Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Joe Biden accused of kissing former Nevada lawmaker, an allegation he doesn't recall

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 07:34 AM PDT

Joe Biden accused of kissing former Nevada lawmaker, an allegation he doesn't recallJoe Biden's spokesman said Friday that the former vice president does not recall kissing Nevada political candidate Lucy Flores on the back of her head during a 2014 event.

The US-Mexico border: two sides that are united by fear of Trump’s closure

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 11:00 PM PDT

The US-Mexico border: two sides that are united by fear of Trump's closureWith about $82bn in trade crossing between El Paso and Juarez yearly, businesses on both sides would suffer if the border closesDonald Trump has threatened to close the US-Mexico border if Mexico does not stem the flow of migrants trying to cross. Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty ImagesIf you do what Donald Trump has never done, and walk across the Paso del Norte international bridge that connects El Paso in Texas with Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, it is like entering a hall of mirrors. Everything is the same, yet not the same.On either side of the bridge there are the same broad streets lined with shops, the same people milling around viewing wares. But the shop signs are different. On the American side of the bridge they are in Spanish; on the Mexican side, in English.In El Paso they advertise American consumer brands – Nike, Adidas, Hermes, Prada. In Juarez they hawk cheap pharmaceuticals, dentistry and wrinkle removal.That's what trade in the modern world looks like. Thousands of Mexicans pouring north across the bridge in search of a commercialized taste of the American dream, thousands of Americans crossing south seeking eternal youth in the form of cheap drugs, porcelain teeth and botox.That's 23,000 pedestrians every day, more than 7 million a year. United by a common language, no matter whether in English or Spanish: the language of fear.Fear that Trump will go through with his threat, issued on Friday through one of his tweets and doubled down since then, to close the border. Fear that with one flick of his executive pen, Trump could sever ties between the two cities that stretch back almost 400 years, shattering hundreds of thousands of lives in the process.People walk across the Paso del Norte international bridge into Ciudad Juarez on the US-Mexico border. Photograph: Guillermo Arias/AFP/Getty ImagesIt doesn't matter which side of the bridge you stand. In this hall of mirrors, everyone says the same thing."This would be the end for me," said Carmen, who has a clothing store on the El Paso side. "One hundred percent of my customers are from Juarez."A few shops down, Marcela Coallo is selling handbags in a shop called Bolsa Coketa. "We're all scared, because we all depend on people from Mexico," she said. "President Trump talks about wanting to help American families, so why is he threatening our livelihoods?"How long could Bolsa Coketa survive if the border closed?"One week perhaps," she said. "That's how serious this is."Faced with the same question, Juan Aguilera, a pharmacist on the Mexican side of the bridge, has an equally grim answer. About 80% of his customers, he said, are US citizens, come to buy pharmaceuticals at knock-down prices.How long could he survive with a shuttered border – a week, a month, a year?He laughed."Days," he replied. "Just a few days."Over the weekend, Trump said that if he does go ahead and close the border, "we'll keep it closed for a very long time."A view of the Santa Fe Bridge (Bridge Paso del Norte International) connecting El Paso and Ciudad Juarez on June 20, 2018 in El Paso, Texas. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty ImagesIf the language of fear is not loud enough to reach Trump in the Oval Office, then perhaps the language of numbers carries better. Some $82bn in trade crosses between El Paso and Juarez every year in an intertwining of economies that makes this the fourth largest manufacturing hub in North America.Writ nationally, that amounts to $557bn in annual trade between the US and Mexico. And it supports 5m American jobs, many of them in the manufacturing sector, and many located in precisely those states – such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin – that handed Trump his presidential victory in 2016.For a president who was put in the White House in no small part because of his pledge to increase American trade and protect American manufacturing jobs, that's an impressive figure."This makes no sense as a manufacturing plan," said Tom Fullerton, professor of economics at the University of Texas at El Paso. "Talk of closing the border is putting US manufacturing at risk by potentially disrupting the supply chains that support these industries."Commuters show their visas to border patrol agents to cross into El Paso from Ciudad Juarez. Photograph: José Luis González/ReutersFullerton warned that in the short term it could lead to bankruptcies, and in the long-term to firms pulling out of the border region. That posed an existential threat to the "maquiladora" industry: the complex interrelationship that generates hundreds of thousands of jobs on both sides of the border through American-owned factories located inside Mexico that assemble auto and other parts initially built in the US."Trade is not a zero-sum gain, where a job in Mexico is taken away from the US," said Jon Barela, CEO of the Borderplex Alliance that represents 250 cross-border businesses and manufacturers. "Quite the opposite: for every four jobs created in Juarez there is one high-wage job created in El Paso."Once you leave the hall of mirrors and cross back over the Paso del Norte into El Paso, you can see what Trump's drastic rhetoric is all about. If you look down on the side of the bridge you can see behind a wire fence that a group of young women and infants are being held, sitting on the ground.These are the Central American asylum seekers who Trump says are "invading" America and that must, at all costs, be stopped. From 50ft up on the bridge, looking down on them, they seem too small and helpless to merit so much agony."He says he's doing this to protect the US, but it doesn't seem logical," said Carmen in her El Paso clothing store. "Why does he have to be so dramatic? This looks like a provocation to me."

Chicago police call for state's attorney to resign in Smollett controversy

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 03:21 PM PDT

Chicago police call for state's attorney to resign in Smollett controversyProtesting Chicago police officers on Monday called for Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx to resign after her office dropped felony charges against actor Jussie Smollett last week related to allegations that he staged a phony hate crime. Smollett, who is black and gay, ignited a firestorm on social media by telling police on Jan. 29 that two apparent supporters of President Donald Trump struck him, put a noose around his neck and poured bleach over him while yelling racist and homophobic slurs on a Chicago street. The 36-year-old actor, best known for his role on the Twentieth Century Fox Television hip-hop drama "Empire," was charged in February with staging the incident himself and filing a false police report.

Erdogan's Golden Chance to Make Up to Markets May Not Last Long

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 03:00 AM PDT

Erdogan's Golden Chance to Make Up to Markets May Not Last LongMonday's gains in the lira suggest some investors are betting he'll begin to adopt a more tempered approach after a setback at the polls, pointing to his reference to an "important reform agenda" on Sunday. Turkey's biggest cities turned against him for the first time since 1994 after his growth-at-all-cost leaning precipitated a run on the currency last year, dragging the economy into its first recession since the global financial crisis.

GOP tries to push vote on bill on babies surviving abortions

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 03:07 PM PDT

GOP tries to push vote on bill on babies surviving abortionsWASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans started a long-shot drive Tuesday to force a House vote on a measure that could imprison doctors for five years if they don't try saving the lives of infants born during attempted abortions.

India shot a missile at a satellite and now the debris might hit the International Space Station

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 08:55 AM PDT

India shot a missile at a satellite and now the debris might hit the International Space StationYou can't exactly see it from down here on Earth, but there's a whole lot of junk floating around in the space around our planet. The vast majority of it is man-made, including pieces of satellites, entire defunct spacecraft, and bits and pieces of past space missions. Now, thanks to a hilariously bad decision by India, there's even more of it.In a new test of its growing space might, India decided to launch a missile to shoot down one of its own satellites. The country's thinking was that the demonstration would be a message to the world that India is now "a major space power." In reality the test created hundreds of pieces of space debris that now threaten the safety of future missions, and might even pose a danger to astronauts aboard the International Space Station.Nice one.NASA and other space groups were quick to track the debris created by the missile and subsequent destruction of the satellite. The satellite itself was in low orbit, but the blast pushed many pieces of debris into and above the orbit of the ISS."What we are tracking right now, objects big enough to track -- we're talking about 10 centimeters (six inches) or bigger -- about 60 pieces have been tracked," NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a statement to NASA staff. "That is a terrible, terrible thing to create an event that sends debris at an apogee that goes above the International Space Station. That kind of activity is not compatible with the future of human spaceflight."Bridenstine went on to call the move "unacceptable," and the agency is now tracking around two dozen larger pieces of debris that it now has to account for when tracking the path of the space station around the Earth. Even a relatively small piece of space debris can cause huge problems for astronauts aboard the ISS as well as those embarking on later missions that will take them out of Earth's atmosphere.The majority of the risk to ISS inhabitants will peak over the next ten days, NASA says. After that point much of the debris will have fallen back to Earth, but some of it will remain indefinitely. In any case, it was a dumb move, and India's space program just created a major headache for the rest of the world.

Singapore carrier grounds two Boeing jets over engine problem

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 02:16 AM PDT

Singapore carrier grounds two Boeing jets over engine problemSingapore Airlines said Tuesday it had grounded two of its Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner aircraft after discovering an engine defect during inspections, the latest problem for the US planemaker. The city-state's flag carrier was the launch customer for the model -- which has a maximum capacity of 330 passengers -- and started operating them last year. Boeing's 737 MAX planes were grounded globally last month following the second of two deadly crashes to occur in less than five months.

Whistleblower makes explosive claims over White House security clearances

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 03:29 PM PDT

Whistleblower makes explosive claims over White House security clearancesDemocrats seek answers after whistleblower alleges the White House stopped credit history checks and allowed a high number of interim clearances; chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reports.

Bernie Sanders campaign touts its diversity and fights 'the narrative of 2016'

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 12:40 PM PDT

Bernie Sanders campaign touts its diversity and fights 'the narrative of 2016'The leadership of Sen. Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign held a press call with reporters on Tuesday where they touted figures showing the diversity of their staff and supporters. On his way to losing the Democratic primary to Hillary Clinton in 2016, Sanders was dogged by the impression he was not popular with minorities and that many of his supporters were male "Bernie bros" who were hostile towards women. "The senator is really popular and supported by a diverse coalition despite the narrative that is put out there from time to time," Turner said on the call.

See Photos of the Ford Explorer Plug-In Hybrid (Euro-spec)

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 10:59 AM PDT

See Photos of the Ford Explorer Plug-In Hybrid (Euro-spec)

'He has a heart of gold': 12-year-old filling potholes in Michigan goes viral

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 06:46 PM PDT

'He has a heart of gold': 12-year-old filling potholes in Michigan goes viralA Facebook video showing a 12-year-old boy filling up potholes on a Muskegon Heights street has garnered more than 50,000 views.

White House official cites problems in security clearances

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 10:37 AM PDT

White House official cites problems in security clearancesWASHINGTON (AP) — A career official in the White House security office says dozens of people in President Donald Trump's administration were granted security clearances despite "disqualifying issues" in their backgrounds, including concerns about foreign influence, drug use and criminal conduct.

Duterte Calls China a Friend Amid South China Sea Tensions

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 03:55 AM PDT

Duterte Calls China a Friend Amid South China Sea TensionsChina isn't after Philippine territory and hasn't asked for anything in exchange for the weapons and aid it's given the Philippines, Duterte said in a campaign speech in Manila late Tuesday. "You know, Red China or Communist China just wants to be friends with us," Duterte said.

The U.K. Is Now 'Very Likely' to Leave the E.U. Without a Deal, Warns Chief Negotiator

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 06:25 AM PDT

The U.K. Is Now 'Very Likely' to Leave the E.U. Without a Deal, Warns Chief NegotiatorMichel Barnier said the U.K. is increasingly likely to leave the E.U. with no-deal, after lawmakers rejected all options for moving forward

Palestinian succumbs to wounds after Gaza-Israel border clashes

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:07 AM PDT

Palestinian succumbs to wounds after Gaza-Israel border clashesA Palestinian wounded three days ago during clashes along the Gaza border died Tuesday, the health ministry in the strip said, bringing to five the number of fatalities from the day. Faris Abu Hajaras, 26, was shot by Israeli fire in his stomach east of Khan Yunis Saturday and succumbed to his wounds Tuesday, the ministry said in a statement.

Lori Lightfoot elected as Chicago's first black, gay female mayor in historic vote

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:05 AM PDT

Lori Lightfoot elected as Chicago's first black, gay female mayor in historic voteIn a historic first, a gay African American woman was elected mayor of America's third largest city Tuesday, as Chicago voters entrusted a political novice with tackling difficult problems of economic inequality and gun violence. Lori Lightfoot, a 56-year-old former federal prosecutor and practicing lawyer who has never before held elected office, was elected the midwestern city's mayor in a lopsided victory. She beat Toni Preckwinkle, who is also an African American woman, by a wide margin of 74 to 26 percent in early voting results with most ballots counted. Lightfoot will become Chicago's first openly gay mayor and the first African American woman to hold the post. Since 1837, Chicago voters have elected only one black mayor and one female mayor. Preckwinkle is the chief executive of Cook County where Chicago is based, which analysts said worked against her during a change election as voters sought to shake up city hall. "People [are] hoping for something different to come along. To be the vessel for that is overwhelming," Lightfoot told reporters earlier after the polls opened. Voters had left little doubt they want the next mayor to tackle major issues facing the city of 2.7 million people - especially economic disparities and gun violence that claims more lives than in other major American cities. More than 550 people were killed in Chicago last year due to gang violence often fueled by the drug trade - most in economically-struggling and majority African American neighborhoods.

Reports suggest upcoming Apple iPhone models will have OLED screens, new sizes, bigger batteries

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 08:01 AM PDT

Reports suggest upcoming Apple iPhone models will have OLED screens, new sizes, bigger batteriesAs reported by Digitimes and CNBC, the 2020 iPhones will all have OLED displays in three new sizes from 5.42-inches to 6.67-inches while this year's upcoming lineup will use more powerful batteries with two-way wireless charging. Digitimes reported on Tuesday that Apple will allegedly release a trio of OLED-based iPhones next year that will measure in at 5.42-, 6.06-, and 6.67-inches, a range that spans wider than the company's current flagship devices. Digitimes sources further stated that the 5.42-inch model will come with either Samsung's Y-Octa or LG's TOE touch technology, both of which could provide the phone with a thinner display.

Daimler CEO: Boeing crashes highlight challenge for autonomous vehicles

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 05:35 AM PDT

Daimler CEO: Boeing crashes highlight challenge for autonomous vehicles'One spectacular incident' is all it takes to chill acceptance, Dr. Z says

Candace Cameron Bure still supporting 'Fuller House' co-star Lori Loughlin: We're 'family'

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:47 AM PDT

Candace Cameron Bure still supporting 'Fuller House' co-star Lori Loughlin: We're 'family'Candace Cameron Bure has unconditional love for her "Fuller House" co-star Lori Loughlin amid college admissions scandal.

Trump promises incredible health care, again

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 12:18 PM PDT

Trump promises incredible health care, againTrump's 2019 proposal — which consists of backing a lawsuit to overturn Obamacare, but not coming up with a replacement until after the 2020 election — seems unlikely to help rebrand the GOP as "the party of health care."

Democratic Green New Deal Defectors Chart Their Own Climate Path

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Democratic Green New Deal Defectors Chart Their Own Climate Path"The Green New Deal is a political document," said Casten, a member of the moderate New Democrat Coalition of 101 lawmakers. Casten is a Democratic Green New Deal defector, one of a group of moderates who are rejecting the progressive package that has become a lightning rod for critics and are instead crafting their own climate-change policies. Among the ideas some defectors are considering are measures that would impose a national mandate for the use of cleaner power sources or implementing a carbon tax.

Nipsey Hussle updates: Struggle over handgun prompted stampede at memorial vigil, LAPD chief says

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 02:37 PM PDT

Nipsey Hussle updates: Struggle over handgun prompted stampede at memorial vigil, LAPD chief saysOfficials in Los Angeles discussed the impact of the Nipsey Hussle's death on the city.

Duterte-critic journalist pleads not guilty in Manila tax case

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:24 AM PDT

Duterte-critic journalist pleads not guilty in Manila tax casePhilippine journalist Maria Ressa, whose news website is critical of President Rodrigo Duterte, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to the first of a series of criminal charges she says are government attacks. The site has taken a tough stance on Duterte's signature narcotics crackdown that has killed thousands of alleged drug dealers and users, but also cast a critical eye on his leadership and controversial public statements. Ressa was arrested in her Manila office in mid-February on an online libel charge and was released on bail the next day.

Delay sought on ruling allowing high-capacity ammo magazines

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:07 PM PDT

Delay sought on ruling allowing high-capacity ammo magazinesSACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California's attorney general said Tuesday it appears the sale of high-capacity ammunition magazines has started in the state for the first time in nearly two decades after a federal court judge tossed out a statewide ban.

EU's Barnier: no-deal Brexit more likely by the day, three options left

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 11:53 PM PDT

EU's Barnier: no-deal Brexit more likely by the day, three options leftBritain has become more likely in the recent days to crash out of the European Union without a divorce agreement, the bloc's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Tuesday. "Over the last days a no-deal scenario has become more likely, but we can still hope to avoid it," Barnier said, adding the EU was ready to accept Britain staying the EU's customs union or a relationship akin to the one the EU has with Norway.

Nokia’s new X71 has a stellar design that rivals that of the Galaxy S10

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 02:17 PM PDT

Nokia's new X71 has a stellar design that rivals that of the Galaxy S10HMD Global's Nokia 9 PureView might be the best Nokia phone you can buy right now, but the device isn't necessarily perfect. The phone features a "classic" Nokia handset design, which means it has thicker bezels than most consumers want, and relies on last year's top Snapdragon processor to power its penta-lens camera.One of its biggest rivals is Samsung's Galaxy S10 -- a phone that features a hole-punch display design, as well as the latest Qualcomm processor. The S10, however, only features a triple-lens shooter on the back. But HMD just released a Nokia phone that looks a lot like the Galaxy S10 in terms of overall design. Sadly, the Nokia X71 is only selling in Taiwan for the time being, and it's not a flagship handset.The Nokia X71 features a 6.39-inch Full HD LCD with 19.3:9 aspect ratio, with the punch-hole camera placed on the top-left corner, similar to other punch-hole LCD phones from the competition, like Huawei and Samsung.The phone looks a lot like the Galaxy S10, but it's not quite a replica of Samsung's flagship. For starters, the front camera is placed in the opposite corner. Secondly, the display features a thicker bottom bezel, and the fingerprint sensor is placed on the back under the triple-lens camera, rather than under the screen.Other specs include a Snapdragon 660 processor, 6GB of RAM, 128GB of storage, microSD support, 48-megapixel main rear camera, 8-megapixel ultra-wide camera, 5-megapixel depth-of-field lens, 16-megapixel selfie cam, 3,500 mAh battery with 18W fast-charging support, USB-C connectivity, 3.5mm headphone jack, and Android 9.0 Pie.It's unclear whether the Nokia X71 will ever be launched in Europe or the US, but the phone will cost NT$11,900, or around $385, in Taiwan when it goes on sale next week.

Boeing must do more work on proposed 737 fix: US regulator

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 12:54 AM PDT

Boeing must do more work on proposed 737 fix: US regulatorBoeing must perform more work on a proposed fix to its 737 MAX aircraft before it can be submitted for review, US officials said Monday, suggesting the planes could stay grounded a while longer. Additional work is needed "to ensure that Boeing has identified and appropriately addressed all pertinent issues," a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman said in a statement. The FAA statement is the bureaucratic equivalent of a "stop" sign after Boeing officials touted their proposed remedy last week during a media tour at the company's manufacturing plant in Seattle, Washington.

New scam aims to trick you into giving up your cell phone account information

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 11:00 AM PDT

New scam aims to trick you into giving up your cell phone account informationIf someone calls you pretending to be from your cell phone carrier and asks for a verification code, don't give it to them.

13 Striking Buildings by Zaha Hadid

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:47 PM PDT

13 Striking Buildings by Zaha Hadid

India Opposition Leader Gandhi Pledges to End Poverty by 2030

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 04:23 AM PDT

India Opposition Leader Gandhi Pledges to End Poverty by 2030Led by Rahul Gandhi, the party released its election manifesto in New Delhi on Tuesday, promising to rid India of poverty by 2030, waive farm loans, introduce a single sales tax and reserve a third of government jobs for women. With joblessness at a 45-year high of 6.1 percent, Gandhi pledged to fill 400,000 posts at a federal level and urge state governments to fill 2 million vacant jobs by the end of March 2020.

Turkey recounts Istanbul votes after Erdogan's party appeals loss

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 09:17 AM PDT

Turkey recounts Istanbul votes after Erdogan's party appeals lossTurkish electoral authorities on Wednesday recounted votes in more than a dozen Istanbul districts after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling AKP challenged results giving the opposition a narrow victory in a weekend election. The AKP won most votes nationwide in Sunday's municipal ballot, but tallies also showed the party lost the capital Ankara and the country's economic hub Istanbul in one of its worst setbacks in a decade and a half in power. AKP officials on Tuesday filed a challenge with electoral authorities saying they had found irregularities in ballots in both Ankara and Istanbul.

Ghosn's problems broaden as Renault flags expenses concerns

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 09:14 AM PDT

Ghosn's problems broaden as Renault flags expenses concernsPARIS (AP) — Legal troubles are piling up for Carlos Ghosn after French carmaker Renault said Wednesday it had flagged to judicial authorities serious problems with his expenses during his time as chairman of the company.

GameStop forecasts surprise first-quarter loss, shares fall

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:58 PM PDT

GameStop forecasts surprise first-quarter loss, shares fallShares of the company fell 7.52 percent to $9.34 in extended trading after GameStop also reported quarterly revenue below analysts' estimates. GameStop has struggled in the face of a changing retail landscape and in March named retail industry veteran George Sherman chief executive officer, its fifth CEO in just over a year. For the latest quarter, GameStop posted adjusted earnings of $1.60 per share, scraping past analysts' estimates of $1.58 per share.

iPhone XS Max vs. Galaxy S10+: Which flagship has the best battery life?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 05:07 PM PDT

iPhone XS Max vs. Galaxy S10+: Which flagship has the best battery life?Every year, Apple and Samsung engage in an ongoing game of cat-and-mouse as they try and one up each other with their respective flagships. Every September, Apple releases its brand new iPhone lineup and typically sets a new bar for smartphone performance across a number of different metrics. A few months later, Samsung answers back with a new line of premium Galaxy models. These days, the gap in performance across iPhone and Galaxy models isn't as stark as it used to be, but that's not to say that there aren't significant differences worth highlighting. Of course, it goes without saying that one of the more important features in a smartphone today is battery life, all the more so given how often we remain tethered to our devices each and every single day. As a result, even an incremental improvement in battery life, year over year, can prove to be a godsend for many. All that said, the YouTube channel PhoneBuff recently set out to see how Apple's gargantuan iPhone XS Max matches up with Samsung's equally unwieldy Galaxy S10 Plus when it comes to flat-out battery life. Now sure, one could easily just look at the advertised battery life posted on Apple and Samsung's website, but it's no secret that real-world usage doesn't often align perfectly with the specs listed online. Recall, the battery life info posted online is often the result of testing conditions designed to yield the most impressive results. To get past the advertising figures, PhoneBuff recently conducted an old fashioned battery test pitting the iPhone XS Max against the Galaxy S10+. It's a classic battle of flagships and here's how the test panned out. As a quick point of interest the XS Max boasts a 3,174 mAh battery while the S10 Plus boasts a 3100 mAh battery. The testing itself involved some common everyday tasks one might do with a smartphone, including making a 1-hour phone call, texting, browsing email, and more. When the dust settled, the iPhone died just a little bit before the Galaxy S10 Plus but still managed to stay on for an impressive 24 hours straight. The S10 Plus, meanwhile, managed to stay on for nearly 25 hours.

Disaster debacle: Divided Senate split on emergency aid that would help Puerto Rico, Midwest, California

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 04:30 PM PDT

Disaster debacle: Divided Senate split on emergency aid that would help Puerto Rico, Midwest, CaliforniaThe Senate failed to reach a deal on a multibillion-dollar disaster aid package, punting on aid to help Puerto Rico, California and the Midwest.

The 2020 Jeep Gladiator Launch Edition Is Available to Pre-Order for One Day Only

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 12:50 PM PDT

The 2020 Jeep Gladiator Launch Edition Is Available to Pre-Order for One Day OnlyThe special Gladiator is based on a fully optioned Rubicon, and its buyers will be qualified to enter a contest for a $100,000 prize.

CORRECTION: Microsoft quietly launches new Surface Book 2 configuration

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:07 AM PDT

CORRECTION: Microsoft quietly launches new Surface Book 2 configuration[Corrects GB quantity in third paragraph] Over the weekend, the 13.5-inch Microsoft Surface Book 2 got a refresh which gave the model an 8th-generation Intel Core i5 processor.

View In-Depth Photos of Our Long-Term 2019 Nissan Altima

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 04:59 AM PDT

View In-Depth Photos of Our Long-Term 2019 Nissan Altima

Ukraine's Tymoshenko says won't challenge vote results

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 06:02 AM PDT

Ukraine's Tymoshenko says won't challenge vote resultsUkraine's former prime minister Yuliya Tymoshenko on Tuesday denounced the results of a "rigged" vote that eliminated her from the presidential race, but said she would not urge street protests. Tymoshenko, an internationally recognised political figure, came third in Sunday's first-round vote in what was also her third bid for the presidency. With 99 percent of the ballots counted, Zelensky was ahead with more than 30 percent of the first-round vote, nearly twice that of Poroshenko, on almost 16 percent.

Venezuelan FM visits anti-US allies in Mideast

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 05:09 AM PDT

Venezuelan FM visits anti-US allies in MideastBEIRUT (AP) — Venezuela's foreign minister, meeting with anti-U.S. allies in the Middle East, said Wednesday that opposition leader Juan Guaidó is in breach of the constitution and that the judiciary has to "take care" of it.

R. Kelly sex-crimes case back in court; lawyers want to see correspondence with Avenatti

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 02:07 PM PDT

R. Kelly sex-crimes case back in court; lawyers want to see correspondence with AvenattiLawyers in the R. Kelly sex-crimes case were in court Monday to argue over pretrial motions, including Kelly's demand that prosecutors turn over copies of communications from Michael Avenatti, arrested himself last week on extortion charges.

Best Tech Deals in April 2019

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 08:41 AM PDT

Best Tech Deals in April 2019Amazon Deals | Walmart Deals | Apple Deals | TV Deals | Gaming Deals | Laptop Deals | iPhone Deals Upgrading your gadgets this season on a budget? If you're looking for the best deals around, then you've come to the right place. Retailers are offering a ton of spring clearance sales with discounts on everything from laptops to game consoles. If you're looking to score one of the best soundbars on the market, the Bose Solo 5 TV Sound System is on sale for $199 at Amazon. Normally priced at $249, that's $50 off its regular price.  Great for movie nights at home, it features a unique "dialogue mode" which places emphasis on every spoken word. which makes it a great speaker for movie nights at home. Moreover, the Bluetooth-enabled Solo 5 makes it easy to wirelessly stream music from your smartphone or tablet. Whether you're upgrading to a 4K Smart TV or purchasing your first smart device, here are the best tech deals in April. Amazon Hardware DealsAmazon is currently offering many of its branded devices at discounted pricing. * Echo 2nd Generation w/ Amazon Smart Plug for $114.98 ($10 off) * Echo 2nd Generation (2-Pack) for $169.98 ($30 off) * Echo Dot 3rd Gen for $39.99 ($10 off)  * Echo Dot Kids Edition (2-Pack) for $69.99 ($69.99 off via coupon, "KIDS2PACK") * All-new Kindle w/ 3 mos of Kindle Unlimited for $89.99 ($30 off)  * All-new Kindle Essentials w/ 3 mos of Kindle for $125 ($45 off)  * All-new Kindle Paperwhite Essentials Bundle for $169.97 ($20 off) * All-New Fire HD 8 Tablet w/ Show Mode Dock for $109.98 ($10 off) * All-New Echo Plus with Hue Smart Bulb for $119.99 ($45 off) * Echo Dot Kids Edition + Fire HD 8 Kids Edition for $149.98 ($50 off) * Echo Dot Kids Edition + Fire 7 Kids Edition for $129.98 ($40 off) * Ring Smart Lighting Spotlights (2-pack) for $99.99 ($30 off)  Top Tech Deals Right Now * Dell Inspiron 15.6-inch 4K Touch Laptop for $899.99 ($550 off, i7/16GB/512GB SSD) [NEW] * Bissell Bolt Pet Cordless Vacuum for $59.99 ($30 off) [NEW] * Bose Solo 5 TV Sound System for $199 ($50 off)  * Bose SoundTouch 300 Soundbar for $499 ($200 off)  * Seagate 4TB Portable External Hard Drive for $83.99 ($36 off)  * Apple AirPods Earbuds for $147 ($12 off)  * Dell Inspiron 14 5000 2-in-1 Laptop for $379.99 ($120 off, i3/4GB/128SSD) also at Office Depot  * Dell Alienware 17 Gaming Laptop for $1,699 ($600 off, i7/16GB/256SSD+1TB/1070)  * Dell G5 15 Gaming Laptop for $1,099 ($150 off, i7/16GB/128SSD+1TB) * Nintendo Switch Pro Controller for $56.99 ($13 off)  * Samsung Chromebook Plus 2-in-1 for $494 ($106 off, Core M3/4GB/64GB) * Blue Yeti Nano USB Microphone for $79.99 ($20 off)  * Soundcore Life 2 Over-Ear Headphones for $60 ($20 off)  TV Deals * Vizio 65-inch 4K UHD Smart TV for $598 ($100 off)  * Insignia 55-inch 4K Fire TV Edition for $329.99 ($100 off)  * LG 70-inch 4K Smart TV w/$200 Dell eGift Card for $899 ($200 off) * Sharp 65-inch 4K Smart TV for $549.99 ($250 off) * RCA 55-inch 4K UHD LED TV for $289.99 ($410 off) * TCL 55-inch 4K UHD (2160p) Roku Smart TV for $419.99 ($279 off)  Tech Under $50 * BrexLink Braided USB Type-C Cable for $9.99 ($20 off)  * Frigidaire Retro Mini Fridge for $35 ($15 off)  * Up to 50 Percent Off All-New Tile Pro and Tile Mate Sale  Smartwatch Deals * Fitbit Blaze Smart Fitness Watch for $99.99 ($60 off)  * Fitbit Charge 2 HR Fitness Band for $79.99 ($50 off)  * Amazfit Bip Smartwatch for $69.99 ($30 off) also at Amazon * Amazfit Pace Smartwatch for $129.95 ($30 off) * TicWatch E Bluetooth Smartwatch for $110.49 ($50 off)  * Garmin Approach X40 Activity Tracker for $173 ($77 off)  * Sony Version 1 Smartwatch for $69.50 ($80 off)  * Garmin Vivofit 3 Activity Tracker for $58 ($45 off)  Phones * LG Q6 32GB Unlocked for $139 ($161 off) also $113.98 ($186 off) on ebay [NEW] * Samsung Galaxy S10e w/ Gear Fit 2 Smartwatch for $749.99 ($200 off) * Samsung Galaxy S10 w/ Gear Sport Smartwatch for $899.99 ($279.99 off)  * Samsung Galaxy S10+ 128GB Unlocked for $819.99 ($180 off)  * Moto X 32GB Unlocked (4th Generation) for $129.99 ($80 off)  * Samsung Galaxy S9 Unlocked for $479.99 ($240 off)  * LG V35 ThinQ 64GB Unlocked for $349.99 ($500 off) * Apple iPhone SE Unlocked for $249 ($100 off) * Razer Phone 2 Unlocked for $499.99 ($300 off) * Up to $400 Best Buy Gift Card with iPhone trade-in Cameras * Nikon D7200 DSLR Camera (Body Only) for $696.95 ($100 off) * Fujifilm X-T20 Mirrorless Digital Camera for $789 ($211 off) * Panasonic Lumix FZ80 4K Digital Camera for $297.99 ($101 off)  * Canon PowerShot SX530 Digital Camera for $249 ($130 off) * Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Instant Camera for $99.95 ($80 off)  Games and Consoles * Nintendo Switch Console for $254 ($46 off via coupon, "SNG45") [NEW] * Quest for the Golden Duck for Nintendo Switch for $1 ($8 off) [NEW] * Zombie Vikings for Xbox One for $2 ($10 off, ends 4/8)  [NEW] * Xbox Game Pass 3-Month Membership for $29.99 ($30 off)  * Up to $40 off Xbox One Games at Microsoft * Far Cry New Dawn for PS4 and Xbox One for $19.99 ($20 off)  * Sony PlayStation Classic Console for $39 ($60 off)  * Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS4 or Xbox One for $40 ($20 off) also at Amazon  * Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 for $31 ($29 off)  * Call of Duty: Black Ops for PS4 for $33 ($25 off)  * Xbox One X 1TB PUBG Bundle for $379.99 ($120 off) * Xbox One S 1TB Forza Horizon 4 Bundle for $215 ($85 off)

Israel's Netanyahu to meet Putin in Moscow on Thursday

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:16 AM PDT

Israel's Netanyahu to meet Putin in Moscow on ThursdayPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will fly to Moscow on Thursday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Israeli leader's office said on Tuesday. The two leaders will meet five days before Israel's April 9 election in which the right-wing Netanyahu faces a strong challenge from a centrist candidate. On Monday, Netanyahu told reporters he and Putin spoke by telephone about Syria, whose Russian-backed president, Bashar al-Assad, has been gaining ground in an eight-year civil war.

2 Secaucus students charged with disrupting school's WiFi to avoid taking exam

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 08:17 PM PDT

2 Secaucus students charged with disrupting school's WiFi to avoid taking examThe Wi-Fi connection was down for several days, and students were unable to take any web-based exams or lessons since much of the curriculum is web-based, officials said.

Apple’s upcoming credit card is a lot cooler than you might think

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 01:31 PM PDT

Apple's upcoming credit card is a lot cooler than you might thinkApple's special media event last week was unique for a variety of reasons. Though Apple didn't introduce anything groundbreaking or revolutionary, the event saw Apple jump head first into a number of new markets. Naturally, Apple's foray into the world of original TV programming generated the most amount of buzz, but the company's brand new credit card is intriguing in its own right.Per usual, there's only so much time for Apple to spend on any one topic during one of its media events, which is to say that there were a few notable details about the company's upcoming credit card -- dubbed Apple Card -- that didn't manage to make it into the keynote. With that said, we've compiled a few worthwhile tidbits about the card that have since come to light over the past few days.First off, let's talk interest rate. Apple during its keynote presentation said that it would offer an interest rate "among the lowest" across the industry. While intriguing, the interest rate will be what you've seen before, which is to say somewhere in the 13-24% range. That said, TechCrunch points out that "Apple will place users who sign up at the lower end of the tier that they land in due to their credit score."Apple's presentation on the Apple Card was a little rushed and, as a result, a tad confusing with respect to the virtual vs physical card aspect. In short, the Apple Card will reside in a user's wallet app and will include a virtual card number and cvv for any purchases a user may want to make over the phone. A physical card, as you would expect, can be used anywhere you'd normally use a credit card, though the cash back rewards are greater if you use the Apple Card on your iPhone as opposed to the physical card.What's interesting, though, about the virtual card number generated by the iPhone is that you can create a new one. As far as security goes, this is incredibly helpful. To this point, TechCrunch notes:> But you can hit a button to regenerate the PAN (primary account number), providing you with a new credit card number at any time. This is great for situations where you are forced to tell someone your credit card number but do not necessarily completely trust the recipient.As far as signing up is concerned, people briefed on the matter have relayed that the sign-up process will just take a few minutes and can be accomplished right on the iPhone itself. What's more, any customer service issues that arise can be handled by contacting Apple support at any time via text message.So when will the Apple Card make its illustrious debut? Apple played fast and loose with the details, but we can expect it to launch sometime this summer. If you want to make sure you're one of the first to get the Apple Card, you can head on over here to Apple's website and hit the "Notify Me" option in the upper right hand corner.

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