Wednesday, May 1, 2019

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Explainer: Probes spawned by Mueller target Trump business, others

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 05:59 AM PDT

Explainer: Probes spawned by Mueller target Trump business, othersNumerous investigations spun out of U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe are still alive and kicking, presenting potential ongoing legal and political risk for President Donald Trump, some of his former advisers and others. The following are some of the topics likely being examined in spun-off probes by federal prosecutors in New York and elsewhere: MANHATTAN PROSECUTORS Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have been investigating the spending and fundraising of Trump's inaugural committee.

Job post seeking 'preferably Caucasian' applicants removed

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:30 PM PDT

Job post seeking 'preferably Caucasian' applicants removedFALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — A northern Virginia tech staffing company has apologized after an online job posting sought "preferably Caucasian" applicants.

US Army veteran arrested for plotting LA mass attack

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:51 PM PDT

US Army veteran arrested for plotting LA mass attackA US Army veteran who was allegedly plotting a large-scale terror attack near Los Angeles as revenge for the recent mass shootings in New Zealand has been arrested, authorities said Monday. Mark Steven Domingo, 26, who had combat experience in Afghanistan and recently converted to Islam, faces federal terror-related charges for plotting mass casualties via a home-made bomb at a white nationalist rally in Long Beach this past weekend, officials said. "This was a case in which law enforcement was able to identify a man consumed with hate and bent on mass murder, and stop him before he could carry out his attack," US Attorney Nick Hanna told reporters.

Maduro vows retaliation for coup attempt as he denies attempts to flee to Cuba

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:39 PM PDT

Maduro vows retaliation for coup attempt as he denies attempts to flee to CubaVenezuelan president Nicolas Maduro declared victory over Tuesday's attempted uprising, vowing retaliation against those who plotted a "coup" to remove him from office. "This will not go unpunished," Mr Maduro said in his first address, broadcast on television and the radio, since the pre-dawn attempt to remove him by a group of soldiers led by opposition leader and self-declared president Juan Guaido. Mr Maduro also used his speech to deny claims by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that he had intended to flee to Cuba in the midst of a military uprising against him. "Mike Pompeo said that... Maduro had a plane ready to take him to Cuba but the Russians prevented him from leaving the country. Mister Pompeo, please, this really is a joke," Mr Maduro said. Mr Guaido had said earlier on Tuesday evening that Mr Maduro did not have the support of the armed forces, and called on members of the military to "keep advancing" in efforts to oust the socialist leader.  He called on supporters to take to the streets again on Wednesday for the "largest march" in the country's history. "Tomorrow we continue with the execution of OperationLiberty," he wrote.   Soldiers ride on top of a car with supporters of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido during anti-goverment protests, in Caracas Credit: CARLOS EDUARDO RAMIREZ/Reuters A few thousand protesters were pelted with tear gas in Caracas on Tuesday and at one point an armoured vehicle rammed into the crowds, appearing to leave some people injured.  Dozens of people were reportedly injured in clashes as the violence spread across the country throughout the day. Earlier in the day Mr Guaido, who has declared himself interim president, released a video of himself alongside around a dozen soldiers who he claimed had defected.  He praised the "brave soldiers" and urged more to do likewise, saying the "final push" toward removing embattled socialist president Nicolas Maduro was underway.  Leopoldo Lopez, a fellow opposition politician, also appeared in the video despite being under house arrest since 2017. He claimed forces loyal to Mr Guaido had released him. Mr Maduro's government labelled the move an attempted "coup", a description echoed by supportive politicians abroad, and vowed to crack down on the "military traitors". Mr Maduro later said military leaders had assured him they remained loyal. There were few public signs that Mr Guaido's call had triggered a broader revolt among commanders.  US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo claimed that Mr Maduro had been set to fly out of Venezuela on Tuesday morning but was talked out of it by the Russians. Mr Maduro denied the claims late on Tuesday. "Mike Pompeo said that... Maduro had a plane ready to take him to Cuba but the Russians prevented him from leaving the country. Mister Pompeo, please, this really is a joke," Mr Maduro said. Mr Trump publicly accused Cuba of conducting military options in Venezuela to support Mr Maduro and threatened a "complete embargo" and "highest-level sanctions" unless they stopped.  Bruno Rodríguez, Cuba's Minister of Foreign Affairs denied there the presence of any Cuban military in the country, writing on Twitter: "There are no Cuban troops in Venezuela; nor are there any Cubans taking part in military or security operations there." US Nat Sec Advisor Bolton is pathological liar who misinforms Trump. There are no Cuban troops in Venezuela; nor are there any Cubans taking part in military or security operations there. Only medical staff in humanitarian mission. I strongly reject Trump's total blockade threat— Bruno Rodríguez P (@BrunoRguezP) 30 April 2019 Senior US administration figures gave their vocal backing to Mr Guaido, with vice president Mike Pence, Mr Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton all issuing supportive statements. Mr Trump tweeted: "I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the people of Venezuela and their freedom!  I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 30, 2019 Mr Bolton said that America was "very well informed" with what was taking place and again declined to rule out military action, insisting "all options" were on the table. But Antonio Guterres, the United Nations secretary general, urged "maximum restraint" on all sides, while the body's spokesman said the dispute must be resolved "peacefully".  Sir Alan Duncan, the UK government minister for the Americas, said he was watching events "very closely", adding that Mr Guaido had shown "courage, creativity and resolution".  Mr Guaido and his supporters gathered near the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base, the military airport in Caracas where his video appeared to have been shot.  President of the Venezuelan Parliament Juan Guaido Credit:  Miguel Gutierrez/REX Around 70 soldiers wearing blue armbands in support for Mr Guaido reportedly squared off against security forces loyal to the regime. One pro-Guaido solider was injured in the clashes.  As more supporters joined, the scenes turned increasingly ugly. Footage showed water cannons being used on the crowds and, at one moment, a military vehicle smashing into protesters.  On Tuesday night at least 25 Venezuelan troops sought asylum in Brazil's embassy in Caracas, a senior Brazilian official said. A spokesman for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said soldiers and lieutenants were among the applicants. The petitions for asylum came as Bolsonaro threw his support behind Venezuelans "enslaved by a dictator," a reference to President Nicolas Maduro whom Guaido is challenging for power. "Brazil is on the side of the people of Venezuela, President Juan Guaido and the freedom of Venezuelans," Bolsonaro said in a series of tweets. "We support the freedom of this sister nation to finally live a true democracy." Opposition demonstrators face military vehicles near the Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda Airbase "La Carlota" in Caracas Credit:  CARLOS GARCIA RAWLINS/Reuters Tuesday's call for a military uprising was the boldest attempt yet by Mr Guaido, who cited constitutional powers back in January to declare himself interim president, to force Mr Maduro from power. His claim has been supported by America and more than 50 other countries, some of whom have implemented sanctions. But others, including Russia, are backing Mr Maduro. In the video, Mr Guaido, 35, spoke directly to camera as more than a dozen soldiers dressed in military uniform, some holding guns, stood to attention behind him. "Today, brave soldiers, brave patriots, brave men loyal to the Constitution have followed our call," said Mr Guaido, who is also president of the country's National Assembly.  He called on people to take to the streets all over Venezuela and claimed that "the definitive end of the usurpation starts today". He added: "Today as the caretaker president of Venezuela, as the legitimate commander-in-chief of the armed forces, I call on all soldiers, the military family, to accompany us in this mission."  Mr Lopez, seen as Mr Guaido's political mentor, stood behind. He later said: "I want to tell the Venezuelan people: This is the moment to take to the streets and accompany these patriotic soldiers."  There were reports the action was taken earlier than planned because Mr Guaido feared imminent arrest.  Soon after the video, which appeared to have been filmed in the early morning, was posted online the move was condemned by Mr Maduro's ministers.  Vladimir Padrino, the Venezuelan defence minister, said: "We reject this coup movement, which aims to fill the country with violence." He insisted the country's forces remained loyal to Mr Maduro.  Jorge Rodriguez, the country's information minister, wrote on Twitter that the "military traitors" who were seeking to promote a "coup" were being confronted.  A Kremlin spokesman and the Bolivan president Evo Morales, key allies of Mr Maduro, called the uprising a "coup" attempt. Cuba's foreign minister also denounced the move.  But Donald Trump's administration issued statements of support. Mr Pence tweeted to Mr Guaido and his supporters: "We are with you! America will stand with you until freedom and democracy are restored."  Sprain, instrumental in shaping the European Union's stance on Venezuela, was more cautious, with a government spokesman calling for a "peaceful democratic process" rather than "bloodshed".  It was unclear whether Mr Guaido's message had resonated with the military leaders whose support is critical in keeping Mr Maduro in power despite a crumbling economy and electricity blackouts.  A soldier in the group with Mr Guaido denied government claims they had been tricked into acting, telling Reuters: "We're all afraid, but we had to do it."  Another protest called for by Mr Guaido and his supporters is due to take place today.

Suspected Russian spy, a beluga whale found with mysterious camera strap, lets people pet it

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 03:00 PM PDT

Suspected Russian spy, a beluga whale found with mysterious camera strap, lets people pet itThe beluga whale with suspected Russian military ties has become a local attraction in Norway. It's so tame, it reportedly comes when called.

Dem. Rep. Slams Chase Bank Tweet that Discouraged Wasteful Spending

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 09:51 AM PDT

Dem. Rep. Slams Chase Bank Tweet that Discouraged Wasteful SpendingRepresentative Katie Porter (D., N.Y.) lashed out Tuesday at a Chase Bank tweet that encouraged customers to cut down on wasteful spending, arguing that the message was "insulting" to hard-working families struggling to pay their rent.Porter was asked during a CNN interview about her combative Twitter exchange with the bank, in which she took issue with the notion that Chase's customers are spending "frivolously."> Mr. Dimon, you couldn't figure out how to balance an example JPMC teller budget but said you'd "think about" how one might make ends meet. Is this what your crackerjack leadership team came up with?> > -- Rep. Katie Porter (@RepKatiePorter) April 29, 2019"I was glad they took the tweet down. I think it's insulting to the hard-working American people, many of whom are earning minimum wage or just above that, who are struggling to pay rent, health insurance, and other costs. . . . I think they should apologize to their customers; that's obviously they're business decision," Porter told CNN's Alisyn Camerota.> This US Congresswoman called out JPMorgan Chase for a tone-deaf tweet about spending money on coffee and cabs> > -- CNN International (@cnni) April 30, 2019Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) joined Porter Monday in denouncing the tweet as insensitive to Americans struggling to make ends meet.Chase subsequently deleted the tweet and apologized.> Our MondayMotivation is to get better at MondayMotivation tweets. Thanks for the feedback Twitter world.> > -- Chase (@Chase) April 29, 2019The social-media controversy comes after Porter grilled Chase CEO Jamie Dimon during a House hearing earlier this month, asking him how a bank teller making $16.50 an hour could bear the cost of child care and other essentials. A video of the exchange went viral, earning over 1 million views.Dimon defended Chase's entry-level wages to reporters following the hearing."We take very good care of our entry-level jobs: $35,000 to $37,000 per year, medical, retirement," he said.Porter concluded her CNN appearance Tuesday by questioning Dimon's commitment to ensuring "prosperity for every American family" by lowering health-care costs and increasing wages."He's one of America's business leaders and I would welcome his help in trying to solve the problems American families are facing, not belittle them," she said.

Joe Biden Will Need to Be a 'Better Judge' of Personal Space, Says Wife Jill

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 08:35 AM PDT

Joe Biden Will Need to Be a 'Better Judge' of Personal Space, Says Wife JillFormer Vice President Joe Biden will have to be a better judge of how he reacts when people approach him, his wife Jill Biden said…

Burger King plans to release plant-based Impossible Whopper nationwide by end of year

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:35 AM PDT

Burger King plans to release plant-based Impossible Whopper nationwide by end of yearBurger King plans to expand its Impossible Whopper test in more markets and targeting a national release. Plus, is Pizza Hut adding vegan cheese?

Hillary Clinton mocks Donald Trump reading Mueller report: 'I'm f*****'

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:19 PM PDT

Hillary Clinton mocks Donald Trump reading Mueller report: 'I'm f*****'Hillary Clinton has mocked the man who beat her in 2016, reading from a portion of the Mueller report in which Donald Trump says "I'm f*****".The former US secretary of state poked fun at Mr Trump during a brief break from a speaking tour with her husband, Bill. The two sat down with comedian Jordan Klepper to read through the report.During their chat with Klepper – who hosts the Comedy Central show 'Klepper' – the trio began discussing GoFundMe causes they believed were worth $1,000 donations.Klepper then noted that there is a campaign raising money to have Ms Clinton read the entire special counsel report."Gosh, I would definitely do that," she said in response.The video then cut to her reading the portion of the report in which the president found out that Robert Mueller would be leading the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election."Oh my god. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f*****," Ms Clinton said, mocking the presidents speaking pattern ever so slightly.The Clintons have at least five more speaking dates set up for their tour, in Vancouver, Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas.The two political titans have so far refused to put their support behind any of the candidates in the Democratic primary, where at least 20 candidates are vying for the chance to take on Mr Trump in 2020.

Taiwan reports voyage of 2 US warships through Taiwan Strait

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:55 PM PDT

Taiwan reports voyage of 2 US warships through Taiwan StraitTAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Two U.S. warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait over the weekend, Taiwan's defense ministry said Monday, in a move that Beijing said threatened to hinder U.S.-China relations.

Justine Damond: US police officer guilty of murder after shooting Australian yoga teacher trying to report suspected rape

Posted: 01 May 2019 07:00 AM PDT

Justine Damond: US police officer guilty of murder after shooting Australian yoga teacher trying to report suspected rapeA US police officer has been convicted of murder after shooting to death an unarmed woman who approached his car to report a possible rape.Mohamed Noor was also convicted of manslaughter over the July 2017 death of Justine Damond, a 40-year-old with dual American-Australian citizenship.Noor, 33, had told a jury a loud bang on his squad car scared him and his partner as they drove down an alley in Minneapolis and he opened fire "to stop the threat" after he saw a woman appear at his partner's window with a raised arm.Prosecutors questioned whether that bang had really happened, noting neither officer had mentioned it to investigators at the scene, and criticised Noor for shooting without seeing a weapon or Damond's hands.Noor, a police officer since 2015, was acquitted of the most serious charge of intentional second-degree murder.He faces up to 15 years for third-degree murder and nearly five years for manslaughter, although judges are not bound by state sentencing guidelines and can impose much lower sentences.Hennepin County attorney Mike Freeman said: "This was a tragic shooting that did not have to happen and should not have happened."It does not give us pleasure to call out police wrongdoing."Damond, a yoga instructor and life coach from Sydney, was killed a month before she was due to marry.Her father said he was "satisfied" by Noor's conviction, which he said capped "a painful journey" for their family.It is rare for US police officers to be convicted when they plead self-defence.Noor is the first Minnesota officer found guilty of murder, prompting some to question whether race played a role in the verdict. He is a black Somali refugee and Damond was white.John Thompson, an activist and friend of Philando Castile, a black man killed in Minnesota in 2016 by a Latino police officer who was later acquitted, said: "Officer Noor was going to jail no matter what, because he's a black man who shot a white woman in the state of Minnesota."But Mr Freeman said: "Race has never been a factor in any of my decisions and never will be. We look at each case based on the facts and the evidence and the law that's in front of us. And I will stand by what we have done."Asked how Noor's case was different from others in which white officers were not charged, the attorney added: "The evidence showed that the officer acted unreasonably."Mr Ruszczyk said the jury's decision on Tuesday reflected respect for the rule of law and the sanctity of life."Justine was killed by a police officer, an agent of the state," he said. "We believe he was properly charged with a crime."Mr Ruszczyk also bitterly criticised police, saying his family believes "the conviction was reached despite the active resistance of a number of Minneapolis police officers, including the head of the union, and either active resistance or gross incompetence" by state investigators early on.Minnesota's third-degree murder charge requires a jury to believe a victim was killed through a dangerous act "without regard for human life but without intent to cause" death. Second-degree manslaughter is defined as creating unreasonable risk of causing death or great bodily harm to another through culpable negligence.Additional reporting by agencies

Autopsy report: Houston student in fight died from brain tumor

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:35 PM PDT

Autopsy report: Houston student in fight died from brain tumorOfficials say a 13-year-old girl who died days after being involved in a fight while walking home from school was killed by a brain tumor discovered when she was hospitalized days later.

Every Full-Size Luxury Car You Probably Can't Afford, Ranked

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 03:29 PM PDT

Every Full-Size Luxury Car You Probably Can't Afford, Ranked

Explainer: Will opposition leader Guaido topple Venezuela's President Maduro?

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 04:29 PM PDT

Explainer: Will opposition leader Guaido topple Venezuela's President Maduro?Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido appeared alongside armed, uniformed men on Tuesday in his strongest call yet to the military to abandon President Nicolas Maduro, a day before planned mass protests aimed at toppling the socialist leader. In the more than three months since Guaido invoked the constitution to assume an interim presidency, citing fraudulent elections, Maduro has so far kept a grip on the levers of power including the military and security forces. Guaido says Maduro must step aside for a transitional government to organize new elections.

Japan’s new emperor ‘prays for happiness of the people’ in first address

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 08:59 PM PDT

Japan's new emperor 'prays for happiness of the people' in first addressEmperor Naruhito gave his first speech as the new monarch of Japan on Wednesday morning, promising to fulfill his responsibilities as "the symbol of the state and the unity of the people". Just hours after his father, Emperor Akihito, formally stepped down from the Chrysanthemum Throne at midnight and the new Reiwa Era dawned, Emperor Naruhito also promised to "sincerely pray for the happiness of the people and the further development of the nation, as well as the peace of the world". The emperor also vowed to "share in the joys and sorrows of the people", as well as expressing "heartfelt respect and appreciation" for the actions of his father.  The 59-year-old emperor was speaking shortly after attending a brief ceremony in the palace - the Kenji-to-Shokei-no-Gi - in which he accepted the imperial regalia, which signify his position as emperor. In an event that is traditionally restricted to adult male members of the imperial family and the cabinet - although Japan's only female government minister, Satsuki Katayama, broke precedent by being in attendance - chamberlains to the imperial family entered the Matsu-no-Ma state room bearing the symbols of the emperor. Shinto priests recite religious words before entering the main building to conduct a festive ceremony to report the enthronement of the new emperor Credit:  CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP The regalia - a sword and a jewel - are inside sealed boxes that have not been opened in centuries. The third item that makes up the regalia, a mirror, is not permitted to leave Ise Shrine, in Mie Prefecture, the spiritual home of the Shinto religion. Chamberlains also presented the two seals of state to the emperor, who wore a formal suit with a red sash and a white bow tie.  Skies cleared over Tokyo on Wednesday morning, although the heavy rain overnight had not stopped countless Japanese people celebrating the arrival of the new era on the stroke of midnight.  Television footage has shown revellers dancing in the streets in the Shibuya district of Tokyo at midnight, many wearing T-shirts bearing the two characters for the name of the new era - which means "beautiful harmony".  Thousands more braved the rain to be outside the imperial palace at midnight, with one man who had travelled from Kyoto for the occasion telling Kyodo News, "I wanted to see this place to have a special memory because this is a once-in-a-lifetime event". People celebrate as new Emperor Naruhito's era of Reiwa, or "beautiful harmony" began early Wednesday, May 1 Credit:  Kyodo News/AP In the city of Dazaifu, in south-west Japan, more than 1,500 local people were marshalled into the shape of the characters for Reiwa, with 68-year-old Hiroshi Nabeshima saying, "I feel lucky to be part of the celebration".  In Yamagata, five couples got married at a hotel at midnight, while hundreds of others registered their marriages at city halls within seconds of the start of the new era. Elsewhere, a fully-booked charter flight flew over Mount Fuji at dawn and local officials on Minamitorishima Island, Japan's most easterly point, gathered on a beach to see the first sunrise of the Reiwa Era.  Japanese Emperor Akihito leaves the Chrysanthemum Throne, in pictures The new emperor and Empress Masako will make their first public appearance at the imperial palace on Saturday, greeting members of the public from a balcony.  A number of further ceremonies are scheduled for the coming months, culminating in the Sokuirei Seiden no Gi, the formal enthronement of the emperor, on October 22.

The media is failing on climate change – here's how they can do better ahead of 2020

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:40 AM PDT

The media is failing on climate change – here's how they can do better ahead of 2020We spoke to climate change experts for advice on how news outlets can cover the environment in ways that make voters listen Young protestors hold placards at the office of U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell during a Green New Deal demonstration. Photograph: Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/REX/Shutterstock America elected Donald Trump at the end of the hottest year ever recorded, without debate moderators asking him a single question about global warming.But after three years of record temperatures, devastating wildfires and some of the most destructive hurricanes in US history, the media is facing new pressure – often from the candidates themselves – to give the subject more prominence during the 2020 election. Yesterday, MSNBC devoted more than five minutes to Beto O'Rourke's rollout of a $5tn climate plan, calling climate a "kitchen table issue" for 2020. Jay Inslee, the Washington governor who is seeking to make climate change the central thrust of his campaign, is calling on the Democratic National Committee to host a debate solely focused on climate. Bernie Sanders raised the issue during his town hall on Fox News earlier this month – and even drew cheers from the audience when he talked about new jobs in the renewable energy sector. Rising temperatures and the crisis they pose for humans were part of every Democratic candidate's pitch during CNN's marathon of hour-long town halls last week. In the run-up to 2020, as newsroom leaders grapple with their mistakes in the 2016 election – from reliance on inaccurate polls to underestimating the impact of fake news – the failure to press candidates on climate change is emerging as an area of self-examination. "In 2016 there were almost no questions asked , which is insane," says Tony Bartelme, a senior reporter who covers climate change for the Post and Courier in Charleston, South Carolina. "It's a good start that we're starting to hear questions for 2020." The Guardian is joining forces with Columbia Journalism Review and the Nation to launch Covering Climate Change: A New Playbook for a 1.5-Degree World, a project aimed at dramatically improving US media coverage of the climate crisis. The project kicks off today with an event at Columbia Journalism School featuring CJR's editor-in-chief, Kyle Pope, the Nation's environment correspondent, Mark Hertsgaard, and the Guardian climate columnist Bill McKibben. The Green New Deal – progressives' vision for slowing climate change without further burdening the poor – has also helped catapult the subject into the 2020 conversation. In March, MSNBC's Chris Hayes took the highly unusual step of devoting an hour to the idea, in a show featuring the New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But even as there are signs that airtime for climate is beginning to increase, questions remain about the depth and quality of the coverage. "I don't see the media paying much attention to differentiating how serious each candidate is on the climate question," said David Gelber, the creator and executive producer for the Showtime series on climate change, Years Of Living Dangerously. More Americans than ever are worried about climate change. A poll of likely Democratic caucus-goers in Iowa ranked climate change about on par with healthcare as the top issues they want candidates to talk about. Research indicates that major national newspapers are beginning to pay more attention to climate – but local publications and TV news haven't kept up. The major broadcast networks – ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX – spent just 142 minutes on climate change last year, according to one calculation from the progressive group Media Matters. And about half of Americans hear about global warming in the media once a month or less, according to surveys by climate communications programs at Yale and George Mason universities. Meanwhile, five major national US newspapers – the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times – have, in aggregate, roughly tripled their coverage of climate change since four years ago, according to the Media and Climate Change Observatory at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The New York Times now has a desk of about a dozen covering climate . Climate editor Hannah Fairfield said the team is collaborating with the politics desk to report on the 2020 candidates' climate positions. But climate coverage is not just a question of volume– it's also a question of approach. We spoke to experts in the field for their advice on how news outlets should cover climate in ways that make voters listen during the 2020 race. Quote conservatives Adam Berinsky, who studies why some people believe political rumors – such as that climate change is a hoax – said people who buy into political rumors are driven by a "combination of conspiratorial dispositions and political motivations". They are more likely to change their minds if they hear from sources they identify with, often fellow conservatives. Aaron McCright, a sociology professor who studies public opinion at Michigan State University, said journalists should give the small but growing numbers of conservatives who care about climate change "more of a mouthpiece so that their message could start competing" with science denialism. Republicans who want to limit climate pollution for the sake of national security or as part of a plan for energy independence need to compete better with climate deniers, said McCright. "Those could be effective messages if they're promoted hour by hour, day by day, week by week, by dozens or hundreds of conservatives in everyday life, TV, papers, Congress." Bring up climate, even when the candidates don't Gelber says reporters should bring the campaign story back to climate change, even if the candidates aren't discussing their proposed solutions. He said they should help audiences differentiate between the candidates, explaining to viewers and readers how specific they have gotten in their plans. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez greets audiences following a televised town hall event on the Green New Deal in New York City on 29 March 2019. Photograph: Jeenah Moon/Reuters Cover climate as a local news story Edward Maibach, a George Mason climate communications scientist, said "most people are saying they rarely hear climate change news because most people pay attention to local news. Most climate news in America is not local news". Maibach's program, Climate Matters, trains weathercasters and local reporters to explain the local consequences of a warming world. Bartelme suggests trying to connect local catastrophes to the climate story and explain why the extreme weather is happening. "What we can do is make those connections for people," Fairfield said. Reporters can seek out "local stories that have climate fingerprints on them". Focus on solutions Elizabeth Arnold, a longtime reporter and professor at the University of Alaska, argues that "doom and gloom" coverage alone may force the public to disengage. "Repetition of a narrow narrative that focuses exclusively on the impacts of climate change leaves the public with an overall sense of powerlessness," she said in an introduction to one paper. Choose words carefully Susan Hassol, director of the organization Climate Communication, said the phrase "heat-trapping pollution" is easier to understand than "greenhouse gas", and "global warming" conveys more meaning than "climate change". The Guardian is partnering with Columbia Journalism Review and the Nation today on "Covering Climate Change," a town hall event with media leaders about how to change the media narrative on climate change. Watch the event live here between 9am and 2pm.

Family of suspect in synagogue shooting: Son 'now a part of the history of evil' against Jews

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:17 PM PDT

Family of suspect in synagogue shooting: Son 'now a part of the history of evil' against JewsEarnest has been charged with murder and three counts of attempted murder, and they carry special-circumstance allegations of a hate crime.

William Barr Testifies Before Congress on the Mueller Report. Read His Opening Statement

Posted: 01 May 2019 06:31 AM PDT

William Barr Testifies Before Congress on the Mueller Report. Read His Opening StatementIt marks Barr's first Congressional hearing since releasing the redacted report

10 Things to Know for Today

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 05:05 AM PDT

10 Things to Know for TodayYour daily look at late breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today:

New York Times editorial board blasts 'appalling' anti-Semitic cartoon in Times International edition

Posted: 01 May 2019 07:17 AM PDT

New York Times editorial board blasts 'appalling' anti-Semitic cartoon in Times International editionThe cartoon portrayed a blind President Trump, wearing a yarmulke, being led on a leash by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is depicted as a guide dog with a Star of David collar.

PG&E still lacks estimate on compensating wildfire victims

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:52 PM PDT

PG&E still lacks estimate on compensating wildfire victimsSAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Pacific Gas & Electric Corp.'s top financial executives said during a bankruptcy meeting Monday they still haven't determined when the utility can start compensating victims of recent wildfires started by the utility's equipment.

Apple rallies as new services offset slump in iPhone sales

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 02:02 PM PDT

Apple rallies as new services offset slump in iPhone salesApple said Tuesday that profits in the past quarter dropped amid falling iPhone sales, but the results were above Wall Street expectations and sent shares sharply higher. The California tech giant reported a 16 percent drop in profits in the just-ended quarter to $11.6 billion, as overall revenues dipped five percent to $58 billion. Apple shares rallied more than five percent in after-hours trade, with the results showing better-than-anticipated results from its new products and services in the fiscal second quarter to March 30.

Five ways Trump's moves to stem asylum seekers have hit hurdles

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 02:03 PM PDT

Five ways Trump's moves to stem asylum seekers have hit hurdlesIncreasingly frustrated, Trump on Monday issued a presidential memorandum directing officials to make it harder for asylum seekers to apply for work permits and to charge them application fees - drawing immediate fire from the United Nations. Many asylum protections are codified in U.S. and international law. Meanwhile, the flow of migrants continues to swell.

Venezuela news LIVE: Pompeo threatens US military action 'if required' as country braces for more protests amid uprising

Posted: 01 May 2019 03:51 AM PDT

Venezuela news LIVE: Pompeo threatens US military action 'if required' as country braces for more protests amid uprisingThousands of people are expected to take to the streets in Venezuela in competing protests as the battle for power continues in Caracas and beyond.Opposition leader Juan Guaido has declared himself the legitimate leader of the country, backed by the US and dozens of other nations, after accusing President Nicolas Maduro of fraudulently keeping his place in office. He has called for mass protests.Mr Maduro has called the uprising a 'coup' and has said that he has subdued the 'traitors' in the military who have backed Mr Guaido. He too has called for his "working class supporters" to take to the streets on Wednesday, which is International Workers' Day.US secetary of state Mike Pompeo said that the US will take military action in Venezuela "if required" but would prefer a peaceful solution to the crisis.Violent street battles erupted in parts of Caracas on Tuesday, with protesters throwing rocks at government forces. At least one military vehicle ran over a group of demonstrators. Follow the latest updates in our live blog below. Please allow a second for the blog to load.

FDA permits sale of Philip Morris IQOS tobacco-heating alternative to cigarettes

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 03:20 PM PDT

FDA permits sale of Philip Morris IQOS tobacco-heating alternative to cigarettesFollowing a review of about two years, the FDA determined that authorizing the device for sale in the U.S. market was "appropriate for the protection of public health" because the products produce "fewer or lower levels of some toxins than combustible cigarettes." Unlike combustible cigarettes, the IQOS devices heat tobacco-filled sticks wrapped in paper, which generates an aerosol that contains nicotine. The FDA's move is certain to add fuel to a growing debate among public health advocates on whether such smoking alternatives shift lifelong smokers to less harmful products or risk addicting a new generation to nicotine. E-cigarette use among middle- and high-school students surged last year, according to federal data, sparking a crackdown on the device makers by the FDA.

Funeral service for San Diego synagogue victim who shielded rabbi held Monday, and more updates

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:02 PM PDT

Funeral service for San Diego synagogue victim who shielded rabbi held Monday, and more updatesLori Gilbert-Kaye was killed Saturday at a shooting at Chabad of Poway near San Diego. Her funeral was held Monday. Here's what you need to know.

View Photos of the 2020 Land Rover Defender Prototype

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:09 AM PDT

View Photos of the 2020 Land Rover Defender Prototype

The Latest: 7 Tennessee victims died of blunt force injuries

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 02:53 PM PDT

The Latest: 7 Tennessee victims died of blunt force injuriesNASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The Latest on the investigation into seven people killed in rural Tennessee (all times local):

Barr Accused of ‘Masterful Hairsplitting’ Over Mueller During Senate Grilling

Posted: 01 May 2019 09:49 AM PDT

Barr Accused of 'Masterful Hairsplitting' Over Mueller During Senate GrillingThe Asahi Shimbun/GettyDemocrats accused Attorney General Bill Barr of misleading Congress and dissembling for President Trump during a Wednesday hearing that came after it was revealed Special Counsel Robert Mueller accused Barr of sewing confusion about the Trump-Russia investigation. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) accused Barr of engaging in "masterful hairsplitting" in trying to defend his previous testimony about Mueller's investigation. Sen. Maize Hirono (D-HI) went further, likening him to President Trump's lackey and saying he outright lied to Congress. They were just some of the accusations leveled against Barr by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The catalyst for the Democratic reaction to Barr was a letter written by Mueller criticizing Barr's summary of the Mueller Report delivered to Congress in late March."The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public...did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions," Mueller wrote after Barr sent his letter to Congress. Mueller's letter stood in stark contrast to a comment Barr made to Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) in a congressional hearing on April 9. Crist asked Barr if he was aware of any concerns on Mueller's team about how he characterized the report. Barr's answer suggested he didn't have concrete knowledge of the team's sentiments. "I suspect they probably wanted more put out," he said. On Wednesday, Whitehouse asked Barr why he didn't bring up the Mueller letter when Crist asked him a "related question" about concerns on Mueller's team."I don't know what you mean by related question," Barr said. "To me, it seemed to be a very different question."Whitehouse sounded incredulous. "I can't even follow that down the road," he said. "Boy, that's some masterful hairsplitting." During a recess after his exchange with Barr, Whitehouse shuffled down the hallway sending emails on his iPad. "I think he was cagey and misleading," Whitehouse told The Daily Beast.The attorney general's credibility was in "free fall," said Whitehouse, adding that he seemed to be playing to an "audience of one." Several Democratic senators waiting for the elevator with him piped in their agreement.Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) went further during the hearing. "You knew. You lied. And now we know," Hirono said, after she accused him of covering for Trump, who she called a "grifter and liar."Hirono and other Democrats have called for Barr's resignation following the publication of Mueller's bombshell letter Tuesday night that accused Barr of twisting the special counsel's words."There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation," Mueller wrote. "This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations."  Barr had written to Congress that the Mueller report found no evidence of collusion between President Trump's campaign and the Kremlin, and not enough evidence of obstruction of justice to convince Barr that Trump had committed a crime.  Mueller requested Barr clarify the supposed confusion by quickly publicizing portions of his report, which the attorney general declined to do. Instead, Barr released a redacted version of the report four weeks later. During Wednesday's hearing, Barr blamed the lag on Mueller's refusal to identify grand-jury information so it could be easily redacted."I didn't feel it was in the public interest to allow this to go on for several weeks without saying anything," Barr said, "so I decided to simply state what the bottom-line conclusions were, which is what the department normally does: make a binary determination—is there a crime or isn't there a crime?"Mueller's decision not to determine whether or not Trump committed a crime was unexpected to Justice Department leaders."We were, frankly, surprised by that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction," Barr said.Instead, Barr said it was up to him to make a decision—and he determined Trump did not break the law. In particular, Barr and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) discussed a portion of the Mueller Report covering a directive Trump gave to White House Counsel Don McGahn that would have resulted in the ouster of Mueller. Trump told McGahn that Mueller had conflicts that should have prevented him from being special counsel, according to the report, and ordered McGahn to have the Justice Department fire Mueller. McGahn refused to comply with the order. But Trump's version of the story, Barr argued, is different."There's something very different between firing a special counsel outright, which suggests ending the investigation, and having a special counsel removed for conflicts, which suggests that you're going to have another special counsel," Barr said. After The New York Times first reported the incident last year that Trump directed McGahn to push the Times to change its story about the alleged firing attempt. Barr said that wasn't criminal. "We believe that it would be impossible for the government to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the president understood that he was instructing McGahn to say something false because it wasn't necessarily false," Barr said. "Moreover, McGahn had weeks before already given testimony to the Special Counsel, and the president was aware of that, and as the report indicates, it could also have been the case that he was primarily concerned about press reports and making it clear that he never outright directed the firing of Mueller."Feinstein said during a recess it remains to be seen whose attorney Barr really is."I think the question with Mr. Barr has always been whose attorney general is he? Is he the president's attorney general or is he the people's attorney general?" she said. "I think most of us believe he's the president's attorney general. So what's happening is some people are trying to flesh that out  and make a better determination then they have right now."Asked by The Daily Beast whether she thought Barr was telling the truth, Feinstein said, "He's under oath. He should be."— With additional reporting by Jackie Kucinich.Read more at The Daily Beast.

When Ford Nearly Produced A Mid-Engined Mustang

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 08:17 AM PDT

When Ford Nearly Produced A Mid-Engined MustangThe up and coming mid-engined Chevrolet Corvette is arguably the industry's worst kept secret. Ford toyed with he idea of a mid-engine Mustang way back in the late 1960s. This is the story of the Ford Mustang sports car that never happened.

Experts: Human error may be cause of Seattle crane collapse

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:33 PM PDT

Experts: Human error may be cause of Seattle crane collapseSEATTLE (AP) — Human error may have caused a crane collapse that killed four people and injured four others in Seattle over the weekend, experts said Monday.

Protesters clash with Maduro forces in Venezuela

Posted: 01 May 2019 04:46 AM PDT

Protesters clash with Maduro forces in VenezuelaAn uprising is under way in Venezuela after opposition leader Juan Guaido urges protesters to join the 'final phase' to oust President Nicolás Maduro.

Brazil president says Venezuela´s Guaido has not been defeated

Posted: 01 May 2019 10:24 AM PDT

Brazil president says Venezuela´s Guaido has not been defeatedBrasília (AFP) - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said Wednesday Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido was not defeated in his attempt to overthrow the leftist regime of Nicolas Maduro, saying a "crack" has been opened that could bring down the government. "This is by no means a defeat ... I recognize the patriotic and democratic spirit of Juan Guaido in his struggle for the freedom of his country," Bolsonaro told reporters after a special meeting at the defense ministry to discuss the Venezuelan crisis.

As Biden lead widens, firefighters union will do 'everything it takes' to help him win

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:30 AM PDT

As Biden lead widens, firefighters union will do 'everything it takes' to help him winThe firefighters union plans to be a major — and impactful — element of Biden's campaign.

FAA mandates changes to Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Posted: 01 May 2019 08:27 AM PDT

FAA mandates changes to Boeing 787 DreamlinerThe U.S. Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday said it was mandating new flight control software and parts to Boeing Co's 787 Dreamliner to address what it called an unsafe operating condition of certain products on the plane. The FAA's new airworthiness directive was prompted by a finding that certain areas in the 787's tire and wheel "threat zones" could be susceptible to damage, resulting in the loss of braking and steering power on the ground at certain speeds. Boeing did not immediately return requests for comment.

California shooting suspect denies murder

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 03:39 PM PDT

California shooting suspect denies murderThe teenager accused of shooting dead a worshipper and wounding three others in a shooting at a California synagogue pleaded not guilty Tuesday to murder and hate crimes charges. John Earnest, 19, stood motionless and silent for much of the hearing as his lawyer entered his plea. Lori Kaye, 60, was killed, while 57-year-old rabbi Yisroel Goldstein lost an index finger.

Trump Keeps Talking About Second-Trimester Abortions. Here's What He Gets Wrong

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:52 PM PDT

Trump Keeps Talking About Second-Trimester Abortions. Here's What He Gets WrongSecond-trimester abortions have become a target of anti-abortion advocates and President Donald Trump.

This is a fully electric Ford Bronco, and you can own one

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 03:04 PM PDT

This is a fully electric Ford Bronco, and you can own oneElectric vehicles might very well be the future, with nearly ever major automaker at least dabbling in fully electric cars and some of them betting big on the end of gas-guzzling cars entirely, but we're not there yet. An automotive revolution takes time, and people tend to look back on classic cars and trucks with near fanatical fondness.A company called Zero Labs Automotive has been doing its best to combine the two, marrying classic designs with all-electric technology. Its first big project is the production of a "new" electric Ford Bronco, complete with the body of the now-retro truck sitting atop all new guts, and boy does it look awesome.Gutting an old Bronco of its gas-burning motor and replacing it with a new electric powertrain is already a bold departure from what the vehicles were originally designed to be, but these reborn Fords will pull more than their fair share of weight. Zero Labs promises as much as 440 horsepower and a range of 190 miles from the truck's electric upgrades.Final specifications are still being hashed out, but Zero Labs says it's using over 1,000 totally redesigned parts for each restoration. The fact that these vehicles are being treated as restorations is also very important, since no company besides Ford would have the right to actually reproduce a classic Bronco and stick a Ford badge on it. The donor vehicles are registered with the DMV and will have to pass inspection after being completed, allowing them to retain their original branding.There's definitely something about the old Ford Broncos that tugs at the heartstrings of classic auto fans. It's big, boxy, and purely utilitarian, but it's also incredibly charming in its own way. It makes sense that Zero Labs would choose it as their first project, but if you want to get your hands on the all-electric version you're going to need to get lucky.Because of the nature of these restorations only a limited number can be produced at one time, by law. Just 150 of these reimagined classics will hit the road, and we don't know anything about pricing yet. Zero Labs is already taking reservations, however, through a no-money-down application process.

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano responds to Trump Twitter attacks

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:21 AM PDT

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano responds to Trump Twitter attacksFox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano has responded to President Trump's weekend Twitter broadside against him, expressing some surprise to Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo.

The Latest: Retired city worker died in Seattle crane crash

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:09 PM PDT

The Latest: Retired city worker died in Seattle crane crashSEATTLE (AP) — The Latest on a deadly crane collapse in Seattle (all times local):

The Latest: Top Venezuela official says armed forces united

Posted: 01 May 2019 10:35 AM PDT

The Latest: Top Venezuela official says armed forces unitedCARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The Latest on the political crisis in Venezuela (all times local):

Schiff, Warren Call for AG Barr’s Resignation: ‘A Disgrace’

Posted: 01 May 2019 08:50 AM PDT

Schiff, Warren Call for AG Barr's Resignation: 'A Disgrace'Representative Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) called on Attorney General William Barr to resign on Wednesday in response to reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller privately expressed frustration at the way in which Barr represented the findings of his investigation."I was one of those making the case he never should have been confirmed and certainly not confirmed unless he committed to recusing himself from an investigation where he had an obvious bias. And now we're seeing that bias playing out time and time again," Schiff said during an interview with CNN's New Day."He should have never been given the job under these circumstances. Now I think in the interest of the department, he should step down, but I have no expectation that he will," Schiff continued. "What we are seeing is anyone who gets close to Donald Trump becomes tainted by that experience, and the fundamental conundrum is how do you ethically serve a deeply unethical president? And as we are seeing with Bill Barr and I think as we saw with Rod Rosenstein, you can't."Hours after Schiff's appearance on MSNBC, Warren joined him in calling for Barr's resignation and said Congress should move to impeach the president.> AG Barr is a disgrace, and his alarming efforts to suppress the Mueller report show that he's not a credible head of federal law enforcement. He should resign—and based on the actual facts in the Mueller report, Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against the President.> > -- Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) May 1, 2019The calls for resignation come just hours after it was revealed that Mueller sent a letter to the Department of Justice complaining that Barr's summary of his findings, which emphasized that the central charge of collusion was not proven and said the president would not be charged with obstruction, "did not fully capture the context" of his report.Barr defended his public characterization of the Mueller report Wednesday during his first appearance on Capitol Hill since the report was released earlier this month."The deputy attorney general and I knew that we had to make this assessment because, as I previously explained, the prosecutorial judgment whether a crime has been established is an integral part of the department's criminal process," Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Boeing CEO keeps job intact after facing questions on 737 MAX crashes

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:19 PM PDT

Boeing CEO keeps job intact after facing questions on 737 MAX crashesBoeing Co CEO and Chairman Dennis Muilenburg emerged with his job intact at an annual meeting on Monday and promised to win back the public's trust after facing tough questions in the wake of two fatal crashes of the 737 MAX plane. Battling the biggest crisis of his nearly four years as chief executive officer, Muilenburg survived a shareholder motion to split his chairman and CEO roles. "We know we do have work to do to earn and re-earn that trust and we will," Muilenburg said before ending the 16-minute news conference and ignoring shouted questions from reporters as he walked away.

Are we ready for the end of the world? NASA conducts drill for potential asteroid strike

Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:27 PM PDT

Are we ready for the end of the world? NASA conducts drill for potential asteroid strikeNASA is conducting a drill this week to see how we'd prepare if a giant asteroid was hurtling toward the Earth.

Jailed Russian agent slams 'absurd' conviction

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 10:07 AM PDT

Jailed Russian agent slams 'absurd' convictionMaria Butina, the only Russian arrested and convicted in the three-year investigation of Moscow's interference in US politics, on Tuesday called her conviction absurd and a "disgrace" for American justice. Butina's lawyer, Robert Driscoll, confirmed Butina's participation in the news conference. US prosecutors said that although she worked openly and was not tied to any Russian intelligence agency, she was sending back reports to a high-level Russian official, Alexander Torshin, and posed a threat to the United States.

This Volvo P1800ES Is The Only Car You Need To Own

Posted: 01 May 2019 05:44 AM PDT

This Volvo P1800ES Is The Only Car You Need To OwnToday, Volvo rivals the likes of BMW, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz — a far cry from the marque's more humdrum period through the 1980s and 90s. This 1973 Volvo P1800ES offered by Carolina Muscle Cars is a prime example of Swedish style at its hight. In addition to this model's starring role in the TV show alongside Simon Templar, its eye-catching coupe design really took the fight to its competitors.

Medicare for All Would Also Be Expensive for All

Posted: 30 Apr 2019 05:00 AM PDT

Medicare for All Would Also Be Expensive for AllMost of the Democrats' proposals claim that they can reduce costs, but they cannot do so unless they take on two of the most sympathetic and powerful actors in the U.S. health care system: hospitals and physicians. Both of them are more likely to co-opt Medicare for All than to allow it to harm their interests. To get a sense of their influence, consider that only about 21 percent of U.S. health care costs are attributable to drug and insurance companies.

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