Friday, March 8, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

House passes broad anti-hate resolution after pressure from Omar allies

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 09:56 AM PST

House passes broad anti-hate resolution after pressure from Omar alliesThe House passed a broad resolution condemning hate after backlash from a number of factions across the Democratic Party forced changes to a bill that originally focused on anti-Semitism.

Group: Iraq is torturing children to coerce confessions

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 09:47 AM PST

Group: Iraq is torturing children to coerce confessionsBEIRUT (AP) — Iraq and the Kurdish regional government have charged hundreds of children with terrorism for alleged affiliation with the Islamic State group, often using torture to coerce confessions, Human Rights Watch said Wednesday.

Venezuela: US journalist reportedly arrested in early-morning raid

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 09:59 AM PST

Venezuela: US journalist reportedly arrested in early-morning raid* Freelancer Cody Weddle out of contact since 8am, reports say * Univision anchor Jorge Ramos and crew detained last weekCody Weddle is the latest in a string of foreign journalists to be detained in Venezuela. Photograph: Fernando Vergara/APAuthorities in Venezuela have reportedly arrested a US freelance journalist after an early morning raid on his Caracas home by the country's feared military counter-intelligence agency.Cody Weddle, who freelances for the Miami Herald, the Daily Telegraph and ABC News, has been out of contact since 8am when the raid took place and his equipment was confiscated, according to a press workers' union in Venezuela.Weddle's assistant Carlos Camacho, a Venezuelan national, was also detained after a raid on his home by the same counter-intelligence agency on Wednesday morning, reported the union, who catalogued 36 cases of journalists held this year.Weddle is the latest in a string of foreign journalists to be detained in Venezuela. Last week Univision anchor Jorge Ramos and his crew were held while interviewing the country's embattled president, Nicolás Maduro. They were released and deported shortly afterwards, while their equipment – including the recordings of the curtailed interview – were kept by authorities."The Maduro regime, desperate, is doing the only thing it knows to do: repress and censor," tweeted José Miguel Vivanco, the Americas director at Human Rights Watch.Maduro, who is fending off mounting international pressure to cede power to the opposition leader and self-declared interim president Juan Guaidó, detained two French journalists in January who were filming outside the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas. Numerous local journalists have been harassed in recent years.Sign up for the US morning briefingFlorida senator Marco Rubio, long one of Maduro's fiercest critics on the international stage, joined the chorus expressing outrage over Weddle's detention on Wednesday morning. "US citizen & journalist Cody Weddle is missing in Venezuela and apparently arrested by the Maduro regime this morning," he tweeted.The move against Weddle worried several Venezuela analysts, who see little logic to Maduro's authoritarian attacks against individual journalists."If [Weddle's detention is] true, this is extremely problematic and a very dangerous move for the Maduro government to make," Eva Golinger, a former adviser to Maduro's late predecessor Hugo Chávez, tweeted. "Trump is waiting for any excuse to intervene," she went on to say, in reference to the persistent threats leveled by the White House since it threw its weight behind Maduro's ouster in late January.Phil Gunson, a consultant with Crisis Group in Venezuela, seconded that concern. "Given the current state of relations between the US and Venezuela, having military intelligence arrest a US citizen, freelance reporter Cody Weddle, seems like unnecessary provocation," he tweeted. "Who thought that would be a good idea?"

Chris Watts confesses to killing daughters for first time: 'I didn’t want to do this, but I did it'

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 12:57 PM PST

Chris Watts confesses to killing daughters for first time: 'I didn't want to do this, but I did it'Christopher Watts drove his daughters to an oil site after killing wife, Shanann, in their Colorado home, Watts recently told investigators.

House Republican lays into Democrats' corruption probe of Trump

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 12:10 PM PST

House Republican lays into Democrats' corruption probe of TrumpThe House Judiciary Committee's ranking Republican, Doug Collins, said the panel's investigation into obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power under Trump surpasses the scope of legitimate legislative inquiry and violates the U.S. Constitution. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler launched the investigation on Monday by sending document requests to 81 government agencies, business entities and individuals associated with Trump, including his adult sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. "Your requests are part of a concerted effort to target and punish associates of the president," Collins wrote to Nadler in a March 7 letter released by the Republican's office.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expertly shuts down conservatives calling for boycott after learning she was a Girl Scout

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 01:33 PM PST

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expertly shuts down conservatives calling for boycott after learning she was a Girl ScoutAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez will happily buy all the cookies from the Girl Scouts of America. The freshman Democrat shot down calls to boycott the nationwide organisation after conservative columnist Jane Chastain wrote that the group has become "a far cry from those of my youth, which trained us to put God and country before everything else". Sharing a headline that read "Conservative calls for cookie boycott because AOC used to be a Girl Scout," Ms Ocasio-Cortez posted a series of tweets on Thursday mocking the development and celebrating a local Girl Scout group in her district.

Utah teacher on leave after forcing student to wash off Ash Wednesday cross

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:35 AM PST

Utah teacher on leave after forcing student to wash off Ash Wednesday crossA Utah school district has placed a teacher on administrative leave for forcing a student to remove the Ash Wednesday cross from his forehead.

Erdogan determined to go ahead with Russian missile deal

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 01:53 PM PST

Erdogan determined to go ahead with Russian missile dealTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday it was "out of the question" to reconsider a controversial deal to buy a top-line Russian anti-missile system and he might even look at other purchases. The United States, a long-standing NATO ally and supplier of much of Turkey's military equipment, has pressed Ankara to drop the S-400 deal, saying it is incompatible with its established weapon systems and is part of Russian efforts to muddy the waters in a key, volatile region. "As for the S-400, the deal is done and it is out of the question to go backwards... and perhaps after the S-400, we will move onto the S-500," Erdogan told Kanal 24 television.

Oakland man pleads not guilty to punching conservative on UC Berkeley campus

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:40 PM PST

Oakland man pleads not guilty to punching conservative on UC Berkeley campusBANNED: An Oakland man, whose altercation with a conservative activist was caught on camera, is no longer welcome at UC Berkeley.

Heads bowed to the ground, suspected IS members surrender

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 10:53 AM PST

Heads bowed to the ground, suspected IS members surrenderOUTSIDE BAGHOUZ, Syria (AP) — Suspected Islamic State group members, including foreign fighters, sat in a long line in a field of bright yellow flowers, exhausted and hunched over as they were questioned and searched Thursday by U.S.-led coalition members and Kurdish fighters. They were the latest group to surrender from the besieged final pocket of Syrian territory held by the militant group.

Russia doesn’t appear thrilled with SpaceX Crew Dragon’s success

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 02:02 PM PST

Russia doesn't appear thrilled with SpaceX Crew Dragon's successSpaceX made history earlier this week with a successful launch of its Crew Dragon capsule, sending it to the International Space Station where it successfully docked and allowed ISS crew members to explore its interior. It's a major step for both NASA and SpaceX, but Russia's space agency might not feel the same way.Roscosmos, the state-owned space corporation of Russia, and its Soyuz rockets have been the one and only ride available to NASA astronauts since the Space Shuttle program was shut down. The U.S. pays Russia a handsome fee, hundreds of millions of dollars, every year to secure seats for NASA crew members who need to go into space. That's about to end, and as Ars Technica reports, the public-facing smile Roscosmos is putting forth may not be entirely genuine.Roscosmos and NASA have what might be considered a marriage of convenience. Both groups are big players in space and both have helped make the International Space Station what it is today. They have a good relationship, or at least appear to get along well, and Russia has shouldered the responsibility of getting NASA astronauts into space.For NASA, this arrangement isn't perfect. NASA has to pay, of course, and the actual launch of each new group of crew members is largely out of their control. Ideally, NASA would have its own vehicles that it could send to the space station whenever it needs to, and that's what SpaceX's Crew Dragon (and later Boeing's Starliner) will provide.It's hard to know exactly what Roscomos thinks about all of this, but it's not hard to read between the lines. During the docking of the Crew Dragon to the ISS, Roscosmos instructed cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko to remain in the Russian arm of the space station.Roscosmos claimed that decision was made for safety reasons, later tweeting a vague congratulatory message (in Russian) to NASA. The tweet also noted "that flight safety must be immaculate." A subsequent tweet in English congratulated NASA without mentioning its apparent safety concerns.Later, when Crew Dragon was about to dock with the ISS, Roscosmos tweeted a self-congratulatory message highlighting the use of Russian-made gas masks by the crew members set to explore the insides of the SpaceX vehicle. out of Russia later mentioned "an unusual smell" and apparently elevated levels of isopropyl alcohol in the air of the ISS after the Crew Dragon vehicle docked. The smell was gone after the space station's air was cycled, but the unnamed source within Russia's space program made sure everyone knew about it.Russia has been critical of SpaceX and Elon Musk before, and it's no secret that some of the biggest names in Russia's space science scene aren't super fond of the company or its boss. NASA astronauts showing up to the space station in a SpaceX capsule probably doesn't sit well with some of the country's top space executives, especially when Roscosmos itself is relying on Soyuz rocket technology originally developed in the 1960s.It'll be interesting to see how things develop in the months and years to come. NASA's first crewed flight of Crew Dragon is expected to come sometime this summer.

Venezuela hit by major blackout, government blames 'sabotage'

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:45 AM PST

Venezuela hit by major blackout, government blames 'sabotage'Electricity outages are frequent in Venezuela, where the economy is collapsing under hyperinflation, with chronic shortages of food and medicine and a mass emigration of more than 3 million citizens. Critics say corruption and under investment have left the country's power grid unable to function, while Maduro says the problems are intentionally created by political adversaries. Crowds flooded a main avenue of Caracas.

'Humiliated and ashamed': Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman, sentenced to nearly 4 years in prison

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 07:23 PM PST

'Humiliated and ashamed': Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman, sentenced to nearly 4 years in prisonPaul Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, must pay more than $24 million in fines and restitution. He faces more prison time next week.

Nielsen: ‘Illegal Immigration Is Simply Spiraling Out of Control’

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:23 AM PST

Nielsen: 'Illegal Immigration Is Simply Spiraling Out of Control'Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen on Wednesday warned lawmakers that the recent surge in illegal immigration at the southern border could overwhelm U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents if they are not provided additional resources."In February, we saw a 30 percent jump over the previous month, with agents apprehending or encountering nearly 75,000 aliens," Nielsen told the House Committee on Homeland Security. "This is an 80 percent increase over the same time last year. And I can report today that CBP is forecasting the problem will get even worse this spring as the weather warms up.""We want to strengthen legal immigration and welcome more individuals through a merit-based system that enhances our economic vitality and the vibrancy of our diverse nation. We also will continue to uphold our humanitarian ideals," she said. "But illegal immigration is simply spiraling out of control and threatening public safety and national security."Nielsen's testimony came just hours after the Trump administration released a report that details a significant rise in the number of illegal immigrants being apprehended at the southern border. Since the beginning of the fiscal year, CPB has apprehended 268,000 such immigrants at the border, an average of nearly 2,000 per day and the highest rate since 2007.In addition to raising alarms about the general increase in attempted border crossings, Nielsen told lawmakers that an surge in unaccompanied children and family units arriving at the border poses its own unique problem, as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) lacks the resources to detain families together for long periods of time while they await their asylum hearings."Over 60 percent of the current flow are family units and unaccompanied alien children, and 60 percent are non-Mexican," she said, likely referencing the provision in U.S. immigration law that requires that asylum-seekers native to non-contiguous countries must be allowed to remain in the U.S. while their asylum applications are adjudicated.According to the data released Wednesday, the number of family units arriving at the border has increased 338 percent since the previous fiscal year while the number of unaccompanied minors rose by 58 percent.Nielsen spoke as Congress is preparing to pass legislation to block President Trump's declaration of a national emergency, which was designed to re-appropriate $5.7 billion in additional border-security funding for the construction of Trump's long-promised border wall. She warned lawmakers that if additional resources are not allocated, U.S. national security will be thoroughly compromised."Our capacity is already severely strained, but these increases will overwhelm the system entirely," Nielsen said. "This is not a 'manufactured' crisis. This is truly an emergency."

French court convicts cardinal of not reporting child abuse

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:37 AM PST

French court convicts cardinal of not reporting child abuseLYON, France (AP) — In a surprise ruling, France's senior Catholic cleric, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, was convicted Thursday of failing to report a known pedophile priest to police, the latest high-ranking churchman to fall in the global reckoning over clergy sex abuse and cover-ups.

The right's revealing hypocrisy over Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments is painful to watch

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 01:15 PM PST

The right's revealing hypocrisy over Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments is painful to watchThe right wing's response to Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments show it is the single greatest source of hypocrisy in modern American life.

Hundreds of Islamic State fighters surrender in east Syria

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:12 AM PST

Hundreds of Islamic State fighters surrender in east SyriaIslamic State fighters holed up in the enclave at Baghouz near the Iraqi border have been giving up in large numbers this week after a ferocious assault on their enclave on Saturday and Sunday, but many remain inside, said the commander. The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia has slowed its attack to allow thousands of civilians to leave Baghouz, continuing an exodus that began when it announced it was launching a final battle for the enclave last month. Far more people were still in Baghouz than the SDF had expected, it said, and it wanted them all to leave before it either stormed the area or otherwise forced Islamic State's surrender there.

Impeach Trump: Democrat who vowed to 'impeach the mother****ker announces plans to file resolution against president

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:08 AM PST

Impeach Trump: Democrat who vowed to 'impeach the mother****ker announces plans to file resolution against presidentThe Democrat who told supporters she intended to impeach "mother****er" Donald Trump, has announced plans to file an impeachment resolution against the president. Rashida Tlaib, the newly elected congresswoman from Michigan, in January made headlines when she was recorded using the impolite language in a speech at an event for supporters. Mr Trump said her words were "disgraceful and disrespectful" to the country.

2020 Cadillac XT6 Base Pricing Announced, and It's Not a Value Play

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:19 AM PST

2020 Cadillac XT6 Base Pricing Announced, and It's Not a Value PlayIt may lack luxury panache, but the XT6 at least looks handsome and is usefully packaged.

Arizona senator says she was raped while in Air Force

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:15 PM PST

Arizona senator says she was raped while in Air ForceArizona Senator Martha McSally, the first woman to fly in combat for the US Air Force, said Wednesday that she had been raped by a superior officer while in the service. McSally, 52, who spent 26 years in the Air Force and commanded a fighter squadron, revealed the attack in emotional remarks during a Senate subcommittee hearing on sexual assault in the military. "I am also a military sexual assault survivor but unlike so many brave survivors I didn't report being sexually assaulted," McSally said.

Wide-Area Walk Mowers: When You Have More Lawn Than a Simple Push Mower Can Handle

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:53 AM PST

Wide-Area Walk Mowers: When You Have More Lawn Than a Simple Push Mower Can Handle

Convicted Australian cardinal sued over alleged abuse

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 12:11 AM PST

Convicted Australian cardinal sued over alleged abuseConvicted Australian Cardinal George Pell faced a fresh legal challenge Thursday after a civil suit was filed against him for further alleged abuse in the 1970s. Pell -- the most senior Vatican official to be found guilty of child sex crimes -- is currently in detention awaiting sentencing for assaulting two choirboys in Melbourne in the 1990s. Pell had also faced trial on charges of abusing boys in a swimming pool in his home town of Ballarat in Victoria state, decades before, but the case was dropped by Australian prosecutors after his conviction.

Can a man wear trainers at work?

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:00 AM PST

Can a man wear trainers at work?The news this week that Goldman Sachs had issued a decree relaxing its dress codes comes as no surprise; formalwear has taken an almighty battering in the last decade, with a huge decline in suit sales and millennials opting for casual, sports-inflected attire. Which is perhaps appropriate; fewer of us sit behind mahogany desks these days like Captains of Industry. Our lives are much more dynamic and fluid than those of the be-suited Baby Boomers. Hot desking, We Works cultures and a boom in tech and media industries have seen to that. But there's one quandary that the city boys at Goldman Sachs - and readers and colleagues who raise the subject with me - always mull over:  what to wear on their feet? See, then, the rise of the smart trainer. Leather trainers, £170, Grenson Smart trainers, which have nothing to do with track and field or the gym and are most definitely for a cityfied, office-centric environment, have been a bubbling menswear phenomenon since Lanvin created the DBB1 trainer, a glossy patent leather shoe that became a sell-out cult item in the early 2010s. Men might traditionally blanche at the idea of wearing these trainers in anything but a casual set-up, but best approach is to think of it not as dressing down, but that the humble trainer has punched up and elevated itself to new style heights. And as we segue into spring and the warmer months, this is particularly pertinent. Heavy-duty brogues and Oxfords of winter start feeling cumbersome, but the likes of espadrilles and deck shoes still fall too far into the spectrum of "holiday wardrobe". Stan Smith trainers, £74.95, Adidas The smart trainer's your saviour here; designed with the clean sophistication of a shoe but with the lightness and dynamism of a trainer; so much so that Italian artisanal footwear brand Tod's trademarked their version '"Shoeker" earlier this year; a hybrid creation that traverses the two. What to look for in the smart trainer? A minimal, smart design that doesn't come with the styling tricks and technology of a sports trainer. Look for a subtle colour palette, simple sole and also materials that will elevate it vastly - instead of tech mesh, plastics and nylons, opt for suedes and leathers. These are the subtle details that will make it a happy partner to a suit or work-appropriate chinos and  you'll be running streaks ahead in the style stakes.

Trump once denied he paid off Stormy Daniels. Now he says it 'was not a campaign contribution.'

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:18 AM PST

Trump once denied he paid off Stormy Daniels. Now he says it 'was not a campaign contribution.'President Trump on Thursday appeared to shift his defense for the hush money payments his former lawyer made on the eve of the 2016 presidential election to women who alleged they had extramarital affairs with him.

T-Mobile’s latest pitch for Sprint merger: Taking on cable internet and TV

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:30 AM PST

T-Mobile's latest pitch for Sprint merger: Taking on cable internet and TVT-Mobile's latest pitch to regulators to approve its merger with Sprint: They need to team up to take on home broadband.

Southwest flights to Hawaii: 12 things travelers need to know

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:10 AM PST

Southwest flights to Hawaii: 12 things travelers need to knowYes, bags will fly free (though surfboards don't). No, you won't be served mahi mahi or free mai tais.

Ilhan Omar: Pelosi joins Sanders and AOC in defence of Congresswoman, saying comments were not 'intended in any anti-semitic way'

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 12:15 PM PST

Ilhan Omar: Pelosi joins Sanders and AOC in defence of Congresswoman, saying comments were not 'intended in any anti-semitic way'Prominent progressives including Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have come to the defence of Representative Ilhan Omar amid controversy following her criticism of pro-Israel groups and politicians, which some have deemed anti-semitic. Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has suggested that Ms Omar may not have understood the full weight of what she was saying at the time. "I don't think that the congresswoman perhaps appreciates the full weight of how it was heard by other people, although I don't believe it was intended in any anti-Semitic way," Ms Pelosi said on Thursday during a press briefing.

US judge eases wildfire safety plan for California utility

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 04:01 PM PST

US judge eases wildfire safety plan for California utilitySAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A U.S. judge overseeing a criminal case against Pacific Gas & Electric Co. called the California utility's efforts to prevent trees from hitting its power lines and starting wildfires "dismal" but scaled back his proposals to prevent its equipment from causing more blazes.

Ghosn's defense team to monitor calls, surveillance footage while he awaits trial

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:33 AM PST

Ghosn's defense team to monitor calls, surveillance footage while he awaits trialAfter paying $9 million in bail, former Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn is out of a Japanese jail cell where he spent 108 days, but he must live under a host of restrictions while he awaits trial, which could be a year away. As part of the bail deal arranged by his new legal team hired last month, Ghosn is banned from accessing the internet and email, and only allowed to use a computer not linked to the web at the office of one of his lawyers. Ghosn, who has French, Brazilian and Lebanese citizenship, was indicted for under-reporting his salary and breach of trust.

Toyota warns could leave UK under no-deal Brexit: report

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 06:38 PM PST

Toyota warns could leave UK under no-deal Brexit: reportToyota Europe's CEO has warned the firm could end production in Britain by 2023 if the country exits the European Union without a deal, the Nikkei business daily said Thursday. Speaking at the Geneva Motor Show, Johan van Zyl told reporters that "if the business environment becomes very, very difficult to operate," a withdrawal "should be on the agenda as well," the Nikkei said. A Toyota spokesman confirmed van Zyl's comments.

In-Depth Photos of the 2019 BMW M850i xDrive Coupe

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 12:36 PM PST

In-Depth Photos of the 2019 BMW M850i xDrive Coupe

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Monumental Hypocrisy

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:29 PM PST

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Monumental HypocrisyIn one of her many viral social-media moments, freshman Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio last month played a so-called "corruption game," grilling witnesses at a House Oversight Committee hearing about the influence of super PACs and "dark money." By some measures, the video of her questioning became the "most-viewed Twitter video of any politician," including President Trump.For her, the optics were perfect. Here was an idealistic young socialist using clever cross-examination techniques to expose for all the world the way in which savvy political operators can conceal misdeeds and hide from the public the sources of their financial support. Her questions generated a rapturous response across the length and breadth of the progressive Internet.Fast-forward one month. Here's Alana Goodman, writing for The Washington Examiner:> Two political action committees founded by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's top aide funneled over $1 million in political donations into two of his own private companies, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday.> > The cash transfers from the PACs — overseen by Saikat Chakrabarti, the freshman socialist Democrat's chief of staff — run counter to her pledges to increase transparency and reduce the influence of "dark money" in politics.And here's the Washington Post, picking up on Alana's report:> Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)'s chief of staff helped establish two political action committees that paid a corporation he ran more than $1 million in 2016 and 2017, federal campaign finance records show.You can read the FEC complaint yourself, but in a nutshell: It describes an arrangement where Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, co-founded two PACs — Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress — and then funneled large sums of money from those PACs into limited-liability companies he controlled, without disclosing Ocasio-Cortez's involvement and without disclosing how that money was ultimately disbursed. Further, the complaint claims that Ocasio-Cortez was a board member of Justice Democrats when it disbursed these funds.In fact, as a comprehensive report by Andrew Kerr at the Daily Caller News Foundation notes, Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti had legal control over the Justice Democrats PAC while it was supporting Ocasio-Cortez's campaign.What's wrong with this? Well, apart from the obvious potential for financial self-dealing, Ocasio-Cortez's team may well have violated disclosure laws and contribution limits. Moreover, as we know from Michael Cohen's guilty plea and the ongoing campaign-finance investigation of President Trump, if evidence emerges that Ocasio-Cortez or Chakrabarti committed knowing or willful violations of campaign-finance law, then they could face criminal prosecution.Interestingly, Justice Democrats last year posted a lengthy explanation for its unusual arrangement, outlining why it dumped PAC money into limited-liability companies. Crucially, it does not say that the PAC did so without engaging in any meaningful disclosure. Instead, it essentially argues that we should trust their good will, that they kept "prices as low as possible" while still satisfying FEC requirements.In other words, the message is "Trust us, please." But a key purpose of campaign-finance disclosure laws is to remove trust in favor of mandated transparency.At the very least, hypocrisy abounds. It is simply stunning that Ocasio-Cortez would mount such a very high moral horse and berate witnesses at a congressional hearing while this "dark money" skeleton lurks in her closet. The very best possible read on her actions is that she read ambiguities into the law to her maximum advantage. A more realistic view is that she and her campaign chair (and now chief of staff) creatively evaded the obvious intent of campaign-finance law and will now rely on FEC gridlock and her enormous reservoir of progressive goodwill to skate straight through this scandal.America's byzantine campaign-finance regulations comprehensively and wrongly treat political speech as second-class speech, regulating it to a level that would likely shock the Founders. But these statutes and regulations are still binding. They're binding on Donald Trump, and they're binding on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Moreover, PAC disclosure rules and contribution limits are not obscure elements of campaign-finance law. As Ocasio-Cortez herself demonstrated at length in her viral moment last month, they're a highly visible part of the ongoing public debate.It will be an interesting irony if the FEC concludes that Ocasio-Cortez's unusual financial arrangements pass legal muster. The champion of transparency and the enemy of "dark money" would have pioneered a new way to enrich friends and allies and hide campaign activities from the public eye. But then again, why should we be surprised? If there's one thing we've learned from the long and sordid history of world socialism, it's that the leaders of the movement always find a way to do very well while they purport to work for the public good.

The Army's killer drones: How a secretive special ops unit decimated ISIS

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 02:00 AM PST

The Army's killer drones: How a secretive special ops unit decimated ISISAlthough the military has thrown a cloak of secrecy over its operations, the Echo Company of the Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment is increasingly being lauded in special operations and Army aviation circles.

Tax refunds are larger by an average of $22 after fifth week of filing season

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:35 AM PST

Tax refunds are larger by an average of $22 after fifth week of filing seasonThe average 2019 tax refund issued so far rose to $3,068, up 0.7 percent from $3,036 at the same time last year.

Smart LED bulbs can cost as much as $60 each, but this one is just as good for $17

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 09:54 AM PST

Smart LED bulbs can cost as much as $60 each, but this one is just as good for $17I recently was at a friend's house, and they were talking about how much they loved their new LIFX smart LED bulbs. Yeah, it took all of my willpower to bite my tongue and keep my mouth shut. Spending $60 a bulb is absolutely crazy when you can get MagicLight WiFi Smart Light Bulbs for just $17 each. You can do everything with these bulbs that you can do with LIFX bulbs, but you can get seven MagicLight bulbs for the price of just two LIFX bulbs. It's definitely a no-brainer.Here are the bullet points from the product page: * ✔ Compatible with Alexa & Google Assistant: Voice Control your MagicLight WiFi light bulb with your Amazon Echo or Echo Dot and Google Home Assistant * ✔ Works with IFTTT: DIY Your WiFi Light Bulb Depending on Various Events by Connecting it to IFTTT * ✔ Works with iOS/Android: Personalize Your WiFI Smart Lights to Match Your Mood, Control Your Smart WiFi Lights Bulb Remotely When You are not at Home * ✔ Various Scene Modes: Color Palette, Group Control, Sunlight, Music Mode, Timer, Sunrise, Sunset, Dimmable, MIC Function, DIY Mode, Scene Mode, Energy Saving...... * ✔ Application: This is a WiFi enabled light bulb, no hub required. Multiple lighting patterns, suitable for a showcase, residential, office, hotel, shop, exhibition room, landscaping, indoor, home etc.

Green New Deal too ambitious for some Democrats, even those who say Congress must 'do something'

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 10:24 AM PST

Green New Deal too ambitious for some Democrats, even those who say Congress must 'do something'The Green New Deal has generally been embraced by Democrats but some in the party say its calls for free housing and higher education go too far.

Mexico's 'hearts and minds' battle to loosen organized crime's grip

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 12:55 PM PST

Mexico's 'hearts and minds' battle to loosen organized crime's gripThe central town of Santa Rosa de Lima, a few miles east of Salamanca, home to one of the nation's main oil refineries, is close to a center of the nation's auto industry. It is also a microcosm of the lawlessness permeating swathes of Mexico where cartels have for years replaced the state as benefactors, providing jobs and handouts in return for residents' loyalty. Lopez Obrador said he was winning the battle for hearts and minds against a gang of fuel thieves in Santa Rosa.

Scientists solve weighty matter of Milky Way mass

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 09:32 AM PST

Scientists solve weighty matter of Milky Way massAstronomers said Thursday they had accurately calculated the mass of the Milky Way for the first time, using new data sets that include the weight of dark matter. In a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency's Gaia observation craft, a team of experts calculated our galaxy to be around 1.5 trillion solar masses. Pervious estimates put the mass of the Milky Way ranging between 500 billion and 3 trillion times the mass of the Sun.

A New Gargantuan Drone Is Ready To Beam Internet From the Sky

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:17 AM PST

A New Gargantuan Drone Is Ready To Beam Internet From the SkyAeroEnvironment's newest UAV is rumored to look at lot like the Helios Prototype, which crashed in 2007.

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