Friday, April 28, 2017

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Sean Spicer says Obama administration was responsible for Michael Flynn’s vetting

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 01:29 PM PDT

Sean Spicer says Obama administration was responsible for Michael Flynn's vettingWhite House press secretary Sean Spicer attempted Thursday to shift blame to the Obama administration for its role in vetting retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the national security adviser dismissed by President Trump. Spicer argued that the Trump transition team didn't vet Flynn's appointment because he already held a security clearance at the time. "My only point is that when Gen. Flynn came into the White House, he had an active security clearance that was issued during the Obama administration with all the information that's being discussed that occurred in 2015," Spicer said at the daily press briefing.

Slain trooper's young sons in court as killer gets death

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 02:05 PM PDT

Slain trooper's young sons in court as killer gets deathMILFORD, Pa. (AP) — With his victim's two young sons in court for the first time, a gunman who shot and killed a Pennsylvania trooper was formally sentenced to death Thursday, one day after a jury determined he should receive a lethal injection for the ambush at a state police barracks.

United CEO blames ‘system failure’ for Dao dragging, expresses condolences for giant rabbit death

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 07:29 AM PDT

United CEO blames 'system failure' for Dao dragging, expresses condolences for giant rabbit deathUnited CEO Oscar Munoz said David Dao incident was a "system failure," and also apologized for the death of a giant rabbit that died following a recent flight.

Cops Hunting for Getaway Driver Who Helped 'Bachelor' Flee Scene of Fatal Crash

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 01:27 PM PDT

Cops Hunting for Getaway Driver Who Helped 'Bachelor' Flee Scene of Fatal CrashWitnesses said Chris Soules was picked up in a red truck after walking away from the scene.

2 US soldiers killed fighting Isis in Afghanistan region hit by 'mother of all bombs'

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 07:32 AM PDT

2 US soldiers killed fighting Isis in Afghanistan region hit by 'mother of all bombs'Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said that the US personnel were killed overnight in the Nangarhar province, on the border with Pakistan. Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump confirmed to The Independent that the soldiers were killed while fighting Isis-Khorosan, the local affiliate of the terror group. This is the "same general area" - southern Nangarhar province - where the massive ordnance air blast, dubbed the "mother of all bombs" (MOAB) was dropped earlier this month, Mr Stump said.

The BMW M550d xDrive Touring Is the Quad-Turbo Diesel Wagon of Your Dreams

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 11:15 AM PDT

The BMW M550d xDrive Touring Is the Quad-Turbo Diesel Wagon of Your DreamsAnd no, it's probably not coming to America.

White House Hypes 'OK' North Korea Briefing

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:21 AM PDT

White House Hypes 'OK' North Korea BriefingRachel Maddow looks at escalating tensions between the United States and North Korea and the peculiar, special all-senators briefing by the White House that left attendees underwhelmed.

ACLU defends Coulter after Berkeley speech cancellation

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 06:46 AM PDT

ACLU defends Coulter after Berkeley speech cancellation"For the future of our democracy, we must protect bigoted speech from government censorship," stated David Cole, head of the ACLU, in Coulter's defense.

Sheryl Sandberg's mother-in-law stuns her by encouraging her to remarry

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 11:22 AM PDT

Sheryl Sandberg's mother-in-law stuns her by encouraging her to remarryWhile Sheryl Sandberg and her mother-in-law, Paula Goldberg, were cleaning out Dave Goldberg's closet after he passed away, Goldberg said something that stunned Sandberg. "You are not only going to live, but you are going to get remarried one day — and I am going to be there to celebrate with you," she said.

Tad Cummins Admits To Wife He Slept With Elizabeth Thomas

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 09:36 PM PDT

Tad Cummins Admits To Wife He Slept With Elizabeth ThomasTad Cummins' wife said he admitted to her he slept with Tennessee teen he is accused of kidnapping in Maury County.

Elizabeth Warren: I’m ‘troubled’ by Obama’s $400,000 Wall Street speaking fee

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 01:45 PM PDT

Elizabeth Warren: I'm 'troubled' by Obama's $400,000 Wall Street speaking feeMassachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Thursday that she's troubled by former President Barack Obama's accepting a $400,000 speaking fee from a Wall Street firm. Obama accepted a $400,000 fee from the investment bank Cantor Fitzgerald to speak at a health care conference in September.

Army Veteran Tied Service Dog to Tree, Shot It 5 Times on Camera: Cops

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:01 PM PDT

Army Veteran Tied Service Dog to Tree, Shot It 5 Times on Camera: CopsMarinna Rollins can be heard laughing as she and her boyfriend took turns shooting her service dog, authorities said.

Le Pen says voters must choose 'for or against' France

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 02:55 PM PDT

Le Pen says voters must choose 'for or against' FranceFar-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen delivered a ferocious attack Thursday on her globalist rival Emmanuel Macron, saying voters faced a choice "for or against France". The candidates' starkly differing visions on France's future are at the heart of the May 7 election run-off -- with Macron, a 39-year-old former banker embracing free trade and the EU, while Le Pen wants to seal France's borders and quit the euro. "The country Mr Macron wants is no longer France, it's a space, a wasteland, a trading room where there are only consumers and producers," Le Pen told a cheering crowd of some 4,000 supporters in the Riviera city of Nice, a rightwing stronghold.

Sobering visualizations reveal how sea level rise could transform cities in your lifetime

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:46 PM PDT

Sobering visualizations reveal how sea level rise could transform cities in your lifetimeUntil recently, it seemed that we would be able to manage global warming-induced sea level rise through the end of the century. It would be problematic, of course, but manageable, particularly in industrialized nations like the U.S. However, troubling indications from the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets show that melting is taking place faster than previously thought and that entire glaciers — if not portions of the ice sheets themselves — are destabilizing. This has scientists increasingly worried that the consensus sea level rise estimates are too conservative. With sea level rise, as with other climate impacts, the uncertainties tend to skew toward the more severe end of the scale. So, it's time to consider some worst-case scenarios. SEE ALSO: Trump White House reveals it's 'not familiar' with well-studied costs of global warming Recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published an extreme high-end sea level rise scenario, showing 10 to 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 around the U.S., compared to the previously published global average — which is closer to 8 feet — in that time period.  The research and journalism group Climate Central took this projection and plotted out the stark ramifications in painstaking, and  terrifying, detail.  The bottom line finding?  "By the end of the century, oceans could submerge land [that's] home to more than 12 million Americans and $2 trillion in property," according to Ben Strauss, who leads the sea level rise program at Climate Central.  Here's what major cities would look like with so much sea level rise: New York CityImage: CLIMATE CENTRAL New Orleans: Gone.Image: CLIMATE CENTRAL San Francisco International AirportImage: CLIMATE CENTRAL Bienvenido a Miami.Image: CLIMATE CENTRALIn an online report, Climate Central states that the impacts of such a high amount of sea level rise "would be devastating."  For example, Cape Canaveral, which is a crown jewel for NASA and now the private sector space industry, would be swallowed up by the Atlantic. Major universities, including MIT, would be underwater, as would President Trump's "southern White House" of Mar-a-Lago. In the West, San Francisco would be hard-hit, with San Francisco International Airport completely submerged. "More than 99 percent of today's population in 252 coastal towns and cities would have their homes submerged, and property of more than half the population in 479 additional communities would also be underwater," the analysis, which has not been peer-reviewed, found.  Image: climate centralIn New York City, the average high tide would be a staggering 2 feet higher than the flood level experienced during Hurricane Sandy. More than 800,000 people would be flooded out of New York City alone.  Although the findings pertain to sea level rise through the end of the century, in reality sea levels would keep rising long after that, with a total increase of about 30 feet by 2200 for all coastal states, Climate Central found.  As for how likely this extreme scenario really is, here's what the report says:  "The extreme scenario is considered unlikely, but it is plausible. NOAA's report and Antarctic research suggest that deep and rapid cuts to heat-trapping pollution would greatly reduce its chances."  More specifically, the NOAA projection says this high-end outlook has just a 0.1 percent chance of occurring under a scenario in which we keep emitting greenhouse gases at about the current rate. While a 1-in-1,000 chance outcome might seem nearly impossible to occur, recent events suggest otherwise.  For example, Hurricane Sandy slammed into the Mid-Atlantic in 2012 while following a track that was virtually unprecedented in storm history. In addition, California is estimated to have had just a 1 percent chance of climbing out of its deep drought in a one to two-year period, and it did just that this winter.  Also, Donald Trump is president, people.  Robert Kopp, a sea level rise researcher at Rutgers University, whose projections formed the basis of the NOAA scenarios, said it's difficult to put exact odds on the extreme scenario.  "I would say that our knowledge about marine ice-sheet instability is too deeply uncertain for us to answer that question right now," Kopp said in an email. "We can come up with a physically plausible pathway that gets us to 2.5 meters [or 8.2 feet], we know it is more likely under higher emissions, but we don't have a good way of putting a probability on it." A paper published in the journal Nature in March found that if emissions of global warming pollutants peak in the next few years and are then reduced quickly thereafter, then there is a good chance that the melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet would be drastically curtailed.  However, with the U.S., which is the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, backing away from making significant cuts under the Paris Climate Agreement, adhering to such an ambitious timetable is looking less realistic.  Image: climate centralIn order for NOAA's extreme scenario, and therefore Climate Central's maps, to turn into reality, there would need to be decades more of sustained high emissions of greenhouse gases plus more melting from Antarctica than is currently anticipated.  However, recent studies have raised questions about Antarctica's stability, as mild ocean waters eat away at floating ice shelves from below, freeing up glaciers well inland to flow faster into the sea.  "What's new is that we used to think 6- to 7 feet was the max *plausible* or *possible* sea level rise this century, and now we've roughly doubled that," Strauss said in an email. "The new Antarctic science says it's plausible."  "If you were to survey ice sheet experts today, instead of something like 5 to 10 years ago, I suspect you'd get a significantly higher probability than 0.1 percent," he said.  A study published in the journal Nature Climate Change last week found that sea level rise could prompt a wave of internal migration within the U.S., especially as people move from the hardest-hit states such as Florida, Louisiana and New York. It's long been known that Florida is ground zero for sea level rise impacts, but the Climate Central projections are even more pessimistic. The report shows that a whopping 5.6 million Floridians would be at risk before the end of the century under an extreme sea level rise scenario, about double the amount simulated in the study last week. WATCH: Serene underwater footage shows whale's-eye view of Antarctica

Israeli strikes inside Syria pick up tempo in proxy war

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 01:43 PM PDT

Israeli strikes inside Syria pick up tempo in proxy warBEIRUT (AP) — Syria's military said Israel struck a military installation southwest of Damascus International Airport before dawn Thursday, setting off a series of explosions and raising tensions further between the two neighbors.

United Airlines reaches settlement with David Dao after doctor was violently dragged off flight

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 12:31 PM PDT

United Airlines reaches settlement with David Dao after doctor was violently dragged off flightUnited Airlines has a reached a settlement for an undisclosed sum with the passenger who was dragged from a Chicago flight earlier this month. Dr David Dao, a 69-year-old Vietnamese-American doctor, was taken to hospital after Chicago aviation police dragged him from the plane to make space for four crew members on the flight from the city's O'Hare International Airport to Louisville, Kentucky. "I hope he becomes a poster child for all of us, someone's got to," Thomas Demetri, Dr Dao's attorney, said during a press conference on Thursday.

Ann Coulter cancels speech (again) – but battle for Berkeley's political soul rages on

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:46 AM PDT

Ann Coulter cancels speech (again) – but battle for Berkeley's political soul rages onA man is sprayed with a chemical irritant as multiple fights break out between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters in Berkeley, California, on 15 April. Ann Coulter has canceled a speech that had been planned for Thursday on the University of California's Berkeley campus after initially claiming she would defy the administration's request that she hold her event a week later at a secure venue.

Press secretary comments on tax plan's effect on middle class

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 12:04 PM PDT

Press secretary comments on tax plan's effect on middle classABC News' Cecilia Vega asks Sean Spicer why Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin couldn't guarantee that middle class would not pay more with new tax plan.

2017 Mini Cooper Countryman Grows Bigger, Gains Power, and Adds Practicality

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 12:22 PM PDT

2017 Mini Cooper Countryman Grows Bigger, Gains Power, and Adds PracticalityA model from the Mini brand is unmistakable, no matter the guise, version, or body style. Some may consider the all-new 2017 Mini Cooper Countryman—the biggest Mini yet—an SUV, but the model embo...

Venezuela to withdraw from OAS, denounces campaign by Washington

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:43 PM PDT

Venezuela to withdraw from OAS, denounces campaign by WashingtonVenezuela said on Wednesday it was withdrawing from the Organization of American States, deepening the diplomatic isolation of the socialist-run nation that is already out of step with Latin America's steady shift to the right. Critics of President Nicolas Maduro have said Venezuela could be expelled from the group, accusing his government of eroding the country's democracy by delaying elections and refusing to respect the opposition-led Congress. Venezuela said the move was a response to a Washington-backed campaign against the ruling Socialist Party that is meant to trample on the sovereignty of Venezuela, the United States' principal ideological adversary in the region.

Detainees found in 'secret cell' in Philippines: rights group

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 09:34 PM PDT

Detainees found in 'secret cell' in Philippines: rights groupA dozen people have been found stuffed inside a closet-sized cell hidden behind a book shelf in a Philippine police station, triggering further alarm about abuse under President Rodrigo Duterte's deadly war on drugs. Members of the government's human rights commission, accompanied by journalists, found the men and women in a surprise visit to the station in the heart of Manila's slum area on Thursday evening.

Apple is working on a service that could compete with Venmo

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 07:52 AM PDT

Apple is working on a service that could compete with Venmo

Apple's plan to build its own cash transfer service in the vein of Venmo appears to be back on track. According to a report from Recode, Apple has recently held discussions with partners in the payments industry about a service that would allow iPhone owners to send money to other iPhone owners.

One source tells Recode that the service could be introduced by the end of 2017, while another remains unconvinced that Apple has set the timing for either an announcement or an official release.

In addition to the payment service, Recode has also learned that Apple talking to Visa about creating pre-paid cards that would run on Visa's debit network. These cards would be tied to the service, giving iPhone owners a physical product as well as a digital one. With the card, someone could spend money sent to them on the service without having to wait for the bank to clear it.

Plus, this would give Apple the opportunity to tie its new service in with Apple Pay, as users would be able to add the pre-paid cards to their digital wallets and use them like they would a standard credit card. The cards would also have their own numbers so that they could be used for online purchases.

Whether or not any of these plans come to fruition is still up in the air, but sources inside major US banks tell Recode that Apple has been underwhelmed by the usage of Apple Pay over the past two and a half years. Launching a peer-to-peer payment service and offering a debit card could turn Apple's luck around... providing the banks don't step in to stop Apple from competing with them.

"Banks spent heavily in insuring their cards were top of wallet when they all built and rolled out Apple Pay," Cherian Abraham, a digital payments executive at Experian, told Recode. "So it's justifiable to be concerned that Apple will have its own card and could potentially be top of wallet. If you are top of wallet, you are top of mind."

Now you can eat a BBQ-flavored PayDay, because America

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 03:49 PM PDT

Now you can eat a BBQ-flavored PayDay, because AmericaAmericans have always loved candy bars. Now, candy bars will be loving America right back. The Hershey Company has announced that it will be rolling out special editions of their most popular candy — Kit Kat, Reese's, Hershey's Kisses, and PayDay just to name a few — nationally under the theme "Taste of America." The collection of candy has new flavors "inspired by the unique tastes of iconic, U.S. summer destinations," states the official press release. Six states will be honored with the Hershey's treatment: California, Georgia, New York, Hawaii, Texas, and Florida. And what exactly will the flavors be? SEE ALSO: These green juice gummies are the GOOP of candy Image: the hershey company Image: the hershey company Image: the hershey company Image: the hershey company California will be represented by a strawberry-flavored Kit Kat, which is supposed to transport you to the California Strawberry Festival, a relatively unknown event that apparently defines summer in California. Georgia gets a honey-roasted peanut butter Reese's, which Hershey's insists will have "a hint of floral, amber, and molasses." We guess peach doesn't mix too well with peanut butter and chocolate. New York will be captured in a cherry cheesecake version of Hershey's regular chocolate bar, while Hawaii gets coconut-almond-flavored Hershey's Kisses. Image: the hershey company Image: the hershey company Alligator-laden Florida is lucky enough to be represented by two different fruity Twizzler flavors: key lime pie and orange cream pop. And that brings us to the last state in Hershey's tour of what represents America — Texas. Image: the hershey companyThanks to Texas and the Hershey Company's ingenuity, BBQ-flavored PayDays will exist in this world. The press release says these candy bars "combine the tang of bold BBQ-seasoned peanuts surrounding a chewy caramel center for a unique, Texas-inspired flavor." To each their own, we suppose, but honestly no thank you. This is one taste of America we very much could do without. If you are interested in eating your way through America via candy, these limited-time candy bars are available now. WATCH: This machine knows how to sort your Skittles by color

Activists: Mexican who sought refuge in US church detained

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:26 PM PDT

Activists: Mexican who sought refuge in US church detainedDENVER (AP) — A Mexican man who once sought sanctuary from deportation in a Colorado church was detained by federal immigration agents Wednesday morning as he went to a warehouse to get tile to install on a job, his wife said Wednesday.

Life sentences sought for 30 with ties to Turkish newspaper

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 09:01 AM PDT

Life sentences sought for 30 with ties to Turkish newspaperISTANBUL (AP) — A Turkish court accepted a criminal indictment demanding life imprisonment for 30 people with ties to a newspaper linked to a Muslim cleric whom the government accuses of masterminding a coup attempt.

Donald Trump's new migrant crime hotline 'trolled with reports of lawbreaking extra-terrestrials'

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 02:22 AM PDT

Donald Trump's new migrant crime hotline 'trolled with reports of lawbreaking extra-terrestrials'Immigration rights activists have reportedly been calling Donald Trump's new illegal alien crime hotline with reports of criminal extra-terrestrials. Launched yesterday, the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) hotline was ordered by President Trump earlier this year and is now being run by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). According to the ICE website, VOICE exists to help victims "impacted by crimes committed by removable criminal aliens".

For Sale: 1993 Porsche 911 Carrera RSR, Never Driven

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 11:15 AM PDT

For Sale: 1993 Porsche 911 Carrera RSR, Never DrivenThe race-ready 911 RSR is one of the rarest 964 variants in existence. This example has only driven six miles since new.

Abbas turns screw on Hamas by cutting Gaza's electricity

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 05:33 AM PDT

Abbas turns screw on Hamas by cutting Gaza's electricityBy Nidal al-Mughrabi GAZA (Reuters) - With the prospect looming of a Middle East peace initiative by a new U.S. administration more sympathetic to Israel, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has decided to turn the screw on the Hamas group that has kept Gaza out of his control for a decade. Abbas's Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) on Thursday told Israel it would no longer pay for the electricity Israel supplies to Gaza, a move that could lead to a complete power shutdown in the territory, whose 2 million people already endure blackouts for much of the day.

Tributes for Taiwanese trekker lost in Nepal tragedy

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 03:58 AM PDT

Tributes for Taiwanese trekker lost in Nepal tragedyA Taiwanese trekker is recovering in hospital after rescuers found him and his dead girlfriend on a mountainside in Nepal where they were stranded for 47 days, surviving on only water and salt after their food ran out. Liu Chen-chun, 18,​ died just three days before the rescue team located the couple in northwest Nepal, but her boyfriend managed to survive despite losing 30 kilos (66 pounds) during the ordeal. A severely malnourished Liang Sheng-yueh, 20, was being treated in hospital in Kathmandu, where he was airlifted after being rescued from the remote region.

This may be Apple’s first brand new iOS device since 2015

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 10:14 AM PDT

This may be Apple's first brand new iOS device since 2015

The rumors saying that Apple is working on a Siri-based Amazon Echo rival are back, with a noted insider saying that Apple is currently finalizing the design for the unnamed product.

"Apple is currently finalizing designs for their Alexa competitor, expected to be marketed as a Siri/AirPlay device," Sonny Dickson said on Twitter.

Dickson, who has a decent track record when leaking details about unreleased Apple products (especially iPhones) also said the upcoming Echo rival is "believed to carry some form of Beats technology, and is expected to run [an iOS variant]."

The insider did not mention anything about an actual launch date for the product, or a price.

Amazon's Echo is currently the most popular voice-based home assistant product out there. Earlier this week, Amazon unveiled a new Echo gadget, the Echo Look that comes with a built-in camera. Amazon's Alexa assistant, the AI brains of the Echo line of devices, is available in other non-Amazon devices as well, with more third-party companies interested in integrating the service into their products.

Google is looking to turn its Home device into an equally popular gadget, although Amazon's lead can't be contested for the time being.

A Time report in February said that Apple had no interest in making a device that would compete against Amazon Echo and Google Home. However, given the increased popularity of these home devices, it wouldn't be surprising to see Apple come out with a competitive product that would offer Siri functionality at home.

Google Will Mark Any HTTP Pages That Record User Data As 'Not Secure'

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 03:02 PM PDT

Google Will Mark Any HTTP Pages That Record User Data As 'Not Secure'Google plans to mark HTTP sites that record user information as "Not Secure" in its Google Chrome browser, as well as labeling all HTTP sites as unsecure when visited in incognito mode.

Venezuela snubs regional powers as more die in unrest

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:19 PM PDT

Venezuela snubs regional powers as more die in unrestVenezuela says it is quitting the Organization of American States in anger at pressure from the bloc over the government's handling of a deadly political crisis. The announcement late Wednesday raised international tension over Venezuela, where unrest has left 28 people dead this month. Echoed by the United States and European Union, the OAS has led an international chorus of concern over the economic and political chaos in the major oil-exporting country.

APNewsBreak: Plot to kill gang boss a lie, witness now says

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 03:59 PM PDT

APNewsBreak: Plot to kill gang boss a lie, witness now saysRENO, Nev. (AP) — The star witness who helped convict the triggerman who killed a high-ranking Hells Angels' boss at a Nevada casino in 2011 says he was lying when he testified that the shooting was an assassination plot orchestrated by a rival motorcycle gang, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

Unicorn frappucinos are dead. Long live dragon frappuccinos.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:27 PM PDT

Unicorn frappucinos are dead. Long live dragon frappuccinos.A couple days ago, we suggested other mythical creatures who are not unicorns that deserve to have their own frappuccinos.  Little did we know, one of those frappuccinos was indeed developing in the shadows of the unicorn frappuccino. And now, with the unicorn frappuccino run officially over at Starbucks, that new frappuccino has come into the spotlight. Introducing the dragon frappuccino. SEE ALSO: Starbucks baristas are now creating 'unicorn lemonade' and there's no end to this 109/365: I apologized profusely to my barista before ordering the basic AF #unicornfrappuccino - thankfully they were out of the ingredients and offered me something not only cooler and better tasting, but easier to make: the #dragonfrappuccino @starbucks #ionlyordereditbecauseitmatchesmyhair A post shared by Mercy Martin 濾 (@heyymercyy) on Apr 19, 2017 at 9:34pm PDT It appears that some Starbucks locations, such as the one in the Instagram picture above, had run out of ingredients to make the insanely popular Unicorn Frappuccino. So instead, baristas offered a new, unofficial concoction: the dragon frappuccino. In fact, at least one location tried to make the drink official with sign that proclaimed it as a store exclusive. However, since it's not a product made by Starbucks HQ, you probably won't be able to find it in the majority of stores and the recipes vary. A post shared by Varin Thorn (@varin_thorn) on Apr 21, 2017 at 9:05pm PDT Many Instagram posts have explained that it's a green tea frappuccino with vanilla bean powder and a berry swirl on the inside of the cup. One post saw the green tea being mixed with dried blueberries to create the purple color along with the green. A Starbucks created this to replace the unicorn frappuccino so we duplicated it and it's yummy!!! #dragonfrappuccino A post shared by Smith's Starbucks (@starbucks.smiths) on Apr 26, 2017 at 9:58am PDT We think the moral of the story is that people are starting to become more and more creative in either what they create at Starbucks or what they force their baristas to create. And then we just slap a catchy name to it. So long live creativity and frappuccinos. WATCH: Woman uses Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino to spread some magical news to her husband

House Freedom Caucus announces support for new Republican healthcare bill to replace Obamacare

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:58 AM PDT

House Freedom Caucus announces support for new Republican healthcare bill to replace ObamacareThe House Freedom Caucus has announced it supports the new Republican health care reform bill that aims to replace Obamacare. The news marks a potentially bright contrast from the dramatic collapse in healthcare negotiations that occurred last month and appeared to put President Donald Trump's promise to repeal and replace Obamacare — which is officially named the Affordable Care Act — in jeopardy. Mr Trump had vowed to revisit the healthcare negotiations following that collapse but observers have noted that cobbling together a healthcare repeal plan that pleases both the hard line conservatives in the Freedom Caucus and more moderate Republicans would be difficult.

The Accord V6 Coupe Is the Last Real American Muscle Car

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 11:15 AM PDT

The Accord V6 Coupe Is the Last Real American Muscle CarThis is not a joke.

Who are Egypt's Coptic Christians?

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 01:17 AM PDT

Who are Egypt's Coptic Christians?Pope Francis arrives in Cairo on Friday hoping to mend ties with Islamic religious leaders but his message of peace comes as Egypt's Coptic Christian community faces unprecedented pressure from Islamic State militants who have threatened to wipe it out. Below are some facts about Egypt's Coptic Christians: -- The Coptic Orthodox Church is one of oldest in the world.

AT&T to Roll Out 5G Network That's Not Actually 5G

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:30 PM PDT

AT&T to Roll Out 5G Network That's Not Actually 5GAT&T is using some wordsmithing to deliver to you faster Internet speeds. This week, the wireless carrier announced plans to deliver what it's calling the "5G Evolution" network to more than 20 markets by the end of the year. Credit: Jeremy Lips/Tom's GuideFor starters, to call AT&T's move a 5G rollout would be a bad idea.

College student credits his Apple Watch for saving his life

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 03:30 AM PDT

College student credits his Apple Watch for saving his lifeCasey Bennett knew that by pressing down the side button of his Apple Watch it would dial 911 and text his emergency contact.

Protester, three soldiers killed in Indian Kashmir

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:04 PM PDT

Protester, three soldiers killed in Indian KashmirTroops in Indian-administered Kashmir on Thursday opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators outside an army garrison where militants earlier killed three soldiers, hitting one civilian who later died. Police said the soldiers fired on a crowd of protesters who threw rocks at an army jeep as it emerged from the barracks, hitting a 40-year-old man. Police had earlier fired tear gas and live bullets into the air to try to break up demonstrations after what one officer called "intense clashes".

Prosecutor will not charge officers who shot man 19 times

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:25 PM PDT

Prosecutor will not charge officers who shot man 19 timesSUMTER, S.C. (AP) — Three police officers who shot a black man 19 times were cleared of charges Wednesday because the man had a gun when he was killed, a prosecutor said.

This Woman Had the Best Response to a Man Who Told Her to "Cover Up" While Breastfeeding

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 11:14 AM PDT

This Woman Had the Best Response to a Man Who Told Her to "Cover Up" While BreastfeedingShe knew her rights and refused to back down.

National monuments at risk under Trump’s executive order

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 07:09 AM PDT

National monuments at risk under Trump's executive orderFederal areas that may lose their status as monuments are in places ranging from New Mexico and Arizona to Hawaii and Midway atoll.

Can the Hennessey Exorcist drive out the Dodge Demon?

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 02:28 AM PDT

Can the Hennessey Exorcist drive out the Dodge Demon?Texas tuner extraordinaire Hennessey Performance wants to give anyone considering snapping up the new Dodge Challenger SRT Demon cause for concern. At the New York International Auto Show, Dodge confounded expectations with an 840hp street-legal drag car called the Demon. Based on the Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 and set to be offered as either a full turnkey car or as a conversion for existing ZL1 owners, the Exorcist has a totally overhauled engine complete with ported cylinder heads, new valves, a new camshaft, a high-flow supercharger, plus new exhaust system.

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