Saturday, October 21, 2017

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

These Are The Three Richard Spencer Fans Arrested For Attempted Homicide In Gainesville

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 07:04 PM PDT

These Are The Three Richard Spencer Fans Arrested For Attempted Homicide In GainesvilleGAINESVILLE, Fla. ― About five hours before his companion allegedly fired a bullet toward several protesters, and a day before police charged him with attempted homicide, Colton Fears, in an interview with HuffPost, laid out the grievances that had brought him to town.

Puerto Rico Backsliding One Month After Storm

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 02:27 PM PDT

Puerto Rico Backsliding One Month After StormRachel Maddow reports on the updated death toll, the rate of infection, and the reverse in progress restoring electricity to Puerto Rico as the inadequate response to Hurricane Maria is turning a natural disaster into a public health catastrophe.

Missing California Hikers Found In Embrace After Apparent Killing-Suicide

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 06:12 PM PDT

Missing California Hikers Found In Embrace After Apparent Killing-SuicideA young California couple who vanished during a hiking trip in the desert almost three months ago died in a murder-suicide near a trail, investigators said Friday.

Obama makes a plea to Virginians and signals a way forward for Democrats

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 06:41 PM PDT

Obama makes a plea to Virginians and signals a way forward for DemocratsFormer President Barack Obama makes an impassioned return to the campaign trail in New Jersey and Virginia.

Mom shares horrifying photo of legs after trip to pumpkin patch

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 06:59 AM PDT

Mom shares horrifying photo of legs after trip to pumpkin patchA California mother is speaking out to remind autumn revelers across the country of a common danger that may be lurking in pumpkin patches.

Is There a Serial Killer in Tampa?

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 08:38 AM PDT

Is There a Serial Killer in Tampa?Police are offering an $18,000 reward for help finding a man captured on surveillance camera who they believe may be responsible for at least three recent murders.

Before execution, Alabama inmate defiant with words, actions

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 08:14 AM PDT

Before execution, Alabama inmate defiant with words, actionsA convicted cop killer who sued Alabama over its lethal injection method was put to death Thursday night, but not before he cursed at the state and said: "I hate you."

John Kelly 'Stunned' By 'Selfish' Congresswoman Who Recounted Trump's Call With Soldier's Widow

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 12:30 PM PDT

John Kelly 'Stunned' By 'Selfish' Congresswoman Who Recounted Trump's Call With Soldier's WidowWhite House chief of staff John Kelly said Thursday that he is dismayed that a Florida congresswoman mad President Donald Trump's phone call with the family of a soldier killed in combat, in which the president said the man "must've known what he signed up for."

CIA Forced to Walk Back Director's Statement

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 11:54 AM PDT

CIA Forced to Walk Back Director's StatementRachel Maddow shares video of CIA director Mike Pompeo stating falsely that the U.S. intelligence community's assessment is that Russia's meddling did not affect the outcome of the election. The CIA would later walk that statement back.

Sadness down under as final Holden marks end of Australian car industry

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 08:19 AM PDT

Sadness down under as final Holden marks end of Australian car industryShortly after midday today, a red Commodore marked the end of 69 years of Holden manufacture in Australia – and to countless enthusiasts, it was an occasion as sad as it was once virtually unthinkable. There is a select group of cars that transformed their respective nations' concept of mass motoring and the original 48-215 'FX' certainly ranks alongside the Mini, 2CV or Fiat 600 in this regard. This was mass-market transport made in Australia, for Australia. Holden's first involvement with the motor industry was as a coachbuilder and in 1924, it became the exclusive supplier of car bodies to General Motors. Seven years later it became a part of the GM empire and as early as 1936 the division's MD Laurence Hartnett was planning a 'wholly Australian car' in place of the locally-built Chevrolets, Pontiacs and Vauxhalls. Towards the end of the Second World War, the government was keen to promote a locally-designed car and General Motors already had the basis of a suitable model in the form of a Chevrolet project that had been rejected as too compact for US motorists. A small group of prototypes were extensively tested and on the 29th November 1948 Ben Chifley, the then Prime Minister, unveiled the new 48-215.  It was not a vehicle that represented a major technological advance and its list of standard fittings was low even by the standards of the day; no sidelights, carpet, door armrest, heater or even direction indicators of any form, one sun visor and a solitary tail lamp. Nor was the new Holden especially cheap as a price of £A675 represented nearly two years wages for the average worker but this did not deter 18,000 people from paying a deposit without having seen a 48-215 in the metal. Such was the demand that the company was soon obliged to issue a booklet entitled Holden Owners Give Reasons Why Holden is Worth Waiting For. Motoring picture of the day And perhaps the major reason for the impact of the FX on the post-war motorist was that it offered the ideal combination of advantages in a car that was launched at precisely the right moment. The brochures promised an engine designed for local conditions the 2.1-litre six-cylinder unit was capable of "80 miles per hour and 30 miles per gallon" with a smoothness not found in such rivals as the four-cylinder Austin A70 Hampshire. It was also flexible enough to propel the Holden from a crawl to cruising speed with the steering column-mounted lever in third gear. Holden intended that the FX would appeal to rural motorists and urban drivers alike, with suspension that could cope with the country's many unsurfaced roads, and for the Sydney or Melbourne suburbanite, the 'Aerobilt' body was smart and offered room for a quintet of adult passengers: 'you don't climb in or scrabble out – you step in with ease and dignity. A great boon for elderly people and women."  There was also a sense of robustness that was lacking in some of its competitors. Clive James once observed of the Standard Vanguard that it was a toss-up whether the 'chromium trim would rust through before the exhaust pipe fell onto the road'.  Above all, this was 'Australia's Own Car', which automatically set it apart from any other car that bore an American or British marque and ten years later, the Lion and Stone badge adorned 40 percent of new models. The name of Holden had now entered the lexicon of a nation's popular culture and the idea that in 2013 the company's chief would state that 'building cars in this country is just not sustainable' would have been inconceivable. The moment when that last Commodore leaves the production line is not only the closing of a chapter in GM's history – in many respects it is the end of a country's automotive dream, one that began nearly 70 years ago.

Stephen Paddock's Las Vegas hotel room won't be rented out again, raising the question: What will happen to it?

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 08:41 AM PDT

Stephen Paddock's Las Vegas hotel room won't be rented out again, raising the question: What will happen to it?The hotel room from which Stephen Paddock gunned down almost 60 people at a music festival in Las Vegas will no longer be rented out to the public, the hotel has said. The company did not provide any details about what it would do with the site of the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. Adam Lankford, a professor of criminology at the University of Alabama, said MGM had the right idea in shutting down the hotel room.

Why This Church Is Providing 'Sanctuary' To Undocumented Immigrants

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Why This Church Is Providing 'Sanctuary' To Undocumented ImmigrantsAt a time when undocumented people nationwide are living in fear under President Donald Trump's anti-immigrant policies, one church continues to lead the way in supporting them.

China's Xi Jinping: Now the World's Most Powerful Man?

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 10:47 AM PDT

China's Xi Jinping: Now the World's Most Powerful Man?Moving into his second term, the Chinese president is expected to turn his grand visions for the revival of China as a great, global power into action.  China's Xi Jinping: Now the World's Most Powerful Man? A man whose name was largely unknown outside of China just a few years ago has become the rising Asian giant's most powerful leaders in decades. Chinese President Xi Jinping, recognized as the supreme leader and the "core" of the Communist Party of China, controls more power and authority than almost all of his modern political predecessors.

San Juan mayor rips Trump for giving himself a perfect '10' on hurricane response

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 01:43 PM PDT

San Juan mayor rips Trump for giving himself a perfect '10' on hurricane response"If it is a 10 out of a scale of 100, of course. It is still a failing grade," San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz said when asked about President Trump's giving himself a perfect grade for his response to the hurricane devastation in Puerto Rico.

UNICEF: Rohingya children refugees face 'hell on earth'

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 07:54 AM PDT

UNICEF: Rohingya children refugees face 'hell on earth'GENEVA (AP) — UNICEF says the children who make up most of the nearly 600,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled violence in Myanmar are seeing a "hell on earth" in overcrowded, muddy and squalid refugee camps in neighboring Bangladesh.

18 Tweets From Parents That Prove Halloween Can Be The Worst

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 10:47 AM PDT

18 Tweets From Parents That Prove Halloween Can Be The WorstHalloween is typically a time for creative costumes, spooky decorations and, of course, sugar-fueled kids.

Soda tax supporters try to pivot from Chicago setback

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 10:46 PM PDT

Soda tax supporters try to pivot from Chicago setbackUS public health advocates are hoping to pivot after a major setback in Chicago, where local lawmakers repealed a soda tax after only two months following fierce industry-backed lobbying. On October 11, the Cook County Board of Commissioners, which includes Chicago, nullified the penny-an-ounce levy, which was seen as a means to discourage consumption of sugary drinks that can lead to obesity, diabetes and other ills. "It's a setback," said Jim O'Hara, director of health promotion policy at the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest.

FBI trafficking sweep rescues 84 children - one just three months old

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 05:51 PM PDT

FBI trafficking sweep rescues 84 children - one just three months oldUS authorities have rescued 84 children, one just 3 months old, and arrested 120 people in a nationwide sweep of child sex trafficking that exposed the growing use of technology by traffickers, officials said on Thursday. Many of those arrested were advertising and selling children online for sex, said the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in a statement. The four-day sweep, which ended on Sunday, was the 11th annual effort by the FBI and other authorities to battle child sex trafficking. Called Operation Cross Country XI, it was conducted at hotels, casinos and truck stops, as well as street corners and Internet websites, they said. "The sad reality is some things stay the same, that there's still a need to do this," said Staca Shehan, executive director of the NCMEC's case analysis division. "What has changed over time is the places and the ways that child sex trafficking is occurring," she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "Historically, kids would be recruited in face-to-face environments, at malls and at bus stops or in schools or in and around foster homes," she said. "All that stuff happens, but now what we see more often than not is kids are recruited online, and they're controlled online and sold online." BABIES, TODDLERS, TEENS The average age of the children caught up in the operation was 15, authorities said. The 3-month-old girl and a 5-year-old girl were offered to an undercover officer in Denver for sex for $600, the FBI said. The person trying to sell them was a friend of the children's family. Related operations were conducted in Canada, Britain, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines, the FBI said. The sweep also involved the arrests of a number of adult sex workers, including 20 prostitutes in the state of Oregon. Earlier incarnations of Operation Cross Country have come under criticism by advocates for sex workers who say they are victims of exploitation and should not be charged with crimes. 

38 Next-Level Chicken Wing Recipes

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 03:42 PM PDT

38 Next-Level Chicken Wing Recipes

In Turkish move into Syria, a sign of how Russia is shaping the country

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 01:30 PM PDT

In Turkish move into Syria, a sign of how Russia is shaping the countryFor most of the Syrian civil war, there have been two constants of Turkish policy: support for opposition forces seeking the removal of President Bashar al-Assad, and concern about the growing strength of the Kurds in northern Syria, whom Ankara regards as a direct threat. The move put Turkish forces in close proximity of the Kurdish enclave of Afrin, home to a Syrian Kurdish faction, the Democratic Union Party, whose military wing the US has armed.

Trump says Puerto Rico hurricane response was a '10' but these numbers prove otherwise

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 01:17 PM PDT

Trump says Puerto Rico hurricane response was a '10' but these numbers prove otherwisePresident Trump gave the federal response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico a 10 out of 10 on Thursday. Yes. Really. He gave himself the highest marks for what has been a well-documented and tragic mess. SEE ALSO: Photos from Puerto Rico reveal the devastating power of Hurricane Maria He said this, and other objectively inaccurate statements about the U.S. territory, with a straight face while sitting next to Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló at the White House Thursday.  Here's his full answer to the reporter's question: WATCH: President Trump, seated next to Gov. Rosselló, grades the federal response efforts in Puerto Rico a 10 out of 10 — NBC News (@NBCNews) October 19, 2017 In no world is the U.S. government's response to the natural disaster perfect. Far from it.  Based solely on basic statistics from the Puerto Rican government — in the words of the governor — "a lot still has to be done." "I think we've done a really great job," says Pres Trump on disaster relief in Puerto Rico. Gov Rosello says "a lot still has to be done." — Mark Knoller (@markknoller) October 19, 2017 As of Thursday — nearly a month after Hurricane Maria made landfall on the island nation as a Category 4 storm — these are just some of the grim statistics: Only 21.6 percent of Puerto Rico has power. 71.58 percent has access to drinking water, but this varies greatly by region. Northern Puerto Rico, for example, has just 37 percent. Just 25.07 percent of cellphone antennas and 46.57 percent of cell towers are back in operation The situation is so dire in some communities that some Puerto Ricans — who are American citizens — have resorted to drinking from contaminated water sources, including Superfund sites containing extremely hazardous substances. Trump gives his Puerto Rico response a 10 despite 85% of island still lacking electricity #breakingnews #news — Antonio Saalamandras (@Apocrifos) October 19, 2017 Those are not 10 out of 10 numbers.  WATCH: Balloons may be Puerto Rico's best chance for communication

Taliban attacks kill 58, nearly wipe out Afghan army camp

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 11:25 AM PDT

Taliban attacks kill 58, nearly wipe out Afghan army campKABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The Taliban have killed at least 58 Afghan security forces in a wave of attacks across the country overnight, including an assault that nearly wiped out an army camp in southern Kandahar province, officials said Thursday.

24 Senators Back Latest Health Care Proposal, Offering Hope It Could Pass

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 01:48 PM PDT

24 Senators Back Latest Health Care Proposal, Offering Hope It Could PassSens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on Thursday formally introduced their proposal to shore up the Affordable Care Act's private insurance markets.

8-Year-Old’s Big Brother Details the Horrific Abuse He Suffered from Mom’s Boyfriend Before His Death

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 06:25 PM PDT

8-Year-Old's Big Brother Details the Horrific Abuse He Suffered from Mom's Boyfriend Before His DeathIn court on Wednesday, a California teen described the relentless assaults inflicted on his 8-year-old brother for months until, at last, the little boy was dead

The Most Common Financial Mistakes To Avoid

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 05:46 PM PDT

The Most Common Financial Mistakes To AvoidWhether you're living paycheck to paycheck or managing a healthy nest egg, there are certain classic money blunders you'll want to avoid.

Teenager stabs younger siblings to death 'so he could be alone in the house', say police

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 02:52 AM PDT

Teenager stabs younger siblings to death 'so he could be alone in the house', say policeA teenager accused of stabbing his two younger siblings to death, told investigators he did it so he could be alone in the house, police said. Officers found the five-year-old girl and seven-year-old boy bleeding from their wounds at Malik Vincent Murphy's family home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The 19-year-old had also turned the knife on his father Jefferson Murphy.

Man's fingertip torn off as wild boar rampage puts German town under siege

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 05:52 AM PDT

Man's fingertip torn off as wild boar rampage puts German town under siegeTwo aggressive wild boars attacked and injured several people in the small German town of Heide on Friday morning, tearing through the town centre in a rampage which lasted for hours. Four people were injured, and one man's fingertip was torn off, according to police reports. Others suffered leg injuries, as they were hit by the fully-grown animals in the northernmost state of Schleswig-Holstein.  The boars tore through the streets and ran through the market square, before making their way into a local bank branch, according to police, who issued a warning at around 9am urging people to avoid the town centre and to stay in their houses or in shops. One eyewitness saw a woman lying on the ground, screaming, after her trousers had been torn, according to German radio station NDR 1 Welle Nord. Another said they were "completely bewildered" and that the boars had come "out of nowhere".  After a large-scale operation, during which police and hunters chased the boar with stun rifles, one was killed by huntsman Uwe Ingwersen at 11am - two hours after the animals were first spotted - with a targeted head shot. The second ran away from the centre and police say it is now outside the city area.  Terror in Ditmarschen����— Daggi (@danishkeks) October 20, 2017 Customers in the bank, which was invaded by the boars, were evacuated through open windows using ladders, according to police reports. Several cars were also damaged. Wild boar still roam the forests of Germany and are seen as a menace by much of German society. Marcus Börner, press officer at the Country Hunting Association, told the Schleswig-Holstein newspaper that it is highly stressful for boars, which have spread extensively in the state in recent decades, to be caught between walls and among so many people, causing them to become aggressive.  Earlier this year, a herd of wild boars attacked several people, injuring three, near Berlin's Tegel airport. Local media reported that it took authorities 18 shots to down one 200-kilogram boar, while the rest of the herd escaped.

Fighters in Syria's Raqa prepare for civilian handover

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 06:44 PM PDT

Fighters in Syria's Raqa prepare for civilian handoverUS-backed forces who captured Raqa from the Islamic State group prepared to hand the Syrian city over to a civilian authority, with some of their fighters already headed to the next battle. Inside the city, positions that had long been manned by fighters of the Kurdish-Arab Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were abandoned, though some remained in the central Al-Naim square, dancing and ululating as they celebrated their victory. The SDF battled for more than four months, with US-led coalition support, to capture the city that was once the de facto Syrian capital of IS's self-styled "caliphate".

Beauty standards may be broadening

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 01:47 PM PDT

Beauty standards may be broadeningBy Carolyn Crist (Reuters Health) - Americans have grown to appreciate beauty across more skin types and ages during the past three decades, if People magazine is any indication, a new study suggests. The magazine is including more nonwhite celebrities and older individuals on its Most Beautiful People list these days, researchers wrote in the journal JAMA Dermatology. "Preferences for beauty are both a combination of a basic cognitive process and a learned process," study author Dr. Neelam Vashi of the Boston University School of Medicine told Reuters Health by email.

Bush condemns Trump-era America: 'Bigotry seems emboldened'

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 12:11 PM PDT

Bush condemns Trump-era America: 'Bigotry seems emboldened'NEW YORK (AP) — Former President George W. Bush on Thursday denounced bigotry in Trump-era American politics, warning that the rise of "nativism," isolationism and conspiracy theories have clouded the nation's true identity.

Kit Harington Read The Final 'Game Of Thrones' Scripts And Couldn't Help Crying

Posted: 21 Oct 2017 03:43 AM PDT

Kit Harington Read The Final 'Game Of Thrones' Scripts And Couldn't Help CryingKit Harington knows everything about the final season of "Game of Thrones."

How China Could Crush the U.S. Air Force in a Dog Fight

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 04:34 AM PDT

How China Could Crush the U.S. Air Force in a Dog FightThe new Chinese munition closely matches the dimensions of Russia's K-100 air-to-air missile, which has been in halting development for 25 years now but could, in theory, hit targets as far as 200 miles from the launching plane. The Chinese military has apparently test-fired a new — and potentially powerful — very-long-range air-to-air missile. China has developed air-to-air missiles at a pace at least as rapid as its development of fighter aircraft.

Elon Musk to Start Hyperloop Project in Maryland, Officials Say

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 10:36 AM PDT

Elon Musk to Start Hyperloop Project in Maryland, Officials SayThis is the first step to making the hyperloop a reality.

2019 Audi A7: Similarly Slinky Looks, Lots of New Technology

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 10:30 AM PDT

2019 Audi A7: Similarly Slinky Looks, Lots of New TechnologyStyle meets practicality. Again.

Betty Price Wonders If People With HIV Should Be Quarantined

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 04:04 PM PDT

Betty Price Wonders If People With HIV Should Be QuarantinedWASHINGTON — Georgia state Rep. Betty Price (R) — the wife of Tom Price, who resigned last month as President Donald Trump's health secretary amid investigations into his frequent use of private planes — wonders if isolating people with HIV would help stop the disease's spread.

20 Sweet Pumpkins That Are Actually Cakes

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 10:33 AM PDT

20 Sweet Pumpkins That Are Actually Cakes

Billionaire investor launches multi-million dollar campaign to impeach Trump: 'This president is mentally unstable'

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 11:49 AM PDT

Billionaire investor launches multi-million dollar campaign to impeach Trump: 'This president is mentally unstable'Big money is pouring into the effort in impeach Donald Trump. Billionaire Democratic activist Tom Steyer is continuing his crusade against the president by funding a national campaign of television and digital advertisements calling for Mr Trump's removal from office. The spot warns that Mr Trump has "brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice at the FBI" and has "taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations" in violation of the constitution.

German prosecutors charge former Majdanek death camp guard

Posted: 20 Oct 2017 09:30 AM PDT

German prosecutors charge former Majdanek death camp guardBERLIN (AP) — A former guard at the Majdanek death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland has been charged in Germany with being an accessory to murder for allegedly serving there during a period when at least 17,000 Jews were killed, prosecutors said Friday.

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