Friday, May 17, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Trump tells aides he does not want U.S. war with Iran

Posted: 16 May 2019 03:34 PM PDT

Trump tells aides he does not want U.S. war with IranIt's not who he is," one official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Trump has communicated to his national security team and other aides that wants to keep tensions with Tehran from boiling over into an armed conflict, the officials said. U.S. intelligence showed heightened activity by Iran or its proxies that U.S. officials took as a threat against American targets in the region.

Navy SEAL gets year in brig for hazing death of Green Beret

Posted: 16 May 2019 06:49 PM PDT

Navy SEAL gets year in brig for hazing death of Green BeretNORFOLK, Va. (AP) — A U.S. Navy SEAL was sentenced to one year in military prison on Thursday for his role in the 2017 hazing-related death of a U.S. Army Green Beret in Africa.

Trump administration officials ‘contacted Michael Flynn’ about Russia probe

Posted: 16 May 2019 03:52 PM PDT

Trump administration officials 'contacted Michael Flynn' about Russia probePeople connected with Donald Trump's administration and the US Congress tried to influence his former national security adviser's cooperation with the investigation into Russian election meddling, prosecutors said in a court filing made public on Thursday. Michael Flynn provided a voicemail recording of one such communication, it said. It did not identify who he was in touch nor did they describe the exact conversations, but they said the former US army general recounted multiple instances in which "he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could have affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation."Prosecutors say they were unaware of some of those instances, which took place before and after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts during the presidential transition period in 2016 with the-then Russian ambassador to the United States, until Flynn told them about them. They revealed details about Flynn's communications in a court filing aimed at showing the extent of his cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. Flynn, a vital witness in the probe, is awaiting sentencing. Meanwhile, the judge in the case ordered that portions of Mr Mueller's report that relate to Flynn be unredacted and made public by the end of the month. The order from US District Judge Emmet Sullivan is the first time a judge is known to have directed the Justice Department to make public any portion of the report that the agency had kept secret. It could set up a conflict with US attorney general William Barr, whose team spent weeks blacking out from the report grand jury information, details of ongoing investigations and other sensitive information. A redacted version of Mr Mueller's report released last month said that the evidence did not establish a criminal conspiracy between Russia and the campaign. It did not reach a conclusion on whether Mr Trump illegally obstructed justice, but he did examine nearly a dozen episodes for potential obstruction, including efforts by the president to discourage cooperation. However, it does reveal that after Flynn began cooperating with the government, an unidentified Trump lawyer left a message with one of his attorneys. They reminded them that the president still had warm feelings for Flynn. They also asked for a "heads-up" if Flynn knew damaging information about Mr Trump. Judge Sullivan ordered prosecutors to give him a copy of the audio recording they reference in the court filing and to make public a transcript of that call. He also directed them to file publicly transcripts of any calls with Russian officials such as the ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. Flynn was supposed to have been sentenced in December, with prosecutors saying he was so cooperative and helpful in their investigation that he was entitled to avoid prison.But after a judge sharply criticised Flynn during his sentencing hearing, he asked for it to be postponed so that he could continue cooperating with prosecutors and reduce the likelihood of being sent to prison. The document also details how Flynn assisted investigators as they looked into whether the Trump campaign conspired with the Kremlin to sway the outcome of the 2016 election. Flynn described to investigators statements from senior campaign officials in 2016 about WikiLeaks — which received and published Democratic emails that were hacked by Russian intelligence officers "to which only a select few people were privy," prosecutors said. That includes conversations with senior campaign officials "during which the prospect of reaching out to the whistleblowing website was discussed." Agencies contributed to this report

'She was so loving': Family of woman killed by Baytown officer calls for justice

Posted: 16 May 2019 09:13 PM PDT

'She was so loving': Family of woman killed by Baytown officer calls for justice"I had to sit there and replay this video of my mother getting murdered," Turner's son said.

Toddler missing for 3 days found alive on 50-foot cliffside near strip mine

Posted: 16 May 2019 05:28 AM PDT

Toddler missing for 3 days found alive on 50-foot cliffside near strip mineKenneth Howard, the missing Kentucky boy, was found just before 2 p.m. Wednesday in Floyd County in the area of a stripe mine.

Boeing says 737 MAX software update is complete

Posted: 16 May 2019 01:03 PM PDT

Boeing says 737 MAX software update is completeBoeing said Thursday that it completed its software update on the 737 MAX after two deadly crashes resulted in a global grounding of the aircraft. The proposed fix, which addresses a problem with a flight handling system thought to be a factor in both crashes, must now win approval from US and international regulators before the planes can return to service. "With safety as our clear priority, we have completed all of the engineering test flights for the software update and are preparing for the final certification flight," said Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg said in a statement.

Top U.S. lawmakers press Pompeo for answers on Iran arms control report

Posted: 16 May 2019 03:48 PM PDT

Top U.S. lawmakers press Pompeo for answers on Iran arms control reportThe chairmen of three congressional committees on national security on Thursday pressed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to explain whether a Trump administration arms control report was politicized and slanted assessments about Iran. The chairmen of Foreign Affairs, Armed Services and Intelligence committees in the U.S. House of Representatives - all Democrats - asked Pompeo in a letter to provide a State Department briefing and documents no later than May 23.

Show of Force: Did Israel Fly New F-35 Fighters Over Iran?

Posted: 16 May 2019 05:44 AM PDT

Show of Force: Did Israel Fly New F-35 Fighters Over Iran?So who to believe? Occam's razor says go with the simplest explanation, which is that the episode never happened.Back in March of last year, a Kuwaiti newspaper created a stir earlier this month when it reported that Israel's new F-35 stealth fighters had flown over Iran.(This first appeared last year.)"The fighters crossed Syrian airspace into Iraqi airspace, including to Iran, where they carried out reconnaissance missions and targets in the areas of Bandar Abbas, Isfahan and Shiraz, flying at a high altitude over other sites suspected of a relationship with Iran's nuclear program," according to an "informed source" quoted by the newspaper Al-Jarida (Google Arabic translation here).The F-35s were allegedly not detected either by Iran or Russian radar based in Syria, according to the article.

Woman allegedly shoves and kills 74-year-old man after he told her to be nice to bus passengers

Posted: 15 May 2019 12:02 PM PDT

Woman allegedly shoves and kills 74-year-old man after he told her to be nice to bus passengersA 25-year-old woman has been charged with murder after a 74-year-old man she shoved off a Las Vegas bus died last month.

The Latest: Kamala Harris open to reforming Supreme Court

Posted: 15 May 2019 08:28 PM PDT

The Latest: Kamala Harris open to reforming Supreme CourtWASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on Democratic presidential candidates and abortion (all times local):

EU ready to negotiate trade with US, including cars

Posted: 17 May 2019 09:23 AM PDT

EU ready to negotiate trade with US, including carsThe European Union said Friday it is prepared to negotiate a limited trade deal, including on cars, with the US, after President Donald Trump held off imposing auto tariffs. "We note that US postpones decision on car tariffs for 180 days," European trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom tweeted. In another tweet, Malmstrom said she would discuss the issue with EU trade ministers next week before meeting on May 27 with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.

Photos of the Euro-spec Ford Focus ST Wagon

Posted: 16 May 2019 08:10 AM PDT

Photos of the Euro-spec Ford Focus ST Wagon

Prying money from NRA CEO's hands: Today's Toon

Posted: 15 May 2019 04:51 PM PDT

Prying money from NRA CEO's hands: Today's ToonWant to keep up with USA TODAY's editorial cartoons? Bookmark this page. We'll update it frequently.

Alabama abortion law: Senator grills Republican colleague - 'Do you know what it's like to be raped?'

Posted: 15 May 2019 03:17 PM PDT

Alabama abortion law: Senator grills Republican colleague - 'Do you know what it's like to be raped?'An Alabama senator is being praised for her tough questioning of a Republican colleague over the state's law banning nearly all abortions. Speaking ahead of the chamber's vote, Democrat Vivian Davis Figures raised the issue of victims of rape and incest being banned from having a termination. Ms Davis Figures grilled Republican senator Clyde Chambliss, who is one of the co-sponsors behind the abortion bill."Do you know what it's like to be raped?" she asked, to which Mr Chambliss replied, "No ma'am I don't."She followed with: "Do you know what it's like to have a relative commit incest on you?""On me? No ma'am," Chambliss responded."Yes you. Okay so that's one of those traumas that a person experiences just like that child experienced and to take that choice away from that person who had such a traumatic act committed against them, to be left with the residue of that person if you will, to have to bring that child into this world and be reminded of that every single day."The video has since been widely shared, with many people on social media thanking the senator for her defence of women's right to choose.Ms Davis Figures is one of four women elected to serve in the 35-member chamber. She introduced an amendment to criminalise vasectomies, but was defeated 21 to 5. Since then, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has signed the abortion ban bill, in the latest move towards overturning Roe v Wade.Pro-choice activists vow to block the enforcement of the Alabama bill, which would be America's strictest anti-abortion law.Governor Ivey, an anti-abortion Republican, said in a statement: "To the bill's many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God."To all Alabamians, I assure you that we will continue to follow the rule of law."

Gucci Criticized for Cultural Appropriation Over $800 'Indy Turban'

Posted: 15 May 2019 11:44 PM PDT

Gucci Criticized for Cultural Appropriation Over $800 'Indy Turban'The luxury label also withdrew a sweater after blackface comparisons in February signs on to White House job-training initiative

Posted: 16 May 2019 05:00 AM PDT signs on to White House job-training initiativeSan Francisco-based cloud software company Inc on Thursday said it was joining a White House initiative to provide training for new skills to U.S. workers. The company, which makes Internet-based software used by the sales and marketing departments of businesses, said it would provide online training for up to 500,000 workers to get jobs that involve Salesforce's software systems. The White House's "Pledge to America's Workers" initiative was launched last year, with more than 200 companies participating in the program.

State Department orders nonemergency staff to leave Iraq amid escalating tensions with Iran

Posted: 16 May 2019 10:33 AM PDT

State Department orders nonemergency staff to leave Iraq amid escalating tensions with IranU.S. military put its forces in Iraq on high alert and the State Dept. orders all nonemergency staff to leave the country right away.

Chelsea Manning jailed again as she refuses to testify before grand jury

Posted: 16 May 2019 07:07 PM PDT

Chelsea Manning jailed again as she refuses to testify before grand juryFormer army private says she would 'rather starve to death' than cooperate in growing battle of wills Chelsea Manning was again behind bars on Thursday night after she was jailed for a second time for contempt of court, having refused to cooperate with a grand jury. A defiant Manning told Judge Anthony Trenga in a federal district court in Alexandria, Virginia, that she would "rather starve to death" than do what the state insisted and give testimony before the grand jury. Having already served 62 days in jail, 28 of which were spent in solitary confinement, she now faces up to 18 months more in custody. Trenga further tightened the screws on the former army private by adding a financial penalty. If Manning continues to refuse testimony and remains in jail after 30 days, she will be fined $500 for every subsequent day behind bars. If she reaches 60 days, the figure will be raised to $1,000 a day. The tussle over the grand jury is now shaping up into an epic battle of wills between Virginia prosecutors determined to force Manning to testify in what they hope will be an eventual trial of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, and the former intelligence analyst, who has proven herself to have a defiant streak. In a video recording she made on the day she was released from jail a week ago following the expiry of the first grand jury, she said: "I will never agree to testify before this or any other grand jury. The government knows I cannot be coerced." The grand jury in front of which Manning has been ordered to appear is presumed to relate to the criminal prosecution of Assange. Assange has been charged with conspiring with Manning to break into military computers to help her transmit a vast trove of US state secrets to the open information organization in 2010. After Thursday's court hearing, Manning's lawyer, Moira Meltzer-Cohen, said : "In 2010, Chelsea made a principled decision to let the world see the true nature of modern asymmetric warfare. It is telling that the United States has always been more concerned with the disclosure of those documents than with the damning substance of the disclosures."

White House says House Democrats will not get a 'do-over' of the Mueller probe

Posted: 16 May 2019 07:21 AM PDT

White House says House Democrats will not get a 'do-over' of the Mueller probeA letter to House Judiciary Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler accuses Democrats of trying to pursue an unauthorized 'do-over' of the investigation; Catherine Herridge reports from Washington.

Bomb-laden drones of Yemen rebels threaten Arabian Peninsula

Posted: 16 May 2019 12:05 PM PDT

Bomb-laden drones of Yemen rebels threaten Arabian PeninsulaDUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A Yemen rebel drone strike this week on a critical Saudi oil pipeline shows that the otherwise-peaceful sandy reaches of the Arabian Peninsula now are at risk of similar assault, including an under-construction nuclear power plant and Dubai International Airport, among the world's busiest.

Trump Still in ‘Throes’ of Working on Farm Aid, Perdue Says

Posted: 16 May 2019 09:55 AM PDT

Trump Still in 'Throes' of Working on Farm Aid, Perdue SaysAgriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue suggested Wednesday that the aid package might grow beyond the $15 billion President Donald Trump announced Friday as he escalated the trade war by increasing tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese products and threatening additional tariffs. Asked to estimate the economic damage to farmers and potential scale of the aid package, Perdue responded "our calculations initially probably range between $15 and $20 billion," though the department is still making assessments.

Hit The Open Road With This Harley-Davidson CVO Street Glide

Posted: 17 May 2019 05:31 AM PDT

Hit The Open Road With This Harley-Davidson CVO Street GlideHarley-Davidson is arguably the most famed motorcycle manufacturer in the world, with its reputation acknowledged even by those who know nothing of bikes or American culture. If that's you, this highly specified 2017 Harley-Davidson CVO Street Glide might be your two-wheeled ticket. Finished in jet black and looking great after a professional detail, the American Motorcycle Trading Company humbly present this 2017 CVO Street Glide.

Royal baby Archie's birth place revealed: Did Meghan Markle give birth at home or in a hospital?

Posted: 17 May 2019 07:50 AM PDT

Royal baby Archie's birth place revealed: Did Meghan Markle give birth at home or in a hospital?Royal baby Archie Harrison's birth certificate was revealed 11 days after his birth, which shed light on his actual birth place.

How One Father Learned to Live Again After the Death of His 2-Year-Old Daughter

Posted: 16 May 2019 06:00 AM PDT

How One Father Learned to Live Again After the Death of His 2-Year-Old DaughterJayson Greene tells the story of his 2-year-old daughter's death and the aftermath in an affecting new memoir, 'Once More We Saw Stars.'

Iran blames ‘unacceptable’ US sanctions for spike in tensions as White House advisors push for forceful response

Posted: 16 May 2019 05:08 AM PDT

Iran blames 'unacceptable' US sanctions for spike in tensions as White House advisors push for forceful responseIran's foreign minister has hit out at "unacceptable" sanctions imposed by the US as an international deal to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions continues to unravel amid a spike in tensions.Mohammad Zarif defended Iran's right to respond to the US pullout from the nuclear deal last year."We believe that escalation by the United States is unacceptable and uncalled for. We have exercised maximum restraints," he said during a visit to Tokyo. In other comments carried on the semi-official Mehr news agency, Mr Zarif was quoted as saying: "A multilateral deal cannot be treated unilaterally."The spat over the nuclear deal has been heightened by a number of events this week, including a drone attack on a Saudi Arabian oil pipeline claimed by Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, allegations of acts of sabotage perpetrated against oil tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the dispatch of US warships to the region.The Saudis – Iran's biggest rival in the region – blamed Tehran for ordering the Houthi attack. A Saudi-led coalition has been waging an air war against the Houthis since 2015, with both the US and Riyadh accusing Iran of providing weapons to the Houthis. Tehran has denied this.Saudi Arabia's deputy defence minister Khalid bin Salman tweeted: "The attack by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias against the two Aramco pumping stations proves that these militias are merely a tool that Iran's regime uses to implement its expansionist agenda in the region".The longest-simmering issue is the Donald Trump-mandated withdrawal from the nuclear pact and the cranking up of sanctions against Iran by Washington. Iran has issued a number of veiled threats about enriching its uranium stockpiles to weapons-grade levels, with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei saying the "the next steps are easier" than what has come before.Iran recently threatened it might resume higher enrichment by 7 July, beyond the level permitted by the current deal between Tehran and world powers, claiming that its programme is for peaceful purposes. White House advisor John Bolton in particular has long-standing concerns about Iran, writing in The New York Times in 2015 that the US should think about bombing Iran as the country "will not negotiate away its nuclear programme" – although an agreement was approved the next year.Mr Bolton was reportedly behind a push to update military plans surrounding the use of aggression by Iran, including sending as many as 120,000 troops to the region in the wake of an attack by Tehran on US interests or a significant move in its nuclear programme.Speaking on Thursday, Mr Trump said that he was the one to rein in 70-year-old Mr Bolton. "I'm the one who tempers him, which is OK," he said."I have John Bolton and I have people who are a little more dovish than him," Mr Trump added.In a tweet on Wednesday, the president denied any infighting between members of his team. "There is no infighting whatsoever," Mr Trump wrote. "Different opinions are expressed and I make a decisive and final decision – it is a very simple process.However, Mr Trump is said to be getting frustrated with officials like Mr Bolton and secretary of state Mike Pompeo over a push for a confrontation with Iran, according to The Washington Post. "They are getting way out ahead of themselves, and Trump is annoyed," a senior administration official said.Mr Trump is not inclined to respond forcefully unless there is a "big move" from the Iranians, the paper quoted a White House official as saying, with the president believed to be loath to go against his long-standing promise to end costly foreign wars by the US. The Democratic US House speaker Nancy Pelosi meanwhile said on Thursday that the the Trump administration "must realise" it does not have congressional authorisation to go to war against Iran.Washington sent ships and warplanes into the Gulf last week, citing an increased threat from Tehran, and the state department warned all non-essential government staff to leave Iraq.British forces in Iraq were also placed on high alert on Thursday, following the decision.However, Major General Chris Ghika, the British deputy commander of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the US-led coalition fighting Isis, had a day earlier disputed claims from the White House that forces in the Middle East are facing an increased threat from Iran or its allies.Maj Gen Ghika told reporters during a video conference from coalition headquarters in Baghdad on Tuesday, that there "has been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria".

Missouri Senate passes bill to ban abortions after eight weeks

Posted: 16 May 2019 05:37 PM PDT

Missouri Senate passes bill to ban abortions after eight weeksThe vote came a day after Alabama's governor signed into law the country's most restrictive abortion bill, outlawing nearly all abortions, absent a medical emergency. The Missouri bill now goes back to the state House of Representatives, where it originated, for final legislative action. The Alabama and Missouri measures, along with similar legislation proposed in more than a dozen other states, represent the latest efforts by political conservatives to challenge Roe v. Wade, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

The Latest: Retired fisherman saved plane crash passengers

Posted: 16 May 2019 07:18 AM PDT

The Latest: Retired fisherman saved plane crash passengersANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The Latest on the midair collision of two sightseeing floatplanes in Alaska that killed six people (all times local):

Trump businesses made millions in 2018, but no disclosure of how much he got, report shows

Posted: 16 May 2019 03:04 PM PDT

Trump businesses made millions in 2018, but no disclosure of how much he got, report showsPresident Donald Trump's latest financial disclosure statement filed with the Office of Government Ethics provides a peek into his business dealings.

Taiwan becomes first country in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage

Posted: 17 May 2019 12:24 AM PDT

Taiwan becomes first country in Asia to legalise same-sex marriageThere were tears of joy among Taiwan's LGBT community on Friday after same-sex marriage was legalised in a historic first for Asia.   The vote by Taiwan's parliament came two years after the self-ruled island's constitutional court ruled that not allowing same-sex couples to marry was a violation of the constitution, and told the parliament to take action to enforce its judgement. The panel of judges instructed MPs to amend or enact new laws before 24 May 2019. The new bill will now go into effect next week and gay couples are already lining up to officially wed. The landmark decision cements Taiwan's reputation as a beacon of liberalism in a region where the LGBT community faces increasing persecution, and will give a long-awaited boost to Asia's burgeoning gay rights movement. Thousands of LGBT activists and gay rights supporters who braved heavy rain outside the national parliament during the vote, waved rainbow flags and cheered as the decision was announced. The LGBT community had expressed increasing disillusionment with ruling politicians as parliament delayed passing legislation ahead of important local elections last November. The law survived a last-minute attempt to water it down by conservative lawmakers Credit: AFP While democratic Taiwan has been one of the most progressive societies in Asia in terms of respecting gay rights - it hosts the region's biggest annual gay pride parade - much of the population remains deeply conservative. Conservative and religious groups celebrated a controversial referendum victory in November in which 67 per cent of voters rejected the definition of marriage as anything other than a union between a man and a woman. As next week's deadline approached, conservatives had mobilised to remove any reference to marriage in the new law, instead proposing watered-down rival bills that offered a solution closer to limited same-sex unions. Instead, the only successful piece of legislation was one which used the term "marriage." It was supported by LGBT groups, even though it did not offer full equality with heterosexual couple. The new legislation only allows for biological adoption and marriages with foreigners will not be recognised. Taiwan's LGBT community is celebrating the vote Credit: Carl Court/Getty Images Gay rights groups, however, accepted the compromise of being granted the right to a "marriage registration" as a move that would bring them closer parity to heterosexual couples, while vowing to fight in future for equal access to surrogacy and adoption. Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan's president, tweeted a rainbow flag following the vote, adding: "On May 17th, 2019 in Taiwan, LoveWon. We took a big step towards true equality, and made Taiwan a better country." Ms Tsai had signalled her support for marriage equality ahead of her election in 2016 but has since remained largely silent on the issue, with critics accusing her of being cowed by low public approval ratings. With a new presidential election looming next year, the conservative Coalition for the Happiness of Our Next Generation accused her of promoting the bill to attract young voters. However, the vote for marriage equality has been welcomed around the world. Jeremy Hunt, the British foreign secretary, congratulated the people of Taiwan on Twitter. "Great news for its LGBT community and another huge step forward for LGBT equality in Asia," he said.

Fund Manager Crushes Peers by Betting on Tencent and Alibaba

Posted: 17 May 2019 07:41 AM PDT

Fund Manager Crushes Peers by Betting on Tencent and AlibabaThe 41-year-old money manager's Handelsbanken Tillvaxtmarknad fund trounced 99% of more than 250 emerging-market peers this year and 95% in the past five. "I'm not sure about China's economy accelerating again, but I am fairly certain about Tencent and Alibaba growing," Synning said in a phone interview from Stockholm.

I.M. Pei's legacy stretched from the West to the East

Posted: 17 May 2019 03:31 AM PDT

I.M. Pei's legacy stretched from the West to the EastBEIJING (AP) — The legacy of American architect I.M. Pei stretches from west to east, from the Louvre museum to his native China, where he helped fuse tradition and modernity as the country opened up after the Cultural Revolution.

60 Cauliflower Recipes To Make The Low-Carb Life Easy

Posted: 16 Aug 2017 09:46 AM PDT

60 Cauliflower Recipes To Make The Low-Carb Life Easy

Cauli is the low-carb cooking hack you need.

From Delish

Georgetown to expel two students over U.S. college admissions bribery scandal

Posted: 15 May 2019 12:32 PM PDT

Georgetown to expel two students over U.S. college admissions bribery scandalThe expulsions were announced several hours after one of the students, Adam Semprevivo, sued Georgetown over his treatment, including its refusal to let him transfer to another school and keep his academic credits. Georgetown did not identify the expelled students or accuse them of wrongdoing. A lawyer for Semprevivo confirmed in an interview that the 21-year-old psychology major, who just completed his junior year, was one of them.

One-pan cilantro lime pork chops are quick and easy to make

Posted: 16 May 2019 09:15 AM PDT

One-pan cilantro lime pork chops are quick and easy to makeMoist, tender and succulent, these pork chops marinated in lime and cilantro are a great barbecue entree!

Correction: United States-Iran-Mideast story

Posted: 15 May 2019 02:42 PM PDT

Correction: United States-Iran-Mideast storyWASHINGTON (AP) — In a May 14 story about US-Iran tensions, The Associated Press misquoted a British general who disputed the U.S. assessment of security threats from Iran. The story quoted Maj. Gen. Chris Ghika as saying he has not detected increased threats from "any" of the militia groups in Iraq and Syria. In fact, Ghika said he doesn't see increased threats from "many" of the groups.

FAA chief defends grounding Boeing 737 Max later than other nations, worries problem took a year to discover

Posted: 16 May 2019 11:41 AM PDT

FAA chief defends grounding Boeing 737 Max later than other nations, worries problem took a year to discoverBoeing 737 Max had a cockpit warning light problem that took a year for FAA to learn, acting administrator Daniel Elwell told a US House committee.

3 charged in killing of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, 19, on Southwest Side

Posted: 16 May 2019 03:51 PM PDT

3 charged in killing of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, 19, on Southwest SideThree people, including a mother and daughter, have been charged in the death of a young pregnant woman on Chicago's Southwest Side.

Migrants sleep on ground, rig awnings at Texas Border Patrol station

Posted: 15 May 2019 04:34 PM PDT

Migrants sleep on ground, rig awnings at Texas Border Patrol stationU.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) spokesman Richard Pauza referred to testimony by U.S. Border Patrol chief Carla Provost when asked for comment. The Border Patrol is the law enforcement arm of the CBP. During her May 8 testimony to a U.S. Senate committee, Provost said the agency faced an "unprecedented border security and humanitarian crisis" as Central American migrant families headed north and apprehension numbers went "off the charts." U.S. border officers apprehended nearly 99,000 people crossing the U.S. southern border in April, the highest monthly figure since 2007, Provost said.

Ferrari 250 GTO sells for record $70 million (£52m)

Posted: 15 May 2019 11:09 AM PDT

Ferrari 250 GTO sells for record $70 million (£52m)One of the best surviving GTOs has sold to American collector David MacNeil for the highest price ever paid for a classic car. A 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO has been sold to Ferrari collector and WeatherTech CEO David MacNeil for a rumoured $70 million – a new world record for a classic car. The Ferrari in question, serial number 4153 GT, is one of the most celebrated of the 39 250 GTOs produced, due to its competition history and its originality – unusually for a race car, it's never been crashed.

Brexit compromise talks collapse after six weeks

Posted: 17 May 2019 10:22 AM PDT

Brexit compromise talks collapse after six weeksBritain's Labour opposition pulled the plug Friday on six weeks of Brexit compromise talks with Prime Minister Theresa May, blaming her evaporating authority as her premiership nears its death throes. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said the gaps between them could not be bridged -- and he had no confidence that her successor would stick to any bargain they might have reached. The discussions have "gone as far as they can," Corbyn said in a letter to May.

Game of Thrones: Judging the brutality and morality of unleashing dragon fire on innocents

Posted: 17 May 2019 07:36 AM PDT

Game of Thrones: Judging the brutality and morality of unleashing dragon fire on innocentsEven in a fake world, it's hard to miss the parallels between the atrocities of Game of Thrones and the decisions real humans are capable of in war.

7 paid iPhone apps on sale for free on May 15th

Posted: 15 May 2019 10:46 AM PDT

7 paid iPhone apps on sale for free on May 15thYesterday's roundup of the best paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free was a good one, and you'll still find a few freebies in there if you go back and check it out. We've also got seven fresh iOS apps on sale for you to check out on Wednesday, including an awesome $10 app that enables split-screen multitasking on your iPhone! You'll find them all listed below, so don't miss out.This post covers paid iPhone and iPad apps that have been made available for free for a limited time by their developers. BGR is not affiliated with any app developers. There is no way to tell how long they will be free. These sales could end an hour from now or a week from now -- obviously, the only thing we can guarantee is that they were free at the time this post was written. If you click on a link and see a price listed next to an app instead of the word "get," it is no longer free. The sale has ended. If you download the app anyway, you will be charged by Apple. Some apps may have additional in-app purchases. Subscribe to our RSS feed to be notified as soon as these posts are published and you'll avoid missing the sales we cover. PortrifyNormally $2.99.> *Currently only compatible with iPhone 8 Plus, X, XS, XS Max and XR.*> > Portrify is for next level portrait edits.> > Add eye popping effects to your portraits. Portrify automatically removes your background, lets you add incredible duo colors, blends and text in the background.Download Portrify Split Screen Multitasking ViewNormally $9.99.> Ranked 1 iPhone & iPad Utility App in 46 Countries, Split Screen Multitasking app DuMore also ranked Top 10 in 78 countries including USA, China & Japan, Top 25 in 84 countries and Top 26-100 in several others. Split View lets you do two things at the same time. Download DuMore to stop constantly switching between apps or browser tabs for all your online tasks and start viewing two things at the same time in split screens on your iPhone and iPad.> > We love doing two things on iPad & iPhone multitasking, but keeping an eye on both at the same time was impossible until now.. Haven't you always wanted to open 2 things on your iPhone and iPad at the same time? Now you can!> > DuMore Split Screen Multitasker is designed for your new large screen iPhone and iPads that do not have the native iOS Split Screen, Split View and Slide Over features. The DuMore Split Screen App offers an alt experience similar to using two apps at the same time with web apps, browsers, inbuilt plugins and extensions. > ► Download Now! ◄> > How will you DuMore with Split Screen View? > \- Watch a TV show while you check all your social network accounts - flip left/right in social plugin to easily manage all your social network accounts in a split screen > \- Or play Music and check Facebook while checking routes with Google Maps on a road trip! > \- How about having the superpower to play your little one's favorite cartoon while tracking the score > \- Imagine keeping one eye on the market, news or data while responding to an email at work> > » There are millions of possibilities! > ►Download Now!◄> > Get most out of the large screen of your iPhone, iPhone Plus or iPad with split screen multitasking.> > DuMore comes equipped with all the tools you need for multitasking: > » Social Plugin: Instantly switch between social networks with left/right swipe in a cool cube animation. Access all your social media accounts in one app. > » Child Lock: Control and limit access to web pages, social networks, videos and more. > » File Manager: Download and save files or screenshots in the file manager. > » Download Manager: Desktop-class download manager coming soon. > » Split View Management: Resize, Maximize, Minimize, Add, and Remove Split Tabs. > » Plugins: Full featured mini apps for split screen multitasking experience. > » Extensions: support for Evernote, 1Password, Translate and more apps coming soon. > » Support for Left Handed User: First and only iOS app to support left handed users on iOS. Toggle interface for left-hand or right-hand users in settings. > » Page shot: screen capture now allows you to turn a full web page into an image. > » And more!> > ► DuMore includes a desktop class screen split browser that includes: > \- Smart address box. > \- Private Browsing. > \- Translator. > \- Customizable Home Page. > -Parental Controls. > \- Maximize, Minimize, Add or Remove a Tab in split screen view. > \- Edge-to-edge full-screen. > \- Customizable search box: 1 click access to your favorite search engine. > \- Bookmark, History, Reading List. > \- Share Link > \- Save a complete web page as a pdf. > \- And more.> > DuMore also helps you recover several GB disk space on your iPhone and iPad by allowing you to remove Facebook, Instagram and other bulky apps that store content you can't delete.> > This is the perfect iPhone split screen app with split screen multitasking browser for your large screen iPhone X, iPhone 8, all the Plus iPhones, 7, 6S. DuMore brings split screen multi tasking and split view for all iPads, old and new. You don't have to switch between two apps when you can view two things simultaneously. This is limited to apps that have a website like facebook and twitter. You can also resize the two split view windows or close one split screen tab for an edge-to-edge full screen view of your favorite websites and videos. iOS Limitations Apply. Some web apps are not compatible and/or blocked in third party apps like this one.Download Split Screen Multitasking View mText2Speech TranslatorNormally $0.99.> Carry over 90 languages in your pocket. Hear, see and share translations quickly all in the familiar message layout format. Great for learning a language or for understanding a new language home or while abroad.> > You can easily convert text to speech with mText2Speech. Just enter the text and the app speaks it for you while displaying the translation. Re-read any or all of your translations.> > Create voice recordings of your translations, hear the words and sentences in any language, add your voice to translations and share your translations or recordings with your friends.> > Speech synthesis is the computer-generated simulation of human speech. It is used to > translate written information into aural information where it is more convenient. Speech > prosthesis is a computer-generated speech for people with physical disabilities that make it > difficult to speak intelligibly. This app gives all support for text to speech who cannot speak > as well as translate your text into speech and speech into text.> > Great FEATURES of mText2Speech listed below:> > Text translation > Great language support as this app provides over 90 languages, including Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, Myanmar (Burmese), Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sesotho, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu by text writing.> > Text to Speech > Make your content more accessible with text to speech. For example, Students listen to an audio version of any written content while following along with the highlighted text.> > Autosave > Smart Visual for the app that displays translations in familiar message layout format. You can use saved translations to redo or use in new translations.> > Language Detection > There are several statistical approaches to language identification using different techniques to classify the text information. An easy way to detect language and translate your speech or text whichever you choose.> > Design of app > All texts or voice translator document are smartly displayed in the message layout format.> > Vocalizer > Write full sentences or notes that the app will automatically detect and translates into your > main language behaving like a vocalizer.> > Recording Audio > Audio Description is a service that can transform the enjoyment of TV for people who have > difficulty seeing what's happening on the screen. Create MP3 recordings containing audio > from multiple translations, ideal for language learning, and including your own voice if desired> > Shake > This is an awesome feature just shake your device and give you output like translations, a > recording, next most used language, select language or show settings.> > Share > Share using Facebook, Twitter or Email to share your MP3 and text translations.> > App usage > While text to speech has benefits for all users, some of the specific groups that see a better > user experience are: > • A person with learning disabilities > • A person who have literacy difficulties > • A person who speaks the language but do not read it > • A person who multitasks > • A person with a visual impairment > • A person who access content on mobile devices > • A person with different learning stylesDownload mText2Speech Translator Snap Markup - Annotation ToolNormally $1.99.> Snap Markup is a Markup photo tool. It markup or annotate the photo with various shapes and send it anywhere. Snap Markup provides various draw shapes like free draw, rectangle, triangle, line, arrow, circle, numbers, brazier curve, Blur effect, Focus, rotations, text and crop.> > It is a powerful app to have in your toolbox. It can help on any place where annotations are required for a photo.> > If you enjoy using Snap Markup, please take a minute to leave us a nice review. It really helps!Download Snap Markup - Annotation Tool QuickClip | Clipboard ManagerNormally $0.99.> Save copied text too easily and quickly. > QuickClip is very useful clipboard manager. > You can quickly and easy copy and paste.> > App Features > \- Simple UI > \- You can access all clips from Widget > \- iCloud Sync > \- No Ads > \- Folder> > *This application is only supported iOS10 or higher.> > \- License > Designed by FreepikDownload QuickClip | Clipboard Manager Videos in VideoNormally $5.99.> The FAST and EASY-TO-USE video editing application!> > Videos in Video is an easy video editor with fast editing features with which you can place multiples videos, photos and music within an existing video, it will turn your videos into professional looking edited movies and it can be shared on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Flicker and Email in seconds; here are some of the amazing features:> > Easy-to-use to join, crop, cut, rotate and flip videos & photos > Support adding videos, photos, and music as many as you have into one video (no video volume and time limitation) > Shape your videos and photos in any shape > Cut out any unwanted moments > Crop videos/images and adjust scale (precise frame-by-frame cropping) > Rotate videos/images by ANY degree > Adjust placement and size of photo/video with easy drag > Adjust transparency of photo/video > Synchronize image in video showing time and set duration time > Generate excellent video output > Share multi video montages in seconds > No internet connection required > Superior customer support and updates> > HOW TO USE:> > 1) To merge multiples videos/photos into one video, tap the plus sign icon (+ Button) to add videos/photos from your camera roll. Hold and drag the video clip icons to rearrange the order;> > 2) To cut unwanted video moment, firstly tap on the video clip, click on "Edit" button from the menu and then select "Crop & Cut", select the video portion with precise frame-by-frame and then mark "Start" & "End" time to remove the unwanted moment; > 3) To delete a video clip, tap the video clip and then press the garbage can icon; > 4) To delete the whole project, tap on the background video and then press the garbage can icon; > 5) To add music, tap the "Music" button, and then tap "Add music". You can adjust the volume of the music video with the volume controller.Download Videos in Video Dogfight EliteNormally $1.99.> Dogfight Elite is a World War I and World War II massive combat airplane simulator.> > In Dogfight Elite you can fly an airplane, drive a tank or jump out of the plane and defend your position as a soldier.> > You can also play alone and fly through training levels all the way up to full-blown dogfights against enemy planes.> > While this game allows you to play free of charge, it provides benefits to subscribers, such as airplanes, tanks, special weapons and missions. All subscribers also gain access instant access and priority queue to all servers.Download Dogfight Elite

U.S. FDA labels J&J surgical staplers' recall as severest

Posted: 17 May 2019 09:37 AM PDT

U.S. FDA labels J&J surgical staplers' recall as severestThe recall, initiated early April by Ethicon, covers 92,496 surgical staplers and is now labeled as "Class-1" - the strictest form of recall issued by FDA, where use of faulty devices may cause serious injury or death. J&J's Ethicon unit confirmed serious injuries to two patients, related to the use of the recalled product, the FDA said.

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