Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

10 children rescued from California home after abuse investigation

Posted: 14 May 2018 08:55 AM PDT

10 children rescued from California home after abuse investigationThe mother has been charged with child neglect while her husband has been charged with nine counts of torture and six counts of child abuse. They both deny any abuse took place.

Jared Kushner returns to spotlight in Israel

Posted: 14 May 2018 11:18 AM PDT

Jared Kushner returns to spotlight in IsraelJared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and adviser, made a rare public appearance on Monday when he spoke at the controversial opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

Officials warn largest Hawaii volcano eruption is ‘imminent’

Posted: 14 May 2018 08:54 AM PDT

Officials warn largest Hawaii volcano eruption is 'imminent'When the lava lake inside Kilauea drops, a catastrophic explosion could launch ballistic boulders the size of cars into the air and plumes of ash could rise 20,000 feet.

Keyless Cars Have Killed More Than 2 Dozen People Since 2006: Report

Posted: 14 May 2018 02:29 PM PDT

Keyless Cars Have Killed More Than 2 Dozen People Since 2006: ReportA new report is highlighting the risks of keyless car ignitions after more

Police release investigation details of boy killed while trapped in van

Posted: 14 May 2018 08:56 AM PDT

Police release investigation details of boy killed while trapped in vanCincinnati police revealed officers never left their car to search for 16-year-old Kyle Plush, who suffocated in his van after being trapped under a seat a month ago.

Fox News Judicial Analyst Defends Timeline Of Mueller's Probe

Posted: 14 May 2018 06:59 PM PDT

Fox News Judicial Analyst Defends Timeline Of Mueller's ProbeDuring a Fox News segment on various calls for special counsel Robert Mueller

The Latest: Girl in fair condition after bear attack

Posted: 13 May 2018 02:55 PM PDT

The Latest: Girl in fair condition after bear attackGRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (AP) — The Latest on a bear attack in western Colorado: (all times local):

Randi Zuckerberg gets real about working as a woman in Silicon Valley: 'I wished I was invisible'

Posted: 14 May 2018 12:55 PM PDT

Randi Zuckerberg gets real about working as a woman in Silicon Valley: 'I wished I was invisible'It's no secret — trying to work up the ladder as a woman in any male-dominated

Why hasn't Kelly Sadler apologized publicly for crude John McCain joke?

Posted: 14 May 2018 12:55 PM PDT

Why hasn't Kelly Sadler apologized publicly for crude John McCain joke?The White House explained why staffer Kelly Sadler has not apologized publicly for crude John McCain joke.

US pressures North Korea to ship nuclear weapons overseas before sanctions lifted, according to reports  

Posted: 14 May 2018 01:29 AM PDT

US pressures North Korea to ship nuclear weapons overseas before sanctions lifted, according to reports  The United States has told North Korea that is must start shipping nuclear weapons, fissile material and some of its long-range missiles out of the country within a couple of months of the June summit between Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, and President Donald Trump, according to South Korean media. The report by Yonhap News echoes comments by John Bolton, the president's national security adviser, who on Sunday reiterated that Pyongyang could expect no assistance or relaxation of sanctions until it fully dismantles its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. Speaking on ABC News, Mr Bolton said, "I think the implementation of this decision means getting rid of all the nuclear weapons, dismantling them, taking them to Oak Ridge, Tennessee". The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a nuclear research and storage facility that already holds key components from Libya's nuclear weapons programme. Yonhap said Washington's demand was delivered to North Korea as part of the preparatory talks ahead of the summit meeting in Singapore between Mr Kim and Mr Trump, with the US stating that sanctions will remain in place until the North complies. Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump are due to meet on 12 June in Singapore Credit: Reuters/KCNA Pyongyang's reaction was not known, although there have been other reports that the regime is resisting requests that it destroy all its nuclear weapons data and send an estimated 10,000 nuclear scientists abroad. Failing to destroy the accumulated knowledge would permit the North to carry out further research in secret and resume a nuclear weapons programme at short notice, analysts point out, while it would also enable the North to sell atomic data to other nations or terrorist groups. North Korea has already offered to abolish its nuclear weapons capability and has invited foreign journalists to its Punggye-ri nuclear testing ground next week to observe the destruction of the site. Washington's insistence on further steps to denude the North of its nuclear capability suggest that the US is still unsure of just how honest and open Pyongyang is being, coupled with lingering concerns that inspectors may not be able to locate all the regime's research facilities. Mr Bolton and Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state, both reinforced Washington's message that North Korea could reap financial rewards if Kim Jong-un was willing to fully dismantle his nuclear weapons programme. Mr Pompeo told Fox News that if a deal was reached between Mr Kim and President Trump at their summit in Singapore, that "private sector Americans" may be allowed to "help build out the energy grid that needs enormous amounts of electricity in North Korea". North Korea's nuclear history: key moments Americans could also help with investment in infrastructure and agriculture to help feed the North Korean population, he added. The secretary of state, who appears to be building a rapport with the North Korean leader after meeting him twice in just two months, said that Mr Kim is "paying attention to things the world is saying", adding that he would likely be watching Fox News. In a separate appearance on CBS's Face the Nation, Mr Pompeo also floated the possibility of "sanctions relief" as a further incentive, which jarred somewhat with Mr Bolton's messaging on CNN that Pyongyang shouldn't look for economic aid from the US. John Bolton has brought a hawkish bent to White House foreign policy Credit: Blooberg However, Mr Bolton, with a reputation taking a hardline approach to North Korea, also struck a positive tone, commenting that the country's prospects were "unbelievably strong if they'll commit to denuclearisation." He added: "I think what the prospect for North Korea is to become a normal nation, to behave and interact with the rest of the world the way that South Korea does". Speaking later to ABC, he explained that President Trump was forgoing "months and months of preparation" for his June summit with Mr Kim because it would interfere with his innate ability to "size up" the North Korean leader.

Gun control on the ballot as activists seek reform through state initiatives

Posted: 14 May 2018 03:00 AM PDT

Gun control on the ballot as activists seek reform through state initiativesSome states will present ballot initiatives on gun law reform in November. Three months after 17 people were killed and 17 injured at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida, leading to a national push for reform led by student survivors, the debate has shifted, from Capitol Hill to states across the country. As November's midterm elections approach, advocates of stricter gun laws hope to place the issue directly into the hands of voters.

An Asteroid the Size of the Statue of Liberty Will Whiz Past Earth Tomorrow. Here's How to See It

Posted: 14 May 2018 06:25 AM PDT

An Asteroid the Size of the Statue of Liberty Will Whiz Past Earth Tomorrow. Here's How to See ItThe last asteroid to crash into Earth was in 2013

Kilauea volcano erupts on Hawaii's Big Island

Posted: 14 May 2018 05:30 AM PDT

Kilauea volcano erupts on Hawaii's Big IslandA Hawaii volcano that sputtered lava for a week, forced around 2,000 residents to evacuate, destroyed some two dozen homes and threatened a geothermal plant now threatens to blow its top in the coming days or weeks.

Tomi Lahren Gets Owned By Genealogist After Her Remarks On Low-Skilled Immigrants

Posted: 14 May 2018 10:46 AM PDT

Tomi Lahren Gets Owned By Genealogist After Her Remarks On Low-Skilled ImmigrantsA genealogist took commentator Tomi Lahren to task on Twitter after she made

Colorado mom scares off bear attacking 5-year-old daughter

Posted: 14 May 2018 06:53 PM PDT

Colorado mom scares off bear attacking 5-year-old daughterDENVER (AP) — A 5-year-old Colorado girl attacked by a black bear outside her home over the weekend was expected to recover thanks to the quick thinking of her mother, who scared the animal away, officials said Monday.

Countdown to the Royal Wedding: What's Cooking Inside the Windsor Castle Kitchen?

Posted: 14 May 2018 11:56 AM PDT

Countdown to the Royal Wedding: What's Cooking Inside the Windsor Castle Kitchen?From chocolate truffles to fresh produce, guests are in for some fine dining.

New York killer nanny sentenced to life in prison

Posted: 14 May 2018 01:40 PM PDT

New York killer nanny sentenced to life in prisonA former New York nanny was sentenced to life behind bars Monday for murdering two young children in her care five years ago in a case that tormented parents worldwide. Yoselyn Ortega, 56, killed six-year-old Lucia and two-year-old Leo with a kitchen knife in the bathroom of their affluent Upper West Side apartment on October 25, 2012. A New York jury found her guilty last month on two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder.

MH370 captain 'deliberately evaded radar' during final moments of doomed flight

Posted: 13 May 2018 11:47 PM PDT

MH370 captain 'deliberately evaded radar' during final moments of doomed flightAviation experts believe they may have solved the mystery of the disappearance of flight MH370, saying the 239 passengers and crew were the victims of a deliberate, criminal act carried out by the plane's captain. The fate of the Boeing 777 has mystified investigators ever since it went missing en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in 2014. However, a panel of experts assembled for the Australian TV programme 60 Minutes says the evidence suggests Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah executed a careful series of manoeuvres to evade detection and ensure the plane disappeared in a remote location. Martin Dolan, former head of the Australia Transport Safety Bureau, who led the two-year search for the missing plane, said: "This was planned, this was deliberate, and it was done over an extended period of time." The plane was presumed to have flown on autopilot before running out of fuel and plunging into the southern Indian Ocean. However, the wreckage has never been found and the search was suspended in January last year. Zaharie Amad Shah was the captain of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 when it disappeared in 2014 The panel suggested a more gradual descent could mean the search was concentrated in the wrong area and that the plane could still be found largely intact. Simon Hardy, a Boeing 777 instructor, said Captain Zaharie avoided detection by flying a careful course along the winding border between Malaysian and Thai air space, crossing in and out of radar cover on either side. "So both of the controllers aren't bothered about this mysterious aircraft. Cause it's, 'Oh, it's gone. It's not in our space any more,'" he told the programme, which was broadcast on Sunday. The search for MH370 "If you were commissioning me to do this operation and try and make a 777 disappear, I would do exactly the same thing." He also pointed out the Malaysian captain had made an unexplained turn to fly over his home town of Penang. "Somebody was looking out the window, It might be a long, emotional goodbye or a short, emotional goodbye to his home town," he said. Survey ship HMS Echo and a Lockheed P-3 Orion during the early days of the search in the southern Indian Ocean Credit: Press Association Larry Vance, a veteran air crash investigator, told the programme the public could be confident in a growing consensus about the plane's final moments and that the pilot was intent on killing himself. "Unfortunately, he was killing everybody else on board, and he did it deliberately," he added. The pilot Theories about the plane's disappearance being due to a "rogue pilot" emerged soon after the tragedy. Malaysian officials said they believed the plane went missing after a "deliberate act" and confirmed the last words heard from the cockpit were "good night Malaysian three seven zero". It's unknown whether the sentence was spoken by Captain Zaharie or the co-pilot, 27-year-old Fariq Abdul Hamid. However no conclusive evidence has ever been found that one or both of the pilots deliberately steered the aircraft into the ocean. A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane  Credit: STRINGER An initial interim report into the mystery in 2015 looked closely at Captain Zaharie's background and behaviour in the lead-up to the flight, but found his "ability to handle stress at work and home was good". The report also stated: "There was no known history of apathy, anxiety, or irritability. There were no significant changes in his lifestyle, interpersonal conflict or family stresses." Captain Zaharie's wife, Faizah Hanun, was questioned a number of times by the FBI and Malaysian police about her husband's state of mind leading up to the flight. The pair were reported to have split-up before the crash, although they were still living under the same roof in Kuala Lumpur. A modern mystery | Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Speculation that Captain Zaharie may have brought the plane down as part of an elaborate insurance scam as also ruled out by the report, which found "no record of him having secured a life insurance policy." Footage of the pilots and crew preparing to board the missing Boeing 777 again showed no untoward signs, with them appearing "well groomed and attired". On Zaharie's behaviour investigators concluded: "The gait, posture, facial expressions and mannerism were his normal characteristics." Disappearance MH370 lost contact with Malaysian Airlines less than an hour after it took of from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 12.41am on 8 March 2014. No distress signal or communication was sent after it disappeared. MH370 flight path The plane's transponder, the instrument that communicates with ground radar, appeared to be shut down as it crossed from Malaysian to Vietnamese airspace over the South China Sea. Initial investigations suggested the plane came down in the Indian Ocean south west of Australia, well out of its designated flight path. When it went down the plane was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers, including seven children. A woman cries and drops to her knees while praying with MH370 relatives at the Lama Temple in Beijing, on the second anniversary of plane's disappearance Credit:  Mark Schiefelbein The majority of those on board were Chinese and Malaysians but it was also carrying passengers from Iran, America, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, India, France, New Zealand, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan and the Netherlands. Malaysia Airlines said four passengers who checked in for the flight did not show up at the airport on the day. 'Most expensive search in history' The search for MH370 is thought to be the most expensive ever conducted. The mystery over its last location has lead to a vast search area of nearly three million square miles being designated. Since then Malaysian, Australian and Chinese teams have carried out underwater searches spanning 46,000 square miles in the southern Indian Ocean and found nothing. French police officers carry a piece of MH370 debris from a plane in Saint-Andre, Reunion Island, near Madagascar in 2015 Credit: AP/Lucas Marie Debris from MH370 has washed up in beaches along the coastline of Mozambique, Tanzania, Madagascar, Reunion Island and Mauritius. This has been attributed to the strength of the ocean's currents rather than giving any clues as to MH370's final resting place. A report released by the Australian search agency in December advised that if the plane was not found in the existing zone it was most likely to be in a 9,653 square-mile to the north. But after spending an estimated at £90 million, the three countries decided to wind down the investigation earlier this year. Costs of searching for MH370 - D The decision was met with dismay from the families' official support group, Voice 370. In a statement it said: "In our view, extending the search to the new area defined by the experts is an inescapable duty owed to the flying public in the interest of aviation safety."

Do China's Missiles in the South China Sea Mean War?

Posted: 15 May 2018 04:29 AM PDT

Do China's Missiles in the South China Sea Mean War?Or has Beijing now cemented its claim?  Do China's Missiles in the South China Sea Mean War? The South China Sea China has the potential to become a cauldron of conflict, and China is stoking the fire. By claiming perhaps as much as 90% of the South China Sea, Beijing is trampling on the rights of other nations in the region, nations whose Exclusion Economic Zones (EEZs) and national waters are being violated.

Scott Pruitt Got 24/7 Security From Day 1 At EPA, New Documents Show

Posted: 15 May 2018 04:48 AM PDT

Scott Pruitt Got 24/7 Security From Day 1 At EPA, New Documents ShowEnvironmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt was granted around-

Does CBD Really Work For Anxiety?

Posted: 14 May 2018 11:55 AM PDT

Does CBD Really Work For Anxiety?Anxiety affects almost all of us in small ways. Before giving a speech or

Fury, resignation, silence in region as U.S. opens Jerusalem embassy

Posted: 14 May 2018 09:43 AM PDT

Fury, resignation, silence in region as U.S. opens Jerusalem embassyBy Stephen Kalin and Lisa Barrington RIYADH/BEIRUT (Reuters) - The opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem as Israeli troops shot dead dozens of Palestinian protesters in Gaza on Monday sparked outrage in much of the Middle East - but virtual silence among Washington's closest Gulf allies. In recent years the bitter regional rivalry that pits Shi'ite Iran and its allies against a bloc led by Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia has increasingly pushed the decades-old Arab-Israeli struggle into the background. While Saudi Arabia and its fellow monarchies have previously criticized the embassy decision, they have also welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump's harder line against Iran, which has cast itself as the guardian of Palestinian rights.

Malaysia's Mahathir gets down to work after historic poll win

Posted: 13 May 2018 08:15 PM PDT

Malaysia's Mahathir gets down to work after historic poll winMalaysia's new Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, 92, officially got down to work Monday after his shock election win last week that broke the six-decade stranglehold on power of a corruption-riddled regime. The stock market opened for the first time since Wednesday's polls but did not slide as heavily as had been anticipated after Mahathir sought in a speech Sunday to calm investors. Ooi Chin Hock, a dealer with SJ Securities, told AFP he believed the "government is supporting the stock market to make sure there is not too much volatility".

Fairy-tale animal scenes

Posted: 14 May 2018 02:00 AM PDT

Fairy-tale animal scenesThe enchanting snaps show the models cuddling up to the deadly animals and even taking naps with the often unpredictable creatures. In true storybook style, the images were taken deep in a forest just outside Moscow and were shot by photographer, Olga Barantseva.

Correction: Husband Run Over story

Posted: 14 May 2018 08:32 AM PDT

Correction: Husband Run Over storyHOUSTON (AP) — In a story May 11 about a woman released from prison after serving 15 years in the death of her husband, The Associated Press reported erroneously that Clara Harris' teenage daughter was in the car with Harris when she struck and killed her husband. The teenager was Harris' stepdaughter.

Trevor Noah: 'I Don’t Watch Fox News' And Neither Should You

Posted: 15 May 2018 02:52 AM PDT

Trevor Noah: 'I Don't Watch Fox News' And Neither Should YouTrevor Noah says his fans should not watch Fox News.

Prosecutor: Children tortured "for sadistic purposes"

Posted: 14 May 2018 05:49 PM PDT

Prosecutor: Children tortured "for sadistic purposes"FAIRFIELD, Calif. (AP) — Children removed from a squalid California home described acts of intentional abuse that resulted in puncture wounds, burns, bruising and injuries consistent with being shot with a pellet gun, authorities said Monday.

Navy Aircraft Carriers Might Just Be Unsinkable. Here's Why.

Posted: 15 May 2018 08:10 AM PDT

Navy Aircraft Carriers Might Just Be Unsinkable. Here's Why.The bottom line on aircraft carrier survivability is that only a handful of countries can credibly pose a threat to America's most valuable warships, and short of using nuclear weapons none of those is likely to sink one.  Although the Navy has changed it tactics to deal with the proliferation of fast anti-ship missiles and the growing military power of China in the Western Pacific, large-deck aircraft carriers remain among the most secure and useful combat systems in America's arsenal.  With the unlimited range and flexibility afforded by nuclear propulsion, there are few places they can't go to enforce U.S. interests.  And at the rate the Navy is investing in new warfighting technologies, that is likely to remain true for many decades to come. Large-deck, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are the signature expression of American military power.  No other combat system available to U.S. warfighters comes close to delivering so much offensive punch for months at a time without requiring land bases near the action.  As a result, the ten carriers in the current fleet are in continuous demand from regional commanders -- so much so that extended overseas combat tours are becoming the norm.

Good Samaritan Rescues Two Elderly Women from Attack in NYC

Posted: 14 May 2018 05:50 AM PDT

Good Samaritan Rescues Two Elderly Women from Attack in NYCA man punched two women in Brooklyn Sunday morning before being stopped by a stranger, according to police.

Florida Deputy Reunites With 3-Month-Old Baby He Saved

Posted: 14 May 2018 11:26 AM PDT

Florida Deputy Reunites With 3-Month-Old Baby He SavedDeputy Jeremie Nix has been credited with saving little Kingston's life.

Hezbollah says rocket attack on Israeli-occupied Golan marks 'new phase'

Posted: 14 May 2018 10:36 AM PDT

Hezbollah says rocket attack on Israeli-occupied Golan marks 'new phase'The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah group said on Monday a missile salvo into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights last week marked a new phase in the Syrian war and showed Damascus and its allies would not let Israeli attacks in Syria go unanswered. Israel has said the attack from Syrian territory was carried out by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, which set up Shi'ite Hezbollah in Lebanon in 1982. Iranian forces and Hezbollah have deployed to Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

North Korea begins dismantling nuclear test site, according to satellite photos

Posted: 14 May 2018 05:04 PM PDT

North Korea begins dismantling nuclear test site, according to satellite photosNorth Korea has begun dismantling facilities at its nuclear test site, according to a satellite survey conducted by American researchers.  Analysts at the 38 North website say commercial imagery taken last week reveals that several support buildings have been demolished, railroads have been removed and mining carts overturned. Pyongyang has promised to dismantle the Punggye-ri test site under the gaze of journalists between May 23 and 25. The underground facility has been the site of all six North Korean nuclear tests. The destruction of the site has been offered as an example of the secretive regime's commitment to disarming ahead of a historic meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un next month. Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump are due to meet on June 12 in Singapore Credit: Reuters/KCNA The commitment was praised by Moon Jae-in, the South Korean president, on Monday. "This would be a preliminary step toward complete denuclearisation," he said during a meeting with his aides, according to his office. However, sceptics point out that part of the site is believed to have collapsed, rendering it unsafe, and that North Korean no longer needs a test site, having developed a nuclear arsenal. The analysis suggests that work has already begun on dismantling the site. Kim Jong-un has the USA and South Korea exactly where he wants them "Imagery from May 7 shows that two key buildings (one likely an engineering office building, the other a compressor building) near the portal has been razed along with a shed that might have housed instrumentation equipment and one small outbuilding," reads the analysis. "The rail lines for the mining carts have all apparently been removed and the previously noted train of mining carts appears to have been tipped over and/or disassembled on the spoil pile." At the same time, a number of new structures may be designed to provide access and vantage points for the world's press. However, no tunnel entrances at the test site appear to have been permanently closed yet. North Korea's nuclear progress - estimated yields per test "This may be because on May 12, the official Korean Central News Agency announced that the final dismantlement of the Punggye-ri nuclear test ground would be witnessed by foreign journalists and would involve the 'collapsing all of its tunnels with explosions, blocking its entrances, and removing all observation facilities, research buildings and security posts'," the report concludes.

Australian breaks world record with Everest summit

Posted: 14 May 2018 12:56 AM PDT

Australian breaks world record with Everest summitAn Australian climber reached the top of Mount Everest Monday, becoming the fastest person to summit the highest mountain on each of the world's seven continents. Steve Plain conquered Everest 117 days after he reached the peak of Mount Vinson -- the highest mountain in Antarctica -- breaking the previous seven-summit speed record by nine days. "Steve reached the summit this morning with Jon Gupta and Pemba Sherpa," Iswari Paudel of Himalayan Guides Nepal, which organised logistics for Plain's Everest ascent, told AFP.

Devel Sixty 6x6 SUV smokes Mercedes-AMG GT in drag race

Posted: 14 May 2018 02:00 AM PDT

Devel Sixty 6x6 SUV smokes Mercedes-AMG GT in drag raceDubai's Devel has started testing prototypes for a 6x6 super SUV dubbed the Sixty. Part of the testing included a trip to the drag strip where the Sixty managed to outmuscle a Mercedes-AMG GT sports car. Devel quotes a 0-60 mph time of 5.8 seconds for the Sixty, so the prototype in the video might be generating a little more power than the official 700-hp rating that the company also quotes for its crazy six-wheeler.

Police in Virginia fatally shoot suspect, 1 other in custody

Posted: 14 May 2018 12:59 PM PDT

Police in Virginia fatally shoot suspect, 1 other in custodyPORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP) — Police in Virginia had shot and killed an armed home-invasion suspect and took another armed suspect into custody after the man-and-woman duo refused to comply with orders to surrender, authorities said Monday.

2018 Ford Expedition Platinum Max Review: Fresh, Fantastic

Posted: 15 May 2018 05:58 AM PDT

2018 Ford Expedition Platinum Max Review: Fresh, FantasticFord picked the perfect time to step up its SUV game.

NXP shares jump after report China resumes Qualcomm deal review

Posted: 14 May 2018 08:46 AM PDT

NXP shares jump after report China resumes Qualcomm deal reviewChina's commerce ministry has been asked to speed up the review of the deal and Qualcomm's proposed remedies to protect local companies, Bloomberg reported https://bloom.bg/2KWlf2q, citing people familiar with the matter. The report said local firms are concerned that the deal would extend Qualcomm's patent licensing business into areas such as mobile payments and autonomous driving. Shares of Qualcomm rose as much as 4.7 percent in early trading.

Chilean bishops open to resignations, reparation for abuse

Posted: 14 May 2018 02:29 PM PDT

Chilean bishops open to resignations, reparation for abuseVATICAN CITY (AP) — Chile's Catholic bishops said Monday they were open to whatever Pope Francis proposes to overhaul the Chilean church, including the removal of bishops, reforms of seminaries and paying financial reparation to victims of a clergy sex abuse and cover-up scandal.

Paris attack latest linked to Russian Caucasus

Posted: 13 May 2018 10:24 AM PDT

Paris attack latest linked to Russian CaucasusA knife attack in Paris that killed one man on Saturday, carried out by a French citizen born in Chechnya, is the latest of numerous suspected acts of terrorism linked to the troubled Russian region. The Chechen warlord Akhmed Chatayev, who was killed in 2017, was believed to be behind an attack the previous year at Istanbul's Ataturk airport in which 45 people died. Turkish officials said the attack was carried out by suicide bombers from the area as well as the ex-Soviet central Asian nations Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan -- which in recent years have also proved to be a hotbed of extremist violence.

Populist cleric Sadr all but wins Iraq election

Posted: 14 May 2018 01:43 PM PDT

Populist cleric Sadr all but wins Iraq electionBy Ahmed Aboulenein and Maher Chmaytelli BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, a long-time adversary of the United States, has all but won Iraq's parliamentary election, the electoral commission said, in a surprise turn of fortune for the Shi'ite leader. In the first election since Islamic State was defeated in the country, Iran-backed Shi'ite militia chief Hadi al-Amiri's bloc was in second place, while Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, once seen as the front-runner, trailed in third. The preliminary results were based on a count of more than 91 percent of the votes cast in 16 of Iraq's 18 provinces.

Trump calls Jerusalem embassy move 'a great day for Israel'

Posted: 13 May 2018 05:34 PM PDT

Trump calls Jerusalem embassy move 'a great day for Israel'US President Donald Trump on Monday hailed the scheduled opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem as "a great day for Israel," even as deadly clashes erupted between Palestinians and Israeli security forces on the Gaza border. The Gaza Health Ministry said 25 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire and hundreds more wounded amid mass protests on the border against the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

10 Frequently Asked Social Security Benefit Questions

Posted: 14 May 2018 07:21 AM PDT

10 Frequently Asked Social Security Benefit QuestionsThe majority of American workers will eventually collect Social Security benefits. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked Social Security questions. What is the Social Security retirement age?

Ryan Reynolds Went On A South Korean Singing Show Disguised As A Unicorn

Posted: 14 May 2018 12:24 PM PDT

Ryan Reynolds Went On A South Korean Singing Show Disguised As A UnicornWell, this is truly magical.

Search resumes for remains of up to 7 Michigan girls

Posted: 14 May 2018 12:05 PM PDT

Search resumes for remains of up to 7 Michigan girlsMACOMB TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — After a weekend break, police on Monday resumed digging in suburban Detroit in an area that could yield the remains of up to seven missing girls.

US school districts are hiring more foreign educators

Posted: 14 May 2018 05:10 PM PDT

US school districts are hiring more foreign educatorsTeachers come here to educate American students in a number of subjects on a J-1 cultural exchange visa

Bentley Continental GTC Spied Showing Its Sporty Side On The 'RIng

Posted: 15 May 2018 07:44 AM PDT

Bentley Continental GTC Spied Showing Its Sporty Side On The 'RIngWith the coupe already on the road, Bentley doesn't have much reason to cover up the GTC in a lot of camouflage.

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