Saturday, April 20, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Trump repeatedly tried to impede the Russia probe, Mueller report said. Was it obstruction?

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 08:07 AM PDT

Trump repeatedly tried to impede the Russia probe, Mueller report said. Was it obstruction?Special counsel Robert Mueller detailed episodes in which President Trump sought to frustrate the investigation of Russian election interference.

The Latest: Crown of Thorns presented at Paris service

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 02:41 PM PDT

The Latest: Crown of Thorns presented at Paris servicePARIS (AP) — The Latest on the fire that ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris (all times local):

Israel destroys family apartments of accused Palestinian killer

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 12:50 AM PDT

Israel destroys family apartments of accused Palestinian killerIsraeli forces destroyed two apartments in the occupied West Bank on Friday that housed the family of a Palestinian accused of killing an Israeli woman in February, the army said. Some clashes broke out between Palestinian residents and Israeli forces during the operation, AFP journalists reported.

The 2019 Porsche 911 Speedster Isn't Even Out Yet, and There's Already a Factory Trim Package for It

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 10:42 AM PDT

The 2019 Porsche 911 Speedster Isn't Even Out Yet, and There's Already a Factory Trim Package for ItHey buddy, wanna buy a really nice Porsche Design watch? It comes with a car.

U.S. arrests former Marine connected to North Korea embassy raid in Spain

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 03:11 PM PDT

U.S. arrests former Marine connected to North Korea embassy raid in SpainChristopher Ahn was arrested and is expected to be arraigned on Friday in federal court in Los Angles, according to a law enforcement official and a source close to the group. The U.S. Justice Department declined to comment. In April, investigators said the intruders, self-professed members of a group seeking the overthrow of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, removed computers and hard drives from the embassy before fleeing to the United States, where they handed the material to the FBI.

Bereft Catholics to be greeted by 'ephemeral wooden' Notre-Dame in front of the charred original

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 09:55 AM PDT

Bereft Catholics to be greeted by 'ephemeral wooden' Notre-Dame in front of the charred originalCatholics and tourists who can no longer approach Notre-Dame after Monday's devastating fire will be consoled by an "ephemeral cathedral" made of wood until the stricken cathedral reopens, its chief priest has announced. Notre-Dame's 12 million annual visitors will still be able to marvel at Europe's most visited historic building from the outside, but Monseigneur Patrick Chauvet said for the faithful something more was needed. "We mustn't say 'the cathedral is closed for five years' and that's it," he told CSNews TV. The prospect led him to ask the question: "Can I not build an ephemeral cathedral on the esplanade (in front of Notre Dame)?" Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, has backed the idea, he said. The wooden "cathedral" will host priests who will be able to address the crowds during reconstruction works, which President Emmanuel Macron said wanted to be complete within five years. As experts continued to assess the damage to the building, which lost its roof and "forest" of ancient wooden beams, along with its famed spire, President Macron led a day of tribute to the Paris firefighters who saved the Gothic edifice from collapse and rescued its treasures from the flames. They were to be awarded a special gold medal for "bravery and devotion". Later, Paris town hall will stage a ceremony in the firefighters' honour, with a Bach concert, two giant banners and readings from Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. More than 400 firefighters took part in the nine-hour fight to save the 12th-century cathedral.  Despite a delay reportedly due to a computer glitch in the fire alarm sending security agents to the wrong part of the cathedral, its iconic towers, rose windows, huge organ and artworks were saved thanks to the quick and valiant work of Paris firemen. The building was only minutes from burning to the ground in a "chain-reaction collapse", said Jose Vaz de Matos, a fire expert with France's culture ministry. Miraculously, no one was killed in the fire, which occurred during a Mass. "The worst has been avoided," said Franck Riester, the culture minister. But he warned that there was still a risk of collapse of three weak spots. "The main structure is out of danger but three areas remain fragile," he told BFM TV. While the upper level and northern gable had been secured overnight, the western gable between the two bell towers remains "extremely weakened", he warned. Another weak spot is the corner of the southern belfry, where the intense heat from the fire had turned the stone "crumbly". The vault is also not out of danger. "Scaffolding will be installed to remove the debris from the vault because if it rains, water will gather and weigh down on it," he said. With around €900 million (£780m) already donated to rebuild the cathedral from around the world, officials warned that fraudsters are taking advantage of the Notre-Dame fire to fool well-wishers into handing over cash. The French Heritage Foundation, which has so far collected more than €13 million from individual donors, said: "A number of scams have been flagged to us both in France and abroad." It urged people to donate only to official sites.

France salutes 'exemplary' firefighters for saving Notre-Dame

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 10:24 PM PDT

France salutes 'exemplary' firefighters for saving Notre-DameFrench President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday hailed as "exemplary" hundreds of firefighters who saved Notre-Dame in the devastating blaze, as efforts intensified to shore up the still fragile cathedral. Some 600 firefighters worked throughout the night Monday to put out the fire at the Paris landmark and prevent an even worse disaster, in a blaze that felled the spire and destroyed two-thirds of its roof. A prayer vigil was held at another of Paris's landmark churches, the Sacre-Coeur (Sacred Heart), on Thursday which was due to remain open all night.

How the U.S. Navy Sunk Imperial Japan's Top Secret Aircraft Carrier

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 07:00 PM PDT

How the U.S. Navy Sunk Imperial Japan's Top Secret Aircraft Carrier"No doubt he intends to act as a decoy at some point to lure away our screening destroyers. That accomplished, his comrades can approach Shinano unopposed. We must guard against any such ploy," grumbled the thoughtful skipper.The first torpedo struck farthest aft. Over the next 30 seconds three more warheads detonated against the massive aircraft carrier's hull, working their way forward. The explosions and instant flooding immediately killed scores of men, many asleep in their bunks.As tons of seawater cascaded into the wounded colossus, men below deck could see the extent of the damage, were seized with panic, and stampeded topside. The missiles had hit 10 feet below the water line, and on the bridge and upper levels the commander and his officers were not yet aware of how sorely they were hurt. Many had survived earlier torpedo attacks, and aboard less formidable vessels than this one. Even as their gargantuan ship began to list, they remained optimistic."Expressing the Flavor of an Ancient Samurai"

What the Mueller report tells us about Trump, Russia and obstruction

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 10:45 AM PDT

What the Mueller report tells us about Trump, Russia and obstructionThe special counsel found 11 instances in which Trump and his campaign's actions may have amounted to obstruction of justice * Mueller report latest – live updates * Support the Guardian's independent journalism and make a contribution The special counsel Robert Mueller's highly anticipated report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was made public on Thursday, examining potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow and whether Donald Trump obstructed justice.The special counsel found 10 episodes in which Trump's own actions may have amounted to obstruction of justice, detailing several instances in which the president's demands to interfere with the investigation were blocked by his aides. And in a separate instance, it was found there were additional efforts by the Trump campaign before the election to obscure its contacts with Russian figures.The report separately examined the repeated contacts between the Trump campaign and individuals with ties to the Russian government. While Mueller did not find evidence of a criminal conspiracy, investigators made clear the Trump campaign was "receptive" to offers of assistance from the Russians.Here are the key takeaways:default Obstruction inquiry finds numerous 'episodes' involving TrumpMueller investigated 10 instances in which Trump sought to use the power of the presidency to obstruct justice by either personally interfering with the Russia investigation or directing his aides to do so. They included Trump's request that the then FBI director, James Comey, drop the investigation of the former national security adviser Michael Flynn; Trump's attempts to stop the then attorney general Jeff Sessions' recusal from overseeing the Russia investigation; Trump's demand that the special counsel's investigation be limited to election meddling only; and Trump's efforts behind the scenes to fire Mueller."The President's efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful," the report states, "but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."In other words, Mueller ultimately did not definitively conclude that Trump obstructed justice, but it was not for a lack of trying. Mueller made clear he was not exonerating Trump of obstruction, writing:> The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards however we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.Mueller separately noted that as a candidate, Trump repeatedly denied any connections to Russia even as his business was pursuing a potential real estate deal in Moscow. Trump also voiced skepticism that Russia had hacked Democratic party emails "at the same time as he and other Campaign advisors privately sought information … about any future planned WikiLeaks releases", the report states. Trump campaign was 'receptive' to help from the RussiansAlthough Mueller did not find evidence amounting to a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Moscow, the report makes clear that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election "in a sweeping and systematic fashion". It also notes that Russia was keen for Trump to win the 2016 election, beating Hillary Clinton. "The investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome."Investigators found multiple ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians, which were described as follows:> The Russian contacts consisted of business connections, offers of assistance to the Campaign, invitations for candidate Trump and Putin to meet in person, invitations for Campaign officials and representatives of the Russian government to meet, and policy positions seeking improved U.S.-Russian relations. Some of the earliest contacts dated back to 2015 and were in connection to a potential real estate project, known as Trump Tower Moscow and negotiated by the Trump Organization. Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen was convicted in part for lying to Congress about the timeline and nature of those discussions, which reportedly entailed gifting Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, a $50m penthouse. The project ultimately did not come to fruition.Among the most notable early contacts with the Russians was through the Trump campaign's foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, who learned that the Kremlin had "dirt" on Clinton "in the form of thousands of emails". Although Mueller did not prove that the contacts resulted in collusion, the report states that the Trump campaign "expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts".> The investigation established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government. Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances , the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied away. Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities. Trump believed Mueller's appointment would end his presidencyOne of the most damning revelations in the 400-plus-page report is how Trump reacted to the appointment of a special counsel. Mueller was appointed by the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, on 17 May 2017, following the recusal of Sessions and the firing of Comey.Trump was informed of Mueller's appointment by Sessions while in the midst of conducting interviews for a new FBI director. According to notes written by Jody Hunt, who served at the time as Sessions' chief of staff, Trump did not take the news well:> When Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I'm fucked.'Trump then "became angry" and lambasted his attorney general for recusing himself from the investigation after it was revealed Sessions misled Congress about his own contacts with the Russians. "How could you let this happen, Jeff?" Trump asked Sessions. According to Sessions' recollection, Trump then told him: "You were supposed to protect me," or words to that effect.> The President returned to the consequences of the appointment and said, 'Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.' Mueller could not prove Donald Trump Jr 'willfully' violated the lawMuch was made of Donald Trump Jr's role in arranging the infamous June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower in New York with the prospect of receiving incriminating information about Clinton. (According to emails released by the president's eldest son, when informed of an effort by the Russian government to help elect his father, Trump Jr said: "If it's what you say I love it.")Participants included Trump Jr; the president's son-in-law and senior campaign adviser Jared Kushner; the then campaign chairman, Paul Manafort; and the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The Mueller report states that Trump Jr had informed top campaign officials and Trump family members in advance that "he had a lead on negative information about the Clinton Foundation".The 9 June 2016 meeting, according to the report, raised "difficult statutory and constitutional questions" relating to "schemes involving the solicitation or receipt of assistance from foreign sources". But the special counsel ultimately concluded that they could not prove Trump Jr or other participants were knowingly in violation of the law: > The Office ultimately concluded that, even if the principal legal questions were resolved favorably to the government, a prosecution would encounter difficulties proving that Campaign officials or individuals connected to the Campaign willfully violated the law. > Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to press about Comey's firingThe White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, has long come under fire for making public statements that are untruthful or misleading. But her role in covering up Trump's motivations for firing Comey were laid bare in the report, which cited how her statements at a press briefing days after the FBI's firing were at odds with the facts. Sanders insisted at the briefing that Trump fired Comey at the justice department's recommendation and repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that rank-and-file members of the FBI had lost confidence in Comey. Sanders acknowledged to the special counsel's office that her assertion "was not founded on anything".According to the Mueller report, Trump actually decided to fire Comey before hearing the recommendation of the justice department and further pointed to the Russia investigation in his rationale:> The day after firing Comey, the President told Russian officials that he had 'faced great pressure because of Russia', which had been 'taken off' by Comey's firing. Mueller lays out case for Congress to investigate Trump on obstructionThe attorney general, William Barr, made his own determination that the special counsel lacked sufficient evidence to charge Trump with obstruction of justice. He also said he did not know if Mueller intended for Congress to be the arbiter of the matter.Mueller, in fact, left little room for interpretation on Congress's authority to evaluate the evidence and reach its own decision on obstruction:"We concluded that Congress has authority to prohibit a President's corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice," the report states, adding: > The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.

NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 01:11 PM PDT

NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this weekA roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these is legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked these out. Here are the real facts:

McDonald’s cuts its premium sandwiches line, Signature Crafted Recipes, after two years

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 01:23 PM PDT

McDonald's cuts its premium sandwiches line, Signature Crafted Recipes, after two yearsMcDonald's is dropping its line of premium sandwiches, Signature Crafted Recipes, which launched in 2017.

UPDATE 1-Ukrainian presidential candidates trade insults in rowdy stadium debate

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 12:25 PM PDT

UPDATE 1-Ukrainian presidential candidates trade insults in rowdy stadium debateThe two men vying to be Ukraine's next president traded insults in a raucous debate on Friday in front of thousands of supporters before an election that could put a comedian with no political experience in charge of a country at war. The debate, held in a hulking football stadium, was one of the last opportunities for incumbent President Petro Poroshenko to try to overhaul a significant lead in the opinion polls enjoyed by his challenger Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a comic. At stake in Sunday's election is the leadership of a country on the frontline of the West's standoff with Moscow following 2014 protests that caused Poroshenko's Kremlin-backed predecessor to flee into exile, and foreshadowed Moscow's annexation of Crimea.

2020 Lincoln Corsair Preview

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 12:41 PM PDT

2020 Lincoln Corsair PreviewnullAll-New 2020 Lincoln Corsair Gains Interior Glamour and Tech Lincoln unveiled its all-new Corsair at the New York International Auto Show this week, replacing the MKC luxury compact SUV. But thi...

8 Things We Learned Driving the Roush Ford F-150 SC, a Pickup Truck on Steroids

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 05:00 AM PDT

8 Things We Learned Driving the Roush Ford F-150 SC, a Pickup Truck on Steroids

Children of California 'house of horrors' parents beg judge for more lenient sentence

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 11:56 AM PDT

Children of California 'house of horrors' parents beg judge for more lenient sentenceThe children of a California couple sentenced to life in prison for torturing them in a case that has shocked the US said they "forgive" their parents as they begged the judge for a more lenient sentence.  David and Louise Turpin's 13 children were discovered malnourished, shackled to their beds and living in filthy conditions when their 17-year-old daughter escaped the home and raised the alarm last January. "I love both of my parents so much," said one of the daughters, in a statement read by her brother at a sentencing hearing on Friday. The comments were echoed by some of the other children, with one asking for a lighter sentence because "they believed everything they did was to protect us". The couple, who pleaded guilty to 14 charges including child abuse and torture in February, have been sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole in 25 years. Investigators said all but one of the children - the baby - was abused Credit: UPI / Barcroft Images  The California "house of horrors" case, as it came to be known, shocked the US after the scale of the abuse was laid bare last year. When police entered the property in Perris, California they said it was covered in filth and the stench of human waste was overwhelming. The Turpins' offspring, who ranged from 2 - 29 years old at the time, were so severely malnourished they required urgent treatment for severe muscle wastage and neurological conditions. At least two girls have been left unable to bear children.  The deeply religious couple told the court they believed God had called on them to have so many children. Louise Turpin, left, listens to her attorney, Jeff Moore, during a sentencing hearing Friday Credit: AP Mrs Turpin, 50, wept as the first public statements from some of the children, who alternately spoke of love for their parents and what they had suffered. None of the children were publicly identified. One of the girls pleaded for a lenient sentence, saying her parents believed "God put it into their hearts" to home school the 13 children but were unable to cope.  Another said: "Life may have been bad but it made me strong. I fought to become the person that I am. I saw my dad change my mom. They almost changed me, but I realised what was happening. ... I'm a fighter, I'm strong and I'm shooting through life like a rocket." David Turpin, left, listens to his attorney during a sentencing hearing Friday Credit: AP Ahead of his sentence, Mr Turpin, 57, told the judge he never intended to harm his children, saying: "My homeschooling and discipline had good intentions".  "I'm sorry for everything I've done to hurt my children. I love my children so much," Ms Turpin said. Judge Bernard Schwartz told the couple they had delayed their children's "emotional, mental and physical development" as he jailed them on Friday. "You have severed the ability to interact and raise the children that you created and brought into this world," he said.   The court had previously heard how the children were only allowed to shower once a year and were mainly kept in their rooms except for meals, which had been reduced from three to one per day.  Other than an occasional family trip to Las Vegas or Disneyland, they rarely left the home. They slept during the day and were active a few hours at night. Although the couple filed paperwork with the state to home school their children, learning was limited.  "We don't really do school. I haven't finished first grade," the 17-year-old said, according to Deputy Manuel Campos. Investigators found that the toddler had not been abused, but all of the children were hospitalised after they were discovered. The seven adult children were living together and attending university in February when their parents pleaded guilty.

Google is making it easier for Android users in Europe to pick a new browser

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 06:03 PM PDT

Google is making it easier for Android users in Europe to pick a new browserWe've known for a while now that Google offered Android users in Europe a different experience than international customers, and that's because the European Union really wants Google to behave a lot less like a monopoly than before. Google lost three major anti-trust cases in the region, including one that concerns Android.The European Commission slapped Google with three multi-billion fines in each case, which Google has contested. But the company agreed to make changes to its business models, and the changes also concern its mobile operating system. We know now what changes are in place for Android in Europe.Google explained in a new blog post on the matter that Android users in Europe will get search app and browser options, and showed the world what those prompts will look like.The new screens will be shown the first time a user opens Google Play after receiving an update. We're looking at two screens, one for search and one for browsers, as follows below.Each screen will present the user five apps, including the ones that are installed. The apps that are not installed will show up based on their popularity, but they'll show up in a randomized order.A third screen will be shown to users when they install a search app. Google will ask whether they want to change Chrome's default search engine the next time they open the browser.These screens will show up on both existing and new Android phones in Europe in the coming weeks, Google explained, and their implementation will "evolve" over time.

Mueller report: Findings prove Donald Trump never colluded with Russia, obstructed justice

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 03:27 PM PDT

Mueller report: Findings prove Donald Trump never colluded with Russia, obstructed justiceAs far as collusion and subsequent allegations of obstruction by Donald Trump, there never was more to this would-be scandal than political innuendo.

Air France-KLM offering free flights to those helping rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 05:22 AM PDT

Air France-KLM offering free flights to those helping rebuild Notre Dame CathedralAir France-KLM is donating travel to assist with the reconstruction of Notre Dame.

Louis Farrakhan defends Rep. Omar’s 9/11 remarks

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 10:24 AM PDT

Louis Farrakhan defends Rep. Omar's 9/11 remarksNation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan defended Rep. Ilhan Omar's description of the Sept.11 attacks Monday by dismissing the attacks as a false-flag operation designed to draw the U.S. into Middle Eastern conflicts.

Assad urges progress on Idlib deal ahead of Syria talks

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 03:31 PM PDT

Assad urges progress on Idlib deal ahead of Syria talksSyrian President Bashar al-Assad on Friday called for progress on a stalled buffer zone deal around jihadist-dominated Idlib region ahead of fresh talks aimed at ending his country's eight-year war. Assad met envoy Alexander Lavrentiev from key ally Russia in Damascus to discuss the negotiations due April 25-26 in Kazakhstan. Iran and Russia are the major supporters of the Syrian regime, and along with rebel backer Turkey have sponsored repeated rounds of talks in the Central Asian nation.

Journalist who covered Columbine reflects on lives unlived

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 12:05 PM PDT

Journalist who covered Columbine reflects on lives unlivedNEW YORK (AP) — Daniel. Rachel. Isaiah.

U.S. court upholds most of California's 'sanctuary' migrant laws

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 03:14 PM PDT

U.S. court upholds most of California's 'sanctuary' migrant lawsThe U.S. Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment. California's Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement, "We continue to prove in California that the rule of law not only stands for something but that people cannot act outside of it." Scores of Democrat-controlled cities and counties have adopted policies to limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement, making them a target for President Donald Trump.

Thousands of Peruvians say goodbye to ex-president following suicide

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 01:16 PM PDT

Thousands of Peruvians say goodbye to ex-president following suicideGarcia shot himself in the head on Wednesday to avoid arrest in connection with alleged bribes from Brazilian builder Odebrecht, in the most dramatic turn yet in Latin America's largest graft scandal. Friends, allies and leaders across the political spectrum paid homage to Garcia at the headquarters of his APRA party, one of Latin America's oldest political parties, and one which twice helped usher Garcia to the presidency. Vizcarra ordered flags to be flown at half mast at the country's Congress and other public buildings to honor the ex-President and former lawmaker.

People think Instant Pot is pricey, but the company’s sous vide cooker is half as much as rivals

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 09:53 AM PDT

People think Instant Pot is pricey, but the company's sous vide cooker is half as much as rivalsInstant Pot multi-use cookers might be a bit pricey compared to rival products, but they're worth every penny and then some when you consider how often you use them. While Instant Pot is indeed on the high end of the spectrum when it comes to multi-use cooker prices, the company has another product that's actually much less expensive than similar devices from rivals. Check out the Instant Pot SSV800 Accu Slim Sous Vide Immersion Circulator, which is on sale for $70 today on Amazon. It doesn't connect to your smartphone like a $200 Joule, but why would you even want to bother controlling your sous vide cooker with a smartphone anyway?Here's more info from the product page: * Creates Quality Dishes - Accu Slim Sous Vide Immersion Circulator prepares high-end restaurant quality dishes at home, turning home cooks into gourmet chefs * Consistent Cooking - Accu Slim Sous Vide Immersion Circulator creates and maintains an even and accurately controlled cooking water-bath for perfect cooking results each and every time * Sous vide cooks easily, cooking times range from 10 minutes to 72 hours and temperature ranges from 104F - 195F / 40C - 90C * Easy-to-Use - Easy-to-read display, touch-screen digital controls, lightweight stainless steel with a rubber coating on the handle. * Active Pump System - Accu Slim Sous Vide Circulates water without relying on convection currents, resulting in uniformly heated water bath free of hot or cool spots. * Includes a 12V DC motor - Extremely quietly and has enhanced durability in comparison to standard AC motors used. Motor stops when removed from the water. * Clamps securely - To the 6 and 8 Quart inner pot either in or out of the Instant Pot, and can be used with or without an Instant Pot. * Easy-to-clean - Secure stand up design and removable stainless steel skirt, almost no cleaning required, simply wash and air dry the skirt * Power supply: 120V - 60Hz

Mueller report: Trump asked aides to help find Clinton's 'missing' emails

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 10:25 AM PDT

Mueller report: Trump asked aides to help find Clinton's 'missing' emailsDonald Trump personally directed his advisers and contacts to help find former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "missing" 30,000 emails, according to special counsel Robert Mueller's report.

Spy game? Can China's Huawei be trusted with our 5G?

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 12:10 PM PDT

Spy game? Can China's Huawei be trusted with our 5G?Depending on whom you believe, Huawei is either a key provider of cellular equipment in the transition to 5G, or a Chinese agent of espionage

Meghan McCain goes after anti-vaxxers, slams their 'stupidity' for endangering children

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 10:39 AM PDT

Meghan McCain goes after anti-vaxxers, slams their 'stupidity' for endangering childrenMeghan McCain isn't mincing words when it comes to her take on anti-vaxxers, taking to Twitter Friday to send a message about their "stupidity."

Ukraine comedian vows to break old system in pre-vote debate

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 11:51 AM PDT

Ukraine comedian vows to break old system in pre-vote debateA comedian tipped to take over Ukraine's presidency vowed on Friday to dismantle the old political system as he went head-to-head with his incumbent rival in an extraordinary stadium debate before this weekend's vote. The hour-long debate at Kiev's Olympic Stadium capped a weeks-long sensational campaign in a war-torn country seen as a buffer between the European Union and Russia. "I am not a politician," said Zelensky, opening the first and only policy debate of the presidential race.

Police official: Short-circuit likely caused Notre Dame fire

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 06:59 PM PDT

Police official: Short-circuit likely caused Notre Dame firePARIS (AP) — Paris police investigators think an electrical short-circuit most likely caused the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, a police official said Thursday, as France paid a daylong tribute to the firefighters who saved the world-renowned landmark.

UPDATE 2-Tesla's Elon Musk, SEC get another week to work out deal on Twitter use

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 02:30 PM PDT

UPDATE 2-Tesla's Elon Musk, SEC get another week to work out deal on Twitter useTesla Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will get another week to settle a dispute over Musk's use of Twitter, a federal judge ruled Thursday. Nathan had been asked to hold Musk in contempt over a Feb. 19 tweet that the SEC said violated an earlier settlement with the agency. The SEC sued Musk last year after he tweeted on Aug. 7 that he had "funding secured" to take Tesla private at $420 per share.

Speed test between the US Galaxy S10 and the global version might surprise you

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 11:01 AM PDT

Speed test between the US Galaxy S10 and the global version might surprise youEvery year, Samsung releases two versions of its flagship phones: One with a Qualcomm processor, and one with its own Exynos processor. This is once again the case for the Galaxy S10, which comes equipped with the Snapdragon 855 in the United States, and the Exynos 9820 in several other regions around the world.In past years, the Exynos chipset has often outperformed Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon, but there were signs early on that Samsung's new processor might struggle to match Qualcomm's in 2019. As it turns out, the Snapdragon 855's impressive benchmark scores did indeed translate over to real-world usage, as PhoneBuff shows in a video featuring a speed test that pits the Snapdragon Galaxy S10 against the Exynos Galaxy S10.As in his other speed test videos, the self-proclaiming PhoneBuff has both phones open sixteen apps consecutively, while waiting for each of them to load before moving on to the next. Although most of the apps opened at about the same speed on both phones, the Snapdragon S10 was never slower than the Exynos S10. Any time there was a discrepancy, the phone with the Snapdragon processor came out on top:, due to the benchmarks, this shouldn't surprise anyone, but after lagging behind in previous years, it's nice to know that American Android fans are getting the "better" version of the phone this time around. That said, phones are so ridiculously fast at this point, that the differences between top-of-the-line processors are going to be minuscule (as demonstrated by the twelve second difference above), but at least we know we're not missing out this time.

Mueller report is an admission of the 'depth of Trump's ignorance': 10 best reader responses so far

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 12:52 PM PDT

Mueller report is an admission of the 'depth of Trump's ignorance': 10 best reader responses so farOur readers sound off on special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report and President Donald Trump's role in Russian interference in US elections.

Columbine focuses on healing as questions loom after manhunt

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 03:26 AM PDT

Columbine focuses on healing as questions loom after manhuntLITTLETON, Colo. (AP) — A Colorado community changed forever by the attack that killed 13 people at Columbine High School moved ahead Thursday with ceremonies marking the anniversary of the tragedy while awaiting more details on what led a Florida teen "infatuated" with the shooting to buy a shotgun and kill herself in the snowy foothills nearby.

BlackBerry Messenger or BBM to be shut down for consumers on May 31

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 08:16 AM PDT

BlackBerry Messenger or BBM to be shut down for consumers on May 31The mobile messaging service BBM, one of the last remnants from BlackBerry's heyday is about to be closed for consumers.

How To Build a Wind Tester

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 01:41 PM PDT

How To Build a Wind Tester

China's Nightmare: How the U.S. Navy Could Sink Its Prized Aircraft Carriers

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 03:55 AM PDT

China's Nightmare: How the U.S. Navy Could Sink Its Prized Aircraft CarriersThat's a rough analogy to today. Fortress China is festooned with airfields and mobile antiship weaponry able to strike hundreds of miles out to sea. Yes, the U.S. Navy remains stronger than the PLA Navy in open-sea battle. A fleet-on-fleet engagement isolated from shore-based reinforcements would probably go America's way. But that hypothetical result may not make much difference since the two navies are more likely to join battle in confined Asian waters than on the open ocean.Ah, yes, the "carrier-killer." China is forever touting the array of guided missiles its weaponeers have devised to pummel U.S. Navy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (CVNs). Most prominent among them are its DF-21D and DF-26 antiship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), which the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made a mainstay of China's anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) defenses.(This first appeared several years ago.)Beijing has made believers of important audiences, including the scribes who toil away at the Pentagon producing estimates of Chinese martial might. Indeed, the most recent annual report on Chinese military power states matter-of-factly that the PLA can now use DF-21Ds to "attack ships, including aircraft carriers," more than nine hundred statute miles from China's shorelines.

AP PHOTOS: Czech believers revive Easter rattling procession

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 04:53 AM PDT

AP PHOTOS: Czech believers revive Easter rattling processionCESKE BUDEJOVICE, Czech Republic (AP) — Participants in black suits with white masks are marching in the southern Czech city of Ceske Budejovice, beating drums and pushing small carts in a revival of an Easter tradition.

Suicide bombers in deadly attack on Afghan ministry

Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:10 AM PDT

Suicide bombers in deadly attack on Afghan ministrySuicide bombers and gunmen attacked the communications ministry in central Kabul on Saturday, officials said, in a deadly, hours-long assault that destroyed weeks of relative calm in the capital. The Taliban said it had "nothing to do" with the attack, which left some 2,000 people stranded in the tall office building for hours at the start of the Afghan work week. "As a result of today's explosion/attack in Kabul city, two people have been martyred (killed) and 6 others are wounded," the health ministry spokesman wrote in a tweet, adding 3 of the injured were women.

A backpack with a flexible screen? Sure, Sony, why not

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 07:05 PM PDT

A backpack with a flexible screen? Sure, Sony, why notThe race among consumer electronics giants to develop all manner of screens that flex and fold -- and to attach them to phones, tablets and more -- is starting to get a bit extreme.We saw over the past 24 hours, for example, the results of Samsung rushing to be the first with a foldable smartphone, with reports from several high-profile reviewers and journalists that their Galaxy Folds easily broke after just a day of usage. We've also covered myriad plans and patents from other tech companies that likewise want to rush into the flexible game, and now along comes Sony with a patent for a flexible display that can be attached to a bag -- like a handbag, or backpack.Ladies and gentleman, we've either reached peak flexible display or are very close to it.The Sony patent, published towards the end of March, was spotted by Dutch tech news blog LetsGoDigital, which reports that it depicts a bag with a flexible display module. The display also uses the same kind of "electronic paper" screen found in e-readers, which tends to require less power and background lighting. It's also thinner and more flexible than a typical LCD display.In terms of other aspects of the design, the bag is shown including a switch that can either be a button or a slider. It would allow the user to change what's shown on the display.The design also calls for both an "automatic" and "manual" mode, which are exactly what those suggest. Those would control what's shown on the display. Additionally, the screen connects to the bag through multiple removable contact points, so you can use the bag for, you know, things that don't involve screens.As the LetsGoDigital report notes, this is not the first example of a bag with a display. Last year, for example, the Pix backpack was released that showed animated patterns on it. Whether or not Sony ever does anything with this patent, meanwhile, it does serve as one more reminder that we're going to start seeing flexible screens pretty much everywhere now, even if manufacturers don't totally know what to do with them yet.

North Korea Seeks Pompeo’s Removal From Talks, Tests New Weapon

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 05:04 PM PDT

North Korea Seeks Pompeo's Removal From Talks, Tests New WeaponA senior North Korean diplomat on Thursday accused Pompeo of "reckless remarks" that had undermined talks between Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump, and urged his replacement as the U.S. point man. While the regime has criticized Pompeo often since Trump's first meeting with Kim in June, it was the first time an official had formally demanded his replacement.

Former Sears company sues ex-CEO Lampert, Treasury's Steven Mnuchin over 'asset stripping'

Posted: 19 Apr 2019 06:05 AM PDT

Former Sears company sues ex-CEO Lampert, Treasury's Steven Mnuchin over 'asset stripping'The company that owned Sears and Kmart has sued its ex-CEO Eddie Lampert and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin over accusations of "asset stripping."

Score an entire suite of creative design apps for only $40

Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:00 AM PDT

Score an entire suite of creative design apps for only $40We're not about to make assumptions here, but we'd wager that the starving artist myth is partially perpetuated by the fact that design programs are so darn expensive. A subscription to a single app alone can sometimes require you to fork out hundreds of dollars you don't have. We don't know about you, but that's plain robbery.You don't have to put yourself in the red just to score apps that will help you perform a variety of design jobs. The Corel Creative Mac Bundle includes an entire creative design app suite from one of the leading software makers with a few surprise bonuses. And you only have to pay $40 to get the whole set.Check out what's in store: Toast 17 TitaniumThe ultimate DVD burning software, Toast 17 Titanium lets you turn videos into professional-looking discs. It comes equipped with a feature-rich digital media suite that includes screen recording, movie editing tools, and media browser. AfterShot Pro 3RAW images aren't the easiest things to edit and manipulate, but this app makes the process feel like a cakewalk. On top of converting RAW files into editable images without inflicting damage, it also boasts a medley of editing tools you can take advantage of to enhance your shots. Painter Essentials 6Create lifelike artworks with this app that features a selection that's chock-full of realistic painting tools and effects. With just a few clicks, it can help you transform a photo into a painting infused with realism. WinZipNobody has the time to wait for hours when sending files. WinZip compresses data with bank-level AES encryption so you can send and receive files faster and more securely. ParticleShopThis powerful brush plugin for Photoshop and AfterShot 3 breathes new life into your masterpieces with fluid, artistic strokes that are a breeze to use. It features 11 different custom brushes, all of which you can incorporate on your creations to take them to the next level.Usually valued at $309.95, grab the Corel Creative Mac Bundle on sale for only $39.99 -- a savings of 87%. Image: Pexels The Corel Creative Mac Bundle  -- $39.99 See Details

'Democratic socialists' Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, and Tlaib prefer socialism to democracy

Posted: 18 Apr 2019 09:59 AM PDT

'Democratic socialists' Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, and Tlaib prefer socialism to democracy"Democratic socialism" turned out to be a chimera, and today's "democratic socialists," care more for socialism than democracy.

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