Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Vermont Makes History By Legalizing Marijuana, But Its Law Comes With A Catch

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:36 AM PST

Vermont Makes History By Legalizing Marijuana, But Its Law Comes With A CatchFor the first time, a U.S. state has legalized marijuana with the stroke of a pen, not a vote at the ballot box.

Hawaii Missile Alert Update Delayed Because Governor Didn’t Know His Twitter Password

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:54 PM PST

Hawaii Missile Alert Update Delayed Because Governor Didn't Know His Twitter PasswordHawaiian Gov. David Ige (D) has made the embarrassing admission that his office did not immediately inform the public about the state's missile alert false alarm partly because he had forgotten the password to his Twitter account.

Man charged with DUI after trying to order burrito at bank drive-through window

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:34 PM PST

Man charged with DUI after trying to order burrito at bank drive-through windowA Florida man was charged with driving under the influence after he tried to order a burrito at a Bank of America drive-through window.

US immigration officers arrest Michigan doctor who has lived in US for 40 years

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:44 PM PST

US immigration officers arrest Michigan doctor who has lived in US for 40 yearsA respected doctor who has been in the United States for nearly 40 years has been picked up by American immigration agents after the Trump administration denied his attempt to renew his green card. Lukas Niec, an internal medicine doctor known for long hours at the hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan, was picked up by Immigration and Customs enforcement agents over the weekend. Mr Niec, an internal medicine doctor at Kalamazoo's Bronson Methodist Hospital, moved to the United States nearly 40 years ago when he was five years old.

Sen. Tom Cotton: ‘I was not offended’ by Trump's 'cursing' at meeting

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 10:34 AM PST

Sen. Tom Cotton: 'I was not offended' by Trump's 'cursing' at meetingSen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said that President Trump's language during a closed-door meeting 10 days ago did not offend him, and that Trump's actual words have been grossly misrepresented. The Arkansas Republican offered this defense of the commander in chief while discussing immigration reform on NBC News' "Meet the Press" with moderator Chuck Todd.

Larry Nassar Was A Master Manipulator, But He Didn’t Act Alone

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:57 AM PST

Larry Nassar Was A Master Manipulator, But He Didn't Act AloneThe first time I got a message from Larry Nassar, I felt honored.

Philippine volcano spews lava fountains, 56,000 people flee

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:26 AM PST

Philippine volcano spews lava fountains, 56,000 people fleeLEGAZPI, Philippines (AP) — The Philippines' most active volcano spewed fountains of red-hot lava and massive ash plumes anew Tuesday in a dazzling but increasingly dangerous eruption that has sent more than 56,000 villagers fleeing to evacuation centers.

Israeli scholars decipher Dead Sea Scroll

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:20 AM PST

Israeli scholars decipher Dead Sea ScrollIsraeli scholars have pieced together and deciphered one of two previously unread manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls more than half a century since their discovery, an Israeli university has said. The more than 60 tiny fragments of parchment bearing encrypted Hebrew writing had previously been thought to come from a variety of different scrolls, a Haifa University spokesman told AFP on Sunday.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Strikes Down State's Congressional Map, Saying It Illegally Benefits GOP

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:43 AM PST

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Strikes Down State's Congressional Map, Saying It Illegally Benefits GOPThe Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Monday ruled that the state's congressional map went so far to benefit Republicans that it violated the state constitution.

Why the flu can kill a healthy person so quickly

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:02 AM PST

Why the flu can kill a healthy person so quicklyThe flu epidemic is three times worse than it was last year, and every part of the continental U.S. is under siege. NBC News' Anne Thompson sits down with a doctor to find out what's made the flu so severe.

UPDATE: 2 Flares Set Off At Florida Mall, Initially Thought To Be IEDs

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:35 PM PST

UPDATE: 2 Flares Set Off At Florida Mall, Initially Thought To Be IEDsTwo devices found at a Florida mall originally thought to be improvised explosives were actually marine flares, authorities said on Monday.

Trump's voter fraud commission requested records for all Texans with Hispanic surnames

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:11 AM PST

Trump's voter fraud commission requested records for all Texans with Hispanic surnamesThe Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity made the request last year while applying to obtain nearly 50 million voter records from the state with the second-largest Hispanic population in the US. On the data request form, policy adviser Ron Williams ticked a box asking for "Hispanic surname flag notation" to be included in the files. Officials said the data was never supplied because a lawsuit filed by voting rights campaigners blocked the state from sending any information to the commission.

Service Dog Atlas Meets Pluto During Trip to Disney World

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:31 AM PST

Service Dog Atlas Meets Pluto During Trip to Disney WorldAtlas, a golden retriever, even has a stuffed Pluto toy at home.

Hong Kong bookseller detained again by Chinese authorities

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:34 PM PST

Hong Kong bookseller detained again by Chinese authoritiesHONG KONG (AP) — A Hong Kong-based bookseller who was secretly detained in China has been taken away by Chinese authorities again after being released into house arrest last October, his daughter said Monday.

Finsbury Park terror trial: Darren Osborne turned into 'ticking time bomb' after watching BBC drama, court hears

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:46 AM PST

Finsbury Park terror trial: Darren Osborne turned into 'ticking time bomb' after watching BBC drama, court hearsAn unemployed father of four accused of carrying out the Finsbury Park terror attack became "brainwashed" and a "ticking time bomb" obsessed with Muslims after watching a BBC drama about the Rochdale grooming scandal, a court has heard. Darren Osborne, 48, from Cardiff became convinced all Muslims were rapists and belonged to paedophile gangs after watching the hard hitting Three Girls drama, which was broadcast on BBC One last May. On June 17 last year - in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge - Mr Osborne hired a van from a firm near his home in south Wales. Two days later, at just after midnight, he allegedly ploughed into a group of Muslims who had just left a mosque in Finsbury Park, north London, killing 51-year-old Makram Ali and injuring several others, some of them seriously. At the opening of his trial at Woolwich Crown Court, Jonathan Rees QC, prosecuting said: "The evidence establishes that the defendant was trying to kill as many of the group as possible." Shortly after the deadly attack, a note was found in the van, which the court was told documented his extremist views towards members of the Muslim faith and also a number of leading politicians and public figures. Darren Osborne was detained by members of the public in Finsbury Park Credit: Universal News And Sport In the note he referred to Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, as a "terrorist sympathiser" and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, as a "disgrace". Reading from the note, Mr Rees said Mr Osborne had written: "Why are there terrorists on our streets today? We've had three recent terror attacks, our children spattered against the walls of concerts, part and parcel by all accounts, Mr Sadiq Khan, no it isn't how can you let this happen, terrorists marching through our capital city, you're a disgrace, where was the public outrage after 1400 of our white British none Muslim girls? "Where were you in Rotherham, Lily Allen, Jeremy Corbyn, nowhere to be seen." Later in the note, he wrote: "So Mr Sadiq Khan how are you this morning? I'd imagine your (sic) gonna have a hard job keeping your happy go lucky vibrant city in order, Part n parcel of living in a big city, carry on as normal, bk to ya day Jobs, what about you Jez? "Mr terrorist sympathiser, or should I call you Harold, "you dirty old man" put that in ya pipe, & have some sympathy for me, well Folkes gotta go busy day today. Remember peaceful vigils only & please dont look back in anger, God Save the Queen". Emergency services at the scene in Finsbury Park Credit: James Gourley/REX/Shutterstock  Mr Rees explained: "The underlying theme seems to be that the defendant felt that insufficient was being said or done to counter-terrorism and grooming gangs comprising predominantly Muslim males. "Against that background, the defendant decided to take matters into this own hands. He planned to make a public statement by killing Muslims, knowing that this handwritten note would be recovered by the authorities." The court was told that Mr Osborne's former partner, Sarah Andrews, described him as "unpredictable", "a loner" and a "functioning alcoholic". Makram Ali was described him as a 'quiet, gentle man' who 'spent his whole life without any enemies' Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA  But she said she had never considered him to be a racist and had not heard him making derogatory comments about Muslims, before watching the Three Girls drama. Mr Rees told the jury: "Ms Andrews noticed that the defendant became obsessed with the subject matter of the drama. He started researching associated topics on the internet, including material featuring Tommy Robinson, the co-founder and former spokesperson for the English Defence League (EDL). "The defendant started making racist comments about all Muslims raping children and being capable of blowing people up. It appeared to her that he was becoming brainwashed. "Ms Andrews pleaded with the defendant to stop, telling him that all Muslims did not behave in this manner, but he was not interested in her views. With the benefit of hindsight, she describes him as a ticking time bomb." Finsbury Park van attack - How it unfolded The court heard that Mr Osborne had suffered from anxiety and depression for a number of years and had not worked for around a decade. Mr Rees said he had also twice threatened to take his own life in the weeks before the attack. Analysis of Mr Osborne's media devices showed that in the fortnight leading up to the attack they had connected to web pages which included: the far right Britain First group; Tommy Robinson; a fake video purportedly showing Muslims in London celebrating the Paris terror attacks; Jeremy Corbyn and why people should not vote for him and Sadiq Khan's comments that part and parcel of living in a global city was being prepared for terror attacks. Mr Rees said it was clear that by Friday 16 June, Mr Osborne had "formulated his plan to drive a vehicle into a group of Muslims", because he had inquired about hiring a Luton van. A police forensic officer examines the van used by Darren Osborne Credit: Carl Court /Getty The barrister told the jury: "This was just under three months after Khalid Masood had carried out an attack on Westminster Bridge, driving a car into pedestrians, killing four and injuring many others, before fatally stabbing PC Keith Palmer, who sought to prevent him entering the Palace of Westminster." Mr Osborne hired the van the following day, paying £170, before spending the evening in the Hollybush Public House near his home in Cardiff. Witnesses, who described him as being drunk, later told the police they had heard him saying he wanted to write to Theresa May and Parliament, adding: "All Muslims are terrorists." Mr Osborne was also allegedly overheard talking about a "Muslim march", which the court was told was thought to be a reference to the Al Quds march, that was taking place in central London the following day. A man prays at the scene of the incident in Finsbury Park Credit: NEIL HALL /Reuters Later that night, he got into a conversation with a serving soldier who took exception to his racist language. Mr Rees said the defendant had said words to the effect: "I'm going to kill all the Muslims, Muslims are all terrorists. Your families are all going to be Muslim. I'm going to take it into my own hands." He also claimed to be a soldier and when asked what regiment, allegedly replied: "You will find out tomorrow." Mr Osborne denies one count of murder and one count of attempted murder and the trial continues. 

The Case For The Democratic 'Cave'

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:50 PM PST

The Case For The Democratic 'Cave'WASHINGTON ― After Senate Democrats voted for a three-week government funding extension Monday, Republicans and liberal progressives seemed to agree about one thing: Democrats had caved.

Harry Potter river cruise to set sail on River Thames

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:35 AM PST

Harry Potter river cruise to set sail on River ThamesIt's no flying car, but Harry Potter fans are being courted in a new river cruise that makes stops at key filming locations like 4 Privet Drive, the real-world inspiration for Hogwarts, and the Warner Bros. Studio where the Harry Potter movies were made. 

Skydiver dies after crashing into roof of California home

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:48 PM PST

Skydiver dies after crashing into roof of California home"I was in complete shock," Christina Blanco, who was in the home at the time of impact, told KABC. Officials from the Perris Valley Airport did not respond to a request for comment and a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration was not available due to the U.S. government shutdown. Perris, about 70 miles (115 km) east of Los Angeles, is also the small city where law enforcement said this month a California couple kept captive and nearly starved their 13 minor and adult children.

Pope Francis Offers Partial Apology To Clergy Sex Abuse Victims After Demand For 'Proof'

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:30 AM PST

Pope Francis Offers Partial Apology To Clergy Sex Abuse Victims After Demand For 'Proof'Pope Francis partially apologized for last week's brusque attack on victims of clergy sex abuse ― but he continued supporting a controversial Chilean bishop accused of protecting a pedophile priest.

The White House Says This Photo Shows Trump Working. People Aren’t Buying It.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:52 AM PST

The White House Says This Photo Shows Trump Working. People Aren't Buying It.President Donald Trump wanted to show the nation that he was hard at work this weekend after the government shut down over failed budget negotiations.

Limited Strikes on North Korea Would Be an Unlimited Disaster

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:09 AM PST

Limited Strikes on North Korea Would Be an Unlimited DisasterThere's no clear upside — and plenty of potential downsides — to punching Pyongyang in the nose.

Gun industry gathers just a few miles from mass shooting

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:34 AM PST

Gun industry gathers just a few miles from mass shootingThe gun industry is holding its biggest annual trade show this week just a few miles from where a gunman slaughtered 58 concertgoers outside his high-rise Las Vegas hotel room in October using a display case worth of weapons, many of them fitted with bump stocks that enabled them to mimic fully automatic fire.

Video Shows Captive California Siblings After Their Parents' Arrest

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Video Shows Captive California Siblings After Their Parents' ArrestThe oldest son's transcript from a local college shows he had a near-perfect grade point average.

Supreme Court rejects appeal of bearded seal listing

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:30 PM PST

Supreme Court rejects appeal of bearded seal listingANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The U.S. Supreme Court will not review a lower court ruling that confirmed Alaska's bearded seal population as a threatened species.

Federal Workers Forced To Go Without Pay As Government Shutdown Extends To Day 3

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:32 PM PST

Federal Workers Forced To Go Without Pay As Government Shutdown Extends To Day 3WASHINGTON ― The government shutdown is about to get a lot more visible.

Separate Carnival Cruise Line Accidents See One Passenger Dead and Another Missing

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:21 PM PST

Separate Carnival Cruise Line Accidents See One Passenger Dead and Another MissingOne passenger went missing overboard while another fell to her death on separate Carnival Cruise Line ships

CDC director urges flu vaccinations as pediatric deaths mount

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:08 AM PST

CDC director urges flu vaccinations as pediatric deaths mountOf the 30 U.S. children who have died from the flu so far this season, some 85 percent had not been vaccinated, said Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, who urged Americans to get flu shots amid one of the most severe flu seasons in years. The dominant strain during this flu season is an especially nasty type called influenza A (H3N2) that in seasons past has been linked with severe disease and death, especially in the elderly and young. In its latest report, the CDC said the virus is present in every state, with 32 states reporting severe flu activity.

Multiple casualties in Kentucky high school shooting

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:02 AM PST

Multiple casualties in Kentucky high school shootingA suspect was taken into custody after one person was killed and others wounded Tuesday morning at a rural Kentucky high school. "You just never think this will happen in a small town like ours," Savana Smothers, the assistant girls' soccer coach at Marshall County High School, told the Associated Press.

Turpin family: CCTV reveals moment imprisoned children escape from 'house of horrors'

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:19 AM PST

Turpin family: CCTV reveals moment imprisoned children escape from 'house of horrors'Footage has emerged of the moment the imprisoned Turpin family children escaped from their parents' "house of horrors". Moments before police descended on the suburban home in Perris, California, the children, some of whom were allegedly tortured and shackled, the children can be seen filing out onto the drive. David Turpin, 56, and his wife Louise Turpin, 49, have been charged with torture, abuse and false imprisonment.

Mike Pence Defends His President's Racist 'Shithole' Comments

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:30 PM PST

Mike Pence Defends His President's Racist 'Shithole' CommentsVice President Mike Pence argued on Monday that he knows President Donald Trump didn't mean to be racist when referring to Haiti and African countries as "shithole countries" because "I know what's in the president's heart."

The #SchumerShutdown Hashtag Is Getting A Big Boost From Russian Bots

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:33 PM PST

The #SchumerShutdown Hashtag Is Getting A Big Boost From Russian BotsWASHINGTON ― As lawmakers wage a messaging war over who caused the government shutdown, Republicans and the White House are getting a big boost in their efforts to blame Democrats for the mess ― from the Russians.

Bishop tells Russians not to vote for Putin in rare church dissent

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:14 AM PST

Bishop tells Russians not to vote for Putin in rare church dissentA Russian Orthodox bishop has advised the faithful not to vote for Vladimir Putin when he stands for re-election in March, a nearly unheard of occurrence in the loyal church. The angry statement marked the first time an acting bishop has spoken against supporting the current president, according to the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, but it was motivated by Mr Putin's perceived impiety rather than political differences.  Bishop Yevtikhy Kurochkin of the epiphany cathedral in the Siberian city of Ishim wrote on his page on VK, Russia's most popular social network, that he could no longer follow his "desire to vote for Putin" following "blasphemous" remarks by the president. "'If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is your darkness!' are the words of Christ," Mr Kurochkin wrote. "And will I go against Christ to vote for darkness or advise anyone to do this? No, no and no!" Bishop Yevtikhy Kurochkin The bishop was angered by comments in a state television film about Valaam, an island of monasteries and churches in Lake Ladoga where the president has a holiday home. Mr Putin had argued that the Soviet regime had "adapted" Christian ideas for its communist ideology, including in its mummification of Vladimir Lenin, whose body remains on display on Red Square. "They put Lenin in the mausoleum. How does this differ from the relics of saints for Orthodox believers or Christians in general?" Mr Putin said. "When they tell me no, there is no such tradition in Christianity, how is there not? Go and look in Athens, there are the relics of saints there, and we have the relics of saints here too." While the Russian Orthodox church has been growing increasingly influential in recent years, it has usually been supportive of the ruling regime. This goes back to a tradition of loyalty in tsarist times, when the official ideology was "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality". Mr Putin submerges himself in an icy lake as part of a popular Orthodox ritual on Thursday Credit: Alexei Druzhinin/AFP Photo/Sputnik Mr Putin has promoted conservative values during his 18 years in power and frequently appears at religious events. On Thursday, he was photographed taking a dip in an icy lake as part of an Orthodox ritual observed by many Russians.  Also on Monday, a court shut down the foundation of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who has sought to challenge Mr Putin for the presidency but was barred from the race. He has called for protests around Russia on Sunday. Mr Navalny has used the foundation to pay campaign workers and organise rallies. The authorities "want to transform our finely tuned electoral machine into a chaos of volunteers" by banning the foundation, Mr Navalny told The Telegraph in an interview last week.  He said his campaign would devise other "partisan methods" to continue its work.

Second Rohingya 'leader' killed in Bangladesh refugee camp

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:31 PM PST

Second Rohingya 'leader' killed in Bangladesh refugee campAttackers on Monday killed a Rohingya representative in a Bangladesh refugee camp, the second such death in three days as tensions mount over the planned repatriation of some 750,000 refugees to Myanmar. Sources said the dead man Yusuf Ali was a camp leader at the Balukhali camp on the border with Myanmar. Mohammad Yusuf, a leader in the neighbouring Thaingkhali camp, was shot dead last Friday.

Pakistani principal shot dead by student over blasphemy dispute

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:23 AM PST

Pakistani principal shot dead by student over blasphemy disputeBy Saad Sayeed ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A Pakistani student shot and killed his school principal on Monday, in a dispute over the student skipping classes to attend rallies supporting the country's strict blasphemy laws, a police official said.  Sareer Ahmed, principal of the private Islamia College in the northern town of Charsadda, had an argument with one of his students for missing a number of classes. The student then shot the principal on campus, local police chief Zahoor Afridi told Reuters.   He said the unnamed student had attended a sit-in staged by a new ultra-religious political party, Tehreek-e-Labaik, late last year to oppose a small change in wording to an electoral law, which it said amounted to blasphemy.

Melania Trump pulls out of attending Davos with Donald on their wedding anniversary

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:21 AM PST

Melania Trump pulls out of attending Davos with Donald on their wedding anniversaryMelania Trump will not join her husband at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland after a last minute change of plans.

California begins issuing Real ID cards for residents traveling on planes or internationally

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:21 PM PST

California begins issuing Real ID cards for residents traveling on planes or internationallyStarting January 22nd California will begin issuing special identification cards for flying on an airplane and traveling internationally.

California highway swamped by deadly mudslides reopens

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 01:14 PM PST

California highway swamped by deadly mudslides reopensSANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) — A coastal California highway swamped by deadly mudslides reopened Sunday after a nearly two-week closure that caused traffic headaches across the region, state officials said.

3 USA Gymnastics Directors Resign In Larry Nassar Sex Abuse Scandal

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:16 AM PST

3 USA Gymnastics Directors Resign In Larry Nassar Sex Abuse ScandalThree USA Gymnastics directors have resigned amid fierce criticism that the organization failed to protect its athletes from team doctor Larry Nassar, a serial predator whose sentencing hearing continues this week.

Immigration Authorities Detain Woman On A Greyhound Bus After Asking Everyone For ID

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:29 AM PST

Immigration Authorities Detain Woman On A Greyhound Bus After Asking Everyone For IDA video reportedly showing Customs and Border Protection agents demanding proof of citizenship from Greyhound bus passengers in Florida last week has sparked fresh outrage over the Trump administration's hard-line immigration policies.

Elon Musk's Boring Company Prepares First Public Pitch for Its Tunnel Plans

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:07 PM PST

Elon Musk's Boring Company Prepares First Public Pitch for Its Tunnel PlansThe first step in Musk's newest project.

US shutdown to end as Senate Republicans and Democrats reach a deal

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:30 AM PST

US shutdown to end as Senate Republicans and Democrats reach a dealAmerica's government is set to reopen on Monday afternoon after Democratic senators "blinked" first and agreed to end a three-day shutdown.  The country's opposition party had been demanding an explicit pledge to protect young undocumented migrants but settled for a promise of new legislation instead.  The Senate voted 81 to 18 to fund the government until February 8, allowing hundreds of thousands of federal workers to get back to work on Tuesday.  However it is only a stop-gap measure, with Republicans and Democrats having 16 days to find an agreement on spending and immigration before another shutdown takes place. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader in the Senate, announced the party's change of heart on the Congress floor moments before a vote on reopening the government.   Senate Minority Leader Charles 'Chuck' Schumer Credit: AFP "We will vote today to reopen the government," Mr Schumer said, citing a promise that a bipartisan bill to protect "dreamer" migrants would the tabled in the coming weeks.  He added: "President Trump's unwillingness to compromise caused the Trump shutdown and brought us to this moment … The great deal-making president sat on the sidelines." Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer However the White House and senior Republicans suggested Mr Schumer had caved in, changing his stance on the shutdown despite being offered little in return. Mr Trump said: "I am pleased that Democrats in Congress have come to their senses and are now willing to fund our great military, border patrol, first responders, and insurance for vulnerable children. "As I have always said, once the Government is funded, my Administration will work toward solving the problem of very unfair illegal immigration. We will make a long-term deal on immigration if, and only if, it is good for our country."   Raj Shah, the White House deputy press secretary, said: "The fact that they're voting in favour of this proposal that they rejected a few days ago is evidence that they blinked." The government shutdown, which comes when Congress fails to agree its spending, begun at midnight on Friday – the first time it has happened since 2013.  Then the Democrats voted against a measure that would have kept the government open for a month and extend a child health insurance programme by six years.  Senior figures had argued that Republicans needed to promise to protect the 700,000 "dreamer" migrants brought to the country illegally when young if they want their vote.  However on Monday, the Democratic leadership decided to support a similar measure. It would re-open government for less than three weeks while extending the same child health programme.   Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell  Credit: Drew Angerer Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, agreed to table immigration legislation on a bipartisan basis in the coming weeks – but made no promise about its contents.  One possible reason for the Democrat change of heart was that 10 of its senators face re-election later this year in states Mr Trump won, making opposition to the president politically difficult.  Staff members stand outside the Senate during the government shutdown on Capitol Hill  Credit: Andrew Harrer The work of a group of 25 moderate senators from both parties, who negotiated a deal between themselves, was also credited with solving the impasse.  All eyes will now be on Mr Trump to see if he will say where he stands on the so-called dreamer children after weeks of mixed signals.  The House of Representatives and Mr Trump were set to approve the re-opening of government after the Senate vote on Monday.  It means that Mr Trump's visit to World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he is set to make a major speech later this week, will go ahead as planned. 

Zoe Hastings Case: Man Gets Life for 2015 Rape and Murder of Teen Who Vanished on Way to Church

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:22 AM PST

Zoe Hastings Case: Man Gets Life for 2015 Rape and Murder of Teen Who Vanished on Way to ChurchIt took jurors in Dallas County less than seven minutes to sentence Antonio Cochran for the vicious killing of Zoe Hastings.

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