Thursday, May 30, 2019

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Trump Is Pushing ‘Insufficient Evidence’, but That's Not What Mueller Said

Posted: 30 May 2019 06:22 AM PDT

Trump Is Pushing 'Insufficient Evidence', but That's Not What Mueller SaidBefitting the former U.S. Marine, it's thorough, exhaustive in detail, even exasperating in its attention to fine legal arguments and Justice Department policy guidelines. Speaking about it publicly for the first time on Wednesday, Mueller made a point to say that the pages contained his words, carefully chosen. It follows, then, that the report as reiterated by Mueller isn't easily reduced to catch phrases.

Man sues after his face is mauled by emotional support dog on Delta Airlines flight

Posted: 29 May 2019 10:53 AM PDT

Man sues after his face is mauled by emotional support dog on Delta Airlines flightA man who was allegedly attacked by an emotional support dog on a Delta Airlines flight has filed a lawsuit against the airline and the owner of the animal.Marlin Jackson has accused both Delta and Ronald Kevin Mundy Jr, a US veteran, of negligence after he was attacked while the flight was boarding in June 2017. Mr Jackson was seated in a window seat while the dog was next to him on the veteran's lap, according to the lawsuit. The dog then attacked Mr Jackson, leaving his face permanently scarred. According to the complaint, Mr Jackson "bled so profusely that the entire row of seats had to be removed from the airplane.""The attack was briefly interrupted when the animal was pulled away from Mr. Jackson. However, the animal broke free and again mauled Mr Jackson's face," the lawsuit continued. The lawsuit also said Delta didn't verify the dog was trained or met the requirements of a service animal. A police report stated the Marine Corps veteran's dog was a chocolate lab pointer mix. Airlines later made changes to policies for emotional support animals following the attack, which drew national headlines in 2017.Mr Jackson has continued to endure "severe physical pain and suffering" according to the lawsuit, amid substantial medical bills and an apparent loss of income or earning potential. The lawsuit goes on to note Mr Jackson's "entire lifestyle has been severely impaired by this attack."Mr Jackson was reportedly travelling from Atlanta to San Diego when the attack occurred.Additional reporting by AP

With homes flooded and dams and levees stressed, Oklahoma hopes to survive Arkansas River's wrath

Posted: 29 May 2019 08:13 PM PDT

With homes flooded and dams and levees stressed, Oklahoma hopes to survive Arkansas River's wrathWork crews struggled on Wednesday to maintain aging levees and dams during what meteorologists predict will be Oklahoma's worst-ever flooding.

British sailor whose wife vanished on honeymoon jailed for eight years after 'deliberately sinking their yacht'

Posted: 28 May 2019 01:36 PM PDT

British sailor whose wife vanished on honeymoon jailed for eight years after 'deliberately sinking their yacht'A newlywed British sailor whose wife died after their yacht sank off the coast of Cuba has been jailed for eight years in the US for her manslaughter. Lewis Bennett, 42, was sentenced on Tuesday at a Miami court for the killing of Isabella Hellmann, 41. Bennett, of Poole, Dorset, was initially accused of murder and intentionally scuttling the catamaran before he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter. He must also pay $22,910 (about £18,000) in restitution and will spend three years on supervised release after serving his sentence, a spokeswoman for the US Department of Justice said. Bennett apologised to Ms Hellmann's family during the hearing before US District Judge Federico Moreno, who rejected his defence lawyer's request for a seven-year sentence. Isabella Hellman and her British husband Lewis Bennett with their daughter The newlyweds, who had recently had a baby daughter, had been sailing from Cuba to their home in Delray Beach, Florida, when Bennett sent a distress signal on May 15 2017. The experienced sailor, with dual British-Australian citizenship, claimed he woke to find his novice passenger missing from the 34ft vessel, Surf Into Summer. But he only reported her absence 45 minutes later, after he had fled in a liferaft carrying Cuban trinkets, a tea set and a jar of peanut butter. Lewis Bennett was sentenced in a court in Miami on Tuesday Credit: PA In a twist, he was found to be smuggling rare coins worth nearly £30,000, which prosecutors cited as another potential reason he may have wanted his wife dead. He had reported the gold and silver collectables stolen from a former employer in St Maarten a year earlier. Bennett was already serving a seven-month jail term after admitting transporting the coins. He was plucked from the sea but, despite an extensive search, his wife's body was never found and she was declared dead by a judge earlier this month. Prosecutors had alleged he murdered her and deliberately sunk the catamaran to end his "marital strife" and inherit her home and wealth, but they reduced the charge to unlawful killing without malice and Bennett pleaded guilty. Want the best of The Telegraph direct to your email and WhatsApp? Sign up to our free twice-daily Front Page newsletter and new audio briefings.

The 2020 Buick Encore GX Is a Bigger Sibling to the Wee Encore

Posted: 29 May 2019 08:00 AM PDT

The 2020 Buick Encore GX Is a Bigger Sibling to the Wee EncoreArriving in the U.S. in early 2020, this new model fills a gap in Buick's SUV lineup between Encore and Envision.

Why Are So Many People Dying on Mount Everest?

Posted: 29 May 2019 06:30 AM PDT

Why Are So Many People Dying on Mount Everest?PRAKASH MATHEMA/ GettyIt's been a particularly deadly year on Mount Everest, with 11 people dying while attempting the climb since the start of the climbing season. Climbing Mt. Everest, which stretches to over 29,000 feet, is dangerous under the best of conditions and preparation. But overcrowding at the top of the mountain and more inexperienced climbers made things particularly dangerous this year—and exacerbated the factors that can lead to fatalities. Most of the deaths are likely from severe altitude sickness, Jeffrey Gertsch, an associate clinical professor of neuroscience at the University of California San Diego who's studied extreme altitude, told The Daily Beast. "If not directly, then indirectly," he said. The mildest form of altitude sickness, called acute mountain sickness, can set in far below the peak of Mount Everest, causing symptoms like dizziness, nausea and fatigue in up to three-quarters of people, depending on how high and how quickly they climb. It typically passes if climbers pause and let themselves adjust to the low oxygen and low pressure conditions. As people climb higher, and the air thins further, more severe illnesses set in. High altitudes and low oxygen make the membranes around the brain and around the lungs leaky, allowing fluids to get into where they're not supposed to go, Gertsch said. "All these places in your body are made up of compartments. They're not supposed to leak," he said. Fluid entering the lungs is called a high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), and makes it harder to get oxygen in an already oxygen-low environment. "It makes everything worse," he said.Fluid leaking into the brain—called a high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE)—is even more dangerous, Gertsch said. People with HACE usually start to become confused, and have poor balance and coordination. "Most people can't even walk in a straight line," he said. "While pulmonary edemas have a wider window and you usually don't die, the cerebral edema death rate is high. When you're up in a place like that, you can't really get help."The effort it takes to get up to the top of Mount Everest, where the environmental conditions can cause HACE and HAPE, also puts people more at risk for the conditions, Gertsch said. "The thing about these forms of altitude illnesses are that they're opportunistic," he said. "They start to gain steam when there's any other weakness. If you have a cold, if you are fatigued, if you are dehydrated—it's going to come on even faster and hit harder." Some people—particularly less experienced climbers, who may not recognize the signs of a potentially deadly illness—will push through anything to get to the top of the mountain, Gertsch said. "They'll do anything, even when it starts to defy logic, to tag the summit. Then they realize, wow, I don't have what it takes to get back down. Lots of people who look to be clearly in need of help, a lot of people won't help—because they're too focused on the summit, or don't have enough energy left, because they didn't belong there anyway."At 29,000 feet, every climber will have some disruption in their membranes and some fluid leakage, Gertsch said. That's why it's so important to move quickly. "You get up, tag the summit, and get down. You're just surviving, while you're up there." The long lines to reach the summit and crowding at the top then, force climbers to spend more time in the environment that can cause these potentially deadly conditions. "As a climber, I'm offended, and as a physician, I'm horrified," Gertsch said. "It's just a cattle call in a really dangerous place."Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Iran deputy foreign minister says ready for dialogue with Gulf Arab countries: statement

Posted: 28 May 2019 11:53 AM PDT

Iran deputy foreign minister says ready for dialogue with Gulf Arab countries: statementIran's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said on Tuesday that his country was ready to engage in dialogue with Gulf Arab countries in order to address escalating tensions in the region. Araqchi met Qatar Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani in Doha, where the two sides "expressed their concern about escalations and problems in the region", a Qatar Foreign Ministry statement said. Tensions have risen between Iran on one side and the United States and its Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on the other.

A look at what comes next in 2nd Israeli election of 2019

Posted: 30 May 2019 01:57 AM PDT

A look at what comes next in 2nd Israeli election of 2019JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is in unchartered political territory after the newly elected parliament dissolved itself early on Thursday and set another election date, within six months of the previous one.

Mueller’s Press Conference Makes the Impeachment Tightrope Tougher to Walk for Democrats

Posted: 29 May 2019 02:55 PM PDT

Mueller's Press Conference Makes the Impeachment Tightrope Tougher to Walk for DemocratsBob Mueller decided to shoot up the town before he rode off into the sunset.It is fair enough to observe that in his short but explosive speech, delivered at the Justice Department this morning, the special counsel did not say anything that wasn't already set forth in his report — a point being emphasized by the White House. The sprawling report is 448 pages long, however. In his nine-minute address, Mueller quite consciously highlighted the portions of the report that fuel the Democrats' calls for impeachment.Mueller was adamant that he did not make a finding on whether President Trump should be charged with obstruction of justice because the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has issued guidance forbidding the indictment of a sitting president. I've argued before that he is completely wrong on this, but that is beside the point.What matters is that Mueller can be fairly understood to be saying he believed President Trump committed obstruction of justice. That is not the only possible interpretation, but it is the most likely interpretation.Mueller said Wednesday that if he had concluded there was insufficient evidence to charge Trump with obstruction, he would have said so (as he did with collusion). He then emphasized that he did not say so. That strongly implies that he believes the evidence is sufficient (notwithstanding that the attorney general has found otherwise). Mueller added that, in deciding not to allege obstruction even though the evidence was arguably sufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, he relied on the OLC guidance. Finally, he deduced from this, and from his understanding of the Constitution, that in our system it is for Congress, not federal prosecutors, to deal with presidential misconduct.Now, as I said, this is not the only conceivable interpretation. We could conservatively construe Mueller as saying that, because the OLC guidance prevents a sitting president from being indicted, he decided not to think about whether there was sufficient evidence to charge obstruction. But this is unlikely.Mueller, after all, did decide there was insufficient evidence on collusion, so he obviously did not understand the guidance to forbid him from rendering judgments on the sufficiency of the evidence. (By the way, that's why I continue to believe it was a dereliction of duty for him to fail to decide whether there was a sufficient obstruction case.) Moreover, Mueller elaborated that if he could confidently have said there was insufficient obstruction evidence, he would have. That means he thought hard about the sufficiency of the evidence, not that he avoided the issue in his analysis. Plus, if his default position was that the OLC guidance prevented him from doing the prosecutor's job — which is to decide sufficiency-of-the-evidence questions — he should not have accepted the appointment.A much more straightforward interpretation is that Mueller believes there is enough evidence to indict, he decided he could not do so under the guidance, and he intentionally left the matter for Congress to resolve — with the advice that felonies may have been committed. That is significant because Congress does not need a prosecutable criminal offense in order to impeach. High crimes and misdemeanors can be felonies, but they need not be. If Congress believes an abuse of power is egregious enough, it may file articles of impeachment.I would be surprised at this point if House Democrats press ahead with their attempt to call Mueller as a witness.Mueller quite presumptuously claimed this morning that there is no reason for him to testify because he doesn't have anything to say beyond his report. That is not his call to make. A witness does not get to decide what questions he must answer. I wonder what Mueller thinks would happen in a court proceeding if a judge asked him a question and he answered, "Go read my brief, I have nothing more to add." (Hint: It would not go well for him.)That said, though, Mueller's statement was a boon for pro-impeachment Democrats. It is not going to get better for them if he testifies and gets clobbered. House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler is probably savvy enough to take what Mueller has given him and run with it.Mueller has made life much tougher for Democrats from districts where Trump is popular. They've been walking a tightrope: To avoid offending progressives, they agree that the president has committed impeachable offenses; to avoid offending Trump-sympathetic constituents, they argue that there is no point proceeding with impeachment because there is no way the GOP-controlled Senate would remove the president.To pull this off, they've been relying on the seeming ambiguity of Mueller's treatment of the obstruction question: Was he saying there was not enough evidence, or was he saying the OLC guidance prevented him from charging? Today, he indicated it was the latter — and, for good measure, he added that in our system it is for Congress to take action against a sitting president. From that premise, the hardline anti-Trump Left will now argue that if Congress does not act, it is shirking its duty and placing the president above the law.That is why, after Mueller finished speaking, a number of Democrats vying for the 2020 presidential nomination stridently called for impeachment. They are trying to appeal to the anti-Trump base of the party and distinguish themselves from the so-far-cautious front-runner Joe Biden. Expect lots more of this. It's going to put a lot of pressure on Democrats who quietly believe that impeachment is a political loser.It's going to be a hot summer.

‘Large and Extremely Dangerous’: Kansas Tornado Leaves a Dozen Injured

Posted: 28 May 2019 09:49 PM PDT

'Large and Extremely Dangerous': Kansas Tornado Leaves a Dozen InjuredKyle Rivas/GettyA swift-moving tornado that tore through eastern Kansas late Tuesday has left at least a dozen people injured and more than 13,000 without power.Large amounts of debris, including toppled trees, live wires and leveled homes have left some parts of the city of Lawrence completely impassable, police said. Photos circulating on Twitter Tuesday night showed wrecked cars, soiled furniture, tattered clothes and wooden beams scattered across lawns and city streets.  As of midnight on Tuesday, there were no reported fatalities, though videos of close-calls with one twister believed to be a mile-wide flooded social media. For residents in many areas of eastern Kansas and western Missouri, the night was one of wailing sirens and debris "falling from the sky," as the National Weather Service repeatedly warned. On Twitter, the agency frantically sought to keep up with multiple reports of tornadoes and ominously listed all the areas in the path of a "large and extremely dangerous tornado" that at one point was heading straight for Kansas City. In many areas, residents were told exactly how many minutes they'd have to take shelter. "If you live in LINWOOD, KS TAKE SHELTER NOW! The tornado will be there within the next 5 minutes!" the NWS tweeted. Linwood Mayor Brian Christenson later told CNN dozens of homes outside of Lawrence were "all gone." Authorities were still working to survey the damage on Tuesday night, and Christenson said he'd seen entire roofs torn off homes in certain areas. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office confirmed the reported injuries in Lawrence were caused by the twister. "We know some have gone to Lawrence Memorial Hospital and we do know that some have been taken to other area hospitals," Sgt. Kristen Channel told The Kansas City Star, noting that they could not say the exact number or how severe they were. Lawrence Memorial Hospital spokeswoman Janice Early also told The Star that the medical center had received 12 patients with tornado-related injuries. The number of tornado warnings rocketed in the last 24 hours, including in the Dayton, Ohio area where a deadly twister killed one man. The Lawrence storm is also one of more than a dozen reports of tornadoes Tuesday evening in what could be a record-breaking streak. More than 500 reports of tornadoes were received by the National Weather Service in the last 30 days, according to The Weather Channel, making it the longest, most active period for tornadoes in the U.S. in eight years. The service also reportedly ordered local TV stations in Kansas City to use "the strongest language you can" to warn residents of the incoming tornado late Tuesday.The East Coast was also pummeled by storms late Tuesday, with the NWS confirming a twister in eastern Pennsylvania and issuing a tornado warning for northern New Jersey and parts of New York City. Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Chicago Woman Dies After Shielding Baby with Her Body During Shooting, Police Say

Posted: 29 May 2019 07:32 AM PDT

Chicago Woman Dies After Shielding Baby with Her Body During Shooting, Police SayA 24-year-old woman shot as she held a baby in Chicago shielded the child with her body, police said, and later died from her wounds. According to police, Brittney Hill was holding her 1-year-old baby girl as she spoke with acquaintances, just before two men fired shots at the group.

Kamala Harris targets abortion bans with ‘Reproductive Rights Act,’ focusing on constitutionality behind restrictions

Posted: 28 May 2019 12:42 PM PDT

Kamala Harris targets abortion bans with 'Reproductive Rights Act,' focusing on constitutionality behind restrictionsKamala Harris has unveiled a new proposal targeting state abortion bans amid a wave of new restrictions being passed across the country. The 2020 presidential hopeful's "Reproductive Rights Act" would shift the burden from abortion providers to states attempting to pass bans by forcing them to prove the constitutionality behind the restrictive measures. If a state is unable to do so, they will not receive a pre-clearance requirement from the California Democrat's Justice Department, which would be needed to enact the state's law, according to a fact sheet provided by the senator's campaign. The policy leans on an example created by a core special provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, known as Section 5, which barred nine states from implementing new voting laws with federal approval due to their discriminatory track records.Ms Harris, a former prosecutor and attorney general of California, said in a statement announcing her new proposal: "A woman's constitutional right to an abortion is under attack. Today I announced a plan as president to block these dangerous and deadly state laws before they take effect." She has frequently spoken about women's rights and reproductive health care access along the campaign trail, saying during an interview last week, "I will always fight for a woman's right to make whatever decision she believes is in the best interest of her and her family and the government should not be in the business of taking those decisions away from women."The policy proposal arrives as states like Alabama, Kentucky, Ohio, Georgia and Mississippi all have passed restrictions against abortions in recent months. The bills have sparked days of nationwide protests and backlash from legal experts, who say the restrictions do not hold constitutional merit. For example, Alabama's law is arguably the most restrictive in the country, limiting abortion access once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. This typically occurs just six weeks into a pregnancy, at a time when most people are unaware they are with a child. Those restrictions fly in the face of the Supreme Court's 1973 ruling in Roe v Wade, which determined abortion access was a constitutional right. However, Republican politicians voting for the abortion bans fully acknowledge the end game with passing legally ambiguous bills: to challenge that exact decision and have the Supreme Court review the constitutionality of abortions once again. "Many Americans, myself included, disagreed when Roe v Wade was handed down in 1973," Alabama Governor Kay Ivey said in a statement when signing the new law. "The sponsors of this bill believe that it is time, once again, for the US Supreme Court to revisit this important matter, and they believe this act may bring about the best opportunity for this to occur."The Reproductive Rights Act is just one of several policy proposals Ms Harris has launched in recent weeks ahead of the first Democratic presidential primaries. The senator has also unveiled an equal pay policy that would force companies to reveal their gaps in wages among different genders — and face major fines for not paying employees equally — as well as a federal investment in teacher's wages.

Kosovo prosecutor asks to lift Russian UN staff's immunity

Posted: 29 May 2019 01:27 PM PDT

Kosovo prosecutor asks to lift Russian UN staff's immunityA Kosovo prosecutor on Wednesday asked to revoke the diplomatic immunity of a Russian UN staff member suspected of obstructing a police crackdown on organised crime, despite Moscow blasting his detention as "outrageous". The Russian national, plus a local Kosovo Serb UN employee, were taken into custody on Tuesday for allegedly joining an effort to block police from entering a town in the north. The Russian man was later released and hospitalised, though a district prosecutor on Wednesday asked to revoke his diplomatic immunity to proceed with the legal case.

Biden unveils education policy plan before teachers union

Posted: 28 May 2019 07:24 PM PDT

Biden unveils education policy plan before teachers unionHOUSTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden unveiled his first major policy proposal on Tuesday before one of the nation's largest teachers unions.

Boeing aims for first flight of 777X in late June -sources

Posted: 29 May 2019 02:26 PM PDT

Boeing aims for first flight of 777X in late June -sourcesSEATTLE/PARIS, May 29 (Reuters) - Boeing Co is looking to make the first test flight of its 777X twin-aisle jet as soon as late June, people familiar with the matter told Reuters on Wednesday, slightly later than the planemaker had planned, but still on track for putting the plane into airline service in 2020. Boeing hopes the new jet will extend its grip on the 'mini-jumbo' market, which it shares with rival Airbus SE's 365-seat A350-1000, and perhaps scoop up fresh orders following the demise of Airbus' A380 superjumbo. The test flight will likely be too late for Boeing to hit its previous target of flying the 777X to the Paris Air Show, which takes place June 17-23, where it had hoped to make a marketing splash in Airbus' backyard.

Iran Showdown Forces Sign of Breakthrough in Gulf Arab Spat

Posted: 30 May 2019 02:56 AM PDT

Iran Showdown Forces Sign of Breakthrough in Gulf Arab SpatQatar said that Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Al Thani will attend regional summits in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, in the highest-level visit since the kingdom and its allies imposed an embargo on their neighbor in 2017. The visit, the first concrete step toward ending a rift that severed diplomatic and trade ties, comes amid fears the region may be sliding into conflict as the U.S. raises economic and military pressure on Iran. Saudi Arabia called for three meetings -- one for Gulf leaders, another for Arab states and a third for all Muslim nations -- after attacks on its oil facilities and several ships near the Persian Gulf.

JetBlue is selling $54 flights today

Posted: 29 May 2019 07:57 AM PDT

JetBlue is selling $54 flights todayUntil midnight tonight, JetBlue is helping you plan your getaways ahead withits appropriately-titled 'Type A' sale

Tornadoes tear across US in record numbers, leaving trail of devastation

Posted: 28 May 2019 10:11 PM PDT

Tornadoes tear across US in record numbers, leaving trail of devastationA vicious storm tore through the Kansas City area, spawning tornadoes that left a trail of devastation, as the US reeled from a record run of twisters.  The tornadoes downed trees and power lines, damaged homes and injured at least a dozen people in the latest barrage of severe weather that saw warnings as far east as New York City. Parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey were also under tornado warnings hours after a swarm of tightly packed twisters swept through Indiana and Ohio overnight, smashing homes, blowing out windows and ending the school year early for some students because of damage to buildings. One person was killed and at least 130 were injured. The storms in Kansas City on Tuesday were the 12th straight day that at least eight tornadoes were reported to the National Weather Service. After several quiet years, the past couple of weeks have seen an explosion of tornado activity with no end to the pattern in sight. The previous 11-day stretch of at least eight tornadoes per day ended on June 7, 1980. .@kmbc in Kansas City showing the tornado moving through Lawrence, KS on its way to Linwood. That is a massive tornado. Chopper pilot estimated it was a mile wide.— Drew Tuma (@DrewTumaABC7) May 28, 2019 "We're getting big counts on a lot of these days and that is certainly unusual," Patrick Marsh, warning coordination meteorologist for the federal Storm Prediction Centre, said. The National Weather Service had already received at least 27 more reports of tornadoes on Tuesday, suggesting that the record for consecutive days would be broken once the official totals are in. A large and dangerous tornado touched down on the western edge of Kansas City, Kansas, late on Tuesday, the National Weather Service office reported. At least a dozen people were admitted to the hospital in Lawrence, 40 miles west of downtown Kansas City, Missouri, and home to the University of Kansas, hospital spokesman Janice Early said. Damage also was reported in the towns of Bonner Springs, Linwood and Pleasant Grove in Kansas. But the Kansas City metropolitan area of about 2.1 million people appeared to have been spared the direct hit that was feared earlier in the evening when the weather service announced a tornado emergency. Assisting with search and rescue near linwood Kansas— Jesse Risley ������️‍�� (@Jesse_Risley) May 29, 2019 Mark Duffin, 48, learned from his wife and a television report that the large tornado was headed toward his home in Linwood, about 30 miles west of Kansas City. The next thing he knew, the walls of his house were coming down. Mr Duffin told the Kansas City Star that he grabbed a mattress, followed his 13-year-old to the basement and protected the two of them with the mattress as the home crashed down around them. "I'm just glad I found my two dogs alive," he said. "Wife's alive, family's alive, I'm alive. So, that's it." The severe weather wasn't limited to the Midwest. Tornadoes were confirmed in eastern Pennsylvania and the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for parts of New York City and northern New Jersey. The winds peeled away roofs - leaving homes looking like giant dollhouses - knocked houses off their foundations, toppled trees, brought down power lines and churned up so much debris that it was visible on radar. Highway crews had to use snowplows to clear an Ohio interstate. People look on as they examine the damaged remains of school in Dayton, Ohio Credit: AFP Some of the heaviest damage was reported just outside Dayton, Ohio. "I just got down on all fours and covered my head with my hands," said Francis Dutmers, who with his wife headed for the basement of their home in Vandalia, about 10 miles outside Dayton, when the storm hit with a "very loud roar" on Monday night. The winds blew out windows around his house, filled rooms with debris and took down most of his trees. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine declared a state of emergency in three hard-hit counties, allowing the state to suspend normal purchasing procedures and quickly provide supplies like water and generators. Outbreaks of 50 or more tornadoes are not uncommon, having happened 63 times in US history, with three instances of more than 100 twisters, Mr Marsh said. But Monday's swarm was unusual because it happened over a particularly wide geographic area and came amid an especially active stretch, he said. An aerial photo shows damaged homes and debris marking the path of a tornado in Celina Credit: AP As for why it's happening, Mr Marsh said high pressure over the Southeast and an unusually cold trough over the Rockies are forcing warm, moist air into the central US, triggering repeated severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. And neither system is showing signs of moving, he said. Scientists say climate change is responsible for more intense and more frequent extreme weather such as storms, droughts, floods and fires, but without extensive study they cannot directly link a single weather event to the changing climate. Want the best of The Telegraph direct to your email and WhatsApp? Sign up to our free twice-daily Front Page newsletter and new audio briefings.

Mitch McConnell cedes Senate powers for political standing: Today's talker

Posted: 29 May 2019 10:49 AM PDT

Mitch McConnell cedes Senate powers for political standing: Today's talker'The politics of judicial confirmations have become corrosive to both our legislative and judicial institutions,' says Anthony Marcum of RSI.

Father of baby found dead in LA area sought in her death

Posted: 28 May 2019 07:28 PM PDT

Father of baby found dead in LA area sought in her deathBELLFLOWER, Calif. (AP) — The father of a baby girl found dead outside a Los Angeles-area mortuary is a person of interest in her death, authorities said.

RPT-Blindsided by FCA-Renault talks, Nissan risks being left by the roadside

Posted: 28 May 2019 06:03 PM PDT

RPT-Blindsided by FCA-Renault talks, Nissan risks being left by the roadsideTOKYO/BEIJING, May 28 (Reuters) - Nissan found out about Renault's merger talks with Fiat Chrysler just days before they became public, four sources told Reuters, stoking fears at the Japanese carmaker that a deal could further weaken its position in a 20-year alliance with Renault. Nissan Motor Co Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa likely first caught wind of the merger plan through his own chief operating officer, Yasuhiro Yamauchi, who also serves on Renault's board, one of the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

Hong Kong Rejects U.S. Warning on Ship Breaching Iran Sanctions

Posted: 29 May 2019 05:27 AM PDT

Hong Kong Rejects U.S. Warning on Ship Breaching Iran SanctionsThe city's government has "strictly" implemented United Nations Security Council sanctions, which don't impose "any restrictions on the export of petroleum from Iran," a spokesperson for Hong Kong's Commerce and Economic Development Bureau said on Wednesday in response to a question about the U.S. warning. "Certain countries may impose unilateral sanctions against certain places on the basis of their own considerations," they said.

NASA just released a hype video for a Moon mission that probably won’t happen

Posted: 28 May 2019 01:41 PM PDT

NASA just released a hype video for a Moon mission that probably won't happenNASA has planned on returning to the Moon for some time now, hashing out plans for its Lunar Gateway which will eventually serve as a jumping-off point for travelers headed to the Moon's surface. Then, back in March, the current presidential administration decided it wanted NASA to complete a return to the Moon as soon as possible, offering a mere five years to complete the task.The request was, to put it bluntly, absurd. NASA doesn't have the funding to pull it off, and even if it did it would require a truly monumental effort to meet the arbitrary deadline. Despite this, Trump-appointed NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine eagerly accepted the "challenge," and while everyone waits to see whether lawmakers will provide enough cash for a Moon 2024 mission to be possible, NASA just launched a hype video of sorts to assure everyone that a 2024 Moon mission is definitely, totally happening.The video emphasizes the collaborative efforts of NASA and its international partners, which is a good thing since there's no way the United States would be able to pull off the Gateway without help from just about everyone.'s so interesting about this whole thing -- aside from the fact that a million hurdles stand between NASA and a Moon mission in 2024 -- is that when Trump sent Pence to deliver the new directive to NASA back in March, he did so while dismissing the efforts of many of NASA's key allies and emphasizing the need for the U.S. to be the superior space power.Now, NASA's hype video plays up collaboration and, presumably, was made to drum up some support for the mission among those who have influence in approving the funding NASA needs to make it a reality.Could NASA pull off the Moon 2024 mission? Absolutely, but the most important factors in whether it will even have the chance (like funding) are almost entirely out of its control. If the mission falls through it likely won't be because of a shortcoming on NASA's part, but because the demand was never realistic in the first place.The Lunar Gateway will be built, that much is certain. Whether it's built in time for the Moon 2024 mission, and whether that mission ever even comes close to happening at all, remains to be seen.

Napolitano: Mueller's remarks on Russia probe are not good news for President Trump

Posted: 28 May 2019 09:54 PM PDT

Napolitano: Mueller's remarks on Russia probe are not good news for President TrumpSpecial Counsel Robert Mueller's first public remarks since the release of the Russia report have ginned up Democrats and delivered a parting shot to Attorney General Bill Barr, Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says.

Louisiana governor to sign 'heartbeat' ban, latest move to curb U.S. abortion rights

Posted: 29 May 2019 12:00 PM PDT

Louisiana governor to sign 'heartbeat' ban, latest move to curb U.S. abortion rightsEarlier on Wednesday, Missouri's governor renewed his intention to close a Planned Parenthood clinic and become the first state without a medical facility that performs abortions. The Louisiana bill was approved on Wednesday by a 79-23 vote of the Republican-controlled Louisiana House of Representatives and had already passed in the state Senate. Louisiana would join at least four other conservative-leaning states that have passed measures this year to prohibit abortion as early as six weeks.

Ethiopian pilot pleaded for training after Lion Air Boeing 737 Max crash

Posted: 29 May 2019 03:01 PM PDT

Ethiopian pilot pleaded for training after Lion Air Boeing 737 Max crashJust days after a Lion Air Boeing 737 Max nosedived in Indonesia, an Ethiopian Airlines pilot began pleading with his bosses for more training on the Max.

U.S. Warns Hong Kong to Avoid Tanker in Breach of Iran Sanctions

Posted: 29 May 2019 01:00 AM PDT

U.S. Warns Hong Kong to Avoid Tanker in Breach of Iran SanctionsWashington wants to put China and the autonomous city on notice that it will aggressively and consistently enforce its Iran sanctions, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday, speaking on condition of anonymity. The official said China would be informed that any entity doing business with the ship would expose it to U.S. sanctions. The attention levied on this single vessel, the Pacific Bravo, underscores Washington's desire to stymie Iran's oil exports.

JetBlue’s two-day fare sale includes great deals and tickets as low as $54

Posted: 29 May 2019 01:20 PM PDT

JetBlue's two-day fare sale includes great deals and tickets as low as $54The hot, dog days of summer have only just now arrived, but already boutique New York-based airline JetBlue is trying to appeal to travelers who may have fall travel plans and who want to go ahead and lock in some savings now.The airline launched a two-day "Type A" fall fare sale on Wednesday with lots of great deals and tickets as low as $54 for travel between Sept. 9 and Nov. 20 except for a half dozen blackout dates.Those dates mainly coincide with holidays and include Sept. 30; Oct. 1, 12 and 14; and Nov. 7 and 11. There are also different or additional day-of-week restrictions, travel windows, and blackout dates that may apply and vary by route, but the important thing to note is you pretty much have to act now. That's because this fare sale expires at 11:59 p.m. local time on May 30.So now for the fun details, like what all this fare sale includes. You can check out the link above for the full rundown, but the deals include $54 flights between Charleston and Washington DC, New York City to Burlington, Vermont, and from Sacramento to Long Beach, California.Other one-way fare deals include a $94 flight from Boston to New York, a $64 flight between Atlanta and Orlando, another for $59 between Boston and Philadelphia and a $214 flight from New York to Turks & Caicos, among others. Chicagoans can escape from O'Hare International to sunny Fort Lauderdale for $89, and $119 will fetch you a ticket from Dallas-Fort Worth International to Boston.Again, it's worth repeating that even though these are discounts on fall airfares, you've still got to act fast to grab them as they'll only be here today and tomorrow. Nevertheless, it's deals like these that likely helped JetBlue tie with Southwest for overall customer satisfaction in the 2019 J.D. Power North America Airline Satisfaction Study, the results of which were released Wednesday and are available here.

SpaceX's Starlink Satellites Put on a Celestial Show Over the Netherlands

Posted: 29 May 2019 06:52 AM PDT

SpaceX's Starlink Satellites Put on a Celestial Show Over the NetherlandsBut stargazers worry more satellites could hinder our views of the night sky.

Bird attack at Disney World leaves woman with traumatic brain injury

Posted: 29 May 2019 12:50 AM PDT

Bird attack at Disney World leaves woman with traumatic brain injuryA woman suffered severe brain injuries after she was attacked by a bird at Disney World, according to a lawsuit.Lisa Dixon was allegedly left with a traumatic brain injury and herniated discs in her neck after the animal struck her in the head at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida in May 2017.Her lawyer likened the force at which the bird struck her to being hit in the head by a baseball.It is not clear what breed the bird was.The woman, who is in her 30s and from nearby Celebration, Orlando, has filed a lawsuit at Orange Circuit Court, where she is seeking unspecified damages in excess of $15,000 (almost £12,000), according to The Associated Press.It accuses Disney of failing to properly warn visitors of the dangers seasonal nesting birds pose, among other allegations.The incident reportedly happened as Ms Dixon walked along a dock at Polynesian Village Resort where visitors can take a boat across the Seven Seas Lagoon to the Magic Kingdom or another resort, the lawsuit said.In June 2016, Lane Graves died after he was snatched by an alligator at the shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon at Disney World's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa.The two-year-old was on holiday with his parents Matt and Melissa Graves from Elkhorn, Nebraska, at the time.Disney was not immediately available for comment when approached by The Independent.

Book One of These Automotive Airbnb Experiences for Your Next Adventure

Posted: 29 May 2019 11:13 AM PDT

Book One of These Automotive Airbnb Experiences for Your Next Adventure

U.S. activist tried to 'shield' migrants from Border Patrol: prosecutor

Posted: 29 May 2019 03:05 AM PDT

U.S. activist tried to 'shield' migrants from Border Patrol: prosecutorAn Arizona activist charged with harboring two undocumented migrants was part of a conspiracy to transport and "shield" the men from law enforcement, a prosecutor said on Wednesday at the opening of his trial. U.S. Border Patrol arrested Warren in a January 2018 raid near Ajo, Arizona, after they found two migrants hiding in a building used by humanitarian groups. Warren faces three felony counts for allegedly transporting, harboring and hiding the men in a case likely to set a precedent over what aid U.S. citizens can give to illegal border crossers.

2020 preview? Feud flares up between Joe Biden, Donald Trump

Posted: 29 May 2019 06:27 AM PDT

2020 preview? Feud flares up between Joe Biden, Donald TrumpNEW YORK (AP) — Democrats won't pick their nominee for another year, but President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are acting like the 2020 presidential contest is already a two-man race.

With A 2017 Harley-Davidson CVO Street Glide You Can Take Things Smooth

Posted: 29 May 2019 02:45 PM PDT

With A 2017 Harley-Davidson CVO Street Glide You Can Take Things SmoothImagine this bike on a wide, open road to adventure. There are few bikes which can rival the comfort and convenience of this 2017 Harley-Davidson CVO Street Glide. This particular bike is in excellent condition, plus it has a sinister yet classic look everyone loves.

New iOS 13 concept fixes one of the worst things about the iPhone

Posted: 28 May 2019 11:02 AM PDT

New iOS 13 concept fixes one of the worst things about the iPhoneIn just a few weeks, Apple will finally introduce the next major iPhone software upgrade, iOS 13, revealing its vision for the next year of mobile computing. iOS 13 is already a hotly anticipated update since some of its key features have leaked, including a system-wide dark mode similar to what's already available on the Mac. While we've been waiting for iOS 13 to arrive, a few designers have created some exciting iOS 13 concepts that look to guess what new software features Apple will bring to the iPhone and iPad next. In fact, we shared a collection of brilliant iOS 13 mockups with you just yesterday. We've got one more stunning iOS 13 concept for you now, and it's one that envisions a system-wide fix for what is possibly one of the worst things about the iPhone.As much as I love the iPhone's all-screen design that came with the iPhone X in 2017, I don't appreciate the extra bulk of the iPhone X, especially once you add a protective case. One-handed operation is still very clunky, and Recheability is not helpful -- I have it enabled, but I only use it by mistake since the gesture to enable it is so hard to perform with one hand.Designer Maximos Angelakis Maximos Angelakis has come up with an IOS 13 concept that aims to make iPhones a lot friendlier for one-handed operation. Rather than using Reachability, Angelakis imagines a new way to allow one-handed control over apps and menus: Shrinking down the user interface and bringing it closer to your thumb, which is usually how you control the phone that's in your hand.By using cards that occupy only the lower part of the screen and by bringing buttons and menus closer to the bottom of the screen, the designer created an IOS 13 concept that's a lot easier to navigate and control with just one hand. In essence, we're looking at a redesign of Reachability. But rather than swipe down to lower the screen contents, you get cards that cover the content only partially.In addition to these cards, or sheets as Angelakis calls them, his concept also proposes new buttons and gestures that would be consistent throughout the OS.The designer has also reimagined the home screen to give it more functionality, replacing the apps with things you might actually want to have on the home screen, like weather details, the time, and widgets. In this regard, the home screen looks a lot more like Android than iOS, complete with an app tray the user would open by swiping up.Similarly, the Control Center gets its own redesign and a new gesture. The Reachability gesture, which is no longer needed, lets you invoke the Control Center much more quickly. A swipe down on the home bar will do the trick, although I'll add that this will also cause unwanted Control Center interactions.Angelakis reimagined several other core iOS features and apps, including multitasking, the Camera and Photos apps, the Safari browser, Siri, the App Store, and several other Apple apps. On top of that, the concept also delivers a dark mode and a brand new UI for volume control. That's one other feature we expect from iOS 13 this summer. You can check out more images at this link.Apple will unveil the main iOS 13 features at WWDC 2019 on June 3rd, and launch a first beta version immediately after its keynote. The final iOS 13 version will be released just ahead of the iPhone 11 series launch in early or mid-September.

Amazon launches cheapest Echo smart display yet

Posted: 29 May 2019 07:56 AM PDT

Amazon launches cheapest Echo smart display yetAmazon has unveiled its latest and cheapest smart display yet named the Echo Show 5 -- an unusual designation considering that it's only the third member of the segment. The 5 designation seems to be linked to the size of the display rather than linked to the generation number like Amazon typically does. When it comes to functionality, the Echo Show 5 performs like any other Amazon smart home device.

Tornadoes rip through Kansas City outskirts, warnings in NYC

Posted: 29 May 2019 10:45 AM PDT

Tornadoes rip through Kansas City outskirts, warnings in NYCA vicious storm tore through the Kansas City area in the latest barrage of severe weather that saw tornado warnings as far east as New York City.

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