Sunday, June 16, 2019

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Trump to Stephanopoulos: ‘I Like the Truth,’ I Didn't Sit for Mueller Interview Because He’d ‘Get Us for Lies’

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 08:15 AM PDT

Trump to Stephanopoulos: 'I Like the Truth,' I Didn't Sit for Mueller Interview Because He'd 'Get Us for Lies'President Trump appeared to be obsessed with the Mueller report during his wide-ranging interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, insisting that he read the special counsel's report while repeatedly claiming it says there was "no collusion" despite Robert Mueller stating specifically that no determination was reached on the concept of collusion.While speaking to Stephanopoulos in the back of the president's limousine, the president was asked what his pitch to swing voters "on the fence" would be, prompting Trump to quickly pivot to the Russia investigation, which he called a "phony witch hunt.""Mueller comes out—there's no collusion," the president declared. "And essentially a ruling that no obstruction. And they keep going with it. You know what? People are angry about it."The ABC News host pushed back, stating that he didn't think that's what Mueller found, causing Trump to repeat his "no collusion" mantra while adding that the probe "didn't find anything having to do with obstruction because they made a ruling based on his findings and they said no obstruction.""They didn't examine collusion," Stephanopoulos countered. "He laid out evidence of obstruction."The two then went back and forth over the issue of collusion, leading to Stephanopulous bluntly asking the president if he'd actually read the report."Uh, yes I did, and you should read it, too," Trump huffed as Stephanopoulos revealed he read "every word" of the report. The president reacted by cutting off Stephanopoulos and swiftly leaving the limo.The This Week anchor noted that Trump kept coming back to the Mueller report unprompted, such as when he angrily lashed out at unfavorable 2020 polling. Asked by Stephanopoulos why it bothered him so much, Trump claimed it was because of his inherent honesty."Because it's untrue—I like the truth," the president, who has told over 10,000 lies while in office, said. "You know, I'm actually a very honest guy. If I thought they were correct, I wouldn't be complaining at all. I understand that. It's like the witch hunt that goes on. No collusion with Russia, there was no collusion."Stephanopoulos, again, attempted to point out that the report did not say there was no collusion, to no avail.Elsewhere in the interview, Stephanopoulos pressed Trump on his refusal to sit down for an interview with the special counsel under oath, asking why he only provided written answers to Mueller."Because they were looking to get us for lies, for slight misstatements,' Trump replied. "I looked at what happened to people, and it was very unfair. Very, very unfair. Very unfair."Stephanopoulos, meanwhile, noted that even in his written responses, Trump didn't answer on the subject of obstruction, wondering aloud if the president was concerned about being prosecuted once he leaves office. After claiming he "answered a lotta questions," Trump took issue with the anchor for stating that he didn't address obstruction."Look, George, you're being a little wise guy, okay, which is, you know, typical for you," Trump sneered before falling back to his familiar "no collusion" retort.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Memphis Man Killed in Police Shooting That Sparked Violent Protests Was Wanted for Assault, Robbery, Authorities Say

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 12:04 PM PDT

Memphis Man Killed in Police Shooting That Sparked Violent Protests Was Wanted for Assault, Robbery, Authorities Say"This was a violent felon who did not obviously want to go jail and they ended up, from my knowledge, doing what they had to do to not only protect themselves but to protect other people around them in the neighborhood."

Beto O'Rourke backs slavery reparations in South Carolina campaign stop

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 03:40 PM PDT

Beto O'Rourke backs slavery reparations in South Carolina campaign stopDemocratic U.S. presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke kicked off a campaign swing through South Carolina on Friday by pledging support for reparations for descendants of slaves and addressing climate change at a town hall with members of the Gullah Geechee Nation. The Gullah Geechee are African-American descendants of slaves living in coastal, island and low-lying inland areas of South Carolina and Georgia who speak an English-Creole language. The Tabernacle Baptist Church where the town hall was held is in an area vulnerable to hurricanes, flooding and other weather events exacerbated by climate change.

Planned Parenthood builds Ala. clinic despite abortion law

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 06:24 AM PDT

Planned Parenthood builds Ala. clinic despite abortion lawPlanned Parenthood is building the stage for another possible fight over abortion in Alabama: a large women's clinic that's under construction despite the state's passage of a near-total ban on abortions. Located beside an interstate highway in downtown Birmingham, the 10,000-square-foot structure is now nothing but a steel frame and roof. Abortion critics vow to oppose the opening, but a spokeswoman for the women's health organization said neither the new law nor opponents were a factor in the project.

Field fires in Syria's Hasakeh kill 10: monitor

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 04:57 AM PDT

Field fires in Syria's Hasakeh kill 10: monitorFires engulfing vital wheat fields across Syria's northeast have killed at least 10 people, a war monitor said Sunday, as Kurdish authorities claim the blazes were set deliberately. Kurdish authorities and the Damascus regime are competing to buy up this year's harvest as fires -- some claimed by the Islamic State group -- continue to scorch crops in the country's breadbasket. The victims included civilians and members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces who died while trying to extinguish the blazes since Saturday, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

How the AH-64 Apache Became the Ultimate Attack Helicopter

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:00 AM PDT

How the AH-64 Apache Became the Ultimate Attack HelicopterEarly in the morning of January 17, 1991, eight sleek helicopters bristling with missiles swooped low over the sands of the An Nafud desert in as they soared towards the border separating Saudi Arabia from Iraq.At 2:30 a.m., the choppers fanned out and set to work in teams of two. Rocket motors flashed as Hellfire missiles streaked towards two Iraqi radars powerful enough to potentially pick up the faint signature of a stealth plane.Minutes after the radars had been reduced to rubble, Nighthawk stealth jets soared through the twenty-mile-wide radar gap, headed for Baghdad. But the Army's Apache attack helicopter aviators they had struck first to "kick down the door" for the Nighthawks.Nearly three decades later, the Apache's status as the world's premier attack helicopter remains largely unchallenged, and the type continues to see extensive action in the Middle East and in demand in countries as diverse as the UK, Egypt, India and Taiwan. Undeniably, the threats faced by the $35 million armored attack helicopter, which can pack as many as sixteen tank-busting missiles under its stub wings.

Father's Day 2019: Paganism, roses and how the campaign to celebrate dads was won

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 05:56 AM PDT

Father's Day 2019: Paganism, roses and how the campaign to celebrate dads was wonFather's Day, the official calendar date to honour our wonderful dads and celebrate fatherhood, is just around the corner. Recognised each June, the day sees children around the world present their dads with cards and gifts as a thank you for all they do. But when did the first observance of Father's Day take place and who helped establish the annual celebration of paternal figures? From the history behind the celebration, to the more recent commercialisation, here is everything you need to know about Father's Day. When is Father's Day 2019? Father's Day is held every year on the third Sunday of June; this year Father's Day falls on Sunday, June 16 in the UK. Typically, fathers are showered with cards and presents on Father's Day, with some families celebrating together by going on days out.  Younger children also tend to make handmade gifts for their fathers at school and extracurricular clubs, including drawings, paintings or cards. As society and family structures have changed, some people now celebrate their stepfathers on Father's Day.  In recent years there have been calls for a Stepfather's Day, however no such day has been officially discussed or introduced. Father's Day falls on June 16 this year Credit: E+ The history of Father's Day The first events in recognition of fatherhood took place in the US and followed Anna Jarvis' first celebration of Mother's Day in 1908, as well as the earlier observations of Mothering Sunday in the UK. Grace Golden Clayton, from Fairmont, West Virginia, was the woman behind the first event to celebrate fathers in 1908. Just over a year prior to this event, the Monongah Mining Disaster took place in December 1907, with the explosion killing 361 men. Of these fatalities, 250 were fathers. In honour of the one thousand children who lost their fathers, Clayton encouraged her pastor, Rev. Robert Thomas Webb, to hold a service at the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South. Clayton missed her own father terribly, after he passed away in 1896, so she chose to honour the lives lost on July 5, 1908, the closest date to his birthday. While Clayton was responsible for the first recognition of fatherhood and the paternal bond, her work didn't directly encourage the creation of Father's Day. The memorial service was never promoted outside the town of Fairmont and the service was overshadowed by the significant Independence Day celebrations held a day beforehand. Yet the idea was also picked up on in the following year, when Sonora Smart Dodd started her quest to honour fathers in the same way as mothers. Dodd, born in Arkansas in 1882, was one of six children and at the age of seven, she moved to Washington with her family. When she was 16 years old, her mother, Ellen Victoria Cheek Smart, died after giving birth to her sixth child, leaving her father, William Jackson Smart, a farmer and Civil War veteran, as a single parent.  After listening to a Mother's Day sermon at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church in 1909, Dodd felt that fathers deserved equal recognition. With the local YMCA and the Ministerial Association of Spokane, Dodd began a campaign to have the day officially recognised. The first such 'Father's Day' was held at the YMCA in Spokane on June 19, 1910, with a number of towns and cities across America later following suit.  Support for Father's Day quickly increased throughout the US and in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge pressured state governments to mark the celebration. President Lyndon Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honouring fathers in 1966, making the third Sunday in June Father's Day. Six years later President Richard Nixon signed it into law, establishing the day as a national holiday – though in the UK it does not enjoy this status. The move came after a campaign by a number of public figures, including Senator Margaret Chase Smith, who in 1957 wrote to Congress: "Either we honour both our parents, mother and father, or let us desist from honouring either one. "But to single out just one of our two parents and omit the other is the most grievous insult imaginable." Dodd's message later spread to other countries across the globe and it is thought that Britain began celebrating Father's Day after World War II. Today, the celebration of fathers has become an important commercial event for high street shops and online retailers, with promotions for the best gifts and cards appearing in the build up to the day each year. Father's Day around the world While in the UK fathers can expect, at best, breakfast in bed and handmade card and, at worst, the day to be completely ignored, elsewhere the festival is done a little differently. In Germany, Father's Day is called Vatertag with it also being referred to as Männertag, which means men's day. The celebration falls on the Thursday 40 days after Easter. In certain regions it is traditional for groups of men to go into the woods with a wagon of beer, wines and meats. Heavy drinking is common and, according to official statistics, traffic-related accidents spike on this day. In Australia, Father's Day falls on the first Sunday of September, which is their first Sunday of Spring, while in Croatia, they observe Roman Catholic tradition and celebrate fathers on March 19, Saint Joseph's Day. In China, Father's Day used to be celebrated on August 8 as the Chinese for eight is "ba", while a colloquial word for father is "ba-ba" – so the eighth day of the eighth month sounds similar to "daddy". The day has since been moved to the third Sunday of June, in line with the UK and US. In France, the day was introduced in 1949 for commercial reasons by lighter manufacturer Flaminaire. Inspired by the US' day of celebration, they created a new advert with the slogan 'Nos papas nous l'ont dit, pour la fête des pères, ils désirent tous un Flaminaire' ('Our fathers told us, for father's day, they all want a Flaminaire'). Three years later an official decree was made to recognise the day. Most countries celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday in June including the UK, USA, Mexico, Ireland, France, Greece, China and Japan.  However not all countries celebrate it then. In Brazil, Father's Day falls on the second Sunday of August and this day was chosen in honour of Saint Joachim, the patron saint of fathers. According to Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox traditions, Joachim was the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. The ultimate films on fatherhood Father's Day tales and traditions Some pagans suggest that Father's Day is closely linked to the Pagan Sun worship, because the sun is thought to be the father of the universe and the celebration of dads falls closely to the summer solstice. Roses are the official flower of Father's Day, with people previously wearing them to church on this date. While this tradition is rarely seen today, sons and daughters used to wear either a red rose in admiration of a living father or a white rose in memory of a deceased father. Sonora Smart Dodd, the founder of Father's Day, selected this flower and it is said that during the early celebrations, she handed out roses to home-bound fathers, while on a horse-drawn carriage ride around the city. Father's Day gifts and presents From cutesy cards, socks and ties to luxurious watches and fantastic car experiences, Britons present their paternal figures with an array of unique gifts on Father's Day.  But, demand for the perfect Father's Day present has led to the increasing commercialisation of the day, with retailers competing to offer the best gifts and consumers heading to their high street shops and online retailers.  According to MuchNeeded, Father's Day is a popular shopping day in both the UK and US, with 75 per cent of men expected to celebrate the occasion this year. While Britons and Americans spend a significant amount on Father's Day each year, on average it only accounts for half the spending around Mother's Day. Is it Father's Day, Fathers' Day or Fathers Day? Ah, the age old question. The answer? Many say Father's Day is the correct version. Mother's Day (which has the apostrophe before the 's') set the precedent while Father's Day was still gaining popularity. Anna Jarvis trademarked the term 'Mother's Day' – with the apostrophe before the 's' – in 1912, saying the word should 'be a singular possessive, for each family to honour its own mother, not a plural possessive commemorating all mothers in the world'. President Woodrow Wilson used this spelling when he formalised Mother's Day in 1914; this means the correct version of the word is spelled with the apostrophe before the 's'. Father's Day has followed suit, with cards on both sides of the pond including the apostrophe in the same place.

A nationwide Target register outage is now over and closed stores have reopened

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:06 PM PDT

A nationwide Target register outage is now over and closed stores have reopenedTarget registers are now working after a nationwide outage Saturday caused long checkout lines and closed some stores.

China's FedEx probe should not be seen as retaliation - Xinhua

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 02:58 AM PDT

China's FedEx probe should not be seen as retaliation - XinhuaChina's investigation into FedEx Corp over misdirected mail should not be regarded as retaliation against the U.S. company, state news agency Xinhua said on Sunday, amid worsening relations between China and the United States. The inquiry was aimed at sending a message that any economic entity in China should abide by the country's laws and regulations, it said in a commentary. "China is willing to share the opportunities in its courier market with foreign investors.

Sarah Sanders's 5 biggest whoppers

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 02:05 PM PDT

Sarah Sanders's 5 biggest whoppersThe White House press secretary has left her mark on the position.

Saudi crown prince warns against 'exploiting' Khashoggi murder

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:12 PM PDT

Saudi crown prince warns against 'exploiting' Khashoggi murderSaudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has warned against "exploiting" the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi for political gains, in what appeared to be a veiled attack on Turkey. Turkey's ties with Saudi Arabia have come under strain since the brutal murder last October of Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, which tarnished the international reputation of the crown prince. Turkish officials were the first to report the murder and have continued to press Saudi Arabia for information on the whereabouts of his dismembered body, which has yet to be found.

Trump blasts Pelosi, Democrats after backlash over foreign intel remark

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 02:23 PM PDT

Trump blasts Pelosi, Democrats after backlash over foreign intel remarkPresident Trump defends comments on being open to accepting foreign info on political opponents; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'

The Hyundai Sonata's Complete History Visualized, from 1986 to Today

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 07:01 PM PDT

The Hyundai Sonata's Complete History Visualized, from 1986 to Today

Report: Marine and Navy F-35 Pilots Need to Ration Afterburners at High Altitudes

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:47 AM PDT

Report: Marine and Navy F-35 Pilots Need to Ration Afterburners at High AltitudesAfter eighteen years of troubled and controversial development, the Lockheed F-35 Lightning stealth fighter may soon enter mass production, many of its bugs having been expensively squashed after delivery of an initial four-hundred "low-rate-of-initial-production" aircraft.However, a June 2019 scoop by Defense News journalists Valerie Insinna, David Larter and Aaron Mehta has revealed thirteen serious Category-1 flaws remain.As reported by Insinna and Larter, on two occasions late in 2011 an F-35B and F-35C flying near their maximum service ceiling of 50,000 feet damaged themselves using their afterburners to attain speeds of Mach 1.3 and 1.4.Remarkably, these eight-year-old incidents had not been previously reported to the public, despite numerous critical reports by the Government Accountability Office and Department of Testing & Evaluation.

7 Kitchen Remodel Ideas on a Budget

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 01:45 PM PDT

7 Kitchen Remodel Ideas on a Budget-- Change the paint color. One of the simplest projects to transform any room is to change the paint color on the walls. "If your appliances are white -- or they used to be white but now they're taupe -- you might want to think about spending your money there," says Leneiva Head, owner of Welcome Home Realty, a real estate management company in Nashville, Tennessee.

Tires blow on United jet during Newark airport landing, no injuries

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 11:27 AM PDT

Tires blow on United jet during Newark airport landing, no injuriesTires on a United Airlines jet blew out as it landed at New Jersey's Newark airport on Saturday, causing flight delays but injuring none of the 166 passengers on board, officials said. United flight 627 became disabled on the runway after it "experienced multiple flat tires" upon landing at 1 p.m. from Denver, the airline said in a statement. Officials at Newark Liberty International Airport said the delays would continue and that travelers should check with their carrier.

U.S. Navy official sees more orders for Boeing P-8A in coming months

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 02:56 AM PDT

U.S. Navy official sees more orders for Boeing P-8A in coming monthsThe U.S. Navy expects additional U.S. and international orders for the Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft in coming months, which should extend production by two years to late 2025, a senior U.S. Navy official told Reuters. The P-8, based on Boeing's 737-800 airframe, conducts anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare and shipping interdiction, and also carries electronic support measures, torpedoes, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and other weapons. It is already operated by the U.S. Navy, Australia and India, and has been ordered by Britain, Norway, New Zealand and South Korea.

'Iran did do it': Trump addresses tanker attacks, points to US military video of removing mine

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 10:23 AM PDT

'Iran did do it': Trump addresses tanker attacks, points to US military video of removing mineThe U.S. released a video it said shows Iran removing an unexploded limpet mine from one of the oil tankers targeted near the Strait of Hormuz.

Pope Francis’ Arch Nemesis Comes Out of Hiding to Slam Him on Predator Priests

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 07:37 PM PDT

Pope Francis' Arch Nemesis Comes Out of Hiding to Slam Him on Predator PriestsFranco Origlia/GettyROME—There are few scandals in the sordid history of the American Catholic church more painful than the saga of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a high-ranking prince of the church who fell from grace amid a slew of lies and cover-ups. McCarrick was forced to resign and later defrocked after credible allegations that he sexually abused a boy from the age of 11 until the young man was 29, starting long before the Boston Spotlight probe and Pennsylvania Grand Jury report came to define priests behaving badly.It was well known in certain Catholic circles that the cardinal liked to entertain six or more seminarians in his five-bedroom New Jersey beach house with the assumption that the odd man out would share his bed. Unlike in Boston and Pennsylvania, where the local dioceses were easy to blame for bad management, McCarrick was a man of the popes, which makes him an easy target for those who oppose the direction of the church. Both John Paul II and Francis relied on him as a chief fundraiser and were, it seems, willing to look beyond the rumors. McCarrick's fall from grace shook the very foundations of the Roman Curia. While McCarrick's sins and crimes are by now established, there is still mystery surrounding what his bosses—both Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis– knew and, perhaps more importantly, when they knew it. But there is even more mystery why those who are so ardently against Francis see him as their poster priest of bad behavior.Enter Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a traditional conservative Italian cleric supported by American Cardinal Raymond Burke and Francis-foe Steve Bannon—both of whom have been vocal critics of Francis' policies on everything from immigration to gay Catholics and who have embraced the McCarrick fiasco as a way to pin all the church's problems on this pope.Bannon, whose own dreams to open an alt-right Catholic institution run by the Burke-sponsored Dignitatis Humanae Institute in Italy recently were thwarted, told The Daily Beast that Viganò was heroic and that Francis was the enemy. "Francis is a big problem for the church and his liberals will ultimately destroy it," Bannon said. "His open border policy on immigration won't help, either."It is little wonder that Matteo Salvini, the hard-line far-right Bannon protégé is also a Pope Francis hater, even bragging last week that he has never asked for an audience with the pontiff. Viganò was the apostolic nuncio, or ambassador, to the United States from 2011 to 2016. He was a harsh foe of Francis long before he was elected as pope in 2013 and one of the first to speak out when he was coronated. He was the one who set up the ill-conceived handshake with same-sex marriage opponent Kim Davis on Francis's first visit to America. He was also the one who penned a lengthy testimonial last July in which he claimed that Francis knew all about McCarrick's illegal behavior but covered it up. And for that, suggested Viganò, the pope ought to do the church a favor and resign. A month later, Viganò had gone into self-imposed exile.The Plot to Bring Down Pope FrancisThis week, he surfaced again, this time on the pages of The Washington Post whose reporters interviewed him from his still-undisclosed location through a series of emails. The fruit of that labor is an 8,000-word tome that doubles down on the allegations against the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. "The signs I see are truly ominous," Viganò wrote. "Not only is Pope Francis doing close to nothing to punish those who have committed abuse, he is doing absolutely nothing to expose and bring to justice those who have, for decades, facilitated and covered up the abusers."Viganò calls the pope's February summit on abuse a farce, blaming the Vatican's gay mafia for the real crimes of clerical sex abuse. "An especially serious problem is that the summit focused exclusively on the abuse of minors," he wrote, acknowledging that yes, those crimes are truly horrific. "Indeed, if the problem of homosexuality in the priesthood were honestly acknowledged and properly addressed, the problem of sexual abuse would be far less severe."McCarrick, he has long asserted, should have been made an example of years ago as an abuser who indiscriminately abused both young boys and adults. Viganò believes that Francis knew that and chose to elevate the American cardinal, who was a skilled diplomat who helped him broker a deal with China over its underground church. "McCarrick's degradation from office was, as far as it goes, a just punishment, but there is no legitimate reason why it was not exacted more than five years earlier, and after a proper trial with a judicial procedure," Viganò wrote in the Post. "Those with authority to act [i.e. Pope Francis] knew everything they needed to know by June of 2013." Viganò's return comes at a time when battle lines have never been so clear between the more liberal faction of the church that supports Francis and the traditional conservatives who support the likes of Burke and Viganò. Even the timing of the release of a harsh Vatican document against what it calls gender theory—"nothing more than a confused concept of freedom in the realm of feelings and wants"—is curious. A Vatican insider confided to The Daily Beast that the timing, during the height of Pride month, was meant to push the pope into a corner, either in defending the document or defending transgender people. In the end, he did neither. That Viganò finally gave permission to The Washington Post to publish its scoop after weeks of negotiations (Vigano's letters are dated May 2), is another example of the systematic criticism meant to embarrass the pontiff. "We are in a truly dark moment for the universal Church: The Supreme Pontiff is now blatantly lying to the whole world to cover up his wicked deeds!" Viganò claims. "But the truth will eventually come out, about McCarrick and all the other coverups, as it already has in the case of Cardinal [Donald] Wuerl, who also "knew nothing" and had "a lapse of memory."Wuerl, another American cardinal from Francis' inner circle who, like McCarrick, brought millions in donations from wealthy American Catholics to Rome, is the disgraced head of the powerful Washington, D.C., diocese. Francis was forced under pressure to accept his resignation last October after Viganò claimed he knew and covered up for McCarrick with the help of both Francis and John Paul II of McCarrick's crimes proved too credible to ignore. To those against the pope, Wuerl and McCarrick  are emblematic in what is fast becoming a troubling legacy for the popular pope many thought could do no wrong after he was elected. For those who support this pope, they are just ammunition used against the most liberal pope in modern history. Either Vigano is the pawn or the errant clerics are in what is fast becoming a schism that may soon be hard to close."Pope Francis needs to reconcile himself with God, and the entire Church, since he covered up for McCarrick, refuses to admit it, and is now covering up for several other people," charges Viganò. "I pray for his conversion every day. Nothing would make me happier than for Pope Francis to acknowledge and end the cover-ups, and to confirm his brothers in the faith."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Syria flare-up kills 35 fighters, 10 civillians: monitor

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:15 PM PDT

Syria flare-up kills 35 fighters, 10 civillians: monitorAt least 10 civilians and 35 combatants, mostly pro-regime forces, were killed Saturday in clashes and air strikes that erupted at dawn in northwestern Syria, a war monitor said. The flare-up came as Russian-backed regime forces tried to retake two villages seized by jihadists and allied rebels earlier this month, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. "Since this morning, the Syrian regime and allied fighters have launched five failed attempts to regain control of Jibine and Tal Maleh in northwestern Hama province," said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman.

10 deals you don’t want to miss on Saturday: $15 Wi-Fi extender, $13 LED smart bulbs, $79 soundbar, more

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:36 AM PDT

10 deals you don't want to miss on Saturday: $15 Wi-Fi extender, $13 LED smart bulbs, $79 soundbar, moreIt might be the weekend, but killer daily deals never take a break. Highlights from Saturday's roundup include TP-Link's best-selling Wi-Fi range extender for just $14.99, an Anker 10W fast wireless charging pad for $9.99, multicolor LED smart bulbs for $13 that are just as good as $50 Philips Hue bulbs, a water-resistant Bluetooth speaker with 24,000 5-star ratings for just $22, an excellent compact Vizio sound bar for $78.99, PlayStation Plus 12-month digital codes for $39.99 instead of $60, a 4K TV with built-in Fire TV software for $199.99, $50 off the Ring Video Doorbell Pro, $50 off the best wireless noise-cancelling headphones on the planet, a killer deal on Dewalt power tools, and more. Check out all of today's best bargains below.

Israeli PM's wife sentenced for misusing state funds

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 05:32 AM PDT

Israeli PM's wife sentenced for misusing state fundsA Jerusalem magistrate court on Sunday sentenced Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to pay a fine of more than $15,000 for misusing state funds. The sentencing comes after she agreed to a plea bargain that ended the years-long saga of just one of the high-profile corruption cases involving the prime minister's family. The court ruling settled allegations that Sara Netanyahu had misused some $100,000 in state money on lavish meals.

HK VP9: The 9mm Pistol That Is Better Than a Glock 19?

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 02:30 AM PDT

HK VP9: The 9mm Pistol That Is Better Than a Glock 19?If there's anything you need to know about the company Heckler & Koch, it's that they are pretty much synonymous with quality firearms that are in service with military, law enforcement units, and civilians all over the world.And if you know anything about Heckler & Koch, then you should have heard about the HK VP9 9mm pistol, which was first released to the general market in 2014.Today, the HK VP9 competes with other handguns such as the CZ P10C, Glock 19, and the Walther PPQ. So yes, it is 'just another striker fired 9mm pistol' on the market.But nonetheless, in many ways the HK VP9 is a very unique offering, and we'll cover the reasons why in this review.History of the HK VP9

UPDATE 1-Boeing says will take time to win back confidence

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 08:50 AM PDT

UPDATE 1-Boeing says will take time to win back confidenceThe head of Boeing Co said on Sunday the U.S. planemaker had made a mistake in implementing a cockpit warning system on the 737 MAX and predicted it would take time to rebuild the confidence of customers in the wake of two fatal crashes. Chairman and Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg said Boeing failed to communicate "crisply" with regulators and customers, but defended the broad engineering and design approach to nose-down control software at the centre of probes into the accidents that led to the plane's worldwide grounding. Muilenburg acknowledged the company made a mistake in failing to disclose a defective cockpit warning light on its 737 MAX to regulators and customers, and said that failure has been part of reviews by global regulators.

Biden Leads Pack of Democratic Hopefuls on Beat-Trump Factor

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 06:02 AM PDT

Biden Leads Pack of Democratic Hopefuls on Beat-Trump FactorElizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg are among the candidates that likely Democratic voters are at least considering in 18 states that will shape the initial 2020 fight, the poll shows. The CBS News/YouGov poll shows Biden had support of 31% of Democratic primary voters with three U.S. senators next: Warren of Massachusetts at 17%, Sanders of Vermont at 16%, and Harris of California at 10%.

The games were the star of E3, but gaming PCs were center stage

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:46 AM PDT

The games were the star of E3, but gaming PCs were center stageYes, smartphone gaming is growing rapidly, but for people who want the best possible visuals and the most compelling action, PCs are still the go-to.

British envoy denies Iran summons over tanker attacks claim

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 12:28 AM PDT

British envoy denies Iran summons over tanker attacks claimBritain's ambassador to Iran on Sunday denied he was summoned by the Iranian foreign ministry after London accused Tehran of "almost certainly" being responsible for tanker attacks in the Gulf. "I asked for an urgent meeting with the Foreign Ministry yesterday and it was granted. Of course if formally summoned I would always respond, as would all Ambassadors," Macaire wrote.

California and New Mexico team up to try and make sure the border wall is never built

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 06:45 AM PDT

California and New Mexico team up to try and make sure the border wall is never builtSen. Kamala Harris calls it 'inhumane' to tell migrants to go back to their native countries.

View 2019 GMC Sierra 1500 Photos

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 10:00 AM PDT

View 2019 GMC Sierra 1500 Photos

Push for public vote on Missouri abortion law hits roadblock

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 03:15 PM PDT

Push for public vote on Missouri abortion law hits roadblockEfforts to put a new Missouri law banning abortions at eight weeks of pregnancy to a public vote hit another roadblock. Cole County Circuit Judge Daniel Green on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by prominent Republican donor David Humphreys, who is seeking to force GOP Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft to approve his referendum petition on the new law . Green on Thursday dismissed a similar lawsuit filed by the ACLU of Missouri.

YouTube TV is giving away free Showtime subscriptions to longtime users

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:08 PM PDT

YouTube TV is giving away free Showtime subscriptions to longtime usersThey say that nothing in life is free, but Google would beg to differ, as select YouTube TV subscribers are now being offered a free subscription to Showtime from now through September 5th. The subscription typically costs $10.99 per month, but if you are granted this limited-time offer, you can try the service out for free.It's not entirely clear who getting access to this free summer of Showtime, as YouTube TV simply refers to "longtime friends" in the offer. That said, as someone who has been paying for YouTube TV since last year, I didn't see the offer on my account. It should pop up as soon as you load up or the YouTube TV app if you're eligible, but if you want to make sure you don't miss it, you can also check the Settings menu.It may or may not be a coincidence that this classy gesture comes just two months after Google raised the monthly price of YouTube TV by $10 while adding nine new channels to the service. As a YouTube TV user, I still believe that $50 is a reasonable price to pay for what has been the best internet TV service I've ever experienced, but I can see how those who signed up at $34.99 when YouTube TV launched would be less than enthused.The best part of the offer (other than the free Showtime) is that YouTube TV won't automatically charge you at the end of your free summer. If you decide to pay for Showtime going forward, you'll have that option, but you won't have to cancel it ahead of time or tick any boxes to avoid a surprise charge in September.

Intel launches project to help Israeli tech start-ups

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 08:29 AM PDT

Intel launches project to help Israeli tech start-upsIntel Corp launched a project on Sunday to help start-ups in Israel develop technologies in artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems, and said it planned to bring the scheme to other countries as well. The 20-week program, called Ignite, will offer business and technical support to up to 15 start-ups, the California-based company said, adding it would not take equity stakes in the start-ups now, but might do so eventually. Intel is one of the biggest employers and exporters in Israel, where many of its new technologies are developed, and this year said it was investing 40 billion shekels ($11 billion) to expand its manufacturing operations there.

The 103 Most Delish Ways To Eat Tomatoes

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 01:41 PM PDT

The 103 Most Delish Ways To Eat Tomatoes

2020 Vision: The Democratic debate stage is set — both of them

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 11:05 AM PDT

2020 Vision: The Democratic debate stage is set — both of themNight one features Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Beto O'Rourke; night two includes Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg.

Libyan Premier Proposes Peace Plan, War Crimes Investigation

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 04:52 AM PDT

Libyan Premier Proposes Peace Plan, War Crimes InvestigationFayez Al-Sarraj, in a press briefing in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, proposed the conference be held with the help of the United Nations and that it decide a road map for elections to take place in 2019. The effort marks the latest bid by the embattled premier, who heads a government backed by the international community, to end the ongoing crisis in the OPEC member country. Haftar's Libyan National Army launched its offensive in early April after having secured much of the rest of the country.

Saudi Arabia urges 'decisive' response to threats against energy supplies

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 06:58 AM PDT

Saudi Arabia urges 'decisive' response to threats against energy suppliesSaudi Arabia's energy minister on Saturday called for a "swift and decisive" response to threats against energy supplies following twin attacks on tankers in a vital Gulf shipping channel. "There must be a swift and decisive response to the threat against energy supplies... created by the recent terrorist acts in the Arabian Gulf," Khalid al-Falih was quoted as saying on the ministry's Twitter page. US President Donald Trump said the twin attack, which also targeted a tanker owned by Oslo-listed company Frontline, had Iran "written all over it".

The Hot List: 5 Best 9mm Guns You Can Get Your Hands On

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 04:00 PM PDT

The Hot List: 5 Best 9mm Guns You Can Get Your Hands OnIn this review of our top picks for best compact 9mm pistols, we looked at some of the most popular handguns on the market. While it was a tough decision for us to settle on only one of them as our top pick for best compact 9mm, we had to go with the Glock 19. This is a solid sidearm that is great for the novice shooter, packs a major punch and is what you may call "just right".Concealed carry guns have been growing in popularity in the last few years, and more people now than ever before have their concealed carry licenses. That means that gunmakers are having to keep up with the demand and in the area of compact .9mm pistols.Anytime there is such a large demand or surge in popularity, it usually also tends to lead to some really cool innovations. When talking about firearms, those innovations can come in the form of upgrades and size reduction to some of the classic full-size models you have come to love over time. If you are an avid gun enthusiast or just have a favorite make and model of pistol, you should have no problem finding a compact version that you enjoy just as much. Maybe even more.If you still need a little help though, we have rounded up a few of our favorites for you to browse through to help you narrow down your choices.1\. WALTHER PPQ M2 (BEST VALUE)

Boxing-Fury downs Schwarz in second round TKO

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:55 PM PDT

Boxing-Fury downs Schwarz in second round TKOBritish heavyweight Tyson Fury made quick work of German opponent Tom Schwarz with a dominant second round TKO on Saturday in Las Vegas. Schwarz returned to his feet but could not fend off the flurry of punches as his corner threw the towel at about the same time the referee stepped in to stop things. It was an impressive statement from Fury (28-0-1) in his first bout since his controversial draw against Deontay Wilder in December.

Stocks post small losses; investors look ahead to Fed

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 02:01 PM PDT

Stocks post small losses; investors look ahead to FedStocks ended a choppy week of trading with modest losses Friday as investors look forward to getting more clues about the direction of interest rates. Technology shares drove the declines, and energy stocks also fell a day after leading the market. Some late-day gains in banks and insurers helped temper the market's losses.

Smokin’ 1970 Plymouth ‘Cuda AAR Could Become Yours

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 05:15 PM PDT

Smokin' 1970 Plymouth 'Cuda AAR Could Become YoursThis is one of the most legendary muscle cars to ever roam the streets. Of all the cars to come out the golden age of American muscle, this 1970 Plymouth 'Cuda AAR is one of the greatest. Feeding the engine is a correct Edelbrock intake and three Holley carburetors.

With Sarah Sanders leaving the White House, Trump now lies alone

Posted: 14 Jun 2019 12:13 PM PDT

With Sarah Sanders leaving the White House, Trump now lies aloneDuring her time as press secretary, Sarah Sanders has lied repeatedly on behalf of the president. Now, she's leaving him to lie for himself.

Hong Kong leader delays unpopular extradition bill; activists want more

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:20 AM PDT

Hong Kong leader delays unpopular extradition bill; activists want moreMoving to restore calm, apparently with Beijing's backing, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said Saturday she was putting on hold an extradition bill that sparked the city's biggest public protests in years.

Turkey's Erdogan says S-400s delivery for early July

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 02:43 AM PDT

Turkey's Erdogan says S-400s delivery for early JulyTurkey expects the delivery of the controversial Russian S-400 missile defence system to begin in July, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying in Turkish media on Sunday. Colleagues in charge of the schedule are following the issue," Erdogan said according to CNN Turk broadcaster. Ankara's deal with Moscow has been a major source of tension between Turkey and the United States, with Washington threatening consequences including sanctions against its fellow NATO member.

Meet the Army's 'New' M1 Abrams Tank: The Best on the Planet?

Posted: 16 Jun 2019 02:10 AM PDT

Meet the Army's 'New' M1 Abrams Tank: The Best on the Planet?The U.S. Army is on an intensive quest for an array of new technologies with which to design and build new armored fighting vehicles, particularly a replacement for the long-serving Bradley. However much it might yearn for a new tank, the Army lacks the critical technologies that would justify the time and expense pursuing such an objective. Moreover, it doesn't need to make the effort. The Army's current main battle tank, the Abrams, is the tank of the future.The Army is just beginning to receive the first of the latest Abrams upgrade, the System Enhancement Package Version 3 (SEPv3), with additional upgrades in development. Instead of searching for the elusive Holy Grail of ultralight armor or laser weapons, technologies that would justify building a brand new tank, the Army would be best served by aggressively pursuing a major redesign and improvement program for the Abrams, an M1A3.The leadership of the U.S. Army is taken with the idea of transforming how and with what the Army fights. They particularly want new armored fighting vehicles. And not just another family of metal boxes with a turret and cannon. Technology enthusiasts, including many in the Army's new Futures Command, wax eloquently about the potential for hover tanks that shoot laser beams and are autonomously guided by artificial intelligence housed in quantum computers.

Cycling-Froome ‘fully focused’ on return after horror crash

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:36 AM PDT

Cycling-Froome 'fully focused' on return after horror crashChris Froome says he is "fully focused" on getting back to his best after speaking for the first time since a crash at the Criterium du Dauphine that ruled him out of the Tour de France. The four-times Tour champion sustained multiple fractures including broken femur, elbow and rib bones when he crashed at high speed while checking the course ahead of the individual time trial on Wednesday. "I know how lucky I am to be here today and how much I owe to all the paramedics and medical staff on the race," Froome said in a statement

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