Sunday, June 30, 2019

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'A colossal mistake': GOP-controlled Senate votes down measure blocking Iran military strike

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:09 PM PDT

'A colossal mistake': GOP-controlled Senate votes down measure blocking Iran military strikeThe GOP-controlled Senate defeated a bill that would have required Donald Trump to get explicit congressional approval for a military strike on Iran.

Here's What's Missing From the Health-Care Debate

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:11 AM PDT

Here's What's Missing From the Health-Care Debate(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Health care took up a decent portion of the Democratic presidential debates this week. For all of the verbiage, we didn't learn much new. Everybody wants universal coverage, but they have different ideas about how to get there. One group, led Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, want a single-payer system like "Medicare for All"; others, including former Vice President Joe Biden, prefer various flavors of a public option that co-exists with elements of the status quo.Nonetheless, there were a few moments that drew attention to important issues that could (or should) shape the health-care discussion going forward: THE BIG TRADE-OFF: "People who have health under Medicare for All will have no premiums, no deductibles, no co-payments, no out-of-pocket expenses," Sanders said during Wednesday's debate. "Yes, they will pay more in taxes, but less in health care for what they get." Sanders was responding to a question about whether his policies would mean higher taxes for middle-class Americans; his answer elucidated an essential truth that's still lost on many voters. Medicare for All is at its core a shift in how America finances health care. Right now, people pay big chunks of their health costs themselves – especially when they're sick. Sanders's plan would replace that out-of-pocket spending with taxes. There's an appeal to that. It's more equitable and would eliminate situations where health crises result in bankruptcy, or costs dissuades people from seeking care. Whether this shift will result in savings for individuals will depend on tax details as well as income and health status. If such a plan can lower costs by cutting prices and eliminating insurer profits, there's a real possibility that many Americans come out ahead. Right now, polls suggest that broad support for Medicare for All drops when people hear about tax increases. Getting voters to understand what they get in return will be critical. RAISE YOUR HAND: On both nights, the debate moderators chose to boil the health-care debate down to one yes-or-no question. Candidates who support eliminating private health insurance in favor of a single-payer system were asked to raise their hands. This is a defining divide in the field, so it was notable that Elizabeth Warren raised hers on Wednesday. She places third in most polls behind Joe Biden and Sanders, and has been vague on health care in the past. If she's a dogmatic supporter of Sanders's specific plan, that tilts the race in the direction of Medicare for All. I'm not sure that's the case, though. She could end up diverging on specifics of how the U.S. should transition to a single-payer system and structure it. As the field shrinks, it will probably benefit her to stake out a place between Sanders and Biden, who supports a milder public option. A lot of candidates want to be in that space, though none have defined it well or made it their own yet. Given ambivalent polling about the details of Medicare for All and the idea of killing private insurance, this feels like an opportunity for the person who seizes it. WHAT PRICE IS RIGHT?  America spends far more than other countries on services without getting better results. That might not change without price controls for providers. Former Maryland representative John Delaney claimed on Wednesday that these types of controls would have consequences, saying that many hospitals would be forced to close if they had to accept the rates currently paid by Medicare for all services. While the truth of that statement is a matter of some debate, what isn't in doubt is that lower reimbursement would be necessary even for milder plans, and that this could put pressure on hospital systems. Reform-minded candidates don't like to talk about that, which is why Delaney's point stood out. Instead, they preferred to focus their ire on insurers and drugmakers. Drug prices and insurer overhead are important issues too, but services eat up a far more significant portion of spending. The field won't be able to ignore that issue and the potentially disruptive consequences of dealing with it. These first debates got the discussion going. The devil will be in the details.To contact the author of this story: Max Nisen at mnisen@bloomberg.netTo contact the editor responsible for this story: Beth Williams at bewilliams@bloomberg.netThis column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Max Nisen is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering biotech, pharma and health care. He previously wrote about management and corporate strategy for Quartz and Business Insider.For more articles like this, please visit us at©2019 Bloomberg L.P.

The Party of Illegal Immigration

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:16 PM PDT

The Party of Illegal ImmigrationThere didn't seem much room for Democrats to move left on immigration, but they've found it.On the first night of the Democratic debates, Julian Castro made a big issue of his call to repeal Section 1325 of Title 8 of the United States Code, which says it's a federal crime to enter the country without authorization. This felt like a ploy for attention from the periphery of the second-tier debate stage, yet last night seven out of the ten candidates raised their hands for the idea, including top contenders Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg.The collective posture of the party is getting closer and closer to open borders, only without embracing the label.Illegal immigrants aren't typically prosecuted under Section 1325, although the Bush administration started a program called "Operation Streamline" to increase prosecutions, hoping to discourage would-be crossers and especially to create a deterrent against illegal reentry (illegal entry is a misdemeanor often punished by time served, whereas illegal reentry is a felony). Such prosecutions were a key element of Trump's family-separation policy that had to be quickly abandoned.The repeal of Section 1325 would send a message of permissiveness that would create another incentive for migrants to come across the border, and remove a tool for going after coyotes (it can be difficult to prove their offense, so prosecuting them for illegal entry is a backstop). Section 1325 has been on the books for 90 years, and it reflects the commonsense view that entering the United States without lawful permission should be a crime. Yes, it'd still be a civil offense to be present in the United States without papers, and in theory, still possible to be deported — although this brings us to the rest of the Democratic approach to immigration.Asked if an illegal immigrant in the interior of the country who hasn't committed another crime should be deported, Joe Biden replied that such a person "should not be the focus of deportation." Kamala Harris said he "absolutely" should not be deported, and Representative Eric Swalwell said "that person can be part of this great American experience." This is a promise to gut interior enforcement that, coupled with the latitudinarian attitude at the border, would be a huge step toward open borders.If there were any doubt that Democrats want to welcome illegal immigrants and treat them like U.S. citizens, seeing every single candidate on the stage last night promising to provide government health insurance to illegal immigrants removes it. This, obviously, would be even more of a magnet to illegal immigration, and would erode the difference between U.S. citizens and people who literally showed up the day before yesterday in violation of our laws. Besides, the U.S. government is under enough fiscal strain providing promised benefits to citizens and legal residents without, in effect, extending the safety net to some percentage of the population of Northern Triangle countries.The Democrats' radicalism on immigration is certainly a political mistake that will give President Trump ready fodder next year. We'd say it's impossible for Democrats to get any further out on this limb, but the next round of debates is only a month away.

Judge orders U.S. into mediation on border patrol treatment of migrant children

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:45 AM PDT

Judge orders U.S. into mediation on border patrol treatment of migrant childrenThe judge in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles overseeing a decades-old legal settlement governing the treatment of detained migrant children had been asked by the children's attorneys to issue an emergency order to send public health experts and doctors to the border patrol facilities in the El Paso and Rio Grande sectors.

3 Best Shotguns for Home Defense (On Any Budget)

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:00 PM PDT

3 Best Shotguns for Home Defense (On Any Budget)When I'm at home, I feel secure.Not because of the glass windows that stand between me and the ferocious and unpredictable world outside. Not because of the locks on my doors (that can be picked at will by skillful hands).Why do I feel secure?Do I rest easy because I know that I have a portable safe inside of which lie two handguns that are preloaded? No.Let's be real, when it comes to home defense, two handguns locked away in a safe aren't gonna do me (or anyone) much good.If a hypothetical intruder comes into my home, I won't have the time to grab my keys, unlock the safe and take the safety off one of my handguns before an intruder is on me.That won't do.Which is why I keep a tactical shotgun inside of a false bottom on my bed board. When it comes to home defense, there is no substitute for the sheer accuracy and power of a shotgun.Of any household weapon, it offers the most deadly action per trigger pull, all but guaranteeing that a threat will be neutralized.

This Honey Walnut Shrimp Tastes Just Like P.F. Chang's, Plus 50+ More Copycat Recipes

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:40 PM PDT

This Honey Walnut Shrimp Tastes Just Like P.F. Chang's, Plus 50+ More Copycat Recipes

Harvey Weinstein's new lawyer says women need to take responsibility for their actions

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:15 AM PDT

Harvey Weinstein's new lawyer says women need to take responsibility for their actionsHarvey Weinstein's new lawyer has said women need to take responsibility for their actions, as she argued the  MeToo movement had done a disservice to the sex.  Donna Rotunno, who specialises in representing men accused of sex crimes, was hired by the disgraced producer along with Damon Cheronis to represent him at his upcoming trial on sexual assault charges. Ms Rotunno has critcised the MeToo movement which began after a string of celebrities came forward to make allegations against Mr Weinstein. "I'm not a woman who has ever subscribed to it," she told the Wall Street Journal. "I believe women are responsible for the choices that they make." She added that by representing the movie producer she hoped to promote that stance, "and say to women, 'Maybe don't go to the hotel room, maybe we are having a different conversation'". It comes as a leaked recording shows Mr Weinstein telling reporters "I'm no sinner" shortly before the allegations against him were first published.  On the call, two New York Times reporters tell Mr Weinstein they have uncovered "a pattern over three decades of allegations of sexual harassment of multiple women" and offer the producer a chance to respond. "I think you ought to be specific and tell me who they are and if they're on the record," he demanded.  He added: "I'm not a saint, but I'm not the sinner you think I am." Challenging the reporters' findings, Mr Weinstein warns: "There are many mistakes you've made. I promise we will find them." 33 Hollywood stars who have spoken out about Harvey Weinstein He later says: "It seems like you have a lotta hearsay on your hands. I'm gonna say this nicely - get the facts right. ... You're journalists." The recording was obtained by the websiteInside Edition, which said the reporters were unaware the conference call was being recorded. Mr Wesintein's new legal hires, confirmed on Friday, are his third change in legal representation since he was first charged in May 2018 and comes barely two months before the start of his trial. Mr Weinstein faces charges involving two different women - one who alleges he raped her in 2013, the other that he forced her to perform oral sex in 2006. In an interview with Chicago Magazine last year, Ms Rotunno questioned the MeToo movement's insistence on "believing the women." "We are in an era of conviction by allegation in this country right now," she said, "which flies in the face of the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty." She also said that as a woman, she had an advantage on her male counterparts when it came to aggressively cross-examining alleged female victims. "He may be an excellent lawyer, but if he goes at that woman with the same venom that I do, he looks like a bully. If I do it, nobody even bats an eyelash. And it's been very effective." Harvey Weinstein with former lawyer Benjamin Brafman Credit: AFP Mr Weinstein's first lawyer, a high-profile New York defence attorney Ben Brafman, withdrew from the case in January. His replacements, Harvard law professor Ronald Sullivan and Jose Baez, pulled out one after another six months later. Prof Sullivan withdrew after coming under intense pressure from students on campus for defending the man seen as having given rise to the MeToo movement. Mr Baez later backed out citing "fundamental disagreements" with Mr Weinstein and telling a judge that his client's behaviour had made representing him "unreasonably difficult." The date of Mr Weinstein's trial remains unchanged, with jury selection schedule to begin on September 9. The new lawyers have agreed to the date in court filings, according to US media reports. Mr Weinstein denies the claims against him.

S&P 500 ends up 17% in year's first half, best since 1997

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:21 PM PDT

S&P 500 ends up 17% in year's first half, best since 1997Wall Street stocks advanced Friday, concluding a banner first half of the year even as a prolonged US-China trade war led to losses on the week. The broad-based S&P 500 finished the session at 2,941.76, up 0.6 percent for the day. As it has all week, Friday's session was shadowed by anticipation of talks between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Judge expands areas where border wall building is barred

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:44 PM PDT

Judge expands areas where border wall building is barredThe Trump administration was barred from building in four more areas of the Southwest.

Police in Hampton, Va., arrest mom of missing toddler; child believed dead

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:58 AM PDT

Police in Hampton, Va., arrest mom of missing toddler; child believed deadPolice have arrested the mother of a missing 2-year-old in Hampton, Va., and charged her with three county of felony child neglect, police said.

Schumer: ATF should investigate Dominican Republic deaths

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 07:40 AM PDT

Schumer: ATF should investigate Dominican Republic deathsThe Senate's top Democrat said Sunday that the U.S. government should step up efforts to investigate the deaths of at least eight Americans in the Dominican Republic this year. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should lend support to the FBI and local law enforcement, said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., noting the agency has offices in the Caribbean and the technical and forensic expertise that could aid the investigation. "Given that we still have a whole lot of questions and very few answers into just what, if anything, is cause for the recent spate of sicknesses and several deaths of Americans in the Dominican Republic, the feds should double their efforts on helping get to the bottom of things," Schumer said in a statement.

Sen. Kennedy calls 2020 Democrats 'Castro without the beard'

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 06:38 PM PDT

Sen. Kennedy calls 2020 Democrats 'Castro without the beard'Democratic presidential candidates call for open borders, free college and health care during debate; reaction from Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy.

Ball in Europe's court on nuclear deal's future: Iranian state TV

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 06:28 AM PDT

Ball in Europe's court on nuclear deal's future: Iranian state TVIt is up to Europe to shield Iran from U.S. sanctions and prevent it from further scaling back its compliance with its 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers, Iranian state TV said on Saturday, with only days left on Tehran's ultimatum. Iran's envoy to a meeting of the remaining signatories to the nuclear accord said on Friday that European countries had offered too little at last-ditch talks to persuade Tehran to drop its plan to breach limits imposed by the deal. The United States unilaterally withdrew from the accord in 2018 and has re-imposed sanctions on Iran.

Crater of Doom: Union Soldiers Tried to Tunnel Beneath Confederate Positions (Bad Idea)

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:00 AM PDT

Crater of Doom: Union Soldiers Tried to Tunnel Beneath Confederate Positions (Bad Idea)The fresh Crater, which would soon become a horrendous death trap for thousands of Union soldiers, first entombed half of Pegram's guns and crews and entire companies of Elliot's command, as well as damaging part of the cavalier trench. A total of 278 Confederates were sent to their graves by the huge blast. Great clods of dirt, some as large as houses, littered the floor of the Crater along with the torn bodies of its erstwhile defenders. Some defenders were seen running from the trenches, but most of the South Carolinians remained at their posts in the smoky haze. It would take a full half-hour for the stunned defenders to reorganize and put up any type of effective defense. "The way was completely open to the summit of the hill," recalled a Union observer, "which was protected by no other line of works."It was just after 3 am on Saturday, July 30, 1864. A month of relative quiet along a two-mile stretch of Union and Confederate trench lines immediately east of Petersburg, Virginia, was about to come to an explosive end. In the aftermath of several earlier Federal attacks on the strategically vital city in mid-June, a portion of Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside's IX Corps picket line lay only 400 feet from Elliot's Salient, a highly fortified position on high ground that formed an angle protruding out from the main Confederate line, commanded by Maj. Gen. Bushrod Rust Johnson.

Report: Apple to shift assembly of Mac Pro from US to China

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 01:49 PM PDT

Report: Apple to shift assembly of Mac Pro from US to ChinaApple will manufacture its new Mac Pro computer in China, shifting away from a U.S. assembly line it had been using for that product in recent years, according to a report published Friday. The company intends to assemble the new Mac Pro in a factory near Shanghai, according to The Wall Street Journal , which cited unidentified people familiar with the plan. Apple issued a statement saying the new Mac Pro will be designed and engineered in California, but wouldn't say where it will be assembled.

Taco Bell's pop-up hotel reservations sell out in 2 minutes

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:53 PM PDT

Taco Bell's pop-up hotel reservations sell out in 2 minutesThe hotel pop-up experience in Palm Springs, California, will be Taco Bell-themed to the extreme.

Oil Falls as EU Adds Iran Sanctions Workaround Before G-20, OPEC

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 12:37 PM PDT

Oil Falls as EU Adds Iran Sanctions Workaround Before G-20, OPEC(Bloomberg) -- The U.S.-Iran standoff and shrinking American crude stockpiles propelled oil to its biggest monthly gain since January. Prices tumbled immediately before Friday's close as traders closed positions and the EU said a workaround to Iran sanctions was in operation.Futures in New York tumbled on Friday amid weak U.S. manufacturing data and word that Europe had launched an attempted workaround to American sanctions on Iran. Still, prices gained 9.3% in June, with traders hoping for progress on trade out of a Saturday meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and China's Xi Jinping. OPEC and allied oil producers are then scheduled to gather in Vienna on Monday to discuss production levels.'"Oil is truly at the edge of a coin toss," said Abhishek Deshpande, head oil market strategist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. "There are two pretty strong binary events ahead of us that could pull in either direction."Growing gloom over the economy spurred by the U.S.-China trade war snuffed out oil's rally in late April. It pushed prices down more than 20% before attacks on tankers in the Middle East reversed the slide. While Trump has threatened to impose more tariffs on Chinese goods, the expectation is he may agree to another truce. Meanwhile, most analysts expect the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to extend output cuts through December.Despite that optimism, prices slid 1.6% in New York on Friday. After U.S. futures reached a five-week high earlier this week, some investors may be locking in profits or limiting exposure in case the G20 or OPEC+ gatherings disappoint, said Gene McGillian, vice president at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut."You could see some people hedging bets in case things don't work exactly as the bulls think," he said.West Texas Intermediate for August delivery fell 96 cents to $58.47 a barrel at the close of New York Mercantile Exchange trading. Brent for September settlement lost 93 cents to $64.74 on London's ICE Futures Europe Exchange. The August contract, which expired Friday, was unchanged.After initially indicating the U.S. may delay further tariffs on China, Trump told Fox Business Network earlier this week that he could add even more levies. In a speech Friday, Xi condemned protectionism and "bullying practices."Oil analysts, meanwhile, see a range of options for the OPEC+ meeting due to start July 1: The reductions are likely to be extended but not deepened, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said in a note Thursday. The Saudis will probably push for more extensive cuts, according to a note from JPMorgan. The group may be forced to return to a fight for market share in 2020, Citigroup analysts including Ed Morse wrote in a report on Friday.\--With assistance from James Thornhill and Saket Sundria.To contact the reporters on this story: Alex Nussbaum in New York at;Alex Longley in London at alongley@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: Simon Casey at, Carlos CaminadaFor more articles like this, please visit us at©2019 Bloomberg L.P.

18 Salads You Need To Make This Memorial Day

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:45 PM PDT

18 Salads You Need To Make This Memorial Day

Woman 'who tried to kidnap two children' in Atlanta airport arrested

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:45 PM PDT

Woman 'who tried to kidnap two children' in Atlanta airport arrestedA woman who attempted to kidnap two children at the Atlanta Airport has been arrested, police say. Esther Daniels, 26, from Kansas, was detained by police following an incident in which a woman attempted to wrestle a pram containing a baby girl away from her mother. CCTV footage showed a suspect approach a family of five in the terminal building and attempted to grab the stroller, before trying to pick up one of the other children, a 6-year-old boy, and run off. The father was seen tugging the child back into his arms. A police officer approached as the altercation became more physical and the woman attempted to run, but was quickly apprehended.After attempting to fight back against the officers and lunging at the family one more time, she was taken down and physically restrained by three police officersThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported the children have no physical injuries from the attempted kidnapping.Police said the suspect was "experiencing mental distress", was "speaking unintelligibly on her cellphone" and was "in a frenzied state" during the alleged attempted kidnapping.Ms Daniels was taken to a local hospital after the incident, where she was medically cleared before she was booked at Clayton County jail. She has been charged with kidnapping and obstructing an officer and is being held without bail.

Booker says Biden is 'causing a lot of frustration and even pain with his words'

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 07:53 AM PDT

Booker says Biden is 'causing a lot of frustration and even pain with his words'Sen. Cory Booker criticized 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden, saying the former vice president was doing a poor job at healing racial divisions in the country.

F-15s and F-22s Achieve An Amazing 41-1 Kill Ratio During Mock Combat

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:19 AM PDT

F-15s and F-22s Achieve An Amazing 41-1 Kill Ratio During Mock CombatOver 250 Airmen and 9 F-15 Eagles from the 104th Fighter Wing (FW), Massachusetts Air National Guard (ANG) recently deployed to Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB), Florida, to take part in Weapons Systems Evaluation Program (WSEP), alongside Canadian F-18s, F-35s, F-16s, and F-22s.As told by Master Sgt. Julie Avey, 104th Fighter Wing in the article 104th Fighter Wing Eagles on Target at United States Air Force's Weapons Systems Evaluation Program, as a part of WSEP, the aircraft are loaded and shoot live missiles. The WSEP evaluates aircraft, weapons delivery systems, the weapons, weapons loaders, aircrew, technical data, and maintenance. The purpose is to gauge operational effectiveness, to verify weapons systems performance, determine reliability, and evaluate capability.(This first appeared in 2018.)"The WSEP does two things," said Col. Jeffrey Rivers, Commander of the 83rd Fighter Weapons Squadron, Weapons Systems Evaluation Program. "It feeds Combat Air Force's (CAF) training and readiness. We get air crew experience for the first time subsequent to the events, sounds, sights, smells, and noise of a real missile coming off the jet in a realistic scenario they would find normally in training but now it is with real weapons and real targets to shoot at."

REFILE-India asks its states not to partner with Philip Morris-funded foundation

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 06:17 AM PDT

REFILE-India asks its states not to partner with Philip Morris-funded foundationIndia's health ministry has asked all state governments in the country not to partner with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW) because of its links to tobacco giant Philip Morris International Inc, a letter seen by Reuters showed. It says it works independently, but the World Health Organization (WHO) has said there are "clear conflicts" due to the $80 million in annual funding the foundation receives from Philip Morris. At least three Indian anti-tobacco groups earlier this year wrote to the federal health ministry in New Delhi calling for the rejection of any possible partnerships with FSFW, according to copies of their representations seen by Reuters.

Charter renewed for Colorado school where shooting happened

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:26 PM PDT

Charter renewed for Colorado school where shooting happenedA Colorado school that was the site of a fatal shooting received a conditional five-year renewal of its charter on Saturday that requires it to meet certain reporting, staffing and safety requirements, such as the hiring of additional security personnel. The contract approved by the Douglas County Board of Education and STEM School Highlands Ranch officials came hours before the charter was set to expire on Saturday and after renewed negotiations that had been put on hold by the May 7 school shooting that killed one student and wounded eight others. The board already was scrutinizing the performance of the science- and math-focused school over concerns such as financial transparency and special education, and the May shooting led to new questions about security and operations.

Husband, wife killed in crash in front of their Bergen County home

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:33 PM PDT

Husband, wife killed in crash in front of their Bergen County homeA husband and wife were killed in an early-morning crash outside their New Jersey home on Saturday, authorities said.

Air-Cooled Creampuff: 1996 Porsche 911 Carrera 4S

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 06:07 PM PDT

Air-Cooled Creampuff: 1996 Porsche 911 Carrera 4SGet ready to win awards with this beautiful 911 C4S!The 993 generation of the Porsche 911 is famous for being the last of the air-cooled models making it extremely desirable among Porsche purists. What we have here is a 1996 Porsche 911 Carrera 4S that is perhaps one of the cleanest and low-mileage 993s currently on the market, and it's currently listed for sale at Gaudin Porsche for $157,911. If you're looking for an investment-quality 993 911, you'll be hard pressed to find anything more authentic than this one. At that price, you're getting a time capsule of a car with just 14,000 miles on the odometer, and an overall Concours-level quality that looks showroom-fresh despite being 23 years old. The Arena Red paint job looks absolutely flawless, and the exterior color is a perfect accent to the Cashmere tan leather interior. The Carrera 4S (or C4S for short) was introduced for 1996 bringing some of the styling and handling bits over from the 911 Turbo. In addition to the Turbo's wide-body stance, the C4S also received upgraded brakes and a lowered suspensionDespite the Turbo add-ons, the heart of the 911 C4S is still the Carrera's 3.6-liter flat-six putting out 282 horsepower, and it's mated to a six-speed manual. Just as the car gods have always intended! This C4S has definitely been babied in its life, and the pampering continued this year with a full detail to keep the car's incredible luster. Of course, if you want to take it out and enjoy it (and who wouldn't?), this car is also wearing a fresh set of Bridgestone Potenza tires.Bottom line, this immaculate car is ready for just about anything whether it be getting tucked away in storage as a collector or driven to car shows to impress Porsche fanatics when they check out the odometer. Read More... Unique, Collectible 1960 Porsche 356B Super 90 Could Be Yours 1964 Volkswagen Bus 21 Split Window Makes Transporting The Crew A Blast

Congressman: Block evidence of trysts in corruption case

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:36 PM PDT

Congressman: Block evidence of trysts in corruption caseLawyers for California Rep. Duncan Hunter want a federal judge to reject an attempt by prosecutors to introduce evidence that the congressman used campaign funds to finance a string of extramarital relationships, a court filing said Friday. Allegations about the married Republican congressman's affairs were outlined in a government court filing Monday, connected to charges he and his wife illegally spent more than $250,000 in campaign funds on trips, meals and other personal expenses. Margaret Hunter pleaded guilty this month to one corruption count.

2020 Vision: Kamala Harris takes a victory lap

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:35 AM PDT

2020 Vision: Kamala Harris takes a victory lapFresh off her commanding performance at Thursday night's debate, the California senator appeared on several morning talk shows, and responded to criticism Joe Biden's campaign that her attack on his record on race was a "low blow."

Pro-lifers, beware: Overturning Roe could threaten privacy rights in unpredictable ways

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 04:23 AM PDT

Pro-lifers, beware: Overturning Roe could threaten privacy rights in unpredictable waysIf the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, it could dramatically endanger the right to privacy in surprising areas totally unrelated to abortion.

Swine fever toll in China may be twice as high as reported, industry insiders say

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 07:11 PM PDT

Swine fever toll in China may be twice as high as reported, industry insiders say

These 5 Guns Might Be Better than a Glock 19

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:00 PM PDT

These 5 Guns Might Be Better than a Glock 19Among Glock's large and varied lineup, one pistol is held up more than any other as the "ideal" Glock and to some, the idea pistol period: the Glock 19. Compact, reliable and with a large magazine capacity, it is the standard by which other high capacity autoloaders are judged. In response to the Glock 19's reliability, the market has produced several competitors. How do these stack up to the king of the polymer guns?The second Glock to enter production, the Glock 19 is a compact version of the original, full-sized Glock 17 developed for the Austrian Army. The Glock 19 is almost an inch shorter than the Glock 17 and half an inch shorter in height. It is the exact same pistol in terms of operation, and weighs two ounces less due to a slightly smaller magazine (fifteen rounds versus seventeen rounds.) The Glock's competitors, on the other hand, vary slightly in operating systems, materials, and other features.Springfield XDOriginally developed by the Croatian arms manufacturer HS Produkt and brought to the United States as the HS-2000, Springfield Armory took over distribution and rebranded the pistol the Springfield XD. The XD, "Extreme Duty," is very similar to the Glock 19 in some ways: a polymer frame, metal slide, striker fired pistol. The barrel length and overall length are identical.The XD differs in several ways. It features a more vertical grip than the Glock, more in line with 1911 pistols. It features a loaded chamber indicator, a larger and more pronounced takedown lever, and a grip safety. The latter prevents the pistol from being discharged unless gripped in the palm of the hand. The XD also squeezes in an extra round, bringing its internal magazine count to sixteen rounds.Sig P229

Death on the trail: More Americans visit national parks, but fewer rangers on patrol

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 07:44 AM PDT

Death on the trail: More Americans visit national parks, but fewer rangers on patrolThe National Park Service ranger is a symbol of America's public lands. But budget cuts mean there are fewer today to keep animals and people safe.

Video Of First Corvettes Being Built Is An Entertaining Blast From The Past

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:00 AM PDT

Video Of First Corvettes Being Built Is An Entertaining Blast From The PastThis was quite literally the birth of a legend. The Chevrolet Corvette has become a thing of legend. Called America's Sports Car by many, it has been a constant standard bearer for American automotive performance. You could even argue the sports car stands for freedom and you wouldn't be wrong. But sometimes we forget the humble roots of the vehicle that's become larger than life, which is why this video of 1953 Corvettes being built is a great reminder of how far the 'Vette has come.Watching the workers perform their various tasks is most satisfying, almost mesmerizing. They work with expert skill only someone who has performed these tasks countless times can command. Slowly, the cars begin to take shape using methods that by today's standards look quaint, even backwards. It's a far cry from the advanced production lines we have now, complete with robots doing welding, paint, and more.The uniforms worn by different workers range from mundane to almost hilarious. At one point, a GM employee is wearing the kind of getup you'd expect to see someone at an old time soda fountain donning.Also notable is the lack of safety equipment being used by GM workers. They work with resin, fiberglass, and paint sprayers without wearing gloves, respirators, or eye protection. It was a different time where standards were more relaxed and workers probably thought coughing uncontrollably was just them getting old.When GM displayed the first full-scale Corvette concept in January of 1953 at the company's Motorama in Waldorf Astoria Hotel, it was called a "dream car." People went wild over it, and soon the 'Vette was green-lit for production. Wasting no time, the first Chevy Corvette rolled off the assembly line in Flint, Michigan on June 30. All 1953 models were white with an all-red interior.Today, 1953 Chevrolet Corvette prices have soared to almost unbelievable levels. That's been fueled by the fact only 300 cars were produced for the 1953 model year, with a documented 255 survivors. More Classic Cars 1977 Porsche 911 Strosek Puts A Spin On A Beloved Original This 1996 Chevrolet Impala SS is One Sinister Sedan Show And Go Become One In A 1934 Ford Tudor Street Rod Time Capsule 1974 Oldsmobile Toronado Is An Amazing Survivor

Dutch police find missing 12-year-old girl, arrest American

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:13 PM PDT

Dutch police find missing 12-year-old girl, arrest AmericanDutch police who issued an amber alert for a missing 12-year-old girl found her Friday in a hotel with a 49-year-old American, who was arrested. Police spokesman Roland Ekkers said that "on a first glance we didn't see any wounds" on the girl, but added that she would undergo further checks by a physician. Police issued the alert Thursday evening after the girl failed to return home from school in the port city of Rotterdam.

Mother charged with murder in deaths of twin girls discovered in car

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:56 PM PDT

Mother charged with murder in deaths of twin girls discovered in carA desperate search for a mother who had threatened to kill her 2-year-old twin daughters ended with the discovery of the girls' bodies in the woman's car, police on New York's Long Island said Friday.

Trump Makes History With Kim, Reviving Stalled Nuclear Talks

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 02:57 AM PDT

Trump Makes History With Kim, Reviving Stalled Nuclear Talks(Bloomberg) -- Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un agreed to restart nuclear talks after an hour-long meeting Sunday which saw Trump become the first American leader to set foot in North Korea while in office.Trump hailed ties with Kim, whom he has now met three times, and invited him to visit the White House. The meeting was hastily planned after the president issued an offer on Saturday via Twitter for Kim to join him at the Demilitarized Zone that separates the two Koreas.Kim said he was "surprised" by Trump's request to meet, and called the U.S. president's short walk over the demarcation line into North Korea "a very courageous and determined act."Teams from each side will resume talks over the next few weeks "and we'll see what happens," Trump told reporters at the DMZ. He said sanctions would remain for now but suggested some could be lifted in the course of the negotiations. South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who took part in at least some of the meeting, praised Trump's "bold, drastic, creative approach."We want to get it right," Trump said of nuclear talks that had been stalled for months since a failed summit with Kim in Vietnam. "We're not looking for speed. We want to get it right.""The relationship that we've developed has meant so much to so many people," he told reporters, standing next to the North Korean leader. He thanked Kim for showing up, saying his willingness to meet on short notice "made us both look good."While Trump has met Kim twice before at summits in Singapore and Hanoi, no U.S. president has ever sat down with a North Korean leader at the DMZ. Trump made his audacious invitation to Kim while in Japan for the Group of 20 summit, jolting the gathering of world leaders as well as officials in the U.S. and Seoul."I saw that tweet and it felt like you've sent a flower of hope for the Korean Peninsula," Moon told Trump on Sunday. "If you shake hands with Chairman Kim Jong Un at the Military Demarcation Line, it would be historic, just by the picture of it."Trump and Kim have maintained friendly relations despite failing to agree on a path forward to a deal that would ease sanctions in return for steps toward eliminating North Korea's nuclear threat. Their Hanoi meeting collapsed after Trump refused Kim's demand for sanctions relief in exchange for only dismantling his main nuclear complex at Yongbyon.'Starting Point'Moon said on Sunday that if Kim were to "sincerely, completely" dismantle Yongbyon, the international community would be able to discuss easing sanctions."It'll be the starting point for an irreversible denuclearization," he said.Trump defended his meetings with Kim and claimed that his predecessor, Barack Obama had sought a meeting with the North Korean leader and been refused."A lot's been done," he said, citing Kim's restraint from testing nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles since talks first began. "President Obama wanted to meet and Chairman Kim would not meet him. They were begging for meetings constantly."Ben Rhodes, who was Obama's deputy national security adviser, said in a tweet the former president never sought to see Kim. "Trump is lying," Rhodes said. "Foreign policy isn't reality television it's reality."U.S. relations with North Korea took a significant turn for the worse in 2009 after Pyongyang evicted international inspectors from Yongbyon and resumed development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.Trump Becomes First Sitting U.S. President to Enter North Korea: In PicturesDuring meetings with Moon and his visit to the DMZ, Trump repeatedly complained he hasn't received enough credit for lowering tensions with North Korea, and exaggerated the state of relations with the country before he took office."It was a fiery mess," he said. "Bad things were going on. The last administration was nothing but trouble.""We are so far advanced from where we were" in 2016, Trump said. He has repeatedly claimed the U.S. and North Korea would be at war if former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had defeated him for the presidency."What's happened is there was nuclear testing, there was ballistic missile testing, they had hostages of ours, as you know," he said. "Very tough situation. And now we're getting back our remains. We got back the hostages. There's been no ballistic missile tests. And there's been no nuclear tests. And South Korea's a whole different place. And Japan."Meaningful HandshakeThroughout their meetings Sunday morning, Trump and Moon both appeared unsure whether Kim would appear. The U.S. president cautioned the logistics were complicated, and he said any meeting would be little more than a photo op."Chairman Kim wants to do it," he said. "A handshake means a lot," he added.Moon accompanied Trump to the DMZ but it wasn't clear how much of it he was invited to attend. Kim's regime has scoffed at Seoul's attempts to act as an intermediary in negotiations with Trump."The South Korean authorities would better mind their own internal business," North Korea's news agency KCNA said last week, citing a foreign ministry official.To contact the reporters on this story: Margaret Talev in Washington at;Jihye Lee in Seoul at;Jennifer Jacobs in Washington at jjacobs68@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: Alex Wayne at, Daniel Ten Kate, Rosalind MathiesonFor more articles like this, please visit us at©2019 Bloomberg L.P.

FBI encourages US universities to monitor Chinese students, report says

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:18 AM PDT

FBI encourages US universities to monitor Chinese students, report saysThe FBI has reportedly urged at least 10 US universities to actively monitor Chinese students and visiting scholars.The institutions, all members of the Association of American Universities, have been asked to closely monitor any students or fellows linked to several Chinese companies and research organisations, according to NPR."We are being asked what processes are in place to know what labs they are working at or what information they are being exposed to," said Fred Cate, vice president of research at Indiana University."It's not a question of just looking for suspicious behaviour — it's actually really targeting specific countries and the people from those countries."During visits to campuses, FBI agents discussed concerns with university officials about students from other nationalities as well, but focused on those from China.US intelligence employees separately briefed 70 university administrators in March 2019.The group were urged to increase oversight of Chinese researchers and to avoid accepting project funding from firms such as Huawei.Huawei, a Chinese technology company, is included on the US government's list of companies which undermine the country's national security.The CIA reportedly suspects the company of taking funding from Beijing's intelligence and security agencies.US companies were effectively banned from selling to the firm between May and June 2019, but Donald Trump said the ban would be lifted during the G20 summit on Saturday.The US and China also agreed to halt a yearlong trade war during the summit."For months up until [May], government officials were saying, 'We really don't think you should be doing business with Huawei,'" Mr Cate told NPR."We said, 'Why don't you put them on a list and then we won't do business?' And they're like, 'Oh, the list process is way too slow.' ""The FBI regularly engages with the communities we serve," a spokesperson for the agency said."As part of this continual outreach, we meet with a wide variety of groups, organisations, businesses, and academic institutions."The FBI has met with top officials from academia as part of our ongoing engagement on national security matters."Intelligence agencies have also urged university administrators to review research involving possible defence applications, if the projects involve Chinese nationals.The FBI requests are not mandatory and several administrators are believed to have resisted the pressure to monitor Chinese students, due to being sceptical about the threat level.Chinese nationals make up a third of all international students in the US and many pay significant sums to study in the country.

GOP senator: ‘Underestimate Joe Biden at your own peril’

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:22 AM PDT

GOP senator: 'Underestimate Joe Biden at your own peril'Lindsey Graham also says of Kamala Harris: "She's got game."

Why the Duchess of Sussex could be barred from entering the US if she wants to cut her tax bill

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:23 AM PDT

Why the Duchess of Sussex could be barred from entering the US if she wants to cut her tax billThe Duchess of Sussex could be barred from re-entering the US in the future if she chooses to renounce her citizenship. The US government has started enforcing provisions of 1986 legislation allowing the country to exclude tax "refugees". The rule targets Americans who drop their citizenship to avoid paying US tax on earnings they make overseas. According to figures released by the State Department, a small number of former Americans have already been barred from re-entering the US. Although she is likely to retain dual citizenship, the move could present a dilemma for the Duchess of Sussex and her son Archie if they choose to become solely British citizens. Boris Johnson, who was born in New York, is among the most notable British citizens to have renounced their US citizenship. New York born Boris Johnson paid substantial US tax bill when he sold his London home Credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA A spokesman for the State Department confirmed that renouncing US citizenship for tax purposes were grounds for denying re-entry. The United States is one of two countries which taxes its citizens irrespective of where they live. The other, according to the Tax Foundation, is Eritrea. Anybody born in the United States is classified as a US citizen until they renounce their nationality. This has created a cohort of "accidental Americans" who have been burdened with tax liabilities even if they left the country shortly after they were born. With the US government allowing Americans to offset tax paid locally, only a minority faced demands for additional income tax. The biggest financial blow, however, is when an American sells a home. The profit is taxable and treated separately from other income. One victim was Mr Johnson, who paid a substantial tax bill on the profit he made on the sale of his home in London – something which is not taxed in the UK. Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook,  renounced US nationality Mr Johnson was among 5,411 individuals to renounce their nationality in 2016, a new record for renunciants. Mr Johnson, who left the US at the age of five, described the tax demand as outrageous in 2014. "I pay the lion's share of my tax, I pay my taxes to the full in the United Kingdom where I live and work."   There have been some high-profile cases of Americans renouncing their nationality. John Dorrance III, the heir to the Campbell's soup empire, gave up his US citizenship prior to selling his stake in the business. Eduardo Saverin, the co-founder of Facebook, renounced his citizenship before the company's stock market launch. Despite the tax-saving temptations, the Duchess of Sussex is likely to retain dual citizenship to honour her American roots, which would also be in keeping with the Duke and Duchess's affinity for the US. The Duke and Duchess are already building links between the Royal Family and its American admirers, with forthcoming podcast series with Oprah, the Duke's attendance at a baseball game on Saturday and a new charitable foundation expected to have a significant working relationship across the pond. The Duchess still receives an income from the US in the form of royalties from her acting career. Meanwhile, baby Archie, who has automatic dual British-US citizenship, may be passed a portion of the inheritance from Diana Princess of Wales. Paul Miller, the owner of New York-based accountancy firm Miller & Company, questioned whether the US tax man would grant the child an exemption because of his royal status. "I highly doubt they would agree to that," said Mr Miller. "The US government is greatly in debt. They want every penny they can get." The 1986 provision was used for the first time twice in 2016 and again in 2018. Experts believe that this number could increase.   "This is a change in that for decades, tax and immigration lawyers have been saying, yes, there is this ground of inadmissibility but it has never been used," said Anastasia Tonello, a New York attorney. "That is not the case anymore since it has been used at least three times."   According to the latest figures, 1019 people gave up their US nationality in the first quarter of 2019. "Renunciants" also face a $2,350 (£1,850) exit tax. Wealthier former citizens with substantial assets can be hit with a far higher bill.

Grab This Survivor 1966 Ford Mustang Convertible

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 12:40 PM PDT

Grab This Survivor 1966 Ford Mustang ConvertibleCruising with the top down in this vintage favorite is like a dream come true. Few cars elicit the same level of excitement as the Ford Mustang. From the brash styling to the in-your-face performance, the iconic pony car appeals to a broach range of people. This 1966 Ford Mustang Convertible is especially compelling, considering it hasn't been outfitted with crazy mods or cosmetic changes, sticking closely to its original appearance and feel.A vintage burgundy coat of paint doesn't have any large flaws, plus it shines up to a nice mirror-like finish. All the factory badging and trim pieces are in place, plus the chrome bumpers are in excellent condition. This car is turn-key and ready to be parked at the next show. A factory white power convertible top is in good repair, making it easy to enjoy some open-air freedom while cruising around.The black interior is on full display with the top open, and thankfully it looks every bit as good as the exterior. You might think that immaculate black vinyl was recently installed, but the seller says it's original. The bench seat is a rare option. All the factory gauges and controls are intact, including the OE AM pushbutton radio and 8-track.Pop the hood to reveal the stock 289ci V8 which pulls strong in the city and for highway passing. It works with a Cruise-O-Matic automatic transmission and comes with MasterGuide power assisted steering, making it so anyone can easily drive this car.Everyone knows and loves the Ford Mustang, which originally debuted in 1964 at the World's Fair in New York and is still in production today. Ford changed up a few things for 1966, including outfitting the car with a new grille, using the iconic tri-bar logo behind the horse on the quarter panels, and putting a five-gauge cluster in the interior. These and other stylistic tweaks make the '66 Mustang highly collectible, with prices promising to continually increase. This vehicle is being offered for sale through Ellingson Motorcars. More Classic Cars Early Fox: 1983 Ford Mustang GLX Convertible Survivor 1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza Needs A New Home Red Hot 1994 Ford F-150 SVT Lightning Hits The Auction Block Show And Go Become One In A 1934 Ford Tudor Street Rod

Atlanta airport to expand security checkpoint

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:16 AM PDT

Atlanta airport to expand security checkpointThe Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport plans to expand a security checkpoint within the next year to help alleviate a crowded waiting area, officials said. Officials expect to open five additional lanes at the South Security Checkpoint within the next year, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution . This would provide nine lanes for TSA screening near Delta Air Lines' check-in counters.

Defense rests in war crimes trial of U.S. Navy SEAL platoon leader

Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:58 PM PDT

Defense rests in war crimes trial of U.S. Navy SEAL platoon leaderDefense lawyers in the murder trial of a U.S. Navy SEAL rested their case on Friday after three days of testimony contesting accusations that the platoon leader had fatally stabbed a wounded Iraqi captive and shot innocent civilians. The last defense witness called by lawyers for Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher was Navy Lieutenant Commander Robert Breisch, who testified that no one made a report to him accusing Gallagher of war crimes while his platoon was in Iraq. Breisch, the SEAL Team 7 troop commander during the 2017 Iraq deployment in question, testified that complaints about Gallagher had only involved personal, petty issues or tactical grievances, until months after the troops returned.