Friday, May 3, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Guaido calls for protests at military bases as Maduro rallies troops

Posted: 03 May 2019 01:12 AM PDT

Guaido calls for protests at military bases as Maduro rallies troopsVenezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido on Thursday called for peaceful demonstrations at army bases, days after a military uprising in support of his bid to oust President Nicolas Maduro fizzled out. The latest appeal came after Maduro called on the armed forces of the crisis-wracked nation to oppose "any coup plotter", as the embattled leader dug in his heels in the face of ongoing protests and international pressure, especially from the United States. Guaido -- recognized by more than 50 countries as Venezuela's interim president -- had on Tuesday called on the military to rise up against Maduro, and a small group heeded his call.

Democrat mocks William Barr's refusal to attend hearing with bucket of fried chicken: 'He's here!'

Posted: 02 May 2019 06:55 AM PDT

Democrat mocks William Barr's refusal to attend hearing with bucket of fried chicken: 'He's here!'A US congressman bizarrely brought a bucket of fried chicken to the House Judiciary Committee hearing that Attorney General William Barr refused to attend Thursday morning.Seemingly a shot at Mr Barr's fear of the committee, Rep. Steve Cohen, the Democratic representative from Tennessee, also brought in a ceramic chicken.He placed the chicken in what would have been the Attorney General's spot before the committee.He told reporters "He's here!" and gestured to his bucket of fried chicken. He then proceeded to eat from the bucket, and offer its contents to his colleagues.Perhaps because the chicken was presented well before noon, none took him up on the offer. Mr Barr hinted late Wednesday night that he would not be attending the House Judiciary Committee hearing to review special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Thursday, after a long day of being questioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee. On Thursday, he did not show up to the hearing.Today's hearing would have allowed lawyers from both political sides to question the attorney general after the traditional round from members of Congress.The Justice Department expressed its disapproval over this format, which has been used in notable situations in the past.Members of congress have responded by using their time to express their disapproval of Mr Barr's failure to appear. In Rep. Cohen's case, his opinion of the nature of Mr Barr's lack of appearance is clear.

Anti-Semitic attacks spike, killing most Jews in decades

Posted: 01 May 2019 12:54 PM PDT

Anti-Semitic attacks spike, killing most Jews in decadesTEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israeli researchers reported Wednesday that violent attacks against Jews spiked significantly last year, with the largest reported number of Jews killed in anti-Semitic acts in decades, leading to an "increasing sense of emergency" among Jewish communities worldwide.

Presidents Should Not Investigate Themselves

Posted: 02 May 2019 03:30 AM PDT

Presidents Should Not Investigate ThemselvesHow, exactly, does a man investigate himself?This is the question that met President Trump from the moment he took office. As the FBI, the attorney general, and the special counsel all serve under the president's authority, President Trump effectively held ultimate control over investigations into his own behavior. Then, while the Mueller report largely cleared President Trump of colluding with the Russians to influence the 2016 presidential election, it declined to reach any conclusion regarding whether Trump used his presidential power to obstruct the investigation. Hence, the discussion has moved from possible interference in the election, to possible interference in the investigation into possible interference in the election.Forgive me for finding this entire scenario rather absurd.The federal government's tripartite structure imbues the president with the executive power, which includes prosecution. Neither the courts nor Congress may force an individual prosecution. Furthermore, any officer with prosecutorial discretion must, ultimately, be subject to the president's supervision and removal. In turn, Congress and the people —through impeachment or the ballot box, respectively — may hold the president accountable for the abuse of this prosecutorial power.We learned long ago that efforts to undermine this structure are dangerous. After the Watergate scandal, the Democratic Congress passed the Ethics in Government Act, creating the Office of Independent Counsel. Under this regime, either party in Congress could effectively require the judiciary to appoint an independent counsel to investigate and potentially prosecute any given matter. At the same time, the president (through the attorney general) could not remove the independent counsel absent "good cause." This all but ensured an endless parade of unchecked, unaccountable independent counsels essentially harassing succeeding administrations. Following a series of expensive, disastrous investigations — most famously the Kenneth Starr investigation, which lead to the impeachment of President Clinton — both Republicans and Democrats agreed to let the act expire in 1999.Yet, 20 years later, here we are. To be fair, the special counsel does not, on its face, pose the same constitutional issues presented by the independent counsels of yesteryear — Special Counsel Mueller was both appointed by the president (through Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein) and subject to the president's at-will removal. As the president retains ultimate executive authority, the basic constitutional structure is preserved. However, this creates a new conceptual challenge: The special counsel effectively grants the president control over an investigation into himself.This is the strange situation in which a president may act manifestly within his constitutional authority, yet be accused of obstructing justice. As a matter of constitutional law, President Trump could have removed Robert Mueller; he also had the power to fire James Comey and Jeff Sessions and was under no obligation to provide any reason whatsoever. These are all executive officers. But the issue of obstruction requires that we inquire into the president's mental state, asking whether the president took an otherwise-lawful action with the intent of impeding the investigation. It's a Rorschach test: Was Trump trying to "obstruct," or was he simply making administrative decisions within his executive authority?Whether or not this is constitutional, it is certainly not ideal. A president under investigation by his own branch of government may innocently make staffing changes, only to face impeachment or, more disturbingly, indictment under a subsequent administration. Or perhaps he might end an investigation he considers to be an expensive, unwieldy, partisan distraction, given that he knows he is innocent: Is that obstruction? Conversely, a guilty president may intentionally obstruct an investigation, yet plausibly deny such intent. In any case, the specter of future obstruction charges may, in practice, be just as constraining as the "good cause" requirement for removal of the independent counsels of old.There are better ways to fight potential presidential corruption. First and foremost, we are fortunate to have a robust First Amendment that allows for vigorous criticism and truly independent, investigative journalism. This allows the American people to decide for themselves whether a presidential candidate or incumbent is corrupt or incompetent. Popular accountability is, ultimately, the cleanest and most natural protection against corruption within the elected branches.Second, the Constitution grants Congress the power to conduct its own investigations. Congress may hold hearings and issue subpoenas, enforceable through contempt. Congress may then use the results of its investigations — or any unwillingness of the president or his subordinates to cooperate with such investigations — to justify impeachment, to pressure the executive into taking prosecutorial action, or to inform the voting public of possible executive corruption. Thus, executive corruption may be discovered and remedied without violating the formal, structural separation between the legislative and executive branches.That said, the manner in which Congress currently exercises its oversight authority is in dire need of reform. Note that congressional investigations into the Trump administration's alleged ties with Russia did occur, and to a large extent the results of these investigations fell on deaf ears. With good reason, onlookers are suspicious of congressional investigations into the president as being little more than either partisan witch hunts or rubber stamps, depending on whether the president's party controls the relevant chamber.But Congress itself can work to obviate these concerns. Either chamber may facilitate investigation into the president by, for example, creating a bipartisan standing committee whose members are selected by opposing parties, or whose chair must belong to the party in opposition to the president. Further, Congress may delegate its investigatory authority to another body, which then reports its findings to committee or to the chamber as a whole. In fact, Congress could even have appointed Robert Mueller to investigate the Trump administration, and while Mueller would not have had prosecutorial authority, he could have enjoyed Congress's delegated authority to issue enforceable subpoenas. Had this been the case, we would be exactly where we are now, but without the trail of process crimes and, more important, without having to discuss whether the president attempted to obstruct the investigation.Congressional oversight of the executive branch can work. Congress has successfully utilized its investigative power since the administration of George Washington. A century ago, it was a congressional investigation that uncovered criminal wrongdoing connected to the Teapot Dome scandal. Within living memory, a Senate committee uncovered evidence of presidential corruption related to Watergate. Neither corruption nor partisanship are new phenomena; there is no reason why the modern Congress should be unable to investigate the president on its own.Regardless of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice, he never should have been supervising an investigation into himself. Policing the executive is a role for Congress, and, ultimately, the American people. We decided this two centuries ago, we rediscovered it two decades ago, and now we are discovering it yet again. Let this be the time we finally learn our lesson.

The Latest: NC university remembers slain students at vigil

Posted: 01 May 2019 08:13 PM PDT

The Latest: NC university remembers slain students at vigilCHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The Latest on a fatal shooting at a North Carolina university (all times local):

UPDATE 3-Pepsi withdraws Indian potato farmer lawsuits after political pressure

Posted: 02 May 2019 06:45 AM PDT

UPDATE 3-Pepsi withdraws Indian potato farmer lawsuits after political pressurePepsiCo Inc has agreed to withdraw lawsuits against Indian potato farmers it alleged infringed a patent by cultivating a variety grown exclusively for its Lay's potato chips. "After discussions with the government, the company has agreed to withdraw the cases against the farmers," a PepsiCo India spokesman said on Thursday, adding that this applied to all nine. The decision comes at a particularly sensitive time in India, which is about halfway through a 39-day general election in which its rural population still has a dominant voice.

Brexit Bulletin: Lose Local, Gain on Brexit?

Posted: 02 May 2019 11:25 PM PDT

Brexit Bulletin: Lose Local, Gain on Brexit?Theresa May's hopes of reaching a Brexit agreement with Labour hinge on how opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn calculates what's in his party's best interest. Results of Thursday's local elections might just bolster her chances.

Jussie Smollett update: Judge asked to recuse himself from petition to appoint special prosecutor in 'Empire' actor's case

Posted: 02 May 2019 03:41 PM PDT

Jussie Smollett update: Judge asked to recuse himself from petition to appoint special prosecutor in 'Empire' actor's caseA retired judge who filed a petition to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx's handling of the Jussie Smollett case asked a Cook County judge to recuse himself from the case at a hearing Thursday.

US STOCKS-Wall St drops after Fed chair dampens rate-cut hopes

Posted: 01 May 2019 02:08 PM PDT

US STOCKS-Wall St drops after Fed chair dampens rate-cut hopesU.S. stocks ended lower on Wednesday and the S&P 500 snapped a three-day streak of record high closes as comments from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell appeared to dampen hopes the central bank could move later this year to cut interest rates. In its policy announcement, the Fed held rates steady as expected and struck a cautious tone on inflation.

Venezuela crisis: Maduro appears with soldiers following violent protests

Posted: 02 May 2019 01:52 PM PDT

Venezuela crisis: Maduro appears with soldiers following violent protestsVenezuelan president Nicolás Maduro has attempted to present a unified front with the army as pressure increases on him to resign.Following two days of political unrest and violent protests, Mr Maduro visited an army base in Caracas, where he appeared surrounded by soldiers, including his defence minister and military operations chief.During the visit, Mr Maduro reportedly called on armed forces to defeat "any coup plotter" and, in a televised national address, announced the Venezuelan armed forces were "united, cohesive and subordinate to their constitutional mandate".The defiant message comes after opposition leader and self-appointed interim president Juan Guaido attempted to convince the military to join the fight in ousting Mr Maduro.US officials including US special envoy for Venezuela Elliott Abrams have previously said the country's military high command has discussed the removal of Mr Maduro with the Supreme Court and representatives of Mr Guaido."Almost everyone was involved with that, and so Maduro has to know that the high command is not truly loyal and they want a change," Mr Abrams said Wednesday.On Wednesday, the US-backed effort to remove Mr Maduro saw thousands take to the streets in protest, however, the president has refused to cede power to Mr Guaido, who is considered the legitimate head of state by more than 50 countries including the US and the European Union.A court has also issued an arrest warrant for fellow opposition leader Leopoldo López, who violated house arrest earlier in the week, when he appeared alongside Mr Guaido.The two days of clashes in Caracas have reportedly left hundreds injured and four dead, according to rights groups.The next step, according to US officials, will be implementing more sanctions on Venezuela's government, however, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said military action may also be used to resolve the crisis.

The Rare Porsche Racer Not Built By Porsche

Posted: 02 May 2019 06:43 AM PDT

The Rare Porsche Racer Not Built By PorscheThe Elva Porsche MK7 served as a stopgap while the 904 racer was being developed in Germany. Porsche knew they were on to something while developing the 904. Its lightweight construction and four-cam engine was set to be a winning combination, however, the German marque needed a stopgap racer until its new package was ready to race.

Scientology cruise ship quarantined in Caribbean after measles case

Posted: 02 May 2019 06:12 PM PDT

Scientology cruise ship quarantined in Caribbean after measles caseSt. John's (Antigua and Barbuda) (AFP) - A cruise ship owned by the Church of Scientology has been quarantined in Saint Lucia for two days because of a measles case, health authorities on the Caribbean island said Thursday. Resurgence of the once-eradicated, highly-contagious disease is linked to the growing anti-vaccine movement in richer nations, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified as a major global health threat. "Given the highly infectious nature of measles, along with the possibility that other persons onboard the vessel may have been in contact with and are now possibly infectious due to this disease, a decision was made not to allow persons to disembark," said Merlene Fredericks-James, the island's chief medical officer.

AG Barr Is ‘Reviewing’ Whether Steele Dossier Was Russian Disinformation

Posted: 01 May 2019 09:58 AM PDT

AG Barr Is 'Reviewing' Whether Steele Dossier Was Russian DisinformationAttorney General William Barr said during his Wednesday congressional testimony that he is "reviewing" the question of whether the infamous Steele dossier was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.Barr was asked about the origins of the opposition-research file compiled on then-candidate Donald Trump by former British spy Christopher Steele during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee."Can we state with confidence that the Steele dossier was not part of the Russian disinformation campaign?" asked Senator John Cornyn (R., Texas)."No, I can't state that with confidence and that is one of the areas that I'm reviewing. I'm concerned about it, and I don't think it's entirely speculative," Barr replied.The Steele dossier, which was initially commissioned by the Clinton campaign, alleged in part that then-candidate Trump had been compromised by Russian intelligence agents who obtained a recording of him engaged in lewd acts with prostitutes. Mueller's investigation, which failed to establish any coordination between Trump campaign associates and Russia, disproved many of the claims in the dossier, including the allegation that Michael Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin agents who were orchestrating payments to hackers.The FBI agents investigating the Trump campaign's connections to Russia relied on information contained in the dossier in determining the trajectory of their probe. The agents' reliance on the dossier was made clear in their use of the unverified opposition research to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil Trump campaign national-security adviser Carter Page, as well as their lengthy description of the dossier in a 2017 draft counterintelligence report.Steele, who worked in Russia and Eastern Europe during his time as a British intelligence officer, relied on Russian sources, who, he admitted in court, may have fed him disinformation.

The Latest: Cardinal says more churches could face attacks

Posted: 02 May 2019 09:35 AM PDT

The Latest: Cardinal says more churches could face attacksCOLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — The Latest on attacks by an Islamic State-linked group that carried out Easter suicide bombings in Sri Lanka that killed 257 people (all times local):

As Trump Allows Cuba Lawsuits, Young Lawyer Sees Vindication

Posted: 02 May 2019 08:45 AM PDT

As Trump Allows Cuba Lawsuits, Young Lawyer Sees VindicationFor the first time, the Trump administration will allow lawsuits in U.S. courts against firms operating on seized Cuban property, including multinational corporations based in Canada and Europe, which accounts for the island's biggest source of foreign investment. Some Cuba watchers are projecting a flurry of legal activity, while foreign governments and corporations are preparing to defend billions in assets. The European Union and Canadian governments have jointly warned that suits could prompt them to complain to the World Trade Organisation.

'If I was black I'd be picking cotton': Ohio teen's racist prom proposal sparks backlash

Posted: 03 May 2019 03:00 AM PDT

'If I was black I'd be picking cotton': Ohio teen's racist prom proposal sparks backlashIn the post, a poster reads, "If I was black I'd be picking cotton, but I'm white so I'm picking U for prom?"

UPDATE 2-McKesson to pay $37 million to resolve West Virginia opioid lawsuit

Posted: 02 May 2019 08:39 AM PDT

UPDATE 2-McKesson to pay $37 million to resolve West Virginia opioid lawsuitDrug distributor McKesson Corp has agreed to pay $37 million to resolve a lawsuit by the state of West Virginia alleging it helped fuel a U.S. opioid epidemic by failing to stop suspicious orders of painkillers by pharmacies in the state. The settlement announced by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey on Thursday came in one of hundreds of similar lawsuits by states and local governments against McKesson and other distributors over their roles in the opioid crisis. The settlement was the largest that a distributor has agreed with a state in the litigation.

Bernie Sanders blasts Joe Biden over Iraq War vote: ‘The worst foreign policy disaster in modern history’

Posted: 01 May 2019 01:59 PM PDT

Bernie Sanders blasts Joe Biden over Iraq War vote:  'The worst foreign policy disaster in modern history'Bernie Sanders has attacked Joe Biden for his vote to approve the Iraq War, taking his 2020 challenger to task for his part in the "worst foreign policy disaster in the modern history of America."Mr Sanders blasted Mr Biden for the 2002 vote on Wednesday, highlighting the legislative measure that led the United States into a lengthy entanglement that left hundreds of thousands of dead."I voted against the war in Iraq," Mr Sanders said in the US Capitol. "In fact, helped lead the opposition to what turned out to be the worst foreign policy disaster in the modern history of America. Joe voted for it."The two men are leading in the crowded field of 2020 Democrats vying for the party's presidential nomination, with both hoping to overcome previous failures in the contest to become the Democratic standard bearer taking on Donald Trump.For now, Mr Biden leads in most polls, with 32.8 per cent support in an aggregate of polls put together by Real Clear Politics. Mr Sanders comes in second, meanwhile, with an average of 19.4 per cent of the vote.> Bernie Sanders on Joe Biden: "I voted against the war in Iraq. In fact, helped lead the opposition to what turned out to be the worst foreign policy disaster in the modern history of America. Joe voted for it."> > — The Hill (@thehill) > > May 1, 2019

Porsche unveils the restored 917-001 car

Posted: 02 May 2019 10:27 AM PDT

Porsche unveils the restored 917-001 carTo celebrate the 50th birthday of the 917, Porsche has restored the 917-001, first unveiled on March 12, 1969 at the Geneva International Motor Show (Switzerland). The car would go on to win the famous 24 Hours of Le Mans the following year. The German car manufacturer has uploaded a video showing the 917-001 in action with iconic drivers from the brand's history behind the wheel, just a few days before the car goes on show at the Porsche museum in Stuttgart, Germany.

Barr Misleads the Senate, Defies House of Representatives

Posted: 02 May 2019 10:12 AM PDT

Barr Misleads the Senate, Defies House of RepresentativesAttorney General William Barr appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday to discuss the Justice Department's handling of the Mueller Report. The hearing sparked controversy after The Washington Post revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was unhappy with the four-page memo that Barr wrote prior to the release of the Mueller Report. Mueller complained about how the report was being represented in a letter to the Justice Department. "The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office's work and conclusions," the letter stated, according to The Washington Post. "There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations." The letter preceded a fifteen-minute phone call between Barr and Mueller.

Man punches woman 3 times after fender bender: Police

Posted: 02 May 2019 03:20 PM PDT

Man punches woman 3 times after fender bender: PoliceThe victim was using her iPad to take some photos when the suspect began to punch the victim in the kidney area, she said.

San Francisco billionaire gives $30M to study homelessness

Posted: 01 May 2019 09:58 AM PDT

San Francisco billionaire gives $30M to study homelessnessSAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A San Francisco billionaire is donating $30 million to the University of California, San Francisco, to research root causes of homelessness and potential solutions.

Putin challenges Washington in Venezuela power play

Posted: 03 May 2019 07:22 AM PDT

Putin challenges Washington in Venezuela power playRussia emerged as a crucial power broker in the crisis in far-away Venezuela this week when Washington accused Moscow of convincing President Nicolas Maduro not to flee to Cuba. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Maduro had a plane on the tarmac ready to fly to Havana when "the Russians indicated that he should stay". Moscow hit back, dismissing the claim as fake and accusing Washington of supporting a coup "that has nothing to do with democracy" by backing opposition leader Juan Guaido.

Merck steps up U.S. measles vaccine production with increased demand

Posted: 01 May 2019 01:11 PM PDT

Merck steps up U.S. measles vaccine production with increased demandMerck, the sole U.S. supplier of measles vaccines, said the increased demand was noticeable, but did not amount to a surge, and has not required a significant increase in distribution across the country. "Despite what we've seen as a huge uptick in the number of cases ... the demand side of the equation hasn't been outstripping our underlying capacity," Merck Chief Marketing Officer Mike Nally, who also runs the firms Global Human Health business, said in an interview. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 704 cases of measles as of April 26, a 1.3 percent increase since the 695 reported last week.

Trump administration has separated hundreds of children from their migrant families since 2018

Posted: 02 May 2019 01:18 PM PDT

Trump administration has separated hundreds of children from their migrant families since 2018The Trump administration has continued to separate migrant families nearly a year after a judge barred family separations as a systemic policy.

Money-Smart Gifts for College Grads

Posted: 02 May 2019 02:09 PM PDT

Money-Smart Gifts for College GradsAs more than one million college graduates collect their diplomas this spring, many will also be receiving gifts from proud family members and friends. The average person buying a graduation gift...

Save This Rugged And Rare 1985 Jeep J10 Pioneer

Posted: 03 May 2019 02:55 AM PDT

Save This Rugged And Rare 1985 Jeep J10 PioneerPeople go wild over Jeep pickup trucks, but most know nothing about this 1985 Jeep J10 Pioneer. Raleigh Classic is offering this extremely well-maintained Jeep, which is a truly exceptional find. The owner of this Jeep J10 Pioneer absolutely pampered it, keeping the truck garaged in climate-controlled environments since the day it rolled off the dealer's lot.

Jessica Simpson Adding New Wing On to Massive Hidden Hills Mansion

Posted: 02 May 2019 12:01 PM PDT

Jessica Simpson Adding New Wing On to Massive Hidden Hills MansionThe singer just welcomed baby number three

UPDATE 1-Accused gunman in North Carolina college shooting skips court appearance

Posted: 02 May 2019 11:49 AM PDT

UPDATE 1-Accused gunman in North Carolina college shooting skips court appearanceA former student at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte waived his right to a court appearance on Thursday, a prosecutor said, after police say the suspect opened fire in a crowded classroom on Tuesday, killing two students and injuring four. Trystan Terrell, 22, was taken into custody on Tuesday and charged with two counts of murder and four counts of attempted murder after police and witnesses say he began firing a handgun in a classroom full of nearly 50 students on UNC Charlotte's campus shortly before 6 p.m. on Tuesday. The suspect was appointed a public defender and is due to appear in court for a bond hearing on May 15, an assistant district attorney for Mecklenburg County told reporters on Thursday.

These Luxe Floating Hotels Take Relaxing Getaways to Another Level

Posted: 01 May 2019 12:47 PM PDT

These Luxe Floating Hotels Take Relaxing Getaways to Another Level

William Barr lied to Congress about the Mueller report. He should resign: Adam Schiff

Posted: 03 May 2019 07:17 AM PDT

William Barr lied to Congress about the Mueller report. He should resign: Adam SchiffBarr is the 2nd most dangerous man in the US. By his logic, the Saturday Night Massacre was fine and Trump can end the 14 probes Mueller handed off.

Spain, Venezuela trade barbs over refuge for activist

Posted: 03 May 2019 09:14 AM PDT

Spain, Venezuela trade barbs over refuge for activistCARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Spain's decision to harbor a prominent Venezuelan opposition activist is fueling tensions between both nations.

Correction: New Orleans Newspapers story

Posted: 03 May 2019 09:29 AM PDT

Correction: New Orleans Newspapers storyNEW ORLEANS (AP) — In a story that moved May 2 about the purchase of a New Orleans newspaper and its website, The Associated Press misspelled the name of a restaurant. It is Galatoire's, not Galitoire's. In the same story, The Associated Press earlier corrected the name of one of the people making the purchase. John and Dathel Georges are buying the Times-Picayune and its website, not George and Dathel Georges.

Border patrol arrests 424 migrants in largest bust ever recorded by CBP

Posted: 02 May 2019 10:40 AM PDT

Border patrol arrests 424 migrants in largest bust ever recorded by CBPU.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents arrested 424 migrants attempting to cross the southern border on Tuesday in the "largest" collective arrest in the agency's history.

Main UK parties suffer Brexit battering in local elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 08:47 AM PDT

Main UK parties suffer Brexit battering in local electionsBritain's two main parties suffered a drubbing Friday in English local elections as voters vented their frustration with the prolonged Brexit deadlock. Prime Minister Theresa May's governing Conservatives lost control of several local authorities and hundreds of seats -- but the main opposition Labour Party also lost ground, with voters instead turning to smaller parties and independents in Thursday's polls. "There was a simple message from yesterday's elections to both us and the Labour Party: just get on and deliver Brexit," May said.

Don't Throw A Summer Party Without These Easy Appetizer Recipes

Posted: 02 May 2019 12:33 PM PDT

Don't Throw A Summer Party Without These Easy Appetizer Recipes

CVS, Payless and Victoria's Secret are just some of the brands closing stores in 2019

Posted: 03 May 2019 05:59 AM PDT

CVS, Payless and Victoria's Secret are just some of the brands closing stores in 2019While 2019 is on track to be a record year for store closings, it's not expected to bring the same amount of empty retail space as last year.

Accused gunman in North Carolina college shooting skips court appearance

Posted: 02 May 2019 11:57 AM PDT

Accused gunman in North Carolina college shooting skips court appearanceTrystan Terrell, 22, was taken into custody on Tuesday and charged with two counts of murder and four counts of attempted murder after police and witnesses say he began firing a handgun in a classroom full of nearly 50 students on UNC Charlotte's campus shortly before 6 p.m. on Tuesday.

'Game of Thrones' cast surprises hospice patient after she made a simple request

Posted: 02 May 2019 02:57 PM PDT

'Game of Thrones' cast surprises hospice patient after she made a simple requestAn 88-year-old hospice patient in Providence, R

Venezuela's Maduro seeks to display military loyalty in political crisis

Posted: 02 May 2019 08:39 AM PDT

Venezuela's Maduro seeks to display military loyalty in political crisisVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and key military figures made a show of unity in a television broadcast on Thursday, seeking to reject claims by the United States and the opposition that the armed forces high command was prepared to turn on him. Flanked by Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino and military operations chief Remigio Ceballos, Maduro said in a dawn national address posted first to social media that the armed forces were "united, cohesive and subordinate to their constitutional mandate," just two days after opposition leader Juan Guaido urged the military to join him to oust Maduro.

Tesla to raise money after painful 1Q, and Musk is buying in

Posted: 02 May 2019 02:41 PM PDT

Tesla to raise money after painful 1Q, and Musk is buying inPALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) — A week after revealing a huge first quarter loss and the need to raise cash, Tesla is doing just that with CEO Elon Musk buying $10 million in new shares being offered as part of a stock and debt offering that could raise more than $2 billion.

For Jews, America was once exceptional. Now, anti-Semitism is as strong here as in Europe.

Posted: 03 May 2019 02:00 AM PDT

For Jews, America was once exceptional. Now, anti-Semitism is as strong here as in Europe.I was used to being harassed, abused and put in danger when I prayed in synagogues abroad. Never did I think America would become just as dangerous.

US to give migrants DNA tests to prove family ties

Posted: 01 May 2019 02:34 PM PDT

US to give migrants DNA tests to prove family tiesUS border authorities plan to give migrant families DNA tests to determine whether or not the adults and children are related, Department of Homeland Security officials said Wednesday. A "Rapid DNA" test program is being launched in several places along the US-Mexico frontier, where tens of thousands of undocumented migrants have been crossing the border each month, many in family units asking for asylum. "We know the problem we are seeing, we know these are fraudulent family units," an official said on condition of anonymity.

Tucker Carlson Tells Stephen Moore the White House Showed ‘Weakness’ by Giving Up on Him

Posted: 02 May 2019 07:34 PM PDT

Tucker Carlson Tells Stephen Moore the White House Showed 'Weakness' by Giving Up on HimHours after President Trump announced that Stephen Moore had withdrawn his name from consideration for the Federal Reserve Board, Fox News host Tucker Carlson told Moore Thursday night that the White House "should have never given into" criticism over Moore's past sexist and misogynistic remarks.With multiple Republican senators suggesting they wouldn't support Moore's nomination in the wake of his resurfaced comments, the president tweeted out Thursday that Moore was out—even though just two hours prior the right-wing economist had told Bloomberg he was "all in" on the nomination. Comparing Moore to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Carlson claimed that "nobody even mentioned your views on relevant issues" before telling Moore he was "fascinated to see that CNN" was leading the charge against him considering Moore had worked for them until recently.Moore explained that he was "bummed out" because he hates quitting but insisted he wasn't "playing the victim," admitting that he's said things in the past that are "impolitic" and "stupid." (Among the past remarks Moore came under fire for, he reportedly called it an "obscenity" for a woman to be allowed to ref a men's basketball game in a 2002 column and argued that female athletes should not fight for equal pay since their work is "inferior.") "I wish there was a statute of limitations on stupidity because some of these things were 25 years old," he added."Who cares!" Carlson, who also recently sparked backlash for past offensive remarks, exclaimed.Moore went on to assert that "the left" engaged in "character assassination" and that there was never any mention of his qualifications or economic policies. (This is, of course, not true.) "The White House should have never given into this," an incensed Carlson said. "They shouldn't have. They shouldn't have! Because that is more weakness, it draws more aggression."Moore agreed there was a "lot of truth to that" before defending Trump, insisting that the president "is a fighter" and didn't want him to withdraw."Good! I believe that," Carlson replied. Read more at The Daily Beast.

A Device That Heats Tobacco, But Doesn't Burn It, Can Now Be Sold in the U.S. Here's What to Know About IQOS

Posted: 01 May 2019 11:00 AM PDT

A Device That Heats Tobacco, But Doesn't Burn It, Can Now Be Sold in the U.S. Here's What to Know About IQOSIs it safer than cigarettes?

PG&E says SEC investigating it for disclosures, losses for wildfires

Posted: 02 May 2019 03:44 PM PDT

PG&E says SEC investigating it for disclosures, losses for wildfiresPG&E Corp said on Thursday the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating the company regarding public disclosures and losses related to wildfires. PG&E Corp said in a regulatory filing that it learned on March 20 that the SEC was investigating it in relation to its public disclosures and accounting for losses associated with the 2017 and 2018 Northern California wildfires and the 2015 Butte fire. PG&E, which provides electricity and natural gas to 16 million customers in northern and central California, faces widespread litigation, government investigations and liabilities that could potentially exceed $30 billion because of the fires in 2017 and 2018.

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