with anyone by getting a shareable link.> > ★ Keyboard Shortcuts> > We built numerous shortcuts to help you work even faster! You can search, create a new board, new column, save a session, open all tabs all within a second.> > ★ Current Session Drag and Drop> > You can drag and drop tabs from your current session to your board, instead of saving all tabs.Download Qlearly for free

Parkland Student Who Suffered From Survivor's Guilt After Mass Shooting Takes Her Own Life

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:12 AM PDT

Parkland Student Who Suffered From Survivor's Guilt After Mass Shooting Takes Her Own LifeSydney Aiello's close friend died in last year's massacre

US pro-Israel lobby sees partisan cracks

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:24 PM PDT

US pro-Israel lobby sees partisan cracksPowerful has long been the word used to describe America's pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, which for decades has helped assure nearly universal support in Washington for the Jewish state. The shift comes under the cloud of politics in Israel, whose right-wing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is flying to Washington for AIPAC weeks before he faces elections.

FOCUS-Apple's iPhone struggles unravel ambitions of Japan Display

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 04:00 PM PDT

FOCUS-Apple's iPhone struggles unravel ambitions of Japan DisplayWhen Japan Display Inc broke ground on a new factory in central Japan in 2015, the future looked bright for one of the world's top vendors of liquid crystal display (LCD) panels. The plant would strengthen the company's position as the primary screen supplier for Apple Inc as sales of the iPhone 6 soared. Four years later, Apple's shifting fortunes have brought Japan Display to its knees and threaten to end Japan's long run as a leader in display technology.

A Skeptics Guide to Managing the India-Pakistan Conflict

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:39 PM PDT

A Skeptics Guide to Managing the India-Pakistan ConflictWashington's and Beijing's visions for the Indo-Pacific region are reflected in their reactions to the recent uptick in tensions between Islamabad and New Delhi.

The Latest: May won't support no-deal Brexit without House

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:51 AM PDT

The Latest: May won't support no-deal Brexit without HouseLONDON (AP) — The Latest on Brexit (all times local):

German family, stakeholders in Krispy Kreme, Panera Bread, to donate $11M over Nazi past

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:34 AM PDT

German family, stakeholders in Krispy Kreme, Panera Bread, to donate $11M over Nazi pastThe Reimann family, whose JAB Holding Co. controls Krispy Kreme and Panera Bread, will donate $11 million after learning of its ancestors' Nazi past.

Thousands attend NZ vigil, rally to fight racism, remember Christchurch victims

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 01:31 AM PDT

Thousands attend NZ vigil, rally to fight racism, remember Christchurch victimsAbout 15,000 turned out for an evening vigil in Christchurch in a park near the Al Noor mosque, where a suspected white supremacist killed more than 40 of the victims. Many non-Muslim women wore headscarves at the vigil, some made by members of Christchurch's Muslim community, to show their support for those of Islamic faith as they had at similar events last week. Ardern said on Sunday that a national remembrance service would be held on March 29 to honor the victims, most of whom were migrants or refugees.

7 of our favorite March Madness-inspired recipes

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:24 PM PDT

7 of our favorite March Madness-inspired recipesHere we pulled some of our most savory and cheesy recipes to get you througheach major game

A Viral Twitter Thread Mocking Unrealistic Ads Poses the Question: What Do Women Do in the Bathtub?

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:38 PM PDT

A Viral Twitter Thread Mocking Unrealistic Ads Poses the Question: What Do Women Do in the Bathtub?The pictures show women bathing while enjoying luxurious food and drink options

Driver dies after car plunges 600 feet off cliff at Mt. Tamalpais State Park

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:25 PM PDT

Driver dies after car plunges 600 feet off cliff at Mt. Tamalpais State ParkA man has died after the car he was driving plunged 600 feet off a cliff at Mt. Tamalpais State Park.

Turkey's ex-premier squares up for Istanbul election battle

Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:10 PM PDT

Turkey's ex-premier squares up for Istanbul election battleIf former Turkish prime minister Binali Yildirim wants a reminder of how much he needs to win as Istanbul mayor in this month's election, he just has to listen to his boss. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who started his own political career as Istanbul mayor, likes to tell his Justice and Development Party (AKP) that winning the country's economic hub is like winning Turkey itself. Picking a well-known name and ruling party heavyweight like Yildirim for mayor shows how key Istanbul remains for Erdogan.

S&P 500 futures flat after report finds no Trump campaign collusion with Russia

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:53 PM PDT

S&P 500 futures flat after report finds no Trump campaign collusion with RussiaS&P 500 e-mini futures turned flat, after rising slightly, on Sunday after U.S. Attorney General William Barr said Special Counsel Robert Mueller had found no evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign team and Russia. Investors had been bracing for updated news on Mueller's investigation.

Syria's Kurds call for international court to try IS jihadists

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:57 AM PDT

Syria's Kurds call for international court to try IS jihadistsSyria's Kurds on Monday called for an international court to be set up in the country to try suspected Islamic State group jihadists following the announced fall of their "caliphate". IS imposed its brutal interpretation of Islam on millions living in the proto-state that it declared across a large swathe of Syria and neighbouring Iraq in 2014. "We call on the international community to establish a special international tribunal in northeast Syria to prosecute terrorists," the Syria Kurdish administration said.

Venezuelan power struggle creates diplomatic duel abroad

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:56 AM PDT

Venezuelan power struggle creates diplomatic duel abroadBOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — When Lorena Delgado approached the Venezuelan consulate in Colombia's capital on a recent afternoon hoping to extend the life of her expiring passport, she found the metal gates to the languishing building shuttered.

What to expect from Apple today and where can you watch the livestream?

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:09 AM PDT

What to expect from Apple today and where can you watch the livestream?Expect a new streaming TV and entertainment service and a magazine product, too.

How gun laws in a dozen countries compare with New Zealand's new ban on semiautomatic weapons

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:11 PM PDT

How gun laws in a dozen countries compare with New Zealand's new ban on semiautomatic weaponsThe approach to gun laws in each of the 12 countries varies widely depending on whether owning a gun is considered a right or a privilege.

EMERGING MARKETS-Stocks fall tracking global sell-off; Turkish lira recovers

Posted: 25 Mar 2019 03:14 AM PDT

EMERGING MARKETS-Stocks fall tracking global sell-off; Turkish lira recoversEmerging market stocks fell on Monday, tracking a global-sell off with investors ditching shares and piling into the safety of bonds on concerns over slowing global growth and fears of a U.S. recession. The U.S. dollar took a back seat, lifting most developing world currencies with Turkey's lira in recovery mode after plunging as much as 5 percent in the previous session. Weak economic data from Europe triggered a worldwide sell-off on Friday which worsened after more disappointing numbers from U.S. came in, fanning global growth fears.

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