Saturday, June 10, 2017

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Pelosi: I wish George W. Bush were president now

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 09:44 AM PDT

Pelosi: I wish George W. Bush were president nowThe House minority leader named more than one Republican she'd prefer as president and also recounted Trump's first remark to Congressional leaders.

UK Election Upset Sends Shockwaves Around the World

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 09:00 PM PDT

UK Election Upset Sends Shockwaves Around the WorldU.K. Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative Party suffered a stunning setback.

Minnesota officer says motorist had hand on gun when shot

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 05:06 PM PDT

Minnesota officer says motorist had hand on gun when shotST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A Minnesota police officer charged in the death of a black motorist testified Friday that he was "scared to death" and fired because the man was pulling out his gun and ignoring commands to stop.

Chelsea Manning wishes she could say 'Thanks, Obama'

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 11:45 AM PDT

Chelsea Manning wishes she could say 'Thanks, Obama'Obama granted Manning clemency in the final days of his presidency, commuting her sentence after seven years served.

Japan clears way for first emperor abdication in over 200 years

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 07:20 PM PDT

Japan clears way for first emperor abdication in over 200 yearsJapan's parliament passed a law Friday that clears the way for its ageing Emperor Akihito to step down, in what would be the first imperial abdication in more than two centuries. The abdication must take place within three years of the new law taking effect or it expires -- and it only applies to Akihito. The status of the emperor is sensitive in Japan given its 20th century history of war waged in the name of Akihito's father Hirohito, who died in 1989.

Trump Lawyer Botches Comey Memo Timeline

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 11:34 AM PDT

Trump Lawyer Botches Comey Memo TimelineMichael Schmidt, New York Times reporter whose work was central to today's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump's lawyer got the Comey memo timeline wrong in his accusation against the New York Times.

Boy, 2, Accidentally Shoots and Kills 7-Year-Old Cousin: Cops

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 11:05 AM PDT

Boy, 2, Accidentally Shoots and Kills 7-Year-Old Cousin: CopsThe little boy was found holding a pistol, cops say.

Kirsten Gillibrand On Whether Donald Trump Has Kept His Promises: 'No. F**k No.'

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 09:19 AM PDT

Kirsten Gillibrand On Whether Donald Trump Has Kept His Promises: 'No. F**k No.'Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) doesn't mince words on the subject of whether President Donald Trump has kept his promises to the American people.

Puerto Rico prepares to vote on political status amid crisis

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 10:23 AM PDT

Puerto Rico prepares to vote on political status amid crisisSAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Puerto Rico's governor is pushing ahead with his top campaign promise of trying to convert the U.S. territory into a state, holding a Sunday referendum to let voters send a message to Congress.

Manspreading is now banned on public transit in Madrid for the good of humanity

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 07:53 AM PDT

Manspreading is now banned on public transit in Madrid for the good of humanityManspreaders, your behavior and actions are so offensive that they're being banned across the globe. In the wake of warnings against manspreading on display in public transit facilities around the world, The Municipal Transportation Company in Madrid is banning the invasive act in all buses in the city. SEE ALSO: China debuts driverless train that only needs white painted lines as tracks According to CNN, the Madrid Municipal Transport Company created a warning icon similar to NYC's "Dude, Stop the Spread, Please" campaign, which encourages bus riders to please keep their legs to one seat, and one seat only.  Madrid's anti-manspreading iconImage: EMT Madrid"This new icon's mission is to remind people of the need to keep a civil behavior and respect the space of everyone on the bus," the Madrid Municipal Transport Company said. "This new icon is similar to those already existing in other transport systems around the world to indicate the barring of body posture that bothers other people." The transportation agency's decision to stop the spread came after months of campaigning by women's rights groups. One group called Mujeres en Lucha started the campaign #MadridSinManspreading (#MadridWithoutManspreading) for the good of women everywhere who've had their seat taken over by a man's wandering knee.  Men, close your legs or get off the bus. It's the law. WATCH: This personal air conditioner will save you from your summer meltdowns

US forces back Philippine troops in Islamist held city

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 05:35 PM PDT

US forces back Philippine troops in Islamist held cityUnited States special forces are providing support to the Philippine military battling to dislodge Islamist militants in a southern city, the US embassy said Saturday, as 13 Filipino marines were killed in fresh fighting. Philippine troops are struggling to defeat hundreds of fighters, who rampaged through Marawi on May 23 flying black flags of the Islamic State (IS) group, and have used civilians as human shields, bomb-proof tunnels and anti-tank weapons to fortify their positions. Friday's ferocious, street-to-street gunbattles with the militants saw 13 troops killed, in a dramatic surge in the toll from the conflict, Philippine military spokesmen said.

99-million-year-old bird found preserved in amber stuns scientists

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 11:00 AM PDT

99-million-year-old bird found preserved in amber stuns scientists

Archeologists have just discovered a nearly complete bird, encased in fossilized tree sap, that has remained intact for almost 100 million years. The bird, which was just a few days old at the time of its death, is one of the most stunningly preserved examples of pre-history avian life ever recovered — but this is no ordinary bird.

The dream of resurrecting dinosaurs from their ancient remains, like in Jurassic Park, might be nothing more than science fiction, but one aspect of the pseudoscience depicted in the film franchise is actually quite true: archaeologists regularly find prehistoric bugs and other small creatures perfectly preserved in amber. This newly-discovered fossil, which was located in Burma, includes half of the bird's entire body, including a wing, claws, and head.

Unlike modern birds, this newborn hatchling is from a now-extinct branch of the family tree called Enantiornithines. Researchers say they would have looked a lot like modern-day avians, with the exception of some added features such as claws on their wing tips and small teeth tucked away in their beaks.

The fossil has already taught researchers a lot about the ancient species. They've determined that birds like these were able to take care of themselves much earlier than most modern bird species, thanks to fully developed flight feathers at the time of their hatching, suggesting that they could take to the skies immediately rather than being confined to a nest for the early part of their lives. The amber treasure will soon be put on display at the Shanghai Museum of Natural History until the end of July.

Teen who took life in texting case studied suicide methods

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 05:10 PM PDT

Teen who took life in texting case studied suicide methodsTAUNTON, Mass. (AP) — The Massachusetts teenager prosecutors say was coaxed by text messages from his girlfriend into killing himself had researched suicide online, a defense witness testified Friday.

2 Chinese Nationals Killed By ISIS In Pakistan

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 05:00 AM PDT

2 Chinese Nationals Killed By ISIS In PakistanThe two Chinese nationals who were abducted by ISIS last month were reportedly executed, the Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Hua Chunying stated.

McCaskill rips Hatch on ‘back room’ health care bill

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 03:47 PM PDT

McCaskill rips Hatch on 'back room' health care billMcCaskill is unhappy about Republican plans to fast-track the Senate's version of the Obamacare repeal bill without Democratic involvement or public hearings.

'Heroine' Blocks Boy From Out-Of-Control Car, Police Say

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 07:36 PM PDT

'Heroine' Blocks Boy From Out-Of-Control Car, Police SayPolice in Connecticut are calling a woman a hero after she lunged in front of a young boy moments before an out-of-control car plowed into them, pushing both into a wall.

Dial One if Your Neighbor’s Gardener Looks Mexican

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 11:15 AM PDT

Dial One if Your Neighbor's Gardener Looks MexicanUnder Trump, government employees hired at ICE to do community outreach are now fielding phone calls from people trying to report immigrants.

The Latest: Alabama man executed for restaurant killings

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 08:32 PM PDT

The Latest: Alabama man executed for restaurant killingsATMORE, Ala. (AP) — The Latest on the execution of Alabama inmate Robert Melson (all times local):

Iran says attackers had been in Iraq, Syria for IS

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 07:13 PM PDT

Iran says attackers had been in Iraq, Syria for ISIran said Thursday that five of its nationals who killed 17 people in twin attacks in Tehran were Islamic State members who had been to the group's strongholds in Iraq and Syria. Wednesday's attacks on Tehran's parliament complex and the shrine of revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, which also wounded more than 50 people, were the first claimed by IS in Iran. "The five known terrorists... after joining the Daesh (IS) terrorist group, left the country and participated in crimes carried out by this terrorist group in Mosul and Raqa," the intelligence ministry said in a statement.

Southwest Airlines is offering one-way flights for as low as $49 today

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 11:58 AM PDT

Southwest Airlines is offering one-way flights for as low as $49 today

Let's not beat around the bush here: it's been one heck of a week. Between Apple's WWDC announcements, the continued rumor flood of future OnePlus and Samsung devices, and the little matter of the former FBI director testifying in front of Congress regarding potential wrongdoing by the President of the United States, you might just want to kind of get away. Southwest Airlines is offering a deal that will help you do just that, and for a ridiculously low price of just $49.

Southwest's current promotion — which ends today, June 8th — includes flights to and from select cities for as cheap as just $49. Want to fly from El Paso, TX, to Los Angeles? Or from Houston to Memphis? How about Minneapolis to St. Louis? Those are just a few of the dozens and dozens of flights you can score for less than a fifty-spot.

There are lots of other discounted flights on offer, both to and from over 100 US cities, with most of the fares going for well under $100. All of these ultra-cheap flights booked via Southwest today can be taken from August 22nd through December 13th, so if you have any trips planned between now and the end of the year, this could help you save some serious cash.

Of course, there's a bit of fine print with these discounted flights, including that the prices aren't valid on Fridays or Sundays, which is a bit of a bummer. Still, it's hard to turn your nose up a $49 flights.

Angela Merkel pictured Enjoying A Drink As She Urges May To Get On With Brexit Negotiations

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:54 AM PDT

Angela Merkel pictured Enjoying A Drink As She Urges May To Get On With Brexit NegotiationsGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel weighed in on Brexit and said she wanted to get to work "quickly" to negotiate over Britain's plan for leaving the European Union after Theresa May's harsh election setback.

Michelle Carter Urged Boyfriend To Commit Suicide

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 07:25 AM PDT

Michelle Carter Urged Boyfriend To Commit Suicide"Hang yourself, jump off a building, stab yourself, idk there's a lot of ways," Carter texted her boyfriend in 2014.

Qatar rejects 'blockade,' denies terror allegations

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 10:24 AM PDT

Qatar rejects 'blockade,' denies terror allegationsDOHA, Qatar (AP) — Arab states have no right to "blockade" Qatar, the country's top diplomat said Thursday, insisting the campaign by Saudi Arabia and its allies to isolate the tiny, energy-rich nation is based on "false and fabricated news."

Mom Who Didn't Know She Was Pregnant Gives Birth in Grocery Store

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 08:41 AM PDT

Mom Who Didn't Know She Was Pregnant Gives Birth in Grocery StoreAshleigh Miller-Cross, of Canada, was at a local supermarket in April when she started to feel an intense pain before baby Ezra was brought into the world.

Chief prosecutor urges Venezuelans to reject Maduro's constitution rewrite

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 02:42 PM PDT

Chief prosecutor urges Venezuelans to reject Maduro's constitution rewriteMaduro ordered the national electoral council to convene the assembly, stating it was his constitutional right, a position the opposition rejects. Venezuela's chief prosecutor has called the country's people to reject President Nicolás Maduro's push to rewrite the nation's constitution and urged the supreme court to annul the process immediately, further deepening her divide with the government.

Bear stuck in a strong current gets sucked into a waterfall

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 12:07 PM PDT

Bear stuck in a strong current gets sucked into a waterfallA camper in Yosemite National Park witnessed an embarrassing moment for a juvenile bear.  Backpackers stumbled across two bears near a river on Tuesday. Naturally, the backpackers tried to avoid the bears, but when one bear entered the water, things took a turn for the worse.  The current was much stronger than the bear likely anticipated, and after a bit of a struggle, the bear was sucked down a small falls and rocketed into a section of strong rapids below.  "I started laughing when I initially realize it's fighting hard against the current," the cameraman wrote in the video description. Soon his laughter turned into worry. "By the time the bear and I both realize it's not getting out, the current has already sucked the bear down the waterfall behind me and shoots the whitewater rapids tumbling end over end until the video ends." The uploader says that he were expecting the worst, so he stopped filming. Thankfully, it appears as if the bear made it out of the rapids alive. The uploader wrote that after he stopped recording, he saw the bear exit the river safely. 

Comey testimony raises questions over Trump acts amid Russia probe

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 04:06 AM PDT

Comey testimony raises questions over Trump acts amid Russia probeWashington buzzed with new questions Friday after ousted FBI director James Comey accused President Donald Trump of lies and defamation, in gripping testimony that undermined an already troubled White House. During almost three hours of extraordinarily frank statements before a Senate committee Thursday, Comey described himself as "stunned" by Trump's "very disturbing" and "very concerning" behavior in several meetings. Detailing one-on-one talks with a sitting president -- which under normal circumstances are private -- Comey said he took painstaking notes for fear Trump might "lie" about the unusual encounters.

That Time Theresa May Forgot That Elections Come With Opponents

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 04:45 AM PDT

That Time Theresa May Forgot That Elections Come With OpponentsThe prime minister saw an election as a simple step on her Brexit checklist. Turns out not everyone felt the same way.

Sheriff's office to probe circumstances of Texas man's death

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 06:11 PM PDT

Sheriff's office to probe circumstances of Texas man's deathHOUSTON (AP) — The actions of Texas deputies who looked into the death of a Houston man following his confrontation with an off-duty deputy and her husband will be reviewed as part of an internal affairs probe following complaints by the victim's family that the investigation was mishandled, authorities announced on Friday.

US shoots down pro-Assad drone that opened fire on coalition forces

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 12:01 PM PDT

US shoots down pro-Assad drone that opened fire on coalition forcesSyrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters unload boxes of ammunition supplied by the US-led coalition. The United States has shot down a pro-Syrian government drone that opened fire on US-led coalition forces in Syria, a military spokesman said, in a major escalation of tensions between Washington and troops supporting Damascus. No one was hurt in the incident, which occurred near the coalition's At-Tanaf garrison, coalition spokesman Colonel Ryan Dillon told Pentagon reporters.

Elon Musk goes full Trump to defend Tesla’s fake founding myth

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 12:31 PM PDT

Elon Musk goes full Trump to defend Tesla's fake founding myth

With Tesla doing so well these days, it's sometimes difficult to remember where the company was at 10 years ago. Elon Musk and Tesla have become as one in the minds of the public, but the quiet truth is that Musk wasn't a founder of Tesla in a technical sense.

Malcolm Smith and Martin Eberhard were the two Silicon Valley engineers who first came up with the idea of building an electric car that didn't suck. They came up with the name, the car concept, and founded the company. Musk came on board as an early investor and eventually took over in 2008 as CEO, but that's not the story that Musk wants to be remembered.

In a seemingly unprompted move, Musk took to Twitter today to rehash Tesla's origins story:

What Musk is talking about is GM's failed EV-1 program. In the early 2000s, GM made an all-electric car with the battery tech available at the time -- basically high-performance versions of regular 12V car batteries. The cars worked but barely sold, and GM quickly realized that it didn't want to maintain the complicated vehicles long-term. The cars were only ever leased, not sold, which meant that GM could (and did) repossess the cars from buyers.

It's a nice story, but it also doesn't have much to do with Tesla. The inspiration for the founding of Tesla and the development of the Roadster, as told by the co-founders of Tesla in an interview years ago, was the desire to build a non-sucky electric car based on technology developed by a startup called AC Propulsions.

Smith and Eberhard started Tesla, and intended to take the tech from AC Propulsions (which had a working prototype of the drivetrain and battery systems necessary to build the Roadster), marry it with a chassis and body based on the Lotus Elise, and sell it for $100,000.

Musk liked the idea and came on board as the lead investor, but according to every record apart from Musk's Twitter, GM wasn't the inspiration, and Musk wasn't a founder.

Eberhard's departure from Tesla, eventually to be replaced by Musk, is a well-documented and bitter fight that ended in lawsuits. Details about exactly what happened are still murky, but there's enough evidence on the public record -- including a bunch of documents that list Musk as the Chairman, rather than Co-Founder -- that it's weird that Musk feels the need to re-litigate the issue on Twitter with a bunch of false claims.

Anti-IS fighters near Raqa delight in American weaponry

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 09:58 AM PDT

Anti-IS fighters near Raqa delight in American weaponryChorche was like a kid in a candy store in front of crates packed with US weapons to help an Arab-Kurdish alliance take the Islamic State group's Syria bastion Raqa. "We're going to rain these sophisticated weapons down on Daesh (IS)," said the member of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters. The SDF entered Raqa on Tuesday after seven months of fighting to cut off the jihadist stronghold in northern Syria.

Trump punches back, accuses Comey of lying to Congress

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 06:37 PM PDT

Trump punches back, accuses Comey of lying to CongressWASHINGTON (AP) — Punching back a day after his fired FBI director's damaging testimony, President Donald Trump on Friday accused James Comey of lying to Congress and said he was "100 percent" willing to testify under oath about their conversations.

The 10 Best Sleepers For 2017

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 10:08 AM PDT

The 10 Best Sleepers For 2017

Picture Shows Dad Moments Before He Died Trying to Save Son From Drowning: 'He's a Hero'

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Picture Shows Dad Moments Before He Died Trying to Save Son From Drowning: 'He's a Hero'Malik Williams can be seen sitting on a green bucket as he fishes in the Mississippi River, his little boy to his left looking at the camera.

iOS 11 Camera Formats Will Save Users 50 Percent Storage

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 03:50 AM PDT

iOS 11 Camera Formats Will Save Users 50 Percent StorageiOS 11 uses HEIF/HEVC camera formats, which take much less storage space on the device.

Thai prosecutors confident of catching Red Bull heir

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 01:05 AM PDT

Thai prosecutors confident of catching Red Bull heirBANGKOK (AP) — Thai law enforcement officials say they don't know where the son of one of the country's wealthiest families has escaped, but they're confident they'll catch Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya before the statute of limitations runs out in a deadly hit-and-run case.

Iran leaders accuse US, Saudis of supporting Tehran attacks

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 10:20 AM PDT

Iran leaders accuse US, Saudis of supporting Tehran attacksTEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian leaders on Friday accused the United States and Saudi Arabia of supporting the Islamic State-claimed dual attacks that killed 17 people in Tehran this week, as thousands of Iranians attended a funeral ceremony for the victims.

Chinese-Made Military Plane Carrying 100 Vanishes in Myanmar

Posted: 08 Jun 2017 10:21 AM PDT

Chinese-Made Military Plane Carrying 100 Vanishes in MyanmarGen. Myat Min Oo said the Chinese-made Y-8 turboprop aircraft was carrying 90 passengers — mostly families of military personnel — and 14 crew members when it went missing Wednesday afternoon.

Police dog fired for being too friendly gets new job

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 03:13 AM PDT

Police dog fired for being too friendly gets new jobSometimes you're just not the right person or dog for the job. Gavel was too friendly for police work and flunked out of police dog academy. However, he landed firmly on his paws and found a new job that perfectly matched his personality.

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